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2007 年长江口邻近海域夏季上升流演变机制研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究长江口邻近海域夏季上升流强度和空间分布的变化,对渔业生产和赤潮的防治具有重要的指导意义。采用2007年6~10月高分辨率卫星遥感资料NGSST海表温度和CCMP风场,通过经验正交函数(EOF)分解和区域海洋数值模式(ROMS)研究了该海域夏季上升流的短期演变机制及其与SST异常的关系。结果表明,夏季上升流强度和范围存在明显变化,是引起该海域SST异常的重要原因;风场对上升流短期演变起着关键作用,风应力旋度对局地上升流变化的影响与沿岸风应力同等重要;地形变化影响着上升流中心的分布,陡而窄的海底凸起容易在顺流侧形成较强的上升流中心,并在逆流侧诱发下降流。 相似文献
热带西太平洋海域上层海洋热含量的CSEOF分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
基于月平均Argo温、盐度剖面、纬向风和Ni o3.4指数等资料,利用循环平稳经验正交函数(CSEOF)分解法、最大熵谱分析和相关分析等方法,研究了热带西太平洋海域上层(0—700m)海洋热含量的时空变化特征,并探讨了其年际变化的可能原因。结果表明,热带西太平洋海域上层海洋热含量距平场具有显著的东-西向反位相振荡,且这种振荡除了具有较明显的季节变化外,还存在着较强的准2a振荡。此外,热含量距平场还存在着负-正-负的三极式经向模态,该模态除了具有明显的季节变化外,还存在着显著的准4a振荡。进一步分析表明,热含量的准2a振荡与ENSO事件的发生有着非常密切的联系,并对赤道西太平洋纬向风异常有1—2月的滞后响应。 相似文献
Robert E. Reed David A. Dickey JoAnn M. Burkholder Carol A. Kinder Cavell Brownie 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2008
Water level time series records from the Neuse and Pamlico River Estuaries were statistically compared to local and distant wind field data, water level records within the Pamlico Sound and also coastal ocean sites to determine the relative contribution of each time series to water levels in the Neuse and Pamlico Estuaries. The objectives of this study were to examine these time series data using various statistical methods (i.e. autoregressive, empirical orthogonal function analysis (EOF), exploratory data analysis (EDA)) to determine short- and long-time-scale variability, and to develop predictive statistical models that can be used to estimate past water level fluctuations in both the Neuse Estuary (NE) and Pamlico Estuary (PE). Short- and long-time-scale similarities were observed in all time series of estuarine, Pamlico Sound and subtidal coastal ocean water level and wind component data, due to events (nor'easters, fronts and tropical systems) and seasonality. Empirical orthogonal function analyses revealed a strong coastal ocean and wind field contribution to water level in the NE and PE. Approximately 95% of the variation was captured in the first two EOF components for water level data from the NE, sound and coastal ocean, and 70% for the PE, sound and coastal ocean. Spectral density plots revealed strong diurnal signals in both wind and water level data, and a strong cross correlation and coherency between the NE water level and the North/South wind component. There was good agreement between data and predictions using autoregressive statistical models for the NE (R2 = 0.92) and PE (R2 = 0.76). These methods also revealed significant autoregressive lags for the NE (days 1 and 3) and for the PE (days 1, 2 and 3). Significant departures from predictions are attributed to local meteorological and hydrological events. The autoregressive techniques showed significant predictive improvement over ordinary least squares methods. The results are considered within the context of providing long time-scale hindcast data for the two estuaries, and the importance of these data for multidisciplinary researchers and managers. 相似文献
改进型经验正交函数海洋声速剖面预报方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
鉴于深海温跃层以下往往声速值缺乏,声速剖面不完整的原因,提出一种声速剖面的预报方法:在传统经验正交函数预报法基础上,首先改进协方差矩阵的求解方法,将原始数据的空间信息和时间信息有效地融合到协方差矩阵中,通过由大量实测数据统计得出的时间函数的经验公式,得到合成剖面,将二者结合,把不完整剖面垂直向下延拓到海底,较为有效地解决了传统方法求解协方差矩阵和时间函数较粗糙的问题,给出了完整的海洋声速剖面的准确预报。实测数据检验结果表明,改进方法的预报精度比传统方法有了很大提高。 相似文献
Sylvie Labroue Philippe Gaspar Joel Dorandeu Oz Zanif F. Mertz Patrick Vincent Denis Choquet 《Marine Geodesy》2004,27(3):453-481
The Jason-1 sea state bias (SSB) is analyzed in depth from the first year of GDR products. Compared to previous missions, this work benefits from two aspects of the empirical determination of the SSB from the altimetric data themselves. First, from a methodological point of view, a nonparametric technique (NP) has been developed and largely tested on TOPEX/Poseidon 1, GFO and Envisat data. The NP estimator has proven to be a useful tool in the SSB estimation, and it is now mature enough to be used for a refined analysis. On the other hand, the SSB can be extracted from three different data sets (crossovers, collinear data, and residuals) with different characteristics. It is then possible to cross calibrate various estimations of the SSB models and to determine the most accurate one. A systematic comparison is made between these different estimates for the Jason-1 altimeter. The collinear and crossover data sets yield very similar estimates despite their difference of spatial and temporal distributions. These SSB models assure consistency with the TOPEX mission when comparing Jason-1 and TOPEX residuals during the tandem phase. Thanks to the present work, the impact of the short wavelengths filtering on the SSB estimation is evidenced. More generally, our understanding of potential errors affecting the sea surface height and their impact onto the SSB estimation is also improved. 相似文献
From the analyses of the satellite altimeter Maps of Sea Level Anomaly(MSLA) data, tidal gauge sea level data and historical sea level data, this paper investigates the long-term sea level variability in the East China Sea(ECS).Based on the correlation analysis, we calculate the correlation coefficient between tidal gauge and the closest MSLA grid point, then generate the map of correlation coefficient of the entire ECS. The results show that the satellite altimeter MSLA data is effective to observe coastal sea level variability. An important finding is that from map of correlation coefficient we can identify the Kuroshio. The existence of Kuroshio decreases the correlation between coastal and the Pacific sea level. Kurishio likes a barrier or a wall, which blocks the effect of the Pacific and the global change. Moreover, coastal sea level in the ECS is mainly associated with local systems rather than global change. In order to calculate the long-term sea level variability trend, the empirical mode decomposition(EMD) method is applied to derive the trend on each MSLA grid point in the entire ECS. According to the 2-D distribution of the trend and rising rate, the sea level on the right side of the axis of Kuroshio rise faster than in its left side. This result supports the barrier effect of Kuroshio in the ECS. For the entire ECS, the average sea level rose 45.0 mm between 1993 and 2010, with a rising rate of(2.5±0.4) mm/a which is slower than global average.The relatively slower sea level rising rate further proves that sea level rise in the ECS has less response to global change due to its own local system effect. 相似文献
Limitations in sea surface salinity (SSS) observations and timescale separation methods have led to an incomplete picture of the mechanisms of SSS decadal variability in the tropical Pacific Ocean, where the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) dominates. Little is known regarding the roles of the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) in the large-scale SSS variability over the tropical basin. A self-organizing map (SOM) clustering analysis is performed on the intrinsic mode function (IMF) maps, which are decomposed from SSS and other hydrological fields by ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD), to extract their asymmetric features on decadal timescales over the tropical Pacific. For SSS, an anomalous pattern appeared during 1997 to 2004, a period referred to as the anomalous late 1990s, when strong freshening prevailed in large areas over the southwestern basin and moderate salinization occurred in the western equatorial Pacific. During this period, the precipitation and surface currents were simultaneously subjected to anomalous fluctuations: the precipitation dipole and zonal current divergence along the equator coincided with the SSS increase in the far western equatorial Pacific, while the weak zonal current convergence in the southwestern basin and large-scale southward meridional currents tended to induce SSS decreases there. The dominant decadal modes of SSS and sea surface temperature (SST) in the tropical Pacific both resemble the NPGO but occur predominantly during the negative and positive NPGO phases, respectively. The similarities between the NPGO and Central Pacific ENSO (CP-ENSO) in their power spectra and associated spatial patterns in the tropics imply their dynamical links; the correspondence between the NPGO-like patterns during negative (positive) phases and the CP La Niña (CP El Niño) patterns for SSS is also discussed. 相似文献