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李双双  王婷 《干旱区地理》2022,45(1):103-112
采用随机重排去趋势波动分析(MF-DFA)和极点对称模态分解法(ESMD),对1955—2019年西安市昼夜复合高温事件变化特征进行分析.结果表明:(1)气象站点迁移,造成对西安市极端高温变化趋势低估.其中,最高温原始数据与订正序列阈值相同;订正后,最低温阈值相对偏低0.2~0.5℃.(2)MF-DFA、90.0%和9...  相似文献   
Changes in temperature extremes in the Yangtze River Basin, 1962-2011   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on daily maximum and minimum temperature observed by the China Meteorological Administration at 115 meteorological stations in the Yangtze River Basin from 1962 to 2011, the methods of linear regression, principal component analysis and correlation analysis are employed to investigate the temporal variability and spatial distribution of temperature extremes. Sixteen indices of extreme temperature are selected. The results are as follows: (1) The occurrence of cold days, cold nights, ice days, frost days and cold spell duration indicator has significantly decreased by -0.84, -2.78, -0.48, -3.29 and -0.67 days per decade, respectively. While the occurrence of warm days, warm nights, summer days, tropical nights, warm spell duration indicator and growing season length shows statistically significant increasing trends at rates of 2.24, 2.86, 2.93, 1.80, 0.83 and 2.30 days per decade, respectively. The tendency rate of the coldest day, coldest night, warmest day, warmest night and diurnal temperature range is 0.33, 0.47, 0.16, 0.19 and -0.07℃ per decade, respectively. (2) The magnitudes of changes in cold indices (cold nights, coldest day and coldest night) are obviously greater than those of warm indices (warm nights, warmest day and warmest night). The change ranges of night indices (warm nights and cold nights) are larger than those of day indices (warm days and cold days), which indicates that the change of day and night temperature is asymmetrical. (3) Spatially, the regionally averaged values of cold indices in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River Basin are larger than those in the middle and lower reaches. However, the regionally averaged values of most warm indices (except warm spell duration indicator) and growing season length in the middle and lower reaches are larger than those in the upper reaches. (4) The extreme temperature indices are well correlated with each other except diurnal temperature range.  相似文献   
以1960年以来西藏境内已有记载的27次冰湖溃决灾害事件作为研究对象,基于西藏国家气象站点长时间序列(有效记录至今)日气温和日降雨数据,计算得到16个极端气温指数和6个极端降雨指数。通过主成分变换,提取综合极端气温指数和综合极端降雨指数,并进行历史(10年内对比)极端气候特征对比,获得冰湖溃决灾害发生当年及当月极端气候状态,结果表明西藏冰湖溃决灾害发生期(当年及当月)极端气候特征显著,反映极端气候状态对于激发西藏冰湖溃决灾害发生的重要贡献,具体表现为:(1) 67%(18次)的冰湖溃决事件发生当年综合极端气温指数和综合极端降雨指数均大于前期50%年份的综合极端气候指数,其中,13次灾害发生当年极端气候异常水平超过前期70%年份;(2)已有灾害暴发月份记载的25次冰湖溃决事件中,19次冰湖溃决事件发生当月极端气候指数异常偏高,11次冰湖溃决事件发生当月极端气温和极端降水均大于75%往年同期综合极端气候指数;(3)部分灾害事件如扎日错(1981年6月)、龙纠错溃决(2000年8月)等,灾害发生当年极端气温状态低于往年,而暴发当月综合极端气温指数和综合极端降雨指数均大于历史同期水平,表现为加剧状态;(4)所有冰湖溃决灾害发生当月的综合极端气温指数均高于往年同期指数,表明短历时极端气温事件对高原冰湖溃决灾害形成具有重要影响。  相似文献   
This paper examines climate justice from the perspective of three remote indigenous Carib communities located in northeastern St. Vincent, amidst their vulnerability to climatic hazards. The study contributes to the growing body of literature that explores the impacts climate-induced changes are having on Indigenous peoples through its explicit focus on this distinctive social group. The paper entails a detail case study of the particular ways the recent onset of two consecutive extreme weather events have impacted livelihood activities in these traditional farming villages. Primary data were collected in the aftermath of a severe drought that was followed by Hurricane Tomas in 2010, using a mixed method approach involving a questionnaire survey of 311 households, 70 unstructured interviews and 2 focus group sessions held in each of the three communities. The combined impact of these extreme weather events not only brought to light how exposed and sensitive these communities are to climatic hazards, but also illustrated some of the underlying issues driving vulnerability at the local scale that must be dealt with if climate justice is to be achieved. We argue that the factors driving vulnerability within these communities are partly a function of centuries of economic neglect and political marginalization and are also strongly related to the communities’ characteristically lower-socio economic status, geographic location, heavy reliance on land-based resources, coupled with a range of cognitive barriers that affect residents’ capacity to adapt to a changing and variable regional climate regime.  相似文献   
On the basis of daily precipitation records at 76 meteorological stations in the arid region, northwest of China, the spatial and temporal distribution of mean precipitation and extremes were analysed during 1960–2010. The Mann–Kendall trend test and linear least square method were utilized to detect monotonic trends and magnitudes in annual and seasonal mean precipitation and extremes. The results obtained indicate that both the mean precipitation and the extremes have increased except in consecutive dry days, which showed the opposite trend. The changes in amplitude of both mean precipitation and extremes show seasonal variability. On an annual basis, the number of rain days (R0.1) has significantly increased. Meanwhile, the precipitation intensity as reflected by simple daily intensity index (SDII), number of heavy precipitation days (R10), very wet days (R95p), max 1‐day precipitation amount (RX1day) and max 5‐day precipitation amount (RX5day) has also significantly increased. This suggests that the precipitation increase in the arid region is due to the increase in both precipitation frequency and intensity. Trends in extremes are very highly correlated with mean trends of precipitation. The spatial correlation between trends in extremes and trends in the mean is stronger for winter (DJF) than for annual and other seasons. The regional annual and seasonal precipitation and extremes are observed the step jump in mean in the late 1980s. Overall, the results of this study are good indicators of local climate change, which will definitely enhance human mitigation to natural hazards caused by precipitation extremes. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Detecting inhomogeneity in daily climate series using wavelet analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A wavelet method was applied to detect inhomogeneities in daily meteorological series, data which are being increasingly applied in studies of climate extremes. The wavelet method has been applied to a few well- established long-term daily temperature series back to the 18th century, which have been "homogenized" with conventional approaches. Various types of problems remaining in the series were revealed with the wavelet method. Their influences on analyses of change in climate extremes are discussed. The results have importance for understanding issues in conventional climate data processing and for development of improved methods of homogenization in order to improve analysis of climate extremes based on daily data.  相似文献   
South Australian rainfall variability and climate extremes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rainfall extremes over South Australia are connected with broad-scale atmospheric rearrangements associated with strong meridional sea surface temperature (SST) gradients in the eastern Indian Ocean. Thirty-seven years of winter radiosonde data is used to calculate a time series of precipitable water (PW) and convective available potential energy (CAPE) in the atmosphere. Principle component analysis on the parameters of CAPE and PW identify key modes of variability that are spatially and seasonally consistent with tropospheric processes over Australia. The correlation of the leading principle component of winter PW to winter rainfall anomalies reveal the spatial structure of the northwest cloudband and fronts that cross the southern half of the continent during winter. Similarly the second and third principle components, respectively, reveal the structures of the less frequent northern and continental cloudbands with remarkable consistency. 850 hPa-level wind analysis shows that during dry seasons, anomalous offshore flow over the northwest of Australia inhibits advection of moisture into the northwest, while enhanced subsidence from stronger anticyclonic circulation over the southern half of the continent reduces CAPE. This coincides with a southward shift of the subtropical ridge resulting in frontal systems passing well to the south of the continent, thus producing less frequent interaction with moist air advected from the tropics. Wet winters are the reverse, where a weaker meridional pressure gradient to the south of the continent allows rain-bearing fronts to reach lower latitudes. The analysis of SSTs in the Indian Ocean indicate that anomalous warm (cool) waters in the southeast Indian Ocean coincide with a southward (northward) shift in the subtropical ridge during dry (wet) seasons.  相似文献   
基于RCP4.5情景下6.25 km高分辨率统计降尺度数据,使用国际上通用的极端气候事件指数,分析雄安新区及整个京津冀地区未来极端气候事件的可能变化。首先对当代模拟结果进行评估,结果表明,集合平均模拟可以较好地再现大部分极端气候事件指数的分布,且对与气温有关的极端气候事件指数模拟效果较好。但也存在一定偏差,特别是对连续干旱日数(CDD)的模拟效果相对较差。集合平均的预估结果表明,未来在全球变暖背景下,雄安新区及整个京津冀地区均表现为极端暖事件增多,极端冷事件减少,连续干旱日数减少,极端强降水事件增多。具体来看,到21世纪末期,日最高气温最高值(TXx)和日最低气温最低值(TNn)在整个区域上都是增加的,大部分地区增加值分别超过2.4℃和3.2℃;夏季日数(SU)和热带夜数(TR)也都表现为增加,但两者的变化分布基本相反,其中SU在山区增加幅度较大,平原地区增加幅度较小,而TR在平原地区的增加值较山区更显著,两个指数未来增加值分别为20~40 d和5~40 d;霜冻日数(FD)和冰冻日数(ID)都表现为减少,减少值分别超过10 d和5 d;与降水有关的极端气候事件指数,CDD、降雨日数(R1mm)和中雨日数(R10mm)的变化均以减少为主,但数值较小,一般都在?10%~0之间;最大5 d降水量(RX5day)、降水强度(SDII)和大雨日数(R20mm)主要表现为增加,增加值一般在0~25%之间。从区域平均的变化来看,与气温有关的极端气候事件指数的变化趋势较为显著,与降水有关的极端气候事件指数变化趋势较小。两个区域对比来看,雄安新区模式间的不确定性更大,反映出模式对较小区域模拟的不足。  相似文献   
How to improve attribution of changes in drought and flood impacts   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
For the development of sustainable, efficient risk management strategies for the hydrological extremes of droughts and floods, it is essential to understand the temporal changes of impacts, and their respective causes and interactions. In particular, little is known about changes in vulnerability and their influence on drought and flood impacts. We present a fictitious dialogue between two experts, one in droughts and the other in floods, showing that the main obstacles to scientific advancement in this area are both a lack of data and a lack of commonly accepted approaches. The drought and flood experts “discuss” available data and methods and we suggest a complementary approach. This approach consists of collecting a large number of single or multiple paired-event case studies from catchments around the world, undertaking detailed analyses of changes in impacts and drivers, and carrying out a comparative analysis. The advantages of this approach are that it allows detailed context- and location-specific assessments based on the paired-event analyses, and reveals general, transferable conclusions based on the comparative analysis of various case studies. Additionally, it is quite flexible in terms of data and can accommodate differences between floods and droughts.  相似文献   
This study offers a detailed analysis of the extreme precipitation and long-term precipitation changes in a sedge-grass marsh in the “Wet Meadows” area in the Czech Republic (Central Europe) in the context of flood occurrence. Namely, trends in annual maxima of daily precipitation and trends in the occurrence and amount of rainfall are investigated. The analysis is based on daily measurements of precipitation from 1977 to 2015. We found out that extreme precipitation has become significantly more frequent in recent years, and there are also other significant changes in the rainfall distribution. Possible negative effects on the wetland can be linked to a change of carbon exchange between the ecosystem and the atmosphere and a change of biodiversity. Awareness of these changes is necessary for possible positive human intervention when a desirable wetland functioning is threatened.  相似文献   
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