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With the objective of providing a relatively accurate and complete diagram,the global scale interbasin transport of atmospheric moisture on the basis of the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data for the period 1980 to 1994 is evaluated.The results show that the net zonal vapor flux for the Pacific,the Atlantic and the Indian Oceans is 0.25 Sv,-0.68 Sv and-0.29 Sv respectively.The marking differences in the zonal moisture budget among individual basins are speculated as the reason that dominates the differences in the salinity between the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans.Though current evaluation on the net zonal moisture flux for the Atlantic basin is generally in qualitative agreement with the previous estimate,quantitative discrepancy is found to exist.According to current statistics,the tropical easterlies carry water vapor of 0.43 Sv from the Atlantic basin across Central America into the Pacific,and the northern westerliesal low water vapor of 0.25 Sv to escape from the Pacific.Quantitative analyses also reveal that the seasonal variation of net zonal vapor flux for the Pacific and the Indian Oceans is stronger than that for the Atlantic,which may be favorable for the maintenance of high salinity feature of the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   
Precise comprehensive evaluation of flood disaster loss is significant for the prevention and mitigation of flood disasters. Here, one of the difficulties involved is how to establish a model capable of describing the complex relation between the input and output data of the system of flood disaster loss. Genetic programming (GP) solves problems by using ideas from genetic algorithm and generates computer programs automatically. In this study a new method named the evaluation of the grade of flood disaster loss (EGFD) on the basis of improved genetic programming (IGP) is presented (IGP-EGFD). The flood disaster area and the direct economic loss are taken as the evaluation indexes of flood disaster loss. Obviously that the larger the evaluation index value, the larger the corresponding value of the grade of flood disaster loss is. Consequently the IGP code is designed to make the value of the grade of flood disaster be an increasing function of the index value. The result of the application of the IGP-EGFD model to Henan Province shows that a good function expression can be obtained within a bigger searched function space; and the model is of high precision and considerable practical significance. Thus, IGP-EGFD can be widely used in automatic modeling and other evaluation systems.  相似文献   
新疆塔里木河流域水资源承载力评价研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
结合塔里木河2002年自然、社会和经济以及水资源资料,选取了耕地灌溉率、水资源利用率、供水模数、需水模数、人均供水量、生态用水率6个主要因素作为评价因素,应用模糊综合评判模型对塔里木河流域水资源承载能力进行了评价研究。结果表明,流域水资源开发利用已经达到相当规模,在现有经济技术条件下,该地区的水资源承载潜力已相对较小,水资源供需矛盾突出,应由耗水型经济结构向节水型经济结构转变,加强水资源的综合管理,以便科学、合理地利用流域内有限的水资源。  相似文献   
乡村发展水平测度是美丽乡村建设规划编制的重要依据和基础。在构建福建省乡村发展水平评价指标体系的基础上,从县域层面测度并划定福建省乡村发展水平的基本特征及主导类型。结果表明:1福建省乡村发展增长趋势显著,闽南地区、北部地区、闽西小部分地区具有较明显的区域特色,不同区域在不同时期内乡村发展水平具有波动性;2福建省乡村发展受地理、资源、经济、文化等方面的影响痕迹明显,特色农业现代化、新型城镇化及新农村建设等是主要驱动因素;3将福建省乡村发展类型划分为工商业导向型(Ⅰ)、农工业导向型(Ⅱ)、农工商导向型(Ⅲ)、农业主导型(Ⅳ)4个基本类型。针对不同类型区的优势、潜力和限制因素进行政策导向分析与对策建议。  相似文献   
杨房沟坝址高边坡工程地质特征及稳定性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为掌握杨房沟坝址高边坡稳定性情况及治理措施,采用现场调查及室内分析计算方法对河谷高边坡岩体工程地质特征及稳定性展开了全面研究。得出以下结论:高边坡花岗闪长岩可划分为块状、次块状及镶嵌结构等类型;边坡岩体质量从坡面向内分别为Ⅲ2、Ⅲ1、Ⅱ类,Ⅳ类岩体很少;天然边坡存在松动张裂、楔形体滑动及崩塌等破坏形式,控制性结构面为顺河向卸荷裂隙;从河谷演化角度通过数值模拟方法分析现今边坡应力分布、塑性区范围、变形规律及总体稳定性,认为坝址区天然边坡整体稳定性较好,降雨或地震等不利条件边坡可能存在浅部块体滑移失稳。  相似文献   
A stochastic channel embedded in a background facies is conditioned to data observed at wells. The background facies is a fixed rectangular box. The model parameters consist of geometric parameters that describe the shape, size, and location of the channel, and permeability and porosity in the channel and nonchannel facies. We extend methodology previously developed to condition a stochastic channel to well-test pressure data, and well observations of the channel thickness and the depth of the top of the channel. The main objective of this work is to characterize the reduction in uncertainty in channel model parameters and predicted reservoir performance that can be achieved by conditioning to well-test pressure data at one or more wells. Multiple conditional realizations of the geometric parameters and rock properties are generated to evaluate the uncertainty in model parameters. The ensemble of predictions of reservoir performance generated from the suite of realizations provides a Monte Carlo estimate of the uncertainty in future performance predictions. In addition, we provide some insight on how prior variances, data measurement errors, and sensitivity coefficients interact to determine the reduction in model parameters obtained by conditioning to pressure data and examine the value of active and observation well data in resolving model parameters.  相似文献   
In recent years,scholars at home and abroad have method,and that vanous disasters would be analyzed assynthetically studied natural dlsaste‘theoretically and an Integral.SHI Peilun(1991)putforwad a scientificmethodologlcally,as well as its cases analys。s(CND,term—regional disaster system,which Indicates that1987; MA et al,1990; MARBLE,1990; NE et al,the situation of a disaster(calamity loss)results from1999; PATAK et al,1982; SHI,1991;VAN et al,h…  相似文献   
以长岛县南五岛土壤为研究对象,对区内土壤元素的含量特征进行分析,并对土壤环境质量进行评价。结果表明:研究区土壤平均含量与烟台市、山东省以及全国土壤平均水平相比,除CaO,Na2O,Hg,S,Se,P,F元素含量差异较明显,其他大部分元素含量相对稳定,元素含量的高低不仅与研究区背景条件有关,也与人类活动密切相关。研究区土壤环境质量整体较好,大部分区域属于清洁区和尚清洁区,仅城区局部受到一定程度的Cd,Hg,Zn污染。  相似文献   
FGOALS_gg1.1极地气候模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室发展的气候系统模式FGOALS_g1.1的极地气候模拟现状进行了较为全面的评估.结果表明,FGOALS_g1.1对南北极海冰的主要分布特征、季节变化和年代际变化趋势具有一定的模拟能力.但也注意到,与观测相比,模式存在以下几方面的问题:(1)模拟的海冰总面积北极偏多,而南极偏少.北极,北大西洋海冰全年明显偏多;夏季,西伯利亚沿海海冰偏多,而波弗特海海冰偏少.南极,威德尔海和罗斯海冬季海冰偏少.南北极海冰边缘都存在异常的较大范围密集度很小的碎冰区,夏季尤为显著.(2)海冰流速在南北极海冰边缘和南极大陆沿岸附近较大.北极,模式没能模拟出波弗特涡流,并且由于模式网格中北极点的处理问题,造成其附近错误的海冰流场及厚度分布.这些海冰偏差与模式模拟的大气和海洋状况有着密切的联系.进一步分析表明,FGOALS_g1.1模拟的冰岛低压和南极绕极西风带明显偏弱,其通过大气环流和海表面风应力影响向极地的热量输送,在很大程度上导致上述的海冰偏差.此外,耦合模式中大气-海冰-海洋的相互作用可以放大子模式中的偏差.  相似文献   
在柴达木盆地尕斯库勒盐湖区,通过对芦苇、赖草、海韭菜、无脉苔草、洽草、盐地风毛菊、羊齿天门冬、小花棘豆和白刺9种盐生植物生长区土壤容重、含水量、全盐量、pH值、全氮、速效钾、速效磷进行测试分析,研究其对盐渍化土壤的改良效果。试验结果表明:9种盐生植物均可降低土壤容重、全盐量和pH值,提高土壤含水量,其平均全盐量较裸地降低了3.79%~85.40%,平均降低幅度为44.99%,小花棘豆降低土壤容重相对较为显著(17.39%),无脉苔草相对较差(1.37%);盐地风毛菊降低土壤pH值的能力相对较强(5.11%),羊齿天门冬相对较弱;赖草提高土壤含水量相对较为显著(26.05%),白刺相对较差(1.85%)。9种盐生植物可不同程度增加土壤全氮含量,且随取样深度增加全氮含量呈逐渐降低的变化趋势;9种盐生植物坡面地表以下垂直方向0~20 cm土体速效磷含量表现出增加趋势,其中在地表以下20~50 cm位置速效磷含量增加相对较为显著,土体速效磷含量增加的程度由大至小依次为:小花棘豆、赖草、无脉苔草、海韭菜、白刺、羊齿天门冬、芦苇、洽草和盐地风毛菊。研究结果对于利用盐生植物防治土壤盐渍化,以及进一步提高土壤可持续利用有实际价值。  相似文献   
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