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河流生态系统结构功能整体性概念模型   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
在完善与整合现有河流生态系统结构功能概念及模型的基础上,提出河流生态系统结构功能整体性概念模型。水文情势、水力条件和地貌景观格局是对河流生态系统结构与功能具有关键影响的3大生境要素,结构功能模型的核心是建立以3大生境要素为构架的生命支持系统与河流生命系统之间的相互作用和相互制约关系,同时考虑由于人类活动引起生境要素变化对于河流生态系统的影响。河流生态系统结构功能整体性概念模型由以下4种模型组成:河流四维连续体模型、水文情势-河流生态过程耦合模型、水力条件-生物生活史特征适宜模型以及地貌景观空间异质性-生物群落多样性关联模型,这4种模型的一体化整合,基本概括了河流生态系统结构功能的整体特征。  相似文献   
Geomorphic, stratigraphic, geotechnical, and biogeographic evidence indicate that failure of a Pleistocene ice dam between 15.5 and 26 ka generated a megaflood from Glacial Lake Atna down the Matanuska Valley. While it has long been recognized that Lake Atna occupied ≥ 9000 km2 of south-central Alaska's Copper River Basin, little attention has focused on the lake's discharge locations and behaviors. Digital elevation model and geomorphic analyses suggest that progressive lowering of the lake level by decanting over spillways exposed during glacial retreat led to sequential discharges down the Matanuska, Susitna, Tok, and Copper river valleys. Lake Atna's size, ∼ 50 ka duration, and sequential connection to four major drainages likely made it a regionally important late Pleistocene freshwater refugium. We estimate a catastrophic Matanuska megaflood would have released 500–1400 km3 at a maximum rate of ≥ 3 × 106 m3 s− 1. Volumes for the other outlets ranged from 200 to 2600 km3 and estimated maximum discharges ranged from 0.8 to 11.3 × 106 m3 s− 1, making Lake Atna a serial generator of some of the largest known freshwater megafloods.  相似文献   
长江倒灌鄱阳湖原因及发生条件的量化指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
江湖倒灌对鄱阳湖流域水动力变化和流域水环境保护等方面有重要影响,正确认识江湖倒灌原因和倒灌发生条件对明晰江湖倒灌作用机理、研究倒灌强度和倒灌影响范围等方面具有重要意义。在剖析江湖倒灌原因的基础上,从非恒定流洪水波传播的角度出发,结合鄱阳湖为"河相"、"湖相"时江湖倒灌的特点,提出了长江作用强度指标和鄱阳湖作用强度指标,在此基础上引入江湖作用综合强度函数,依据实测资料,分析研究了江湖作用综合强度函数的关系表达式、江湖倒灌发生条件及量化指标。经验证,所提出的江水倒灌量化指标可区分江湖顶托和江湖倒灌现象,可实现对鄱阳湖为"河相"、"湖相"时的江湖倒灌预测,且提高了预测江湖倒灌起止时间、总历时和年内发生次数的准确率,成果可用于江湖关系研究和鄱阳湖流域水资源综合利用工程实践中。  相似文献   
明代洛河流域洪涝灾害序列分形结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对历史文献资料的整理和统计分析,对明代1368-1644年的277年间洛河流域的洪涝灾害进行了研究。研究得出,洛河流域在这一时段内共发生了56次洪涝灾害,平均约4.95年出现1次;其中特大涝灾3次,大涝灾12次,中度涝灾16次,轻度涝灾25次。洛河流域明代洪涝灾害可分为4个大的阶段,其中1368-1429年和1490-1539年两个阶段是洪涝灾害少发阶段,1430-1489年和1540-1644年两个阶段是洪涝灾害多发阶段。洪涝灾害的自相似特征揭示了灾害的分形性质。研究发现,明代洛河流域的各级洪涝灾害的分维值都低于0.2,且无标度区相同,这表明了此时段洪涝灾害的长周期分量较强,且存在灾害的集中性。  相似文献   
气象灾害每年都有,只是轻重程度不同。就全国和全省范围来说,很少有真正风调雨顺的年份。本文根据1951~1988年38年的气象历史资料及有关政府部门的材料、简报、报道,统计出台风、洪涝、海上大风和强对流等几种主要气象灾害对浙江经济造成损失和伤亡人数。文中对主要气象灾害的特点、一般规律和灾情作了概述,并列出一些典型实例,提出了预防气象灾害的意见。  相似文献   

Floods, as extreme hydrological phenomena, can be described by more than one correlated characteristic, such as peak, volume and duration. These characteristics should be jointly considered since they are generally not independent. For an ungauged site, univariate regional flood frequency analysis (FA) provides a limited assessment of flood events. A recent study proposed a procedure for regional FA in a multivariate framework. This procedure represents a multivariate version of the index-flood model and is based on copulas and multivariate quantiles. The performance of the proposed procedure was evaluated by simulation. However, the model was not tested on a real-world case study data. In the present paper, practical aspects are investigated jointly for flood peak (Q) and volume (V) of a dataset from the Côte-Nord region in the province of Quebec, Canada. The application of the proposed procedure requires the identification of the appropriate marginal distribution, the estimation of the index flood and the selection of an appropriate copula. The results of the case study show that the regional bivariate FA procedure performed well. This performance depends strongly on the performance of the two univariate models and, more specifically, the univariate model of Q. The results show also the impact of the homogeneity of the region on the performance of the univariate and bivariate models.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis  相似文献   

The segmentation of flood seasons has both theoretical and practical importance in hydrological sciences and water resources management. The probability change-point analysis technique is applied to segmenting a defined flood season into a number of sub-seasons. Two alternative sampling methods, annual maximum and peaks-over-threshold, are used to construct the new flow series. The series is assumed to follow the binomial distribution and is analysed with the probability change-point analysis technique. A Monte Carlo experiment is designed to evaluate the performance of proposed flood season segmentation models. It is shown that the change-point based models for flood season segmentation can rationally partition a flood season into appropriate sub-seasons. China's new Three Gorges Reservoir, located on the upper Yangtze River, was selected as a case study since a hydrological station with observed flow data from 1882 to 2003 is located 40 km downstream of the dam. The flood season of the reservoir can be reasonably divided into three sub-seasons: the pre-flood season (1 June–2 July); the main flood season (3 July–10 September); and the post-flood season (11–30 September). The results of flood season segmentation and the characteristics of flood events are reasonable for this region.

Citation Liu, P., Guo, S., Xiong, L. & Chen, L. (2010) Flood season segmentation based on the probability change-point analysis technique. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(4), 540–554.  相似文献   

The complexity of distributed hydrological models has led to improvements in calibration methodologies in recent years. There are various manual, automatic and hybrid methods of calibration. Most use a single objective function to calculate estimation errors. The use of multi-objective calibration improves results, since different aspects of the hydrograph may be considered simultaneously. However, the uncertainty of estimates from a hydrological model can only be taken into account by using a probabilistic approach. This paper presents a calibration method of probabilistic nature, based on the determination of probability functions that best characterize different parameters of the model. The method was applied to the Real-time Interactive Basin Simulator (RIBS) distributed hydrological model using the Manzanares River basin in Spain as a case study. The proposed method allows us to consider the uncertainty in the model estimates by obtaining the probability distributions of flows in the flood hydrograph.

Citation Mediero, L., Garrote, L. & Martín-Carrasco, F. J. (2011) Probabilistic calibration of a distributed hydrological model for flood forecasting. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(7), 1129–1149.  相似文献   

The estimation and review of discharge flow rates in hydraulic works is a fundamental problem in water management. In the case of dams with large regulating capacity, in order to estimate return periods of discharge flow rates from the spillways, it becomes necessary to consider both peak flow and volume of the incoming floods. In this paper, the results of the validation for several methods of assessing design floods for spillways of dams with a large flood control capacity are presented; the validation is performed by comparing the maximum outflows (or the maximum levels reached in the reservoir) obtained from the routing of the design floods with those obtained from the routing of the historical annual maximum floods. The basin of Malpaso Dam, Mexico, is used as the case study.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Domínguez, M.R. and Arganis, J.M.L., 2012. Validation of methods to estimate design discharge flow rates for dam spillways with large regulating capacity. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (3), 460–478.  相似文献   

This work presents a method for calculating the contributions of sea-level rise and urban growth to flood risk in coastal flood plains. The method consists of hydraulic/hydrological, urban growth and flood-damage quantification modules. The hydraulic/hydrological module estimates peak annual flows to generate flood stages impacted by sea-level rise within flood plains. A model for urban growth predicts patterns of urbanization within flood plains over the period 2010–2050. The flood-damage quantification module merges flood maps and urbanization predictions to calculate the expected annual flood damage (EAFD) for given scenarios of sea-level rise. The method is illustrated with an application to the Tijuana River of southern California, USA, and northwestern Mexico, where the EAFD is predicted to increase by over US$100 million because of sea-level rise of 0.25–1.0 m and urban growth by the year 2050. It is shown that urbanization plays a principal role in increasing the EAFD in the study area for the range of sea-level rise considered.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Garcia, E.S. and Loáiciga, H.A., 2013. Sea-level rise and flooding in coastal riverine flood plains. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (1), 204–220.  相似文献   
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