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Warm-sector heavy rainfall (WR), shear-line heavy rainfall (SR), and frontal heavy rainfall (FR) are three types of rainfall that frequently occur during the pre-summer rainy season in south China. In this research, we investigated the differences in microphysical characteristics of heavy rainfall events during the period of 10-15 May 2022 based on the combined observations from 11 S-band polarimetric radars in south China. The conclusions are as follows: (1) WR has the highest radar echo top height, the strongest radar echo at all altitudes, the highest lightning density, and the most active ice-phase process, which suggests that the convection is the most vigorous in the WR, moderate in the FR, and the weakest in the SR. (2) Three types of rainfall are all marine-type precipitation, the massweighted mean diameter (Dm, mm) and the intercept parameter (Nw, mm-1 m-3 ) of the raindrops in the WR are the largest. (3) The WR possesses the highest proportion of graupel compared with the FR and SR, and stronger updrafts and more abundant water vapor supply may lead to larger raindrops during the melting and collision-coalescence processes. (4) Over all the heights, liquid and ice water content in the WR are higher than those in the SR and FR, the ratio of ice to liquid water content in the WR is as high as 27% when ZH exceeds 50 dBZ, definitely higher than that in the SR and FR, indicating that the active ice-phase process existing in the WR is conducive to the formation of heavy rainfall.  相似文献   
During the April-June raining season,warm-sector heavy rainfall(WR) and frontal heavy rainfall(FR) often occur in the south of China,causing natural disasters.In this study,the microphysical characteristics of WR and FR events from 2016 to 2022 are analyzed by using 2-dimensional video disdrometer(2DVD) data in the south of China.The microphysical characteristics of WR and FR events are quite different.Compared with FR events,WR events have higher concentration of D<5.3 mm(especially D <1 ...  相似文献   
0421号热带风暴"海马"登陆后的温带变性过程特征探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
赵凯  尹东屏  沈树勤 《台湾海峡》2005,24(2):243-250
0421号热带风暴“海马”于2004年9月13日12:00在浙江温州市沿海登陆后,迅速减弱为热低压,然后继续北移;并在中高纬高空槽后的冷平流和中低纬低层暖式切变南部的暖平流共同作用下,低压加深及冷、暖锋生,发展为斜压温带锋面气旋.采用相对辐散作为气旋发展的判据,能很好地体现整个变化过程,气旋的移向基本上沿着相对辐散中心长轴方向移动.通过对地面温度场水平结构分析后发现,该气旋经历了3个阶段:暖涡旋基本对称结构、半冷半热非对称结构、冷涡旋基本对称结构.对流层低层气旋中心上空为暖平流区,引导气旋移动,而对流层中层的冷平流中心区一直位于气旋移向的下侧,推动气旋移动.  相似文献   
Seasonal new production (g C m−2) estimates obtained from dissolved oxygen and nitrate concentrations in surface waters (5 m depth) along a track between the UK (Portsmouth) and northern Spain (Bilbao) are compared. An oxygen flux method, in combination with a ship of opportunity (SOO), was tested on the northwest European shelf for its value in distinguishing high production in frontal regions. Dissolved oxygen, nitrate and chlorophyll a samples were collected monthly from February to July 2004, alongside continuous autonomous measurements of salinity, temperature and chlorophyll fluorescence. Depth integrated new production estimates for all the individually analysed hydrographic regions of the route were produced.Results from three widely used gas-exchange parameterizations gave seasonal (February–July) new production estimates of 54–68 g C m−2 for the Ushant region of the western English Channel and 31–40 g C m−2 for the shelf slope, averaging 24–31 g C m−2 for the route. This is double the route average obtained using the nitrate assimilation method (17 g C m−2) and within the ranges of previous estimates in the same region. The oxygen flux method gave a fivefold enhancement compared to the nitrate method in the Ushant frontal region and a threefold enhancement in the English Channel and shelf break regions. Determining oxygen fluxes to estimate new production may be more reliable than nitrate assimilation in active tidal or frontal regions of shelves where nitrate may be added to the system post-winter through advection or entrainment.  相似文献   
高志  林玉池 《海洋技术学报》2006,25(1):45-46,57
通过检测航标灯运行时电源的电流变化,结合电流检测、信号调理、单稳态触发等电路的应用,介绍一种航标灯运行状态检测电路的设计原理。  相似文献   
利用地面加密自动站、常规观测资料、NCEP再分析资料和两种模式产品,对发生在宜昌峡谷地区2016年7月7日局地极端短时强降水过程和2018年4月22日稳定性极端降水过程形成原因及模式预报性能进行检验分析。结果表明:(1)强的块状回波稳定少动,造成7月7日高效率的对流降水。4月22日降水既有沿山中尺度对流回波造成的对流降水,也有螺旋状涡旋回波形成的锋面层状云降水。(2)山谷风形成中尺度切变线,触发对流,中尺度切变线发展为中尺度涡旋使对流加强是极端短时降水形成的主要原因。(3)地形强迫抬升使对流降水强度明显增大,锋面层状云回波受地形阻挡影响长时间维持是稳定性极端降水形成主要原因。(4)地形相差大的地区模式预报性能差异较大,模式对复杂地形下的对流降水预报偏弱,导致系统强度出现差异,进而影响降水强度预报。  相似文献   
宇如聪  李建  原韦华 《气象学报》2021,79(6):889-901
面向精细化的气象服务需求,为做到对云贵高原锋面系统变化的精准把控,深入认知其动态演变规律,基于50 a(1971—2020年)逐日台站观测资料,提出了一种利用线性拟合近似判定云贵高原地面锋线的方法,并通过综合分析锋线位置和锋线周边气象要素的空间分布和时间变化特征以及长持续锋线事件的锋线位置、走向变化,系统揭示了云贵高原锋线的移动特征,展现了云贵高原准“静”止锋的“动”态特征。结果表明,冷性锋线集中在102.5°—105°E,最大降温区在锋线东侧,暖性锋线集中在104.5°—105.75°E,最大升温区位于锋线西侧;锋线附近气象要素的变化与锋线的移动紧密相关,西进的锋线一般会伴随锋线附近的降温、升压和日照减少,东退的锋线则相反;根据长持续锋线事件的连续演变过程,可将锋线事件区分为静止、西移和东移3类,静止型出现次数最多,西移型可连续快速推进并伴随锋线南部的顺时针摆动,东移型出现频次较低且移速相对较慢。上述结果通过对云贵高原锋线,特别是其动态特征的客观定量描述,为该地区在锋线影响下各气象要素的精细化预报提供了重要参考。   相似文献   
利用南宁市区内中尺度自动站及本站人工站观测降雨资料,分析致涝暴雨的临界雨量。利用实况探空资料重点分析和探讨了环境风场分布与触发机制,得到有益结论,为准确预报、防御内涝灾害提供参考依据。  相似文献   
张琪  任景轩  肖递祥  康岚 《气象》2017,43(12):1487-1495
利用FY-2卫星资料、NCEP再分析资料和常规观测资料,分析研究了2016年5月6日四川盆地暴雨对流云团的特征及其形成机制。结果表明:四川盆地对流云团易发生在青藏高原东侧边坡陡峭地形带,初生对流云团的云顶亮温低于-45℃,边缘最大温度梯度为15~20℃,水汽-红外通道亮温差值介于-5~0℃,分裂窗-红外亮温差值介于0~2℃。强降水出现在红外和水汽亮温快速下降到最低值、水汽-红外通道差值达0℃附近、分裂窗-红外亮温差为正值和温度梯度达0℃后的几小时内,最大雨强出现在强对流云团成熟后开始迅速减弱的初始阶段(即云顶亮温开始回升的阶段)。较大范围的强降水由发展成熟的云顶最低亮温约为-70℃的对流云团产生,主要出现在红外亮温低于-50℃的区域,集中在红外亮温-65℃~-60℃、水汽亮温为-65℃~-60℃的云顶较为平滑的次低值中心区域内,并不与云顶最低亮温中心相吻合。机制分析表明,对流云团生成区域均受偏东风影响,且形成于高的对流不稳定能量条件下,发展于高湿区,近地层冷空气扩散南下与气旋式流场中的辐合共同触发对流在辐合线以北生成,而中层垂直风切变的加强、中低层暖平流和高层冷平流的发展促使对流云团发展旺盛。  相似文献   
利用地面自动站资料、多普勒天气雷达资料、卫星逐小时TBB资料及NCEP再分析资料,对2018年副高控制下湖南两次短时暴雨发生及维持机制进行分析。结果表明:①在水汽丰沛且有足够的不稳定能量和抬升条件下,强盛副高脊区反气旋环流内也可以触发短时暴雨天气,其大尺度环流形势特征和湖南典型暴雨过程有着较大差异;②对流性降水发生前,不稳定能量明显增强,中低层增湿明显,为暴雨提供能量与水汽条件;③两次过程分别受副高南侧热带气旋外围云系扰动和弱冷空气侵入影响,925 hPa形成弱扰动或者弱切变,配合地面中尺度辐合线,近地面动力抬升触发对流性降水,白天受太阳辐射影响,能够自由触发热对流。地形抬升也是重要触发机制,发生在迎风坡热对流占比84%;④两次短时暴雨的雷达回波为非常明显的低质心高效率的降水回波,环境风及其垂直风切变小,尽管不利于对流风暴有组织的发展,但雷暴单体移动缓慢,有利于同一地区长时间的强降水。  相似文献   
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