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辽宁地区木化石丰富,现已发现早侏罗世松柏类硅化木材 5属 8种,其中包括 2个新种, 2个修订种, 3个已知种及 1个未定种,即: Protophyllocladoxylon chaoyangense Zhang et Zheng sp. nov.,P. franconicum Vogellehner, Protosciadopityoxylon liaoxiense Zhang et Zheng sp. nov., P. jeholense (Ogura) Zhang et Zheng comb. nov., Sciadopityoxylon heizyoense(Shimakura) Zhang et Zheng comb. nov., Protocedroxylon dibneri (Shilkina) Shilkina et Chudajb., Xenoxylon latiporosum Gothan, X.? sp.。本文对新种作了描述,对前人鉴定有误的属种进行了修订,并概述了 5个产地木材化石组合特征及其古气候环境。  相似文献   
Contemporaneous with MIS3, the MGS3 segment of the Milanggouwan stratigraphic section in the Salawusu River Valley, Mu Us Desert, China contains fossil gastropods (terrestrial and freshwater snails) in strata 33LS, 35LS, 37FL and 39LS. Examination of these fossils revealed 11 species belonging to 8 families and 10 genera. They can be classified as: (1) assemblage of Gyraulus and Galba mainly consisting of Gyraulus convexiusculus, Gyraulus sibiricus, Galba pervia and Galba superegra Gredler, etc. (2) assemblage of Vallonia mainly consisting of terrestrial snails, such as Vallonia patens, Pupilla muscorum and Discus paupe, etc. Based on the dating results, and the living habits, living conditions, and geographic distribution of their extant species, we suggest that: the ages of 33LS, 35LS, 37FL, and 39LS are 26000, 29000, 33000 and 38000 a, respectively, corresponding well to the interstadial period in GRIP 4, 5, 6 and 10 in terms of chronology and climatic characters; 33LS, 35LS and 39LS represent very warm-humid periods, while 37FL represents a less warm-humid period; the four periods of climatic fluctuations recorded in MGS3 were related to the strong impact of the summer monsoon in East Asia in Mu Us Desert of China during the interstadial of MIS3 on a global climatic background.  相似文献   
王道德 《极地研究》1999,11(1):49-57
火星陨石的稀有气体同位素研究表明,12个火星陨石在15Ma期间至少发生过5次不同的冲击事件并溅射火星壳物质,其溅射年龄分别为0.82Ma、2.76Ma、3.84Ma、11.0Ma及14.4Ma。其中Chassigny火星陨石的化学成分不同于透辉橄榄岩,其溅射年龄为11.6Ma,如果这次冲击事件与透辉橄榄岩无关,则冲击溅射事件应为6次。McKayetal.(1996)等提出在ALH84001火星陨石中含有古生命遗迹的证据,对此,许多学者提出了一些相反的论证,但根据对ALH84001火星陨石多学科综合研究,目前尚不能完全肯定或否定火星陨石中有古生命遗迹的存在  相似文献   
为研究热河生物群的鸟类、爬行类和被子植物的早期演化、辐射迁移、生物多样性及其协同进化,笔者在建昌盆地测制了九佛堂组剖面,并系统采集了以珍稀化石为重点的生物化石。结合前人研究成果,将九佛堂组自下而上分为第一段至第三段,其中九佛堂组第一段西店层含鸟类、爬行类和龟类等珍稀化石,尚见介形类化石Cypridea decorosa,C. jianchanensis,Yumenia jianchanensis,Limnocypridea slundensis,L. levigata,L. rara等,表明该层的介形类化石与喀左九佛堂小孤山—烧锅地剖面及朝阳县波罗赤小北山—黄道营子剖面的九佛堂组第一段下部介形类化石组合面貌基本一致,其所在层位亦应相当。  相似文献   

基于黄土高原南部白水河流域下河、南山头、西山、马坡等4处遗址共计2270块木炭记录,结合高精度的AMS 14C测年,恢复了研究区5.53~4.12 cal.ka B.P.时期木本植被特征和古气候变迁。共存生态因子分析结果和植被组合特征表明该时期的气候整体较今更加暖湿,但在百年尺度上仍存在气候变迁:5.05 cal.ka B.P.以后植被组合中亚热带种属数量及占比的增加表明气候较前一阶段更加暖湿;4.35~4.12 cal.ka B.P.时期的植被组合中耐旱种属比例增多,表明研究区的气候至少在4.35 cal.ka B.P.之前已经转干。研究区气候的变化对文化的发展产生了重要影响,适宜的气候可以促进文化的繁荣与发展;当气候恶化时,农业的发展可在一定程度上延缓文化的衰落,但持续上百年的气候恶化最终会导致文化的衰退甚至消亡。

种照辉  姜信洁  何则 《地理研究》2022,41(12):3214-3228
随着可再生能源成为国际能源贸易重要增长点,国家和地区间的能源贸易依赖关系也随之变化。基于2011—2020年世界能源、经济及创新指数等数据,通过社会网络分析法阐释化石能源和可再生能源的贸易情况,探讨化石能源和可再生能源贸易依赖网络的演化过程,使用 QAP回归方法定量分析化石能源贸易依赖网络和可再生能源贸易依赖网络之间的关系。结果表明:在2011—2020年,化石能源贸易的稳定性较高,而可再生能源贸易发展迅速。可再生能源贸易依赖网络展现出更高的整体依赖程度,其对化石能源贸易的依赖关系产生了替代作用。中国既要大力推进可再生能源产业发展,也要加强与能源大国的贸易合作,从而与世界建立更加稳固的双向能源贸易合作的网络关系。  相似文献   
吴涧  符淙斌 《大气科学》2005,29(1):111-119
通过对2000~2004年2~4月东亚地区人为和生物质燃烧排放黑炭气溶胶的模拟,分析5年平均的结果,发现:春季,东亚地区印度、中南半岛、中国东部存在三个显著的黑炭气溶胶大值区,最大柱含量均在1 mg·m-2以上,印度半岛的排放能影响中国南方25°N~30°N之间区域,而中南半岛的排放能影响中国25°N以南的大陆地区.850~700 hPa是中南半岛排放输送进入中国的主要层次.中国华北和东北的排放向东输送影响朝鲜半岛、日本等地,但中国春季的输出量小于境外对中国的输入量;境外注入对中国西部和江南地区影响显著,对中国北方地区影响较小.黑炭气溶胶引起晴空和云天大气顶净向下辐射通量增大,地表净向下辐射通量减小,辐射通量变化最显著地区在中国四川、湖北一带,大气顶辐射通量增大最大为4 W·m-2,地表通量减小最大约-5.5 W·m-2.  相似文献   
Vanadium is one of the most significant trace elements in heavy fuel oils. While most previous studies emphasize its effects on the high-temperature corrosion of power-plant materials, the understanding of the basic combustion characteristics influenced by the vanadium content in fuel oils is still rather limited. The influences of the controlling factors, such as water-to-oil ratio, amount of emulsifying agent, and content of vanadium pentoxide on the burning characteristics of marine heavy No.6 fuel oil are thus investigated in this experimental study by using a suspended droplet approach. It is shown that the ignition delay, degree of micro-explosion, burning time, and flame length are affected by those factors to various extents. Increase of the water-to-oil ratio might enhance the micro-explosion phenomenon while the addition of an appropriate amount of the emulsifying agent Span-80 promotes the homogeneity of micro-water-droplets over their oil base, leading to alterations of the heated droplet characteristics of the emulsions. However, the existence of V2O5 in a fuel oil would result in deterioration of burning quality.  相似文献   
Recent geological and paleontological exploration in the Indus basin of Pakistan allowed the discover-ies of numerous remains of non-marine reptiles (titanosaurian sauropod,abelisaurian and noasaurian theropod dinosaurs),and marine reptiles (crocodiles),flying reptiles (pterosaurs),marine and non-marine mammals, fishes,invertebrates,and plants,especially Pakistan is relatively rich in footprints/trackways in the Mesozoic. These vertebrates of Indo-Pakistan are very significant for paleobiogeographic study due to the present-day con-nection of this continent with Asia in Northern Hemisphere,whereas during past (Jurassic and pre-Jurassic)it was connected to the Gondwana.The Mesozoic vertebrates show close affinities with Gondwanan landmasses. The Cenozoic vertebrates show Eurasian affinity and migrated from Indo-Pak subcontinent to Eurasia or vice ver-sa via Paleo Indus River systems along Western Indus Suture,after long journey of about 6 000 km the first col-lision of Indo-Pak subcontinent with Asia occurred at terminal Cretaceous.  相似文献   
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