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On the basis of radiation transfer theory,adopting improved two-stream algorithm incorporated with addingalgorithm,we build up a theoretical calculation model of shortwave radiation for the earth-atmosphere system whichcan be applied with satellite data.The model can calculate direct solar radiation,scattering solar radiation,heating rateand other physical quantities of radiation field at every layer of the atmosphere and on the earth's surface,if the under-ground reflectance or the planetary albedo obtained from satellite can be known.The model can be used in clear orcloudy atmosphere,and its calculating speed is fairly fast.We think that the model can be incorporated into large-scaleand mesoscale climatic models for the consideration of radiation calculation,and also it is useful for the utilization of so-lar energy.  相似文献   
天然气水合物(gas hydrates)作为一种新的潜在能源 是目前世界范围内研究的热点和难点之一。目前 普遍认为拟海底反射(简称BSR)是天然气水合物存 在的重要标志之一,但有关水合物的识别仍有很 多问题需要解决。例如世界各地已发现水合物的 例证表明在没有BSR的情况下仍然存在水合物,在 没有BSR的情况下如何识别水合物仍是没有解决 的研究课题。本文以天然气水合物的识别为研究 目的,以AVO属性交汇图为研究手段,通过双相介 质正演理论模型研究了当地层含有天然气水合物 或游离气时的AVO属性特征,并与由双相介质的 交错网格有限差分法得到的合成地震记录所反演 得出的AVO交汇图进行了对比,得到高度一致的 对比结果,表明利用AVO属性交汇图是识别天然 气水合物和游离气并能估测其含量的有效技术。  相似文献   
高光谱遥感土壤有机质信息提取研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
土壤反射光谱特征分析是反演土壤信息参量的基础资料。本文阐述了使用航空成像光谱仪OMIS- Ⅰ数据并 结合ASD FieldSpec FR(350~2500nm)便携式光谱仪获取野外光谱数据, 对山东省烟台市招远东良乡原状农用土有 机质含量进行反演, 从而实现有机质填图。通过对土壤原反射率对数一阶微分变换并确定其与SOM的相关性, 最 终建立相应的多元线性回归方程。分析认为土壤有机质的测定选用762nm、874nm 及1667nm 波段在本次研究中效 果最佳。该模型也可作为土壤有机质估测和评价的参考。  相似文献   
In this paper, antiplane response of an isosceles triangular hill to incident SH waves is studied based on the method of complex function and by using moving coordinate system. The standing wave function, which can satisfy the governing equation and boundary condition, is provided. Furthermore, numerical examples are presented; the influences of wave number and angle of the incident waves and the angle of the hill's peak on ground motion are discussed.  相似文献   
通过对比、分析国产ZSX系列直读式流速仪Ⅰ和Ⅱ型显示器的不同之处,介绍它们的兼容方法,使之因仪器升级而被淘汰的流速仪资源被充分地利用。  相似文献   
济阳坳陷潜山断裂带的隐蔽油气藏模式复杂,勘探难度大;本文从地质角度分析研究了该区复杂潜山断裂带勘探中存在的主要难点。利用正演模拟技术重点研究了济阳坳陷典型的潜山带模式。提出了适用于潜山断裂带油气藏勘探的高精度采集目标设计及全三维地震等方法,并以潜山油气藏勘探为例,探讨了目标采集设计、宽方位采集、以及点激发和点接收等技术及其应用效果。  相似文献   
SLG地区天然气资源量丰富,是我国油气增储上产的重要区域,利用叠后地震描述进行储层预测时多解性很强.本文针对SLG地区盒8段储层,充分利用了叠前地震资料信息丰富的特点,以AVO模型正演技术为基础,研究含气砂岩的地球物理响应特征.利用弹性波阻抗反演和叠前同步反演等技术,开展了叠前储层预测和含气性检测,形成了叠前地震描述技术系列.实际钻探结果表明,预测结果的精度较高,表明利用叠前地震描述技术进行SLG地区盒8段储层预测是可行的.  相似文献   
采用稳定型双共轭梯度快速Fourier变换(BCGS-FFT)算法精确计算二维均匀介质中的积分方程.采用一种新的插值函数作为基函数和试探函数对积分方程进行弱化离散,离散后的积分方程采用稳定型双共轭梯度迭代方法进行求解,从而得到异常体内电场的分布.计算时采用快速Fourier变换技术将积分方程内Green函数与电场的乘积表示成褶积形式以加快计算速度.数值计算举例说明了算法的精确性和有效性.  相似文献   
Near‐source pulse‐like records resulting from rupture's directivity have been found to depart from so‐called ordinary ground motions in terms of both elastic and inelastic structural seismic demands. In fact, response spectra may be strong if compared with what is expected from common ground motion prediction equations. Moreover, because not all spectral ordinates are affected uniformly, a peculiar spectral shape, with an especially amplified region depending on the pulse period, may follow. Consequently, inelastic seismic demand may show trends different to records not identified as pulse‐like (i.e., ordinary). This latter aspect is addressed in the study reported in this short communication, where a relatively large dataset of identified impulsive near‐source records is used to derive an analytical‐form relationship for the inelastic displacement ratio. It is found that, similar to what was proposed in literature for soft soil sites, a double‐opposite‐bumps form is required to match the empirical data as a function of the structural period over the pulse period ratio. The relationship builds consistently on previous studies on the topic, yet displays different shape with respect to the most common equations for static structural assessment procedures. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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