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科尔沁沙地巴克窑地区近150年的环境演变*   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
任国玉  肖平 《地理研究》1997,16(4):39-46
在沉积和花粉分析的基础上,对科尔沁沙地东南部巴克窑地区过去150年的植被和环境演变进行了重建。巴克窑等湖泡的诞生时间是在上个世纪前期,约1837年前后。这个时间也正是科尔沁沙地东南部地区首次大规模人口移入和垦荒年代。突然增加的人类活动导致了沙丘植被的迅速破坏,而植被减少和沙丘活化引起区域水文循环的重新调整,即原来通过植物蒸腾作用输出的水量明显减弱,致使地下潜水位上升,形成一系列湖泡。以后,沙地系统的演化主要是在人类活动、气候和系统内部反馈机制的共同作用下完成的。  相似文献   
中国黄铁矿资源丰富,按元素和矿物组合的不同,其矿床类型可分为:黄铁矿矿床;黄铁矿型铜矿床;含锌、铜黄铁矿型矿床;黄铁矿型多金属矿床;含钨黄铁矿型铜矿床;含锡黄铁矿型矿床;含金黄铁矿型矿床。最主要的成因类型是海底喷气沉积矿床,它广泛分布于不同时期的造山带及早前寒武纪克拉通。黄铁矿形成的构造环境可分为5种,即:边缘浅海或优地槽环境;上叠的断裂坳陷带;洋中脊;岛弧地带;陆相火山盆地。  相似文献   
遥感技术获取的可见光、红外及微波信息,可以对化工企业及化学矿山环境污染(水、粉尘、大气、废渣污染等)及环境地质灾害(滑坡、泥石流、地面塌陷等)进行实时动态监测,并可获得较高的社会经济效益,达到地面环保及常规环境地质工作难以达到的效果。特别是对重点大中型化工企业及化学矿山建立环境遥感信息动态监测系统,可以为国家决策部门及时准确地提供环境治理和改造的依据。  相似文献   
内蒙乌拉山金矿控矿条件及成矿作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乌拉山金矿是华北地台北缘中西部地区近年来探明的有一定远景的金矿床。该矿床受大桦背岩体、韧性剪切带、脆性断裂构造和乌拉山群变质岩系等多种条件所控制,矿体呈脉状产出,成矿具有多期多阶段性,成矿时代较华北地台东缘金矿床早,为晚华力西期,其类型为中深成脉状金矿床  相似文献   
Science and the desertification debate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Desertification is an environmental issue that has major environmental and social dimensions, and which has been controversial in a number of respects. The recent UN Convention on Desertification and Drought places considerable emphasis on the social dimensions of the problem and the role local peoples and NGOs have to play in tackling it. When desertification first became regarded as a major issue in the 1970s, science was seen to have a major role in understanding and solving the problem, but in some circles has been regarded as failing to contribute usefully. This paper explores the nature of scientific contributions, why science may have been seen to fail to serve the needs of policy-makers, and why scientific findings may have been misinterpreted in broader circles dealing with the issue. It concludes by identifying areas where science has still a valuable role to play in an issue that is now perhaps regarded as more political and social than scientific.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The use of e-mail by a grassroots activist group that straddles the Estonian-Russian border transcends political boundaries and provides ready connections to people in distant places. Activists create a perceived space of resistance in a supportive network that is stretched across space. This network of concern, defined by the physical space in which these activists work and by the strong communicative connections among them, was created to overcome continued environmental mismanagement and remove cultural barriers to cooperation. E-mail communication has enabled an ongoing influence on environmental policy in Estonia and Russia. This circumstance of a collaborative e-mail network created by grassroots activists to aid political work is a testament to how communication technology has expanded for the purpose of strengthening previously silenced voices in a regional and political context.  相似文献   
ICAP仪器在不同工作条件下,其测试精度与准确值差别是较大的。因此,正确进行工作条件的优化,是ICAP仪器分析工作的关键。本文从理论依据及实验方法两个方面探讨了实现条件优化的具体方法,以及其对于确保仪器的最佳测试状态和进一步扩大测试领域所具有的实际意义。  相似文献   
柴达木盆地西部新生代气候与地形演变   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
王建  刘泽纯 《地质论评》1996,42(2):166-173
从孢粉植物分异及演变,干旱碎屑及膏盐沉积分布等方面,对柴达木盆地西部新生代气候与地形的演变进行了探讨。结果表明,盆地西部新生代两个极端干燥气候期(膏盐发育期)分别出现在始新世至渐新世及上新世至第四纪。前者与老第三纪行星环流控制下的副热带干燥带有关,而后者与青藏高原的隆升有关。早第三纪盆地西部及周围地区的地势不象以前所认为的那么低平。在第三纪,昆仑山比祁连山低。晚新生代盆地向北推移了7-11个纬距。  相似文献   
The object of this study is to consider directly the influence of regional geological conditions on the assessment of seismic hazard. It is assumed that macroseismic data at individual locations contain, in an average way, the influence of geological conditions.A Data Base referring to 199 historical (5) and instrumental (194, in the 1947–1993 period) events with macroseismic information in 1195 locations of Portugal was built. For any given seismic event, whenever macroseismic information was available at a location (town, village, etc.), an EMS-92 intensity value was estimated. To each one of those locations a geological unit, representing the most common type of soil, was assigned, based on the Geological Portuguese Map at a scale 1:500 000; the geological units were grouped into three categories: soft, intermediate and hard soils.The Data Base was used to determine the attenuation laws in terms of macroseismic intensity for the three different geological site conditions, using multiple linear regression analysis. The reasonability of the laws was tested by (i) checking residual distributions and (ii) comparing the map of isoseismals of important earthquakes with the isoseismals generated by the attenuation curves derived for each one of the three different soil classes, taking into consideration the soil class of each site. The main results of attenuation modeling are: high dispersion on macroseismic intensity data; all the models predict intensity values, for short hypocentral distances, lower than the ones observed; and for some important analyzed earthquakes and for the observed range of distances, the models confirm the expectancy that macroseismic intensity increases from hard to soft soil.The approach to obtain the hazard assessment at each location consisted in the use of the attenuation law specifically derived for the class of soil of that particular location. This method, which considers the influence of the regional geology, was illustrated with the mapping of hazard for the country for several return periods. Comparison with previous maps not taking into consideration the regional geological conditions emphasizes the importance of this new parameter. It can be concluded that (i) soil segmentation is clearly the cause for hazard increase in the region to the north of Lisbon, especially at sites with soft and intermediate soils as the ones in lower Tagus valley; the maximum increase on hazard is, in any case, less than one degree; (ii) when geological conditions are disregarded in the attenuation regression analysis, hazard pattern is similar to the one obtained for the case of hard soil everywhere.  相似文献   
煤矿采空区场地建筑适宜性工程地质研究方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简述了煤矿采空区场地存在的工程地质问题;提出了查明采空区场地工程地质条件的现场勘察和室内模拟研究方法。并结合采空区活化特点,对采空区场地建筑适宜性作了分析;提出了地基处理和建筑物防护措施  相似文献   
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