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中国南部海域主要断裂类型、分布及地质特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国南部海区及邻域1∶1 000 000地质地球物理系列图已编制完成并即将出版,区域构造图是其中的主要图件之一,据此成果,讨论了中国南部海域主要断裂类型、分布及地质特征。主要断裂类型有俯冲带、碰撞缝合带、转换断层、扩张脊型断裂、大型走滑断裂及深大断裂等。根据断裂规模及控制的地质构造单元性质划分出了一级断裂和二级断裂。一级断裂主要是指俯冲带、碰撞缝合带或者控制构造域、地块之间界线的深大断裂;二级断裂主要是控制隆褶带、海盆区以及大型沉积盆地的深大断裂。这些断裂大多具有形成时期早、规模大、断层延伸远、断距大甚至多次活动的特征。  相似文献   
山西沁水盆地是一个构造残留型的富煤盆地,是我国最大的煤层气田。长平井田位于沁水盆地南部,是煤层气成藏的有利区域,且该区域煤层气的形成及分布以构造成因为主要因素。在三维地震勘探偏移数据体的基础上,对研究区域的速度进行标定,对层位、断层、陷落柱以及褶曲进行精细解释,获得该区域精细构造特征描述。与原二维构造特征对比发现:三维地震构造特征中的煤系地层走向和埋深与原二维构造特征基本一致;三维地震构造特征反映出沿走向上发育的多个短轴状展布小幅褶曲,新增断层19条和新增陷落柱24个;查明原二维构造特征与三维构造特征中不一致的一条断层和陷落柱的位置,获得对地下煤层精确的成像解释。通过该区测井资料验证,三维地震构造特征符合地下实际情况,验证了三维精细构造解释的准确性。  相似文献   
本文研究内容为印度洋东北部边缘海安达曼海的构造演化。利用安达曼海域东部大范围二维地震数据资料及钻井数据,结合区域地质概况以及前人研究成果,选取8条具有代表性的断层并将其划分为一级和二级断裂,运用生长指数法和古落差法对断层进行定量分析,再通过计算安达曼海东部凹陷4条主测线的构造沉降量,探讨构造演化过程。结果表明:选取的生长断层中3条属于一级断裂,跨度大,几乎切穿整个地层,属于控制安达曼海域地区沉降的大断裂;另外5条属于二级断裂,控制构造带的展布情况,属于构造带的分界线。渐新世时期,印度–澳大利亚板块与欧亚板块之间处于软碰撞阶段,断层发育缓慢,上下盘落差较小,生长指数与构造沉降量也处于低值;中新世时期,板块之间的耦合效应不断增强,断层发育速度加快,此时上下盘厚度最大,是形成多处断裂带以及多种断裂样式的关键时期,各地层生长指数和构造沉降量也达到峰值。上新世至今,安达曼海沟–弧–盆体系逐渐稳定,断层活动减弱,断裂上下盘厚度差基本一致,生长指数差异较小,构造沉降量基本稳定在 1 km 左右。  相似文献   
在具体研究了现代项目风险分析和风险管理常用方法基础上,将其中的事故树法、智爆法及风险指数致命度分析法相结合,利用模糊评价理论,建立了海洋工程采办过程风险分析方法。应用该方法对“曹妃甸11-1/2(CFD11-1/2)”项目的采办过程进行风险分析,得到了采办过程中的风险事故树及风险指数排序,并对风险指数较大的风险点提出建议及改进措施,进行风险规避,对工程实践起到了很好的指导作用。  相似文献   
前人对南海北部新生代陆缘盆地结构、构造样式和期次等做了大量的研究工作,但对于具体体现内动力过程的岩浆活动关注较少,尤其是北部深水区的研究鲜有涉及。本文基于二维地震剖面的解译分析,将南海北部新生代岩浆岩划分为3个集中分布区:琼东南-西沙区、神狐区和东沙区。各区域岩浆岩的产出状态有所差异,其中琼东南-西沙区岩浆岩的平面展布规律性极强,主要受右行右阶的走滑断裂控制;神狐区岩浆岩位于NW向与NE向断裂的交汇处,侵位空间受先存断裂制约;东沙区岩浆岩的产生与东沙运动期间区域伸展过程有直接关系。作为内动力的表征,岩浆作用对于海底地形地貌具有重要的改造作用,与活动断裂、海底滑坡、浅层气等海底地质灾害也具有成因上的关联。  相似文献   
琼东南盆地深水区东区凹陷带,即松南—宝岛—长昌凹陷,位于琼东南盆地中央坳陷东端。在大量地震资料解释的基础上,对38条主要断层进行了详细分析。获得以下认识:(1)琼东南盆地深水区东区凹陷带平面上表现为近EW向展布的平行四边形,剖面结构表现为自西向东由半地堑—不对称的地堑—半地堑有规律变化。(2)琼东南盆地深水区东区凹陷带断裂系统可划分控制凹陷边界断层、控制洼陷沉积中心断层和调节性断层3类。(3)琼东南盆地深水区东区凹陷带古近纪时期受到太平洋板块俯冲和南海海盆扩张的双重影响,构造应力场发生NW—SE→SN转变。构造演化可划分为3个阶段:~32 Ma,应力场以区域性NW—SE向伸展为主,断裂系统以NE—SW向为主,控制凹陷边界;32~26 Ma,以南海海盆近SN向拉张应力场为主,断裂系统以NWW—SEE向为主,断层活动控制凹陷沉积中心;26~ Ma,区域性伸展与南海海盆扩张应力均逐渐减弱,NE—SW向和NWW—SEE向断裂继承性发育。(4)琼东南盆地深水区东区凹陷带内部主要断层在渐新统崖城组和陵水组沉积时期活动速率快,地形高差大、沉积水体深、沉积厚度大,控制了崖城组和陵水组的大规模沉积,有利于烃源岩的发育。圈闭以受断层控制的断鼻和断块为主,长昌主洼凹中隆起带发育2个最为理想的构造圈闭。  相似文献   
平湖油气田主力含油气区位于平湖主断裂以东区域,油源主要来源于东部生烃凹陷的半封闭海湾暗色泥岩和煤层.公司于2011年11月在主断裂西部钻了一口探井XY井,目的是为探测主断裂西部含油气情况,扩大油气储量.结果钻遇油气层12m,测试获日产气14.66×104m3,日产油107.8 m3,取得了一定突破.为进一步评价西部含油气规模,钻后进行了油源对比研究,认为西部的油气主要是东部运移聚集的结果,西部源岩也有一定贡献.西部有形成一定规模油气藏的潜力.  相似文献   
Growth faults in gravity-driven extensional provinces are dominated by coast-parallel trends, but coast-perpendicular (transverse) trends are far less documented. The Clemente–Tomas fault in the inner Texas shelf has corrugations that are transverse to the fault and that plunge downdip. A large (8500 km2), high-quality, 3D seismic survey allows a uniquely encompassing perspective into hanging-wall deformation above this corrugated fault surface. Synextensional strata in the hanging wall are folded into alternating transverse ridges and synclines, typically spaced 10 km apart. Forward modelling in dip profiles of an extensional fault having three ramps produces ramp basin-rollover pairs that compare with the seismically revealed ridges and synclines. As they translated down the undulose fault plane, ramp basins and rollovers were juxtaposed along strike, forming the hanging-wall ridges and synclines observed offshore Texas. Fault-surface corrugations correlate broadly with footwall structure. We infer that corrugations on the Clemente–Tomas fault formed by evacuation of an allochthonous salt canopy emplaced in the late Eocene to early Oligocene. Early salt evacuation (Oligocene) created an undulose topography that influenced incipient Clemente-Tomas fault segments as they merged to form an inherently undulose fault. Late salt evacuation (early Miocene) further deformed this fault surface.  相似文献   
Coastal cliffs at Kvalvågen, eastern Spitsbergen, expose palaeolandslide blocks and related slope failure features that record local collapse of an otherwise undisturbed succession of paralic sediments. The collapse occurred along a shallow sloping shelf at the edge of an epicontinental sea in the Early Cretaceous. The event was coincident with a rise in relative sea level along a coast that had just previously experienced a major paralic regression across a muddy marine environment. The low relief environment in which the slope failure structures formed, as well as the timing of the collapse raise questions regarding the cause of the topographic instability and the possible influence of sea level changes or tectonic activity. These outcrops have been previously interpreted as the collapse of a deltaic system triggered by local seismic activity or collapse of a shelf break in the headwall regions of submarine canyons. This paper presents new structural and stratigraphic data that refine and adjust the previous interpretations through the evaluation of a variety of possible mechanisms for collapse based on the new data. Our data suggest that active delta deposition was not occurring at Kvalvågen at the time of collapse and that the collapse was likely due to allogenic forcing. Despite the possible influence of pore fluids and rheological controls on the collapse, we find that the geometry and kinematics of landslide slip planes, synsedimentary folds, and other slope failure related features require over-steepened topography and that these are most consistent with westward-directed collapse off of a north striking escarpment with elevated topography on the east side. Fault exposures, a large contrast in palaeo-elevation, and liquifaction features support previous interpretations of a tectonic cause for the collapse and suggest that this topographic feature may have been a fault or fold scarp. This study demonstrates the importance of combining stratigraphic and sedimentological data with structural data and kinematic analysis in the interpretation of sedimentary processes.  相似文献   
Hydrothermal vent incidence was once thought to be proportional to the spreading rate of the mid-ocean ridges (MORs). However, more and more studies have shown that the ultraslow-spreading ridges (e.g., Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR)) have a relatively higher incidence of hydrothermal venting fields. The Qiaoyue Seamount (52.1°E) is located at the southern side of segment #25 of the SWIR, to the west of the Gallieni transform fault. The Chinese Dayang cruises conducted eight preliminary deep-towed surveys of hydrothermal activity in the area during 2009 and 2018. Here, through comprehensive analyses of the video and photos obtained by the deep-towed platforms, rock samples, and water column turbidity anomalies, a high-temperature, ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal system is predicted on the northern flank of the Qiaoyue Seamount. We propose that this hydrothermal system is most likely to be driven by gabboric intrusions. Efficient hydrothermal circulation channels appear against a backdrop of high rock permeability related to the detachment fault.  相似文献   
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