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Major, trace and organic elements of a South China were reported to investigate elements laterite profile developed on Neogene basalt on Hainan Island, mobilization and redistribution in tropical regions. The results indicate that strong acid environment and organic matter (OM) can remarkably improve the transfer of insoluble elements. Among all the elements, Th is the least mobile. As for the general conservative elements during incipient chemical weathering, such as Ti, Zr, Hf and Nb, the removals are up to 30%-40% in the upper profile. And for Fe, A1, Cu and Ni, that tend to be combined with secondary minerals and to be retained in temperate zone, they are re- moved from the upper profile, transferred downwards, and then precipitated in the lower profile. In addition, atmos- pheric inputs, including sea salt aerosols and dust, have a profound effect on the budgets of elements that are susceptible to leaching losses (e.g. K, Na and Sr). Excluding the possibilities of groundwater and erosion, the remarkable increase of K, Na and Sr concentrations in the upper profile, together with dramatically upward increasing trends of the percentage changes of Sr/Th, K/Th and Na/Th ratios, show that atmospheric inputs, especially sea salt aerosols, contribute much extraneous seawater derived elements, such as K, Na and Sr to the soils. The overall elemental be- haviors in this profile suggest that organic matter and atmospheric inputs play a very important role in the mobiliza- tion and redistribution of elements during extreme weathering in tropical regions.  相似文献   
粮食作为自然生态系统与社会经济系统的关联点,能够有效地揭示极端干旱事件对自然-经济-社会复合生态系统影响的过程和机理。以粮价异动为切入点,通过粮价通胀指数和“无透雨”的持续时间,分析农业旱情及其对粮食生产的影响,对1637—1643年华北地区极端干旱事件中的粮食安全进行深入剖析。结果显示:华北地区无透雨天数超过150 d,年降水量与5—9月降水量的距平值均≤-30%,水分异常短缺,土壤严重失墒,危及粮食生产安全。因此,降水量距平值≤-30%是华北地区粮食生产安全的临界阈值。此次极端干旱事件是历史同类事件之最,连续无透雨日数最长,地表径流枯竭记录最多,水资源的短缺导致伴生灾害相继发生,超过生态系统的忍耐极限,粮食生长期缩短,减产歉收,绝产绝收,粮食供给链条断裂。粮价通胀指数最低9.50,最高26.70;货币发行与粮食供给失衡,通货膨胀严重,粮价飞涨,市场倒闭,粮食安全体系崩塌,自然-经济-社会复合生态系统发生质变成为历史必然。  相似文献   
Using rain-gauge-observation daily precipitation data from the Global Historical Climatology Network(V3.25) and the Chinese Surface Daily Climate Dataset(V3.0), this study investigates the fidelity of the AHPRODITE dataset in representing extreme precipitation, in terms of the extreme precipitation threshold value, occurrence number, probability of detection, and extremal dependence index during the cool(October to April) and warm(May to September) seasons in Central Asia during 1961–90. The dis...  相似文献   
Elevated turbidity (Tn) and suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) during and following flood events can degrade water supply quality and aquatic ecosystem integrity. Streams draining glacially conditioned mountainous terrain, such as those in the Catskill Mountains of New York State, are particularly susceptible to high levels of Tn and SSC sourced from erosional contact with glacial-related sediment. This study forwards a novel approach to evaluate the effectiveness of stream restoration best management practices (BMPs) meant to reduce stream Tn and SSC, and demonstrates the approach within the Stony Clove sub-basin of the Catskills, a water supply source for New York City. The proposed approach is designed to isolate BMP effects from natural trends in Tn and SSC caused by trends in discharge and shifts in average Tn or SSC per unit discharge (Q) following large flood events. We develop Dynamic Linear Models (DLMs) to quantify how Tn-Q and SSC-Q relationships change over time at monitoring stations upstream and downstream of BMPs within the Stony Clove and in three other sub-basins without BMPs, providing observational evidence of BMP effectiveness. A process-based model, the River Erosion Model, is then developed to simulate natural, hydrology-driven SSC-Q dynamics in the Stony Clove sub-basin (absent of BMP effects). We use DLMs to compare the modelled and observed SSC-Q dynamics and isolate the influence of the BMPs. Results suggest that observed reductions in SSC and Tn in the Stony Clove sub-basin have been driven by a combination of declining streamflow and the installed BMPs, confirming the utility of the BMPs for the monitored hydrologic conditions.  相似文献   
极端天气气候事件监测与预测研究进展及其应用综述   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
极端天气气候事件(简称"极端事件")分为单站极端事件和区域性极端事件。本文回顾了极端事件的研究进展,首先回顾了单站极端温度、极端降水和干旱事件的观测研究及相关指数,进而对近年来不断增多的区域性极端事件研究做了简要回顾,最后还回顾了极端事件气候预测研究进展。同时,对国内外在极端事件气候监测和预测业务现状进行了初步总结,并指出:在极端事件气候监测方面中国的业务产品较丰富,并率先开展了针对区域性极端事件的监测业务,但在产品表现形式上缺乏统一组织,特别是英文产品表现力严重不足;在极端事件气候预测方面,国家气候中心发展了两种方法:一个是基于物理统计的BP-CCA和OSR的干旱预测方法,另一个基于国家气候中心月动力延伸预报模式(DERF)的高温预测方法。最后,对极端事件监测和预测业务发展及相关科学问题给出展望,指出应根据极端事件的业务需求继续加强相关研究和业务能力建设。  相似文献   
梅佳成  刘磊  尹春涛  张群佳  王乐 《地质论评》2023,69(4):2023040021-2023040021
遥感岩性制图是地质填图中的重要工作,基于光谱特征的岩性分类易受到色调、纹理等因素影响导致精度不佳。前人进行岩性自动分类研究多关注影像的光谱特征,而忽略空间特征,笔者等基于甘肃北山白峡尼山地区ASTER影像,将支持向量机、极限学习机两种机器学习分类方法与基于空间特征的快速漂移算法相结合进行岩性分类。结果表明支持向量机分类总体精度为89.17%;极限学习机不但具有需调节参数少的优势,且分类精度和速度均优于支持向量机,分类总体精度达96.70%;利用快速漂移算法提取的影像空间特征可有效减少错分区,提升岩性分类效果。研究证实将基于光谱特征的极限学习机和基于空间特征的快速漂移算法结合的岩性分类方法具有客观、高效、高精度等优势,可为后续地质填图和找矿勘查工作提供可靠数据支撑,在遥感岩性分类领域具有较高的推广价值。  相似文献   
An extreme value analysis (EVA) point process approach has been implemented to examine the flood characteristics of Puerto Rico when tropical cyclones (TCs) are present in the discharge series and when they are removed from it. Mean daily discharge values that exceeded the 99th percentile thresholds were used in both the TC and non-TC data series. In nine of the 12 stations the maximum discharge was associated with a TC, with hurricanes Hortense (1996), Georges (1998) and Eloise (1975) responsible for most of the maximum peaks at each site. Percentage changes in the generalized extreme value parameters, which include location (central tendency), scale (variance) and shape (skewness), between the TC and non-TC data exhibited a decrease in the majority of stations. Stations in the eastern interior and central region of the island showed the largest decrease in all parameters, in flood occurrences and in return periods when TCs were removed from the series.  相似文献   
极干旱地区土壤与大气水分的相互影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于建立在莫高窟窟顶的密闭拱棚,通过监测棚内凝结水量和空气温湿度,对极干旱地区典型极干旱气候条件下土壤与大气水分的相互影响进行综合分析。棚内凝结水量和空气温湿度的监测结果表明,在热动力作用下存在地下水分向大气输送的过程,其原因主要是在温度作用下土壤结合水分的分解蒸发与土壤盐分的吸湿吸附的交替作用。这也是形成所谓"土壤凝结水分"与"土壤水分呼吸"的根源。当温度升高时,土壤结合水分分解蒸发"呼出"水分,当温度降低时土壤盐分吸湿吸附,"吸入"大气水分,形成土壤与大气不对称水分交流。称质量实验表明:土壤水分的变化与空气温度的变化完全对应;有深层水分支持的土壤吸收大气水分的能力相对较差。极干旱地区土壤与大气水分的相互影响研究结果能为莫高窟珍贵文物的保护提供参考。  相似文献   
测量极值问题的经验解式--兼论绝对和极小问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周江文 《测绘学报》1999,28(1):11-14
测量上有许多极值问题,如各种准则下的平差,权的最优分配,网的优化方案等,多可归于线性极值问题,且多不适用寻常数学解法。但同型问题往往已经作过多次解算。因此本文以单纯形法为主,强调利用已有经验,直接逼近优解,或经少数次迭进达到优解,然后极值条件加以验证。为此文中着重提出通用解式及优解条件,期能得出优解公式,有相当的适用范围。  相似文献   
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