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东亚赤道异常区电离层CT诊断──实验及初步结果   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
国际上第一个低纬电离层层析(CT)探测台链于1993年11月建成,并开始数据采集.该CT台链沿120°E子午圈由6个卫星信标差分多普勒接收站组成,北起我国上海,南至菲律宾的马尼拉,纬度覆盖范围约20°.该台链专为电高层赤道异常区电子密度大尺度结构CT成像而设计,其目的是监测研究赤道异常形态与动力学、电离层等离子体泡、行优以及暴时磁层-电离层-热层耦合过程等重要的赤道与低纬区电离层现象.本文介绍该低纬电离层CT实验的有关技术问题,包括接收台站布设、实验设备、数据采集软件和数据预处理方法.文中还给出利用CT技术,由实测斜电子含量数据反演电离层电子密度二维分布图像的几个实例.结果表明,利用低纬电离层CT台链可以有效地监测电离层赤道异常及其它低纬电高层电子密度大尺度结构的时空变化.  相似文献   
1987年1月28日和29日连续出现赤道逆向电射流。本文对比了这两天9个地磁台的X分量日变化曲线,结果显示琼中台的X日变曲线不受赤道逆向电射流的影响。  相似文献   
陈哲  李崇银 《大气科学》2006,30(6):1227-1235
对南海夏季风爆发前的风场和局地对流凝结加热强迫作用进行了合成分析, 表明南海夏季风爆发前局地对流凝结加热作用对与南海夏季风爆发密切相关的低频涡对的产生起着重要作用.然后, 从动力学的角度研究了带有外部热源强迫的赤道β平面上的Rossby波, 利用Gardner-Morikawa变换和摄动展开方法, 得到了热源强迫下描写赤道Rossby的mKdV方程, 进而得到了不同热源形式下切变气流中赤道非线性Rossby波的解析解.结果表明, 不同类型的热源对赤道Rossby波的结构起着非常重要的作用, 同时也为南海夏季风爆发前低频涡对的形成给出了一种动力学解释.  相似文献   
This is a study of ozone profile shapes in the 800 to 100 millibar range obtained with balloonsonde data over Trivandrum (8.5° N) during 1975–76 and possible associations of these shapes to some meteorological parameters.Whereas monotonic ozone profiles were noted with clear weather conditions, those associated with cloud cover show three basic anomalous features. Some bulges of increased values are observed in the range of 800 to 500 mb. In the 500–100 mb range, short range or localized cloud cover or passing weather disturbances are associated with fluctuation patterns in the ozone profile and an average depleted value of ozone. The fluctuations are also associated with changing wind speed and direction at these heights.Possible causative mechanisms are discussed. Lightning associated with thundestorm, producing additional CO and NO are sought to interpret the bulges at lower heights. The decrease in values as well as the fluctuation patterns are suggested as due to possible incursion of water vapour from troposphere to stratosphere in the tropical region and dynamical effects associated with it.  相似文献   
The sea surface temperature(SST) seasonal cycle in the eastern equatorial Pacific(EEP) plays an important role in the El Ni?o–Southern Oscillation(ENSO) phenomenon. However, the reasonable simulation of SST seasonal cycle in the EEP is still a challenge for climate models. In this paper, we evaluated the performance of 17 CMIP6 climate models in simulating the seasonal cycle in the EEP and compared them with 43 CMIP5 climate models. In general, only CESM2 and SAM0-UNICON are able to successfully capture the annual mean SST characteristics,and the results showed that CMIP6 models have no fundamental improvement in the model annual mean bias.For the seasonal cycle, 14 out of 17 climate models are able to represent the major characteristics of the observed SST annual evolution. In spring, 12 models capture the 1–2 months leading the eastern equatorial Pacific region 1(EP1; 5°S–5°N, 110°–85°W) against the eastern equatorial Pacific region 2(EP2; 5°S–5°N, 140°–110°W). In autumn,only two models, GISS-E2-G and SAM0-UNICON, correctly show that the EP1 and EP2 SSTs vary in phase. For the CMIP6 MME SST simulation in EP1, both the cold bias along the equator in the warm phase and the warm bias in the cold phase lead to a weaker annual SST cycle in the CGCMs, which is similar to the CMIP5 results. However,both the seasonal cold bias and warm bias are considerably decreased for CMIP6, which leads the annual SST cycle to more closely reflect the observation. For the CMIP6 MME SST simulation in EP2, the amplitude is similar to the observed value due to the quasi-constant cold bias throughout the year, although the cold bias is clearly improved after August compared with CMIP5 models. Overall, although SAM0-UNICON successfully captured the seasonal cycle characteristics in the EEP and the improvement from CMIP5 to CMIP6 in simulating EEP SST is clear, the fundamental climate models simulated biases still exist.  相似文献   
根据“向阳红五号”调查船于1992-1993年TOGA-COAQRE(Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere-Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment)强化观测期(IOP)期间,在赤道西太平洋观测到的CTD,海面气象等资料,计算了海表barrier layer(壁垒层)厚度。并对该海区壁垒层厚度的变化特征及机制作初步  相似文献   
Ionospheric electron content (IEC) observed at Delhi (geographic co-ordinates: 28.63°N, 77.22°E; geomagnetic co-ordinates: 19.08°N, 148.91E; dip Latitude 24.8°N), India, for the period 1975/80 and 1986/89 belonging to an ascending phase of solar activity during first halves of solar cycles 21 and 22 respectively have been used to study the diurnal, seasonal, solar and magnetic activity variations. The diurnal variation of seasonal mean of IEC on quiet days shows a secondary peak comparable to the daytime peak in equinox and winter in high solar activity. IECmax (daytime maximum value of IEC, one per day) shows winter anomaly only during high solar activity at Delhi. Further, IECmax shows positive correlation with F10.7 up to about 200 flux units at equinox and 240 units both in winter and summer; for greater F10.7 values, IECmax is substantially constant in all the seasons. IECmax and magnetic activity (Ap) are found to be positively correlated in summer in high solar activity. Winter IECmax shows positive correlation with Ap in low solar activity and negative correlation in high solar activity in both the solar cycles. In equinox IECmax is independent of Ap in both solar cycles in low solar activity. A study of day-to-day variations in IECmax shows single day and alternate day abnormalities, semi-annual and annual variations controlled by the equatorial electrojet strength, and 27-day periodicity attributable to the solar rotation.  相似文献   
据赤道经向风剖面及热带西太平洋岛屿站测风资料来诊断厄尔尼诺(ElNino)事件,试图从观测事实方面来跟踪与预测ElNino的发生。分析结果得出:气候监测公报中850hPa风指数对监测、诊断已发生的ElNino事件较好,但不能用来预测ElNino事件的发生,而热带西太平洋岛屿站月平均纬向风对ElNino事件的发生有一定的指示意义。从越赤道气流的演变特征进一步证明,ElNino事件对应于弱季风,而拉尼娜(LaNina)事件对应于强季风。  相似文献   
A statistically-based low-level cloud parameterization scheme is introduced, modified, and applied in the Flexible coupled General Circulation Model (FGCM-0). It is found that the low-level cloud scheme makes improved simulations of low-level cloud fractions and net surface shortwave radiation fluxes in the subtropical eastern oceans off western coasts in the model. Accompanying the improvement in the net surface shortwave radiation fluxes, the simulated distribution of SSTs is more reasonably asymmetrical about the equator in the tropical eastern Pacific, which suppresses, to some extent, the development of the double ITCZ in the model. Warm SST biases in the ITCZ north of the equator are more realistically reduced, too. But the equatorial cold tongue is strengthened and extends further westward, which reduces the precipitation rate in the western equatorial Pacific but increases it in the ITCZ north of the equator in the far eastern Pacific. It is demonstrated that the low-level cloud-radiation feedback would enhance the cooperative feedback between the equatorial cold tongue and the ITCZ. Based on surface layer heat budget analyses, it is demonstrated that the reduction of SSTs is attributed to both the thermodynamic cooling process modified by the increase of cloud fractions and the oceanic dynamical cooling processes associated with the strengthened surface wind in the eastern equatorial Pacific, but it is mainly attributed to oceanic dynamical cooling processes associated with the strengthening of surface wind in the central and western equatorial Pacific.  相似文献   
The n-alkane C31/(C29 + C31) ratios from surface sediments in the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) exhibit higher values to the north and lower values to the south across the southern edge (2–4°N) of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Since plants tend to synthesize longer chain length n-alkanes in response to elevated temperature and/or aridity, the higher C31/(C29 + C31) ratios at northern sites suggest a higher contribution of vegetation under hot and/or dry conditions. This is consistent with the observation that northern sites receive higher levels of plant waxes transported by northeasterly trade winds from northern South America, where hot and dry conditions prevail. Furthermore, from a sediment core covering the past 750 ka (core HY04; 4°N, 95°W) we found that C31/(C29 + C31) ratios exhibit a long-term decrease from MIS (marine oxygen isotope stage) 17 to 13. During this period, the zonal SST (sea-surface temperature) gradient in the equatorial Pacific increased, suggesting an increase in Walker circulation. Such intensified Walker circulation may have enhanced moisture advection from the equatorial Atlantic warm pool to the adjacent northern South America, causing arid regions in northern South America to contract, which may explain long-term decrease in n-alkane chain lengths.  相似文献   
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