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Preventing radioactive pollution is a troublesome problem but an urgent concern worldwide because radioactive substances cause serious health‐related hazards to human being. The adsorption method has been used for many years to concentrate and remove radioactive pollutants; selecting an adequate adsorbent is the key to the success of an adsorption‐based pollution abatement system. In Taiwan, all nuclear power plants use activated carbon as the adsorbent to treat radiation‐contaminated air emission. The activated carbon is entirely imported; its price and manufacturing technology are entirely controlled by international companies. Taiwan is rich in bamboo, which is one of the raw materials for high‐quality activated carbon. Thus, a less costly activated carbon with the same or even better adsorptive capability as the imported adsorbent can be made from bamboo. The objective of this research is to confirm the adsorptive characteristics and efficiency of the activated carbon made of Taiwan native bamboo for removing 131I gas from air in the laboratory. The study was conducted using new activated carbon module assembled for treating 131I‐contaminated air. The laboratory results reveal that the 131I removal efficiency for a single‐pass module is as high as 70%, and the overall efficiency is 100% for four single‐pass modules operated in series. The bamboo charcoal and bamboo activated carbon have suitable functional groups for adsorbing 131I and they have greater adsorption capacities than commercial activated carbons. Main mechanism is for trapping of radioiodine on impregnated charcoal, as a result of surface oxidation. When volatile radioiodine is trapped by potassium iodide‐impregnated bamboo charcoal, the iodo‐compound is first adsorbed on the charcoal surface, and then migrates to iodide ion sites where isotope exchange occurs.  相似文献   
采用全时空扫描方法在时空强三维轴上识别华北地区的中等地震活动的非稳态震兆信息.结果表明,在地震孕育过程中中等地震活动有由稳态向非稳态演化的特点.非稳态图像不同于传统意义上的空区和条带,其空间分布范围较大,一般出现在震前1年左右.以发生在非稳态图像的非开放、非卸载端点(交汇点)的地震作为标志地震,预测其周围(r=100 km)2年内发生Ms≥5.0地震,预报能力评分R=0.573.  相似文献   
Investigating all the Great Ice Age events throughout the Earth's history, each was found to follow a strong mountain-making process. Therefore, a hypothesis was put forward with its causality chain as: strong mountain-making process→great disparity in topography on the Earth surface→introducing efficient atmospheric circulation system (plateau monsoon)→increase in global atmospheric heat engine efficiency→generating more atmospheric kinetic energy→enhancing the planetary westerly (under the condition that the huge relief is longitudinal on the whole )→widening the temperature difference between the equator and the polar regions (restrained by the thermal wind law)→sharp cooling in high latitudes and the polars (supposing the solar radiation was approximately constant)→forming a Great Ice Age event.  相似文献   
作为经济发展的战略核心区域,东部沿海城市群的创新效率关系到创新驱动发展战略的实施和创新型国家建设。基于东部沿海五大城市群创新投入和产出面板数据,引入随机前沿生产函数测度2001—2015年五大城市群的创新效率,并利用空间Durbin模型定量分析创新效率的空间溢出效应。结果表明:① 2001年以来,五大城市群的创新效率均呈现稳定增长的趋势;② 京津冀创新效率增长缓慢,山东半岛城市群创新效率的提升幅度最大,长三角创新效率的提升幅度和均值仅次于山东半岛和京津冀城市群,而城市群核心城市虽然创新资源投入较多,但创新效率偏低;③ 经济发展水平、集聚经济、外商投资、劳动力素质、政府资助、基础设施、产业结构和高新技术产业对城市群创新效率有直接作用和溢出效应。  相似文献   
采用矫正系数衡量各省份的减排有效性,根据各省份能源行业碳排放强度及产值份额构建自上而下的全国能源行业碳排强度恒等式,运用LMDI-Ⅰ分解方法获取各省份、各省份能源行业碳排放强度及产值份额对全国能源行业碳排放强度下降的贡献率,并遵循“减排有效性-碳排放强度贡献-省份综合贡献-减排有效性与省份综合贡献关系”的思路对中国能源行业碳排放强度下降过程中各省份的减排成效进行评价。结果显示:① 中国能源行业碳排放强度呈逐年下降趋势,2016年能源行业碳排放强度较2005年下降45%。② 超过一半的省份为减排有效区且数量呈增加趋势,而减排未达标的省份多数为经济欠发达地区,各省份间的减排路径存在显著差异。③ 多数省份能源行业碳排放强度的贡献率呈上升趋势,省份差异逐渐缩小。④ 省份减排综合贡献的进位赶超势头强劲,绝大多数省份对全国能源行业碳排放强度的下降作出了贡献,且多个省份的综合贡献等级呈正向发展,东部地区是主要的降排贡献区。⑤ 减排成效良好省份数量最多,中等区多散布于东部沿海地区及少数内陆地区,欠佳区在西部地区空间格局保持相对稳定。未来各省份不仅要根据自身的减排成效特征因地制宜的选择低碳发展道路,还应与全国碳排放强度的下降形成良性互动。  相似文献   
发展虾池生态系统功能,采用围隔实验方法,研究了凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaenus vannamei)、青蛤(Cyclina sinensis)、江蓠(Gracilaria lichevoides)混养生态系统能量收支和能量转换效率。结果表明,实验期间所接受的总太阳辐射能为1 854.4MJ.m-2。各混养处理光合能显著高于对照。混养各处理光能利用率为0.23%~0.36%,随江蓠放养密度的增加而升高,显著高于对虾单养(0.14%)(p<0.05)。各混养处理与对虾单养相比,系统总能转化率分别提高了113.4%,94.2%,116.02%和41.91%,单位净产量耗总能则平均比对虾单养降低62.22%,但各处理饲料能转化率差异不明显(p>0.05)。各处理底泥沉积能量为0.71~1.38MJ,分别占总输出能的3.66%~8.61%,沉积量平均比对虾单养(1.65MJ)降低20.14%。可以看出,江蓠和青蛤混养可以显著提高对虾池光能利用率和投入系统总能的转化效率,降低虾池能量的沉积,进而大幅提高系统能量利用率。  相似文献   
衣凡  王磊  李博  余尚禹 《海洋工程》2019,37(4):16-26
针对带有禁止角的半潜平台动力定位系统推力分配算法功率较大的问题,提出了一种基于人工神经网络拟合桨—桨干扰推力损失函数的序列二次规划推力分配算法。该方法考虑了半潜平台桨—桨干扰造成的推力损失,引入推力系数来表达推力损失。利用人工神经网络拟合推力系数,将推力损失加入到推力分配的数学模型中,取消了禁止角。采用序列二次规划求解推力分配数学模型。最后以某半潜式钻井平台为例,选取三种浪向角工况进行推力分配仿真模拟,结果显示该算法在高效分配定位所需推力的同时有效减小了功率消耗,应用前景广泛。  相似文献   
Climate mitigation credits have mobilized considerable resources for projects in developing countries, but similar funding to adapt to climate change has yet to emerge. The Copenhagen Accord targets up to US$50 billion per year in adaptation funding, but commitments to date have been trivial compared to what is needed. Although there are some studies and suggestions, it remains unclear where the money will come from and how it will be disbursed. Beyond this, many development experts believe that the main hurdle in climate adaptation is effective implementation. A framework, based on the polluter pays principle, is presented here regarding the mobilization of resources for adaptation in developing countries using market mechanisms. It is assumed that mitigation and adaptation are at least partly fungible in terms of long-term global societal costs and benefits, and that quantifying climate vulnerability reductions is possible at least sometimes. The scheme's benefits include significant, equitable and flexible capital flows, and improved and more efficient resource allocation and verification procedures that incentivize sustained project management. Challenges include overcoming political resistance to historical responsibility-based obligations and scepticism of market instruments, and, critically, quantifying climate impact costs and verifying investments for vulnerability reduction credits.  相似文献   
基于2010—2018年黄河流域兰西城市群县域数据,采用空间分析技术和空间收敛模型分析环境规制效率的空间格局及其空间收敛性。结果表明:① 环境规制效率呈现“中心高边缘低”的空间特征,环境规制效率由“大差距低强度”向“小差距高强度”转变;② 环境规制效率具有空间相关性,环境规制效率的热点区-冷点区与经济发展的高水平区-低水平区具有空间趋同性;③ 环境规制效率存在空间收敛性,在考虑社会经济因素和空间因素的情况下环境规制效率的空间收敛性增强;④ 经济水平、政府干预、能耗强度、工业化率和人口密度等因素通过空间溢出效应对环境规制效率的空间收敛性产生影响。  相似文献   
近年来,超材料打破了传统材料或结构的物理极限,为高效率发射天线的发展开辟了崭新的研究空间,获得了愈来愈广泛的关注.首先介绍了超材料的理论和结构研究概况,然后针对几种新型超材料技术在提高平面天线单元效率的研究工作进行了详细介绍和分析,包括非周期超材料技术、超材料作为新型辐射元或低剖面反射板等方面.最后,针对无线能量收集系统对高效率天线阵列的需求,介绍了高次模激励技术和新型低损耗传输线技术,以此降低阵列馈电网络的损耗,从而提高系统的整体效率.  相似文献   
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