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Short‐term (contemporary) and long‐term denudation rates were determined for the Blue Mountains Plateau in the western Sydney Basin, Australia, to explore the role of extreme events (wildfires and catastrophic floods) in landscape denudation along a passive plate margin. Contemporary denudation rates were reconstructed using 40 years of river sediment load data from the Nattai catchment in the south‐west of the basin, combined with an analysis of hillslope erosion following recent wildfires. Long‐term denudation rates (10 kyr–10 Myr) were determined from terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides, apatite fission track thermochronology and post‐basalt flow valley incision. Contemporary denudation rates average several times lower than the long‐term average (5·5 ± 4 mm kyr?1 versus 21·5 ± 7 mm kyr?1). Erosion of sediment following wildfires accounts for only a small proportion (5%) of the contemporary rate. Most post‐fire sediment is stored on the lower slopes and valley floor, with the amount transported to the river network dependent on rainfall–run‐off conditions within the first few years following the fire. Historical catastrophic floods account for a much larger proportion (35%) of the contemporary erosion rate, and highlight the importance of these events in reworking stored material. Evidence for palaeofloods much larger than those experienced over the past 200 years suggests even greater sediment export potential. Mass movement on hillslopes along valleys incised into softer lithology appears to be a dominant erosion process that supplies substantial volumes of material to the valley floor. It is possible that a combination of infrequent mass movement events and high fluvial discharge could account for a significant proportion of the discrepancy between the contemporary and long‐term denudation rates. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本研究基于非平稳序列极值理论,定量分析极端水位事件年超越概率受海平面上升的影响;以工程设计使用年限内极端水位发生概率作为控制条件,构建考虑海平面上升的极值水位计算方法;结合平均海平面的长期变化过程,推算海平面上升下的极值水位。基于全球10个验潮站历史水位观测资料,验证历史平均海平面长期变化与高、低水位耿贝尔分布位置参数变化的一致性以及构建方法的合理性。结合政府间气候变化专门委员会对海平面上升的预测,推算和对比分析不同海平面上升情景下的极值水位,并评估相应极值水位在当前极值分布中的重现期。  相似文献   
为研究全球变暖与极寒天气间的关系,对加拿大13个省代表性测站10年的观测数据进行时空变化趋势分析,采用经验正交函数(EOF)寻找海洋表面温度历史数据的变化规律。另外利用BP神经网络建立了年平均温度、日降水量与地球吸热、散热、海表面温度、当地纬度间的关系,预测未来25年气候的变化,并建立了"极寒天气"与气候变化的关系模型。研究表明:高纬度地区温度、降水量普遍较低,同经度地区的温度差异较小且降水量变化不大;加拿大地区温度呈周期性变化,符合北半球的季节变化特征;北大西洋的东部与其他海洋的温度是反相关的,西太平洋南北回归线附近的海洋表面温度升高;"极寒天气"出现频率与气候变化有一定关系,局地极寒现象与全球变暖的大趋势并不矛盾。本研究为人们认识和理解"全球变暖"提供了一个新的思路。  相似文献   
以辽东湾东部区块出现的极值增水序列为例,考虑热带气旋过程出现频次的影响,采用泊松-最大熵复合极值分布进行了增水统计分析,计算得到辽东湾东部区块的增水重现值.最大100年一遇值为183cm,最大50年一遇值为158cm,皆出现于第1区块.由于受地形的影响,区块1、2与3的增水大小相似,区块4则略小.该结果对辽东湾东部区块...  相似文献   
A typhoon leading is an important natural disaster to many disasters to China. A giant wave caused by it has brought large threat for an offshore project. Based on the maximum entropy principle,one new model which has 4 undetermined parameters is constructed,which is called the discrete maximum entropy probabilistic model. In practical applications,the design wave height is considered as soon as possible in a typhoon affected sea areas,the result fits the observed data well. Further more this model does not have the priority compared with other distributions as Poisson distribution. The model provides a theoretical basis for the engineering design more reasonable when considering typhoon factors comprehensively.  相似文献   
本研究对近40年来影响南海东北部陆架海区的28次台风引起的风暴潮进行了数值后报,其中8个过程的沿岸后报增水值与实测值进行了比较,表明后报值与实测值符合良好,90%以上的最大增水值偏差在30厘米以下。为了得出本海区多年一遇的台风增水极值,在后报台风路径密集处选择了9个不同水深点,对每点取出各次台风下的最大增水值,然后用Weibull分布进行拟合,得出了各点的极值分布。  相似文献   
贵州夏季暴雨的气候特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 利用贵州52个测站的1961-2006年历年夏季(6-8月)逐日降水资料,分析了贵州夏季暴雨的时空分布特征、周期振荡及其突变特征。结果表明:46 a来贵州夏季暴雨量呈增加趋势,并存在明显的年际、年代际变化特征;暴雨日数和暴雨量在1985年发生突变;暴雨日数和暴雨量均存在15 a和准10 a的周期振荡;暴雨日数和暴雨量EOF分解的第一特征向量的荷载场空间分布基本一致,表明全省呈偏多(少)的一致型同位相分布。  相似文献   
This is the second part of the authors’ analysis on the output of 24 coupled climate models from the Twentieth-Century Climate in Coupled Models (20C3M) experiment and 1% per year CO 2 increase experiment (to doubling) (1pctto2x) of phase 3 of the Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project (CMIP3). The study focuses on the potential changes of July–August temperature extremes over China. The pattern correlation coefficients of the simulated temperature with the observations are 0.6–0.9, which are higher than the results for precipitation. However, most models have cold bias compared to observation, with a larger cold bias over western China (>5°C) than over eastern China (<2°C). The multi-model ensemble (MME) exhibits a significant increase of temperature under the 1pctto2x scenario. The amplitude of the MME warming shows a northwest–southeast decreasing gradient. The warming spread among the models (~1°C– 2°C) is less than MME warming (~2°C–4°C), indicating a relatively robust temperature change under CO 2 doubling. Further analysis of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory coupled climate model version 2.1 (GFDL-CM2.1) simulations suggests that the warming pattern may be related to heat transport by summer monsoons. The contrast of cloud effects also has contributions. The different vertical structures of warming over northwestern China and southeastern China may be attributed to the different natures of vertical circulations. The deep, moist convection over southeastern China is an effective mechanism for "transporting" the warming upward, leading to more upper-level warming. In northwestern China, the warming is more surface-orientated, possibly due to the shallow, dry convection.  相似文献   
利用2006~2015年成都地区国家站及区域站20时~20时24小时地面实况降雨量资料、常规观测资料、NCEP1°×1°再分析资料对成都市区域性暴雨进行统计分析,得出:这一时期成都地区共有43例区域性暴雨发生,次数最多的是在2013年,发生季节以7月为最多(占总次数的49%)。根据区域性暴雨影响系统的不同,将其简单分为3种类型,分别是:低涡型、高空槽和切变线型、副热带高压边缘型。3种类型暴雨的发生次数、持续时间均有不同,暴雨次数所占比例分别为40%、46%、14%,持续时间大多为1天。同时选取3个历史个例分析了不同类型区域性暴雨的大尺度环流背景特征。  相似文献   
2022年夏季,中国中东部发生了极端高温干旱气候异常,给经济、农业、人民生活造成了严重影响。本文回顾了此次高温干旱气候异常的时空特征,分析了其主要成因。2022年夏季,中国中东部区域平均的极端高温频次、日最高温度平均值、高温日数等指标均达到了1979年以来的最大值,区域平均降水则达到了1979年以来的最低值。此次气候异常主要是由于夏季中国中东部受强大的高压系统控制,与偏强的西太副高、中纬度的西风带扰动以及热带海温的影响有关。此外,本文探讨了全球增暖趋势对极端高温事件增多的影响,以及未来中国地区高温和干旱事件的可能变化。  相似文献   
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