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基于RTK-GPS技术的干热河谷冲沟沟头形态特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用高精度实时动态差分GPS(以下简称RTK-GPS)技术对干热河谷冲沟进行野外调查,获取36个不同活跃度类型沟头的形态参数,研究不同活跃度类型之间沟头的形态特征差异,并分析集水区、沟床植被盖度与形态特征之间的关系。结果表明:1.沟头不同活跃度类型之间,其跌坎高差、沟床比降差异最为显著,可作为沟头活跃度类型野外判别的主要参考指标;沟壁坡度、宽-深比等的差异较为显著,亦可在一定程度上表征沟头活跃程度。2.沟床植被盖度与各形态特征参数的相关性显著,表明沟床植被盖度可作为形态参数的综合替代性指标。同一活跃度类型的沟头,其跌坎高差、沟床比降等与沟床植被盖度呈极显著负相关关系,说明随着沟床植被盖度的增加(或减小),跌坎高差、沟床比降均呈减小(或增加)趋势。3.集水区植被盖度与各形态特征参数的关系不显著,表明干热河谷集水区植被盖度对沟头发育的贡献有限。  相似文献   
In the transformation from tidal systems to freshwater coastal landscapes, plants act as eco-engineering species that reduce hydrodynamics and trap sediment, but nature and timing of the mechanisms of land creation along estuaries remains unclear. This article focuses on the Old Rhine estuary (The Netherlands) to show the importance of vegetation in coastal landscape evolution, predominantly regarding tidal basin filling and overbank morphology. This estuary hosted the main outflow channel of the river Rhine between ca 6500 to 2000 cal bp , and was constrained by peat during most of its existence. This study reconstructs its geological evolution, by correlating newly integrated geological data and new field records to varying conditions. Numerical modelling was performed to test the inferred mechanisms. It was found that floodbasin vegetation and resulting organic accumulation strongly accelerated back-barrier infill, by minimizing tidal influence. After tidal and wave transport had already sufficiently filled the back-barrier basin, reed rapidly expanded from its edges under brackish conditions, as shown by diatom analysis and datings. Reed growth provided a positive infilling feedback by reducing tidal flow and tidal prism, accelerating basin infilling. New radiocarbon dates show that large-scale crevassing along the Old Rhine River – driven by tidal backwater effect – only started as nutrient-rich river water transformed the floodbasin into an Alder carr in a next phase of estuary evolution. Such less dense vegetation promotes crevassing as sediments are more easily transported into the floodbasin. As river discharge increased and estuary mouth infilling progressed, crevasse activity diminished around 3800 to 3000 cal bp , likely due to a reduced tidal backwater effect. The insights from this data-rich Holocene study showcase the dominant role that vegetation may have in the long-term evolution of coastal wetlands. It provides clues for effective use of vegetation in vulnerable wetland landscapes to steer sedimentation patterns to strategically adapt to rising water levels.  相似文献   
江海英  柴琳娜  贾坤  刘进  杨世琪  郑杰 《遥感学报》2021,25(4):1025-1036
植被冠层含水量CWC(Canopy Water Content)和植被地上部分含水量VWC(Vegetation Water Content)对于植被健康状况和土壤干旱监测具有重要意义.本文联合PROSAIL辐射传输模型和植被水分指数NDWI(Normalized Difference Water Index),发展了...  相似文献   
塔里木河下游生态输水及植被恢复遥感监测评价   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
邓铭江 《冰川冻土》2007,29(3):380-386
在干旱区内陆河流域,由于水资源过度开发利用,生态环境退化已成为普遍现象.向断流的河道和生态退化区域实施生态输水,是河流生态系统恢复的基本行为和必然过程.基于向塔里木河下游7次生态输水过程中地表水、地下水、植被恢复等系统监测,并运用卫星遥感技术,对生态输水后植被恢复响应特征指标NDVI(植被指数),进行了系统研究分析,并提出植被相对恢复度的评价方法.  相似文献   
兰州南北两山绿化区植物与植被类型初查   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3  
武利玉  苏世平  王蕙 《中国沙漠》2006,26(4):564-568
通过对兰州南北两山环境绿化工程区进行植物、植被类型调查,结果表明:该项目区内植物资源相对丰富,有植物185种,分属于56科;区内植物生长状况良好,植物群落趋向多元化,且稳定性增加;按照植物群落学—生态学原则,并参考中国植被分类系统,将工程区内植被类型划分为9种类型,即 2种天然植被类型和7种人工植被类型。根据当前所造林分多为结构单一的纯林的现状,认为今后在南北两山进行植树造林应考虑营造混交林,以提高林分稳定性和抵御病虫害的能力,并积极采用人工措施促进森林更新。  相似文献   
2001—2020年黄河流域植被覆盖变化及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
基于MODIS NDVI植被指数和气象数据集,以集合经验模态分解、趋势分析和随机森林回归分析等方法,分析了黄河流域2001—2020年植被覆盖时空变化特征,并对其气候驱动因素进行探讨。结果表明:(1)2001—2020年黄河流域植被覆盖整体呈显著增长趋势,增速为0.055/10a (P<0.05),2010年之前增速(0.067/10a)大于2010年之后的增速(0.051/10a)。(2)空间上,植被覆盖增加区域主要分布在陕北黄土高原、甘肃省东南部、内蒙古自治区河套平原等退耕还林还草生态工程实施区域,而植被覆盖显著下降区域则集中在关中平原城市群、黄淮海平原以及青藏高原等区域。(3)气温、降水和CO2浓度等对黄河流域植被生长起到正向促进作用,且绝对敏感性依次降低,而大气饱和水汽压差、太阳辐射等对植被生长起到抑制作用。本研究结果可为评估气候变化对黄河流域植被覆盖变化的综合影响提供参考依据。  相似文献   

A super-resolution enhancement algorithm was proposed based on the combination of fractional calculus and Projection onto Convex Sets (POCS) for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) images. The representative problems of UAV images including motion blur, fisheye effect distortion, overexposed, and so on can be improved by the proposed algorithm. The fractional calculus operator is used to enhance the high-resolution and low-resolution reference frames for POCS. The affine transformation parameters between low-resolution images and reference frame are calculated by Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) for matching. The point spread function of POCS is simulated by a fractional integral filter instead of Gaussian filter for more clarity of texture and detail. The objective indices and subjective effect are compared between the proposed and other methods. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method outperforms other algorithms in most cases, especially in the structure and detail clarity of the reconstructed images.  相似文献   
卫星遥感技术可用于海岛资源调查。Sentinel-2A与Landsat 8两颗卫星都可免费提供空间分辨率较高的多光谱遥感影像,在海岛调查中的应用潜力较大。本文以浙江舟山普陀山岛为例开展了针对这两种影像在海岛植被分类中的应用效果的研究,分别利用Sentinel-2A多光谱成像仪(MSI)和Landsat 8陆地成像仪(OLI)影像基于最大似然法分类获得了该岛阔叶林、针阔混交林、针叶林、灌丛、草丛等植被及其他地物的分布情况,并进行了精度检验,结果表明MSI的总体分类精度略高于OLI。  相似文献   
詹瑾  李玉霖  韩丹  杨红玲 《中国沙漠》2019,39(6):184-191
为探究放牧对丘间低地植被群落及土壤的影响,分析了浑善达克沙地丘间低地在重度和轻度放牧下植被的地上生物量、物种重要值、物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数、Simpson生态优势度指数及0~10 cm土壤中黏粒、粉粒、砂粒、有机碳和全氮含量。结果表明:(1)植被地上生物量、土壤黏粒、粉粒、砂粒、土壤有机碳和全氮含量在不同放牧程度下存在极显著差异(P<0.01),物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数在不同放牧程度下差异不显著(P>0.05),Simpson生态优势度指数在不同放牧程度下差异显著(P<0.05)。(2)放牧区植被以禾本科为主,禾本科植被地上生物量占整个植被群落的54.88%~57.76%;重度放牧区植被地上生物量为63.59 g·m-2,比轻度放牧区低26.61%。(3)羊草(Leymus chinensis)和狗尾草(Setaria viridis)是放牧区的优势种,其重要值依次为14.16%(重度放牧区)和19.10%(轻度放牧区)、13.40%(重度放牧区)和15.42%(轻度放牧区),重度放牧下雾滨藜(Bassia dasyphylla)、克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)和猪毛蒿(Artemisia scoparia)的重要值较显著高于轻度放牧区,而羊草则低于轻度放牧区。(4)重度放牧加剧了土壤沙漠化,使砂粒含量增加,草地生产力下降,土壤有机碳和全氮含量降低。  相似文献   
Approximately 80% of the road network in Brazil is unpaved and shows evidences of a high erosion potential. In the semi-arid Caatinga Biome in the northeast of the country, a monitoring programme has been done for two years in order to analyze runoff and sediment production from unpaved rural road-ways and from embankments. Sediment production ranged from 0.30 to 0.92 Mg/ha yr, higher than in undisturbed areas, but generally lower than that reported for unpaved roads in other regions. However, this is a semi-arid area with low rainfall and runoff and, hence, with a limited hydrological connectivity and sediment production. Sediment production on an embankment with no vegetation was around ten times higher than on an embankment with vegetation. On the road surface, annual sediment production (normalized for gradient) in a section with traffic was three times higher than for a road surface without traffic. In addition, events that occurred after roadway maintenance activities generated peaks of sedi-ment concentration of over 5000 mg/L. These results suggest that sediment production from roads and embankments with bare surfaces is at least one order of magnitude higher than in undisturbed catch-ment areas. Maintenance activity and vehicle traffic contribute to an increase in sediment availability and impact on the sediment concentration, but less intensely on sediment loads, which depend on the runoff magnitude of the events occurring after roadway maintenance. It was also found that the natural vegetation of the semi-arid region potentially captures sediment on roadway embankments;thereby playing an important role in breaking connectivity between the sediment flow from unpaved roads and the natural drainage system of the catchment.  相似文献   
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