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Data from the super-deep wells(PS10,PS14 and YS1)led to the discovery of widespread met-al-bearing hydrothermal fluids (or hot brines) related to basic magmas in the Lower Tertiary clastic sequence in the Dongpu Depression .In terms of SEM and EDAX analyses, pore-casting thin section examination of sandstone ,the composition and forming temperature of fluid inclusions ,the trace ele-ment composition of mustone and kerogen and organic geochemical analyses, it is demonstrated that the hydrothermal fluids existing in the area studied are ejecting fluids, which have a close bearing on diagenesis and sedimentation, rather than intrusive veins along the tectonic fractures.The main indicators of hydrothermal activity are:(1)abnormal alteration of kerogen;(2) high-temperature altered mineral assemblage;(30abnormal distribution of hydrocarbons;(4) specific assemblages and abnormal contents of heavy metals in mudstone and kerogen;(5) specific composi-tion of complex compounds and assemblages of fluid inclusions in sandstone;(6) periodic basaltic magma activity.Results of geological observations and laboratory simulating experiments demonstrated that the hydrothermal fluids have a close bearing on hydrocarbon generation in the Dongpu Depression. Two aspects of the effect of hydrothermal fluids are noticed:hydrothermal hydrocarbon production and strong metal catalysis in oil and gas generation.  相似文献   
广东大亚湾底质重金属分布特征与环境质量评价   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
李学杰 《中国地质》2003,30(4):429-435
大亚湾是粤东的大型海湾,毗邻深港,其环境质量现状及发展趋势颇受关注。对大亚湾海域45个表层站位、1口浅钻及2个柱状样重金属元素Hg、As、Cd、Cu、Pb、Cr、Zn进行分析,并对底质环境质量进行定量评价。其结果:①大亚湾海域Hg、As、Cu的污染指数Pi值均小于1.0,超标率为0,表明全区未受这些因子污染;②Cd、Zn、Pb、Cr的污染指数Pi值部分大于1.0,表明受到这些因子不同程度的污染,其中Pb的超标率最高,达93.3%,污染指数Pi值为0.83~2.25,为良好—中等污染,总体为轻微污染;Zn的超标率为76.9%,pf值为0.25~2.63,变化较大,总体为轻微污染;Cd的超标率为60.0%,Pi值为0.50~1.78,良好—轻微污染;Cr的超标率为17.8%,Pi值为0,49~1.90,良好—轻微污染;③综合污染指数为1.08~2.21,平均1.37,表明本区均不同程度地受重金属污染,总体属轻微污染,其中范和港污染最为严重,SQI值多在1.5以上,其次为中央列岛附近海域。湾口和澳头—霞涌近岸海域污染较轻。从钻孔及柱状样的重金属含量分布来看,在表层没有明显增多的趋势。  相似文献   
Seasonal variability regarding the nature of precipitation and the activity of cumulus convection during the 1991 Meiyu season of Changjiang-Huaihe River Basin(Jianghuai)has been investigated by calculating apparent heat source/apparent moisture sink and analyzing TBB(cloud-top blackody radiation temperature)data.It is found that three periods of strong ascending motion during the Meiyu season lead to three episodes of heavy rain,and the latent heat due to the precipitation is of the sole heat source of the atmosphere.The nature of precipitation shows distinct seasonal variability,from frontal precipitation of the first episode to the extremely strong convective precipitation of the third episode.TBB field of East Asia may well reflect not only the intensity of convection and rainfall,but also the movement of rain belt and convection belt.In the whole Meiyu season.convection belt mainly stays in Jianghuai.but may shift within the domain of East Asia.Its locating in Jianghuai or not determines the maintenance or break of Meiyu.In the third episode,the narrow convection belt over Jianghuai is mainly caused by southwest monsoon which takes moist and convective atmosphere from tropical ocean.  相似文献   
泥石流暴雨个例中尺度分析   总被引:1,自引:9,他引:1  
对2003年7月8~9日发生在湖北中部并且造成泥石流灾害的大暴雨过程进行了中尺度分析,结果表明:①在有利的大尺度系统下产生的中小尺度系统是暴雨产生的最直接的系统;②湖北省泥石流灾害发生在特殊的地理位置,秭归、宜昌、宜都等鄂西山地到江汉平原的过渡带是泥石流灾害的多发地;③暴雨尤其是泥石流发生地周围的历时短、局地性强的大暴雨是泥石流灾害直接的诱发原因;④中尺度系统的源地与地形有关,在西南气流的背风坡容易形成中尺度系统;⑤多普勒雷达是监测中尺度系统的强有力工具,一个中α尺度云团中可以是一个也可以有两个以上的混合回波团或带;⑥中尺度涡旋形成于低空急流左侧强正涡度中心附近。  相似文献   
对珠江口伶仃洋海底表层沉积物中重金属的分布规律进行了研究,并利用瑞典科学家Lars Hakanson的潜在生态危害指数法对重金属的生态危害程度进行了评价。研究结果表明,珠江口伶仃洋西岸附近的海底表层沉积物的重金属含量大于伶仃洋东岸附近的海底表层沉积物的重金属含量,重金属Zn、Cu、Cr、Cd、As和Hg的含量总体上表现为由西北向东南逐渐减小。生态危害评价结果显示,研究区内除4个站位为生态危害中等外,其余47个站位为生态危害轻微,海底表层沉积物重金属的污染程度顺序为Cd〉Hg〉Cu〉As〉Pb〉Cr〉Zn.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONBecauseofitssimpleoperationandlowcostaswellaseffec tivenessformanyprojects ,heavytampinghasbeenusedwidelyintheworld (Qianetal.,1986 ) .However,thestrongvibrationinsoilmasscausedbyheavytampingmaybeharmfultobuildings,instrumentsandevenhumanbodiesar…  相似文献   
登陆热带气旋影响湖南并造成强降水的气候特征   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
利用1951~2007年热带气旋、湖南降水资料,统计分析了登陆影响湖南的热带气旋时空分布,及造成的强降水特征.结果表明:57年中登陆影响湖南的热带气旋共161个,平均每年3个,主要出现在7~9月,影响热带气旋主要为台风或以上强度;影响湖南的热带气旋登陆地点以广东、福建最多,强度达强热带风暴或以上的热带气旋可造成极端暴雨降水,时间主要出现在8月.20世纪90年代以后暴雨强度呈加大趋势.  相似文献   
江苏暴雨概率预报及其业务应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈圣劼  孙燕  刘安宁  罗兵 《气象科学》2016,36(2):269-274
以未来12~36 h、36~60 h和60~84 h的暴雨预报为目标,利用2011年—2013年夏季6—8月欧洲细网格数值模式预报产品分析了江苏夏季暴雨的可能预报因子。通过对各因子进行相关性、敏感性和代表性分析后,优选了22个对不同强度降水具有较好区分能力的暴雨预报因子。以这些因子为基础建立了一种简单的江苏省暴雨概率预报方法。其预报产品已在江苏省气象业务一体化平台上投入业务使用。该方法在2011—2013年7月,针对提前12 h预报的历史回报试验中,TS技巧评分平均为13.6,明显高于EC细网格24 h降水预报产品(平均TS评分仅为4.5)。在2014年梅汛期的6月25—26日、7月1—2日和7月4—5日三次区域性暴雨个例的预报试验中,提前60、36、12 h的预报效果均较好,其平均TS评分(44.6)也明显高于欧洲细网格数值模式的降水预报(20.4)。  相似文献   
利用自动站资料、探空资料、NCEP再分析资料以及雷达资料,对2016年6月26日浙西地区一次暴雨过程的列车效应特征、物理量特征以及中尺度特征进行诊断分析。结果表明:暴雨产生于中低层暖切及地面低压倒槽的背景场中。强降水时段内回波在江西地区生成并沿同一路径东移影响浙西地区,产生列车效应,同时雷达速度场的低层辐合区有利于列车效应中东移回波增强并产生强烈降水。中低层湿度增加、垂直上升速度增大以及暖式切变线的加强有利于水汽辐合抬升的加强,使得列车效应增强,有利于降水的增大。26日11时以后衢州中北部地区列车效应的产生与维持与中低层正涡度和水汽通量辐合在这个区域的持续作用密不可分。Barnes滤波显示中尺度辐合线的维持和移动与列车效应的维持和生消有较好地对应关系,同时地面加密风场中稳定的低压环流有利于列车效应回波源地的维持,实际业务中应加强对地面加密风场和低层中尺度辐合线的分析。  相似文献   
As a new method, the ultraviolet spectrum technique is applied to studying the connectivity of biode-gradable heavy oil reservoirs. The similarity of crude oils can be judged according to the extinction coefficient (E) because aromatic hydrocarbons and non-hydrocarbons have conjugated bonds and obvious absorption in the ultraviolet range, and different materials have different characteristics and additives. The relationship diagram is made in terms of the extinction coefficients (E) of the samples by taking E as the Y-axis and wavelength as the X-axis. The connectivity of oil reservoirs is estimated according to the curve positions and characteristic fingerprints of the sampies. The connectivity of part of the reservoirs in the western part of the QHD32-6 oilfield was studied with this method. The results showed that the connectivity of samples from wells F7 and F8 in the Nm-2 oil reservoir zone is good, that of samples from wells F17 and F20 in the Nm-1 oil reservoir zone also is good, and that of samples from wells F17, F19, and F20 is poor.  相似文献   
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