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针对不同区域实行“共同而又有区别”的污染治理政策是实现区域联防治理大气污染的有效措施,而随着省际贸易加强,难免导致污染物在不同区域间的转移。本文采用区域间投入产出模型,对中国30省区间省际贸易隐含PM2.5进行核算。结果表明,省际贸易隐含PM2.5约占总PM2.5排放的1/3,经济危机使得省际贸易隐含PM2.5量变小,但贸易隐含PM2.5在以生产计算的PM2.5排放中的作用在增大。东部省区的省际调出贸易隐含PM2.5主要由最终消费部分导致,而中、西、东北省区则主要为中间投入部分导致,在控制贸易隐含排放时,需对不同调出类型省区采用不同的控制方法。省际调入贸易隐含PM2.5主要由中间投入过程贸易隐含PM2.5构成,越来越多的产品在不同省区间共同生产完成,区域联合治污显得尤为必要。东北、西部、中部省区由固定资本形成导致的省际贸易隐含PM2.5比例要高于东部省区,可见政策导向也是造成贸易隐含排放的原因之一。需重点控制省际贸易隐含PM2.5排放量较高建筑业、机械设备制造业和其他服务业。除河北、山东外,东部省区均为省际贸易隐含PM2.5净调入省份,中、西部、东北省区中则多为省际贸易隐含PM2.5净调出省份。经济危机使得省际间净贸易隐含PM2.5的转移量变小,但并未改变其转移趋势。净调入省区需相应的补偿净调出省区,或对其进行技术转移。  相似文献   
The majority of emissions of nitrous oxide – a potent greenhouse gas (GHG) – are from agricultural sources, particularly nitrogen fertilizer applications. A growing focus on these emission sources has led to the development in the United States of GHG offset protocols that could enable payment to farmers for reducing fertilizer use or implementing other nitrogen management strategies. Despite the development of several protocols, the current regional scope is narrow, adoption by farmers is low, and policy implementation of protocols has a significant time lag. Here we utilize existing research and policy structures to propose an ‘umbrella’ approach for nitrogen management GHG emissions protocols that has the potential to streamline the policy implementation and acceptance of such protocols. We suggest that the umbrella protocol could set forth standard definitions common across multiple protocol options, and then modules could be further developed as scientific evidence advances. Modules could be developed for specific crops, regions, and practices. We identify a policy process that could facilitate this development in concert with emerging scientific research and conclude by acknowledging potential benefits and limitations of the approach.

Key policy insights

  • Agricultural greenhouse gas market options are growing, but are still underutilized

  • Streamlining protocol development through an umbrella process could enable quicker development of protocols across new crops, regions, and practices

  • Effective protocol development must not compromise best available science and should follow a rigorous pathway to ensure appropriate implementation

定量分析碳排放的影响因素,对降低区域碳排放具有重要的指导意义。利用STIRPAT模型,定量分析江苏省能源消费碳排放量与人口、富裕度(以人均GDP表示)、技术进步(以能源强度表示)和城镇化水平之间的关系,通过岭回归拟合后发现,人口数量、人均GDP、能源强度、城市化水平每变化1%,江苏省能源消费碳排放量将分别发生3.467%、(0.242+0.024 lnA)%、0.313%和0.151%的变化。在以上研究的基础上,设置8种不同的发展情景,分析了江苏省未来能源消费碳排放量的发展趋势。结果表明,当人口、经济保持低速增长,并保持高技术增长率时,有利于控制江苏省的能源消费碳排放量,2020年江苏省的能源消费碳排放量预测值为202.81 MtC。  相似文献   
Emission rates of biogenic volatile organic compounds emitted by the forests were estimated for five geographical regions as well as for all Switzerland. Monoterpene and isoprene emissions rates were calculated for each main tree species separately using the relevant parameters such as temperature, light intensity and leaf biomass density. Biogenic emissions from the forests were found to be about 23% of the total annual VOC emissions (anthropogenic and biogenic) in Switzerland. The highest emissions are in July and lowest in January. Calculations showed that the coniferous trees are the main sources of the biogenic emissions. The major contribution comes from the Norway spruce (picea abies) forests due to their abundance and high leaf biomass density. Although broad-leaved forests cover 27% of all the forests in Switzerland, their contribution to the biogenic emissions is only 3%. Monoterpenes are the main species emitted, whereas only 3% is released as isoprene. The highest emission rates of biogenic VOC are estimated to be in the region of the Alps which has the largest forest coverage in Switzerland and the major part of these forests consists of Norway spruce. The total annual biogenic VOC emission rate of 87 ktonnes y–1 coming from the forests is significantly higher than those from other studies where calculations were carried out by classifying the forests as deciduous and coniferous. The difference is attributed to the high leaf biomass densities of Norway spruce and fir (abies alba) trees which have a strong effect on the results when speciation of trees is taken into account. Besides the annual rate, emission rates were calculated for a specific period during July 4–6, 1991 when a photochemical smog episode was investigated in the Swiss field experiment POLLUMET. Emission rates estimated for that period agree well with those calculated for July using the average temperatures over the last 10 years.  相似文献   
Heavy loads of the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus cause severe damage in many waters in the world. Nutrient trading markets where capped firms can buy and sell nutrient load credits have been established in several countries in order to achieve certain nutrient reduction targets at minimum costs for society. The availability of multifunctional nutrient abatement measures that simultaneously reduce loads of both nutrients, such as wetland construction, raises the issue of credit stacking, i.e. whether a firm constructing the wetland should earn credits for both nutrients. This article examines theoretically and empirically the implications of establishing alternative nutrient trading market designs (markets with and without credit stacking, a market for a bundled payment of nutrients, and separate markets for either nutrient) for total costs and achievement of stipulated nutrient reduction targets for the Baltic Sea. The results show that the total abatement cost of achieving reduction targets of both nutrients is always lowest if a market design with credit stacking is established, that markets without credit stacking result in higher abatement cost and nutrient abatement in excess of the reduction targets, and that none of the single nutrient market systems is able to generate the required abatement of both nutrients. The application to the Baltic Sea shows that the total abatement cost can be 20% higher when credit stacking is not allowed than when it is allowed.  相似文献   
通过对欧盟独立交易登记系统(CITL)的抓取、识别、清洗与融合构建了全样本的交易大数据集合,完整地重现了欧盟碳排放权交易体系(EU ETS)在试验阶段的市场微观结构。进而从市场内部微观视角出发,对EU ETS的市场微观体系、排放企业的微观交易行为,以及市场供需微观演化等予以分析,结果表明在市场建立初期:排放企业的交易大多是以配额履约为目的;交易行为呈现活跃度低、季节性和同向性的特点;市场上少量的高排放企业凭借其在配额总量、资金和信息上的优势在交易中占据了主导地位。此外,微观行为数据还反映了金融部门在碳配额交易中的作用:配额在前期流向金融部门使得供过于求的状况有所缓解,但当配额流出金融部门时,市场供需失调的情况被迅速放大。在碳市场建立初期,理解EU ETS市场参与者微观行为特点以及潜在的风险,对中国即将启动的全国统一碳排放权交易体系的机制设计有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   
2012年,中国房间空气调节器(空调器)保有量约为3.57亿台,依据抽样调查数据计算得到保有量装机容量,采用各省市夏季平均温度估算超过26℃的时间作为运行时间计算得出年电力消耗约3.28×1011 kW?h,折合碳排放约为318 Mt CO2当量。由于空调器国内需求量将进一步增长,预计到2030年保有量将达到当前的4~5倍。在电力结构不变情景下,空调器总体能效提高1倍,2030年空调器电力消耗产生的温室气体排放约为603 Mt CO2当量。假设空调器总体能效提高1倍、高能效产品消费比例进一步提高并伴随中国能源结构调整,如水电、核电、太阳能等低碳能源比例不断提高,在满足中国空调器需求的前提下,2030年中国空调器电力消耗产生的温室气体排放可以争取控制在当前的水平。  相似文献   
确保减碳的首要任务是定量测度化石能源消费碳排放的增量影响因素及其大小。为分析北京市1997-2007年的碳排放增量,本文构建了一个扩展的(调入、进口)竞争型经济—能源—碳排放投入产出模型,从整体特征、不同产业、工业行业3个方面,对1997-2007年北京能源消费的碳排放增量进行了结构分解。分析发现:经济规模增长要素(消费、投资、调出和出口等)是拉动碳排放增长的主导因素,能源强度变动效应却是碳减排的决定性因素;在规模扩张因素中,消费和调出超过投资和出口,是碳排放增长的主要贡献者;2002以来新一轮"高碳"特征的工业化导致CO2排量呈急增之势;产业结构调整、三产比重最大使得服务业成为碳排放增长的最大部门,但工业排放的增长却后来居上;碳增排的重点行业是高能耗业,而碳减排的却是能源工业;两时段各效应在不同产业、不同工业行业的影响方向和大小不一。  相似文献   
氮循环中的能量产生过程构成与全球碳循环间的重要关联。例如,氮投入土壤,一开始导致CO2排放降低。这一众所周知的效应被理解为土壤呼吸作用受到阻碍或延缓。然而,当把冗余考虑在内便知,氮投入并不使最初得到的CO2最低排放量保持不变,而是逐渐导致排放增加。土壤中硝化作用对CO2消耗过程的特异性抑制,加上铵冗余投入或乙炔作用,往往导致额外的CO2排放量。这种总自养性呼吸(GHR)与CO2净排放(NHR)之间的差就是土壤内CO2汇。土壤呼吸作用单纯由NHR产生的CO2排放量(通常情况)来决定会导致对土壤系统的曲解,特别是在氮沉降量高的地区。因此,必须重新考虑温暖区域土壤呼吸作用的"适应环境"问题。可能也需要质疑氮投入带来的"呼吸抑制"概念。无视这些过程,包括上述氮驱动下的土壤内CO2汇过程,也许会有碍于采取足够的措施来对抗气候变化。  相似文献   
旅游业碳排放研究进展   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
全球气候变化与资源环境问题对人类可持续发展带来了巨大冲击,节能减排已成为全球社会经济和环境可持续发展的必然要求.科学分析旅游业碳排放有助于推动旅游地的旅游业及其关联产业的节能减排与可持续发展.本文概述旅游业碳排放的研究历程,分析和评述了旅游业碳排放的研究方法,然后从区域旅游和旅游业各部门的碳排放测度、旅游碳足迹、旅游业碳排放的影响、应对旅游业碳排放影响的对策等5 个方面,综述旅游业碳排放主要的研究内容.最后对中国旅游业碳排放研究提出了建议.  相似文献   
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