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The evaluation of the fundamental period of shear wall buildings considering the flexibility of the base is investigated in this paper. This research is motivated by the discrepancy reported between the formulas used in different building codes and the measurement of real buildings. Both experimental and analytical approaches are used to assess the effect of the base flexibility on the fundamental period of shear wall structures. In total, twenty buildings built on different types of soil are tested under ambient vibration. The fundamental period is identified using a non‐parametric linear model in the frequency domain. The results show that fundamental period formulas used by UBC‐97 and NBCC‐95 are inadequate since they do not include the effect of the foundation stiffness. To improve the estimation of the fundamental period of shear wall buildings, an analytical approach is presented. The structure and the foundation are represented by a continuous‐discrete system. The stiffnesses of the base are represented by translational and rotational discrete springs. The rigidities of these springs are evaluated from the elastic uniform compression of the soil mass and the size of the foundation. The analytical predictions improve the estimation of the fundamental period and keep the computation simple. The error between the measured period and the analytical results is, on average, less than 10%. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Two approximate methods for decomposing complicated inelastic dynamic responses of wall buildings into simple modal responses are presented. Both methods are based on the equivalent linear concept, where a non‐linear structure is represented by a set of equivalent linear models. One linear model is used for representing only one vibration mode of the non‐linear structure, and its equivalent linear parameters are identified from the inelastic response time histories by using a numerical optimizer. Several theoretical relations essential for the modal decomposition are derived under the framework of complex modal analysis. Various numerical examinations have been carried out to check the validity of the proposed modal decomposition methods, and the results are quite satisfactory in all cases. Fluctuating bending moment and shear at any location along the wall height contributed by each individual vibration mode can be obtained. Modal contributions to shear and flexural strength demands, as well as the corresponding modal properties, under various seismic loading conditions can also be identified and examined in detail. Furthermore, the effects of higher vibration modes on seismic demands of wall buildings are investigated by using the modal decomposition methods. Several new insights into the complicated inelastic dynamics of multi‐story wall buildings are presented. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Bakir  P.G. 《Natural Hazards》2004,33(3):405-425
While laboratory and analytical studies can provide valuable information about earthquake hazard mitigation, the most effective educator is the impact of a full-scale earthquake on a full-scale city. The recent earthquakes in Turkey showed that the governmental as well as individual attitudes towards earthquakes did not represent proportionate responses to the risk levels concerned. Turkey had weaknesses in preparing, planning, mitigating and responding to disasters in spite of the known seismic vulnerability of the country. Many steps have been taken after 1999 earthquakes in Turkey, however, the preparations largely concentrate on the response and recovery phases and a fundamental step to reform the current disaster management system and steps to rehabilitate the vulnerable building stock has not been undertaken until today. This would involve changing the present laws and regulations and de-centralising the disaster management system. The aim of this paper is to propose a national mitigation strategy for Turkey for a time-frame of 10 years. The model proposed is a very comprehensive model for earthquake risk reduction in Turkey and within this context, the legislative and technical aspects of mitigation will be discussed in detail. Strategies for mitigating and retrofitting the existing building stock will also be proposed.  相似文献   
High buildings or architectural complex in urban areas remarkably distort the urban surface wind fields. As the air flow approaches,local strong wind may appear around the buildings. The strong wind makes the pedestrians on sidewalks, entrances and terrace very uncomfortable and causes the pedestrian level wind environment problem. In this studies, hot-wire wind measurement, wind scouring in wind tunnel and numerical computation were carried out to evaluate the wind environment of tall buildings in the prevailing flow conditions in Beijing areas. The results obtained by three techniques were compared and mutually verified. The conclusions drawn from three approaches agree with each other. Also the advantages and limitations of each method were analyzed. It is suggested that the combination of different techniques may produce better assessment of wind environment around high buildings.  相似文献   
高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)可以有效促进人体内胆固醇的代谢外排,其水平的高低与患心血管疾病的风险呈负相关关系,是心血管疾病的预防与保护因素。厘清我国中老年人群HDL-C水平的地理分异特征及环境影响因素,对我国心血管疾病防治工作的开展有重要意义。论文基于中国中老年人纵向追踪调查,利用全局空间自相关、冷热点分析等方法阐释中国中老年人群HDL-C水平的空间分异特征及变化趋势,同时对比引入随机森林回归模型及多元线性回归方法探讨HDL-C水平空间分布的环境影响因素及其指示作用。结果表明:中国中老年人群HDL-C水平表现为女性高于男性、农村高于城镇,具有明显的地域差异性,整体呈现出“北低南高,中间过渡”的分布格局,且北方出现了以内蒙古、河北、辽宁为代表的低值聚集区,南方出现了以广东、广西、云南为代表的高值聚集区;SO2、NO2、降水、气压、PM10和PM2.5是影响中老年人群HDL-C水平差异分布的主要环境因素,其中高浓度的空气污染物是造成HDL-C值较低的危险因素,充沛的降水和低压环境是防治HDL-C值较低的保护因素。因此,今后关于HDL-C血脂异常防控工作在全国各地应注重其空间分布规律,重...  相似文献   
王华锋 《地质与勘探》2013,49(3):496-504
矿山开采范围和深度的不断加大形成了越来越多的金属矿采空区。采空区塌陷等地质灾害给矿山安全开采和居民生活带来了极大的不便,因此对金属矿采空区的准确定位显得尤为重要。本文以山东焦家金矿望儿山采空区为例,开展了以高密度电阻率法、地震映像和探地雷达探测为主的综合探测试验,通过综合探测发现异常16处,结合地质资料和钻孔验证,证实了其中12处异常为采空区(准确率达到75%),并结合电-震综合异常特征建立了采空区3D空间形态。试验结果表明,以电-震为主的综合地球物理勘探技术可以有效的定位采空区位置及空间分布,为焦家金矿及其它金属矿区采空区探测提供了借鉴。  相似文献   
受特殊的地质地貌和大地构造背景影响,历史上多次强震在宁夏西吉县诱发了大量的黄土-泥岩接触面滑坡,给当地人民生命财产安全带来严重威胁。因此,探明这类滑坡的地层结构、基岩面埋深及空间展布情况,对进一步开展黄土-泥岩接触面滑坡的形成机理和危险性评价研究具有重要意义。文章利用高密度电法对宁夏西吉县苏堡村滑坡进行探测,并结合钻孔资料进行了验证。勘察结果表明:电阻率参数能够很好的反应研究区的地层分布特征,表层疏松干燥的黄土为高阻反映,随着埋深增加,含水量较大的黄土呈现出低阻反映,在黄土与泥岩接触带饱水区呈现低阻反映。高密度电法在黄土-泥岩接触面滑坡勘察中具有较好的适应性,能为进一步分析滑坡机理和防治提供可靠的地球物理依据。   相似文献   
为研究震后九寨沟钙华景区的溶洞、裂隙、暗流等地质特性,丰富钙华景区岩溶洞穴无损探测技术,探讨了多物探技术在多孔疏松钙华地区作业的可靠性。首次运用地质雷达法及高密度电法相结合的无损探测技术,在九寨沟景区火花海特定区域进行了现场勘查和无损探测试验。结合对比两种无损探测成果与测区内出露地质剖面3组勘探数据,结果发现:高密度电法与地质雷达法相结合,两者能优劣互补,相互佐证,在解决钙华区域浅部溶洞、暗流、裂隙等工作中,对探测目标体具有极高的识别度。两种方法探测数据与震后出露剖面地质特征保持极高的一致性,验证了两种无损检测方法在多孔疏松介质条件下数据的真实可靠性,解决了多物探技术在多孔疏松介质地区施工的疑点和难点,丰富了工程物探领域技术。  相似文献   
郭庆胜  王琳  孙雅庚  周林  龙毅 《测绘学报》2016,45(7):850-857
在地图综合过程中,线的图形简化和移位算子通常是分别执行的,图形简化和移位有时都会产生新的空间冲突。本文试图把这两种算子进行协同,避免在地图综合过程中进行空间冲突的多次探测,提高地图综合数据处理的效率。本文通过把线图形简化转换为线上的点移位,并构建邻近地图目标之间的移位传播路径,在考虑空间上下文关系和地图感受规则的前提下,使移位过程能考虑到线图形简化,并尽量保持有关地图目标的空间特征。最后,以道路和其周边的建筑物群为例,验证了该算法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   
在建筑物立面重建中,窗户提取、结构识别是学者们研究的热点。针对建筑物特征提取的应用需求,文中提出一种基于局部搜索算法——爬山法的窗户信息提取方法,介绍研究中采用的一些原理、方法,从而可以准确有效地从激光扫描数据中提取出建筑物的窗户信息。利用本方案对地面激光扫描系统获取的建筑物实验数据进行具体的处理,并给出可视化表达结果。  相似文献   
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