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A strong precipitation event caused by the southwest vortex(SWV), which affected Sichuan Province and Chongqing municipality in Southwest China on 10–14 July 2012, is investigated. The SWV is examined using satellite observations from AIRS(Atmospheric Infrared Sounder), in situ measurements from the SWV intensive observation campaign, and MICAPS(Marine Interactive Computer-Aided Provisioning System) data. Analysis of this precipitation process revealed that:(1)heavy rain occurred during the development phase, and cloud water content increased significantly after the dissipation of the SWV;(2) the area with low outgoing longwave radiation values from AIRS correlated well with the SWV;(3) variation of the temperature of brightness blackbody(TBB) from AIRS reflected the evolution of the SWV, and the values of TBB reduced significantly during the SWV's development; and(4) strong temperature and water vapor inversions were noted during the development of the SWV. The moisture profile displayed large vertical variation during the SWV's puissant phase,with the moisture inversion occurring at low levels. The moisture content during the receding phase was significantly reduced compared with that during the developing and puissant phases. The vertical flux of vapor divergence explained the variation of the moisture profile. These results also indicate the potential for using AIRS products in studying severe weather over the Tibetan Plateau and its surroundings, where in situ measurements are sparse.  相似文献   
河南内乡——淅川地区具有一完整的边缘成矿体系。应用边缘成矿理论,通过野外对该区控矿要素的实际调研和室内对比分析,提出了豫西南内乡——淅川地区边缘成矿体系的新认识。一级成矿边缘为华北板块与扬子板块边缘对接处(山阳——西峡断裂带两侧),控制了两个跨省大型成矿带的形成;二级成矿边缘为区域深大断裂边缘,控制区域成矿带形成;三级成矿带边缘为岩体边缘、次级断裂带边缘和地层交界面等,控制矿田、矿床的形成;四级成矿边缘为岩体边缘不同岩相分界面、不同岩性层间面和构造形态、产状变化处。不同边缘交叉、叠合地段是成矿最有利地段。研究表明,边缘成矿体系的形成与地质异常事件密切相关,板块活动、区域构造、火山、岩浆侵入、沉积环境演化是边缘成矿体系形成的主导因素。根据边缘成矿规律进行了成矿预测,指出主要找矿方向和有利找矿区段(靶区)。  相似文献   
David Dunkerley 《水文研究》2012,26(15):2211-2224
Small plots and a dripper rainfall simulator were used to explore the significance of the intensity fluctuations (‘event profile’) within simulated rainfall events on infiltration and runoff from bare, crusted dryland soils. Rainfall was applied at mean rain rates of 10 mm/h. Fourteen simulated rainfall events each involved more than 5000 changes of intensity and included multipeak events with a 25‐mm/h peak of intensity early in the event or late in the event and an event that included a temporary cessation of rain. These are all event profiles commonly seen in natural rain but rarely addressed in rainfall simulation. A rectangular event profile of constant intensity, as commonly used in rainfall simulation experiments, was also adopted for comparative purposes. Results demonstrate that event profile exerts an important effect on infiltration and runoff for these soils and rainfall event profiles. ‘Uniform’ events of unvarying intensity yielded the lowest total runoff, the lowest peak runoff rate and the lowest runoff ratio (0.13). These parameters increased for ‘early peak’ profiles (runoff ratio 0.24) and reached maxima for ‘late peak’ profiles (runoff ratio 0.50). Differences in runoff ratio and peak runoff rate between the ‘uniform’ event profile and those of varying intensity were all statistically significant at p ≤ 0.01. Compared with ‘uniform’ runs, the varying intensity runs yielded larger runoff ratios and peak runoff rates, exceeding those of the ‘uniform’ events by 85%–570%. These results suggest that for small‐plot studies of infiltration and erosion, the continued use of constant rainfall intensity simulations may be sacrificing important information and misrepresenting the mechanisms involved in runoff generation. The implications of these findings for the ecohydrology of the research site, an area of contour‐aligned banded vegetation in which runoff and runon are of critical importance, are highlighted. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

层间多次波与有效波在走时、频率和叠加速度上差异较小,因此层间多次波压制常难以获得理想效果.本文提出一种基于迭代反演的层间多次波压制方法(MSI,Multiple Suppression Inversion),该方法以共聚焦点(CFP,Common Focus Point)层间多次波压制理论为基础,通过构建卷积因子,将层间多次波压制转变为迭代反演的问题,直接利用观测的地震数据进行迭代反演计算,进而完成多次波压制.MSI方法避免了共聚焦点方法中构建CFP道集的聚焦运算,大幅降低层间多次波预测的计算成本;同时该方法为全数据驱动方法,无需地下介质任何先验信息,算法容易实现.模型数据测试表明,本文提出的方法可有效压制层间多次波,而且对有效波也具有很好的保幅性.

Using results from coupled climate model simulations of the 8.2 ka climate event that produced a cold period over Greenland in agreement with the reconstructed cooling from ice cores, we investigate the typical pattern of climate anomalies (fingerprint) to provide a framework for the interpretation of global proxy data for the 8.2 ka climate event. For this purpose we developed an analysis method that isolates the forced temperature response and provides information on spatial variations in magnitude, timing and duration that characterise the detectable climate event in proxy archives. Our analysis shows that delays in the temperature response to the freshwater forcing are present, mostly in the order of decades (30 a over central Greenland). The North Atlantic Ocean initially cools in response to the freshwater perturbation, followed in certain parts by a warm response. This delay, occurring more than 200 a after the freshwater pulse, hints at an overshoot in the recovery from the freshwater perturbation. The South Atlantic and the Southern Ocean show a warm response reflecting the bipolar seesaw effect. The duration of the simulated event varies for different areas, and the highest probability of recording the event in proxy archives is in the North Atlantic Ocean area north of 40° N. Our results may facilitate the interpretation of proxy archives recording the 8.2 ka event, as they show that timing and duration cannot be assumed to correspond with the timing and duration of the event as recorded in Greenland ice cores. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Accurate water level forecasts are essential for flood warning. This study adopts a data‐driven approach based on the adaptive network–based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) to forecast the daily water levels of the Lower Mekong River at Pakse, Lao People's Democratic Republic. ANFIS is a hybrid system combining fuzzy inference system and artificial neural networks. Five ANFIS models were developed to provide water level forecasts from 1 to 5 days ahead, respectively. The results show that although ANFIS forecasts of water levels up to three lead days satisfied the benchmark, four‐ and five‐lead‐day forecasts were only slightly better in performance compared with the currently adopted operational model. This limitation is imposed by the auto‐ and cross‐correlations of the water level time series. Output updating procedures based on the autoregressive (AR) and recursive AR (RAR) models were used to enhance ANFIS model outputs. The RAR model performed better than the AR model. In addition, a partial recursive procedure that reduced the number of recursive steps when applying the AR or the RAR model for multi‐step‐ahead error prediction was superior to the fully recursive procedure. The RAR‐based partial recursive updating procedure significantly improved three‐, four‐ and five‐lead‐day forecasts. Our study further shows that for long lead times, ANFIS model errors are dominated by lag time errors. Although the ANFIS model with the RAR‐based partial recursive updating procedure provided the best results, this method was able to reduce the lag time errors significantly for the falling limbs only. Improvements for the rising limbs were modest. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用贵州省84个气象站逐日观测资料以及再分析资料,对4种不同强度区域性凝冻过程进行对比分析。结果表明:500 hPa位势高度场上中高纬度的亚洲东部区域距平场呈现“+-”的分布或有切断低压分布,贝加尔湖至中国华北地区以经向环流为主;850 hPa风场上云南南部以南受偏南风和西南风控制,并且在江南至华南存在西南或西风急流,是4种不同强度凝冻过程中形势场共性特征。500 hPa高度场上中高纬度地区呈两槽一脊或一槽一脊分布;风场上850 hPa东北风回流和700 hPa西南急流形成上暖下冷的形势场,同时850 hPa形成稳定低层切变线;温度场上存在冷-暖-冷的夹心结构,近地面层0 ℃线维持在900 hPa以下,均是较强等级以上的区域性凝冻过程中形势场共性特征。而对于一般性区域性凝冻过程,500 hPa位势高度场上呈多槽脊分布,风场上是否存在东北风回流和低层切变线,温度场上是否存在冷-暖-冷的夹心结构以及近地面层0 ℃线位置等特征均不统一。温度剖面图上,当近地面层0 ℃线位置最低时或出现冷-暖-冷的夹心结构时段与凝冻过程影响范围最广、灾情最重的时间段对应。  相似文献   
代潭龙  洪洁莉  李莹  刘远  王国复  翟建青 《气象》2024,50(3):370-376
2023年,全球平均气温比工业化前高出约1.45℃(±0.12℃),是有观测记录以来最热的一年。全球海平面继续上升,且全球平均海平面达到了有卫星记录(1993年至今)以来的最高水平,反映了持续的海洋变暖以及冰川和冰盖的融化。北极海冰面积仍远低于常年值,南极海冰面积创下历史新低。巴基斯坦、中国京津冀地区、意大利、巴西圣保罗州北部沿海地区、新西兰北岛等地遭受暴雨洪涝灾害,非洲西北部、中国云南、中美洲和南美洲北部发生严重干旱,南欧、北美、南美、东亚和南亚等地遭遇创纪录高温热浪,欧洲和北美等地遭遇寒流和暴风雪侵袭,强对流天气频繁袭击世界各处,全球热带气旋活动频繁。  相似文献   
GEOLOGICAL EVENT ACROSS THE BOUNDARY OF THE LATEST PALEOCENE TO EARLIEST EOCENE IN TINGRI, SOUTHERN TIBET1 DickensGR ,CastilloMM ,WalkerJCG .AblastofgasinthelatestPaleocene :Simulatingfirst ordereffectsofmassivedissociationofoceanicmethanehydrate[J].Geology ,1997,2 5 (3) :2 5 9~ 2 6 2 . 2 GibsonTG ,BybellLM .Paleocene/EoceneboundarystrataandeventsintheU .S .AtlanticCoastalPlains[J].JournalofVertebratePaleontology ,1993,13(3suppl.) :37. …  相似文献   
泥盆系弗拉阶/法门阶之交事件沉积和海平面变化   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
龚一鸣  李保华 《地球科学》2001,26(3):251-257
在华南板块南部被动大陆边缘和西伯利亚板块南部活动大陆边缘弗拉阶/法门阶之交识别出7种物理事件相: 细粒钙屑浊积岩相、钙质角砾岩相、软变形灰岩相、含微球粒的粒泥灰岩相、凝灰质砾岩相、黑色页岩相和火山喷溢相.它们在法门阶下Palmatolepis triangularis带底部和/或上Palmatolepis rhenana带底部具有广泛的分布, 可能是两次陨击事件记录, 是良好的高分辨率年代地层对比标志.弗拉期/法门期之交的海平面变化不具有同步性和一致性, 可分辨出2种型式(阶跃型和渐进型) 和5种状态(弗拉期最末期下降→法门期最初期上升、弗拉期最末期上升→法门期最初期下降、弗拉期最末期上升→法门期最初期上升、弗拉期最末期下降→法门期最初期下降、弗拉期最末期与法门期最初期海平面变化不明显).弗拉阶/法门阶之交生物的阶梯状绝灭可能与从上Palmatolepis rhenana带底部至Palmatolepis crepida带不均匀分布的6次陨击事件密切相关.   相似文献   
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