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利用经验模态分解(EMD)和整体经验模态分解(EEMD)方法,将BJFS站2000~2015年高程时间序列进行分解,发现其不仅存在1 a、0.5 a、0.25 a、2个月、1个月以及长周期等周期项,还存在以往方法很难探测出来的近似2 a周期信号。与EMD分解结果对比,整体经验模态分解可以明显减弱模式混叠现象。对各分量进行Hilbert 变换(HHT),得到时间-频率-能量的Hilbert 频谱图。结果表明,年周期和2 a周期变化是高程运动的主要贡献项。利用小波变换方法对比验证EEMD的分解结果表明,与小波分析相比,EEMD重构信号与高程序列差异的RMS更小,证明了HHT-EEMD方法在数据资料分析过程中的有效性。对环境负载及GRACE负载造成的测站位移进行功率谱分析得出,环境负载确实会造成IGS站高程时间序列的1 a、0.5 a以及季节性运动,GRACE负载还验证了2 a信号的存在。  相似文献   
采用基于"拉格朗日"粒子追踪方法的油粒子数值溯源模式,引入天气预报中的"集合预报"方法,考虑气象、海洋环境背景场误差因素,研究无主溢油源的集合预测方法。对某次渤海中西部溢油溯源事件的数值模拟结果表明,溢油源集合预测分析结果与溢油源实际调查情况相符,表明无主漂油源集合预测方法科学、结论可信。  相似文献   
本研究对近40年来影响南海东北部陆架海区的28次台风引起的风暴潮进行了数值后报,其中8个过程的沿岸后报增水值与实测值进行了比较,表明后报值与实测值符合良好,90%以上的最大增水值偏差在30厘米以下。为了得出本海区多年一遇的台风增水极值,在后报台风路径密集处选择了9个不同水深点,对每点取出各次台风下的最大增水值,然后用Weibull分布进行拟合,得出了各点的极值分布。  相似文献   
太湖叶绿素a同化系统对于不同参数的敏感性将直接影响到该系统能否精确的估算太湖叶绿素a的浓度分布.利用2009年4月21日环境一号卫星(HJ-1B CCD2)影像数据反演太湖叶绿素a浓度场信息.以此作为背景场信息,结合基于集合均方根滤波的太湖叶绿素a同化系统,分析和评价了样本数目、同化时长、背景场误差、观测误差和模型误差对于同化系统性能的影响.结果表明:从计算成本、系统运行时间和同化效果等方面分析,当集合样本数目达到30~40左右时同化系统取得了较好的结果;同化系统对于背景场误差的估计变化不是很敏感,即初始场的估计是否准确对于同化系统的性能影响不是很大;同化系统对于模型误差和观测误差的变化较为敏感,不同的测试点位由于水体动力学性质不一,其敏感性的表现形式有所差异;利用数据同化方法可以有效地估算太湖叶绿素a浓度.  相似文献   
北极海冰冰盖自20世纪以来经历了前所未有的缩减,这使得北极海冰异常对大气环流的反馈作用日益显现。尽管目前的气候模式模拟北极海冰均为减少的趋势,但各模式间仍然存在较大的分散性。为了评估模式对于北极海冰变化及其气候效应的模拟能力,我们将海冰线性趋势和年际异常两者结合起来构造了一种合理的衡量指标。我们还强调巴伦支与卡拉海的重要性,因为前人研究证明此区域海冰异常是近年来影响大尺度大气环流变异的关键因子。根据我们设定的标准,CMIP5模式对海冰的模拟可被归为三种类型。这三组多模式集合平均之间存在巨大的差异,验证了这种分组方法的合理性。此外,我们还进一步探讨了造成模式海冰模拟能力差别的潜在物理因子。结果表明模式所采用的臭氧资料集对海冰模拟能力有显著的影响。  相似文献   
本文提出一种保持局域特征的多源海冰图像融合方法,并在此基础上进行海冰分类。本文提出的多源海冰图像融合方法包括保持空间局域融合和保持特征局域融合两方面。首先,通过学习得到投影矩阵和相似矩阵。投影矩阵将多源像素进行投影变换,得到保留像素空间局域特性的融合向量。相似矩阵度量像素特征间的相似性,通过拉普拉斯特征分解,得到保留像素特征局域相似性的融合向量。然后,将空间融合向量和特征融合向量进行像素综合,得到融合图像。在此基础上,本文设计一种滑动集成分类方法进行融合图像像素分类。提出的分类方法利用滑动集成的特点,在分类时增强刻画了海冰局域特性。由于本文的保持局域融合框架不仅刻画了海冰在物理空间中的邻接关系,而且考虑不同海冰类型的特征关系,因此其在多源图像(多光谱和合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像)的海冰分类任务中表现优异。实验结果表明本文提出的基于保持局域特征融合的多源海冰图像分类方法有效提升了海冰分类精度。  相似文献   
Ship detection using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) plays an important role in marine applications. The existing methods are capable of quickly obtaining many candidate targets, but numerous non-ship objects may be wrongly detected in complex backgrounds. These non-ship false alarms can be excluded by training discriminators, and the desired accuracy is obtained with enough verified samples. However, the reliable verification of targets in large-scene SAR images still inevitably requires manual interpretation, which is difficult and time consuming. To address this issue, a semisupervised heterogeneous ensemble ship target discrimination method based on a tri-training scheme is proposed to take advantage of the plentiful candidate targets. Specifically, various features commonly used in SAR image target discrimination are extracted, and several acknowledged classification models and their classic variants are investigated. Multiple discriminators are constructed by dividing these features into different groups and pairing them with each model. Then, the performance of all the discriminators is tested, and better discriminators are selected for implementing the semisupervised training process. These strategies enhance the diversity and reliability of the discriminators, and their heterogeneous ensemble makes more correct judgments on candidate targets, which facilitates further positive training. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms traditional tri-training.  相似文献   
During the past decades, concurrent with global warming, most of global oceans, particularly the tropical Indian Ocean, have become warmer. Meanwhile, the Southern Hemispheric stratospheric polar vortex (SPV) exhibits a deepening trend. Although previous modeling studies reveal that radiative cooling effect of ozone depletion plays a dominant role in causing the deepening of SPV, the simulated ozone-depletion-induced SPV deepening is stronger than the observed. This suggests that there must be other factors canceling a fraction of the influence of the ozone depletion. Whether the tropical Indian Ocean warming (IOW) is such a factor is unclear. This issue is addressed by conducting ensemble atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) experiments. And one idealized IOW with the amplitude as the observed is prescribed to force four AGCMs. The results show that the IOW tends to warm the southern polar stratosphere, and thus weakens SPV in austral spring to summer. Hence, it offsets a fraction of the effect of the ozone depletion. This implies that global warming will favor ozone recovery, since a warmer southern polar stratosphere is un-beneficial for the formation of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs), which is a key factor to ozone depletion chemical reactions. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40775053 and 90711004), National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2009CB421401), and Innovation Key Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant Nos. KZCXZ-YW-Q11-03, KZCZ2-YW-Q03-08)  相似文献   
Remote sensing can provide multi-spatial resolution, multi-temporal resolution multi-spectral band and multi-angular data for the observation of land surface. At present, one of research focuses is how to make the best of these data to retrieve geophysical parameters in conjunction with their a priori knowledge and simul-taneously consider the influence of data uncertainties on inversion results[1-5]. The essence of remote sensing lies in inversion. It is difficult to precisely retrieve parame…  相似文献   
利用第六次国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)提供的5个气候模式,并结合基于地面气象站的CN05.1气象资料,评估了CMIP6模式对黄河上游地区1961—2014年气温变化的模拟能力。基于7个共享社会经济路径及代表性浓度路径(SSP-RCP)组合情景,结合多模式集合平均预估了2015—2100年黄河上游地区年均气温和季平均气温的时空变化规律。结果表明:多模式集合平均能较好地模拟黄河上游地区历史平均气温的空间分布格局与年变化。7个未来情景一致表明,2015—2100年黄河上游地区年平均气温呈现波动上升趋势[0.03~0.82 ℃?(10a)-1]。其中,低辐射强迫情景下(SSP1-1.9、SSP1-2.6及SSP4-3.4)气温先呈现增加趋势,21世纪中期到达增幅峰值,之后增温呈现放缓趋势;而中、高辐射强迫情景下(SSP2-4.5、SSP3-7.0、SSP4-6.0及SSP5-8.5)气温表现为持续上升态势。空间上,未来气温增幅显著的区域位于黄河上游西部地区;时间上,呈现夏季增温快,春季增温慢。四季增温的空间分布呈现出一致特征,表现为西部增温强于东部,北部增温强于南部。研究结果可为黄河流域水资源管理及气候变化的适应性研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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