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利用NCEP再分析资料和国家气象信息中心提供的753站逐日气温和降水资料,对比分析了我国南方西南和中东部区域两次持续10 d以上的低温雨雪过程,结果表明:(1)两次过程中欧亚大陆中高纬东亚大槽均加深,但环流形势有差异。西南过程呈现"北高南低"形势,关键脊区在贝加尔湖,而中东部区域过程"北高南低"和"西高东低"形势共存,关键脊区从乌拉尔山延伸至贝加尔湖。两次过程异常的环流与北大西洋向东传播的波列有关。(2)西南过程关键脊区提前过程3 d发展并东移至贝加尔湖,形成稳定形势;而中东部区域过程关键脊区提前过程一周发展,在开始日达最强。两次过程均伴随蒙古高压东移南压使地面降温,500 hPa关键脊区超前蒙古高压2 d变化。西南过程降温主要受到冷平流和绝热冷却影响,而中东部区域过程主要受到冷平流的影响。(3)西南过程水汽来自孟加拉湾,只受南支槽支配。中东部区域过程水汽来自孟加拉湾、南海和西太平洋,由南支槽和西太平副热带高压的共同影响。两次过程水汽正收支主要来自南边界。  相似文献   
利用贵州省84个气象站逐日观测资料以及再分析资料,对4种不同强度区域性凝冻过程进行对比分析。结果表明:500 hPa位势高度场上中高纬度的亚洲东部区域距平场呈现“+-”的分布或有切断低压分布,贝加尔湖至中国华北地区以经向环流为主;850 hPa风场上云南南部以南受偏南风和西南风控制,并且在江南至华南存在西南或西风急流,是4种不同强度凝冻过程中形势场共性特征。500 hPa高度场上中高纬度地区呈两槽一脊或一槽一脊分布;风场上850 hPa东北风回流和700 hPa西南急流形成上暖下冷的形势场,同时850 hPa形成稳定低层切变线;温度场上存在冷-暖-冷的夹心结构,近地面层0 ℃线维持在900 hPa以下,均是较强等级以上的区域性凝冻过程中形势场共性特征。而对于一般性区域性凝冻过程,500 hPa位势高度场上呈多槽脊分布,风场上是否存在东北风回流和低层切变线,温度场上是否存在冷-暖-冷的夹心结构以及近地面层0 ℃线位置等特征均不统一。温度剖面图上,当近地面层0 ℃线位置最低时或出现冷-暖-冷的夹心结构时段与凝冻过程影响范围最广、灾情最重的时间段对应。  相似文献   
Stable isotopes, tritium, radium isotopes, radon, trace elements and nutrients data were collected during two sampling campaigns in the Ubatuba coastal area (south-eastern Brazil) with the aim of investigating submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in the region. The isotopic composition (δD, δ18O, 3H) of submarine waters was characterised by significant variability and heavy isotope enrichment. The stable isotopes and tritium data showed good separation of groundwater and seawater groups. The contribution of groundwater in submarine waters varied from a few % to 17%. Spatial distribution of 222Rn activity concentration in surface seawater revealed changes between 50 and 200 Bq m−3 which were in opposite relationship with observed salinities. Time series measurements of 222Rn activity concentration in Flamengo Bay (from 1 to 5 kBq m−3), obtained by in situ underwater gamma-spectrometry showed a negative correlation between the 222Rn activity concentration and tide/salinity. This may be caused by sea level changes as tide effects induce variations of hydraulic gradients, which increase 222Rn concentration during lower sea level, and opposite, during high tides where the 222Rn activity concentration is smaller. The estimated SGD fluxes varied during 22–26 November between 8 and 40 cm d−1, with an average value of 21 cm d−1 (the unit is cm3/cm2 per day). The radium isotopes and nutrient data showed scattered distributions with offshore distance and salinity, which implies that in a complex coast with many small bays and islands, the area has been influenced by local currents and groundwater–seawater mixing. SGD in the Ubatuba area is fed by coastal contaminated groundwater and re-circulated seawater (with small admixtures of groundwater), which claims for potential environmental concern with implications on the management of freshwater resources in the region.  相似文献   
对北京地区1994~2005年暖季(5~9月)雷暴、冰雹、暴雨和大风等各种对流天气进行了气候统计和分析。统计结果表明:北京地区暖季发生对流的概率很高,按日数统计的气候概率达47.77%,有雷暴相伴的强对流天气大风、暴雨和冰雹气候概率分别为27.29%、10.84%和6.29%。另外,北京地区对流天气一般可连续出现3 d,强对流天气也可连续出现2 d。北京地区对流季节长达4个月,其中6、7、8月为主要的对流月,这三个月中雷暴发生的气候概率均超过50%。暴雨多发季节为7月中旬到8月上旬。冰雹集中于6月中、下旬。在对流天气的地理分布上,北京西北部、东北部山区及西南部山区多对流天气,中心区和东南部平原地区对流天气较少。暴雨呈西南-东北方向带状分布,东北部山区、中部和东南部平原地区多发生暴雨,而西北部和西南部山区很少发生暴雨。山区冰雹明显多于平原。西北部和东北部山区大风偏多,西南部霞云岭大风最少。暴雨有明显的夜发性,即夜间次数多,降水量更大。冰雹集中发生在午后到傍晚,占冰雹总站次的76.72%。夜间发生冰雹的概率非常小,上午到中午也不多。  相似文献   
北极海冰的年代际转型与中国冻雨年代际变化的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛璐  黄菲  周晓 《海洋学报》2015,37(11):105-117
基于1961-2013年HadISST海冰密集度资料,定义了北极海冰的季节性融冰指数,结果显示近几十年来北极季节性融冰范围呈显著的上升趋势,并分别在20世纪70年代末和90年代中期存在显著的年代际转型,相应地,中国冻雨发生频数总体上呈现出显著的减少趋势,但也存在显著的年代际转型。在20世纪70年代末之前,北极季节性融冰范围较小但显著增长,中国冻雨频数年际变化振幅较大,且主要受巴伦支海、喀拉海海冰的影响;20世纪70年代末至90年代中期北极季节性融冰范围维持振荡特征,没有显著的线性趋势,中国冻雨频数变化振幅减小,与北极海冰相关较弱,主要相关因子为北大西洋及北太平洋海表温度变化;而90年代中期以后,北极海冰融化加快,特别是2007年以后,季节性融冰范围大大增加,而中国冻雨频数处于低发时段,其变化与太平洋扇区海冰及堪察加半岛附近海温呈显著负相关,季节性融冰的显著区域也从东西伯利亚海逆时针旋转向波弗特海-加拿大群岛北部扩张,同时向北极中央区扩张。不同年代影响冻雨的海温或海冰关键海区不同,产生特定的大气环流异常响应,进而影响到我国冻雨。  相似文献   
长江口外高盐水入侵分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文根据1975~1982,1987~1990年东海海洋调查、1982~1983年上海市海岸带海洋水文调查和1988~1989年长江口河口锋调查资料,分析了高盐水入侵长江口外的特征和规律,结果表明,高盐水入侵边界的多年平均位置与长江水下三角洲的东边界大致一致,入侵长江口外的高盐水主要源于台湾暖水,冬季尚有黄海混合水入侵的迹象。文中还探讨了高盐水的入侵机理,并阐述了高盐水入侵对入海泥沙输移和长江水下三角洲的发育起着控制作用。  相似文献   
In this article, by using the daily precipitation data measured at 58 meteorological stations, spatial and temporal variability of daily precipitation including zero rainfall values (called “precipitation”) and without zero rainfall values (called “rain”) and four precipitation extrema (P0, P20, P50, and P100 representing the daily precipitation with the magnitude smaller than 0.1 mm, bigger than 20 mm, 50 mm, and 100 mm per day, respectively) in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) during 1958–2007 were analyzed, and the effects of urbanization were further investigated. Results indicate that (i) differing from the downward trends in 1958–1985, daily precipitation and rain in 1986–2007 show slowly downward trends in the mid YRD but show upward trends in the northern and southern YRD. (ii) Spatial and temporal variability of the rain is more complex than daily precipitation. Both of them become smaller but show more obvious fluctuations in 1986–2007. (iii) Urbanizations cause not only the urban rainfall island problem but also more obvious fluctuations of rain intensity in the mid YRD, reflecting more uncertainty of daily precipitation variability. (iv) Urbanizations have little effects on the variability of P0 and P100 but cause notable increases of P20 and P50. (v) The spatial variability of daily precipitation and precipitation extrema in 1958–1985 clearly shows a breakpoint at 30°20′N latitude, but the breakpoint disappears afterward because of the effects of urbanization. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Statistical tests and error analysis of cloud drift winds(CDWs) from the FY-2C satellite were made by using radiosonde observations.According to the error characteristics of the CDW,a bias correction using the thermal wind theory was applied in the data quality control.The CDW data were then assimilated into the GRAPES-meso model via the GRAPES-3DVar.A torrential rain event that occurred in northwestern China during 1-2 July 2005 was simulated.The results indicate that the CDW data were mainly distribute...  相似文献   
Annual wet deposition of excess sulfate at Macquarie Island has been estimated from 5 months of rainwater composition data covering the Austral summer of 1985/86. The resulting figure of 2.1±0.6 mmol/m2/yr is at the low end of previous estimates of maritime excess sulfate deposition by precipitation. Within estimated uncertainty limits this figure is consistent with the DMS emission flux which would be predicted for latitude 50°–60° S, based solely on available Northern Hemispheric DMS measurements.Temporarily at the International Meteorological Institute, Stockholm University, S-106 91, Stockholm, Sweden.  相似文献   
逆冲断层前锋带的构造样式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于逆冲断层产出构造环境和规模的不同,其前缘可以有拆离型,褶皱型,前冲型,反冲型等多种样式;每种样式又可具不同特征。此外,逆冲前缘还常伴生一些重力构造,盆地构造和不同方向的反转构造。各种构造样式可以相互转化和过渡而共存于同一逆冲带,或发育于不同逆冲带中。它们是研究塑冲作用的动力状态,,扩展方式和发展阶段的重要依据。  相似文献   
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