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荒漠植物叶片碳同位素组成及其水分利用效率   总被引:29,自引:17,他引:29  
水分通常是影响荒漠植物生长的主要限制因子,然而当前很少有关于荒漠群落中植物水分利用效率的报道。作为指示水分利用效率的可靠指标,叶片稳定碳同位素组成(δ13 C值)可以用来探讨植物适应干旱环境的强弱程度。对阜康和金塔同种或同属的植物叶片δ13 C的测量结果表明,干旱可使植物叶片δ13 C升高:年降水量每增加1mm,叶片δ13 C则降低001‰~ 0015‰。阜康荒漠灌木叶片δ13 C值明显高于草本,这样的趋势也存在于甘肃金塔主要荒漠植物中,与前人的报道也基本一致。说明灌木可能更适应干旱胁迫,并且这种现象可能是全球荒漠生态系统的一种共性。对阜康四种荒漠代表植物红砂、梭梭、补血草和骆驼刺的SOD活性的测定结果间接地支持了这一结果。进一步的分析表明,藜科、豆科和某些禾本科植物适应干旱环境的能力相对较强。  相似文献   
在对产业系统生态效率内涵进行阐释的基础上,基于资源消减、清洁生产和末端治理等不同生产环节生态效率要素综合构建了产业系统生态效率测度模型以及产业系统可持续性评价模型,并据此对松花江流域(吉林省段)产业系统生态效率时空演变特征以及影响因素进行了深入分析,研究发现:① 综合型城市侧重于源头消减效率的提高从而使产业变“轻”,总体呈现低投入、低消耗以及低排放的发展特征。资源型城市侧重于清洁生产效率的提高从而使产业变“清”,总体呈现高投入、高利用以及高排放的发展特征。② 产业系统生态效率增长幅度为白城市>松原市>吉林市>松花江流域>长春市,流域特征明显。另外从不同生产环节效率对生态效率的贡献率分析可知,资源减量化以及末端治理是松花江流域(吉林省段)生态效率变化的决定性因素。③ 总体上流域产业系统可持续性有不断增强的趋势,但产业可持续性发展态势分异现象显著。并且产业可持续性发展规律性较差侧面说明了区域产业之间缺乏有效的分工与联系,产业联动发展模式尚未形成。④ 认为所有制结构、环境管理力度、外商投资以及科学技术是松花江流域(吉林省段)产业系统生态效率的影响因素,而经济发展水平、产业结构以及政府调控因素没有通过显著性检验。  相似文献   
经济聚集与产业结构对城市土地利用效率的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<中作者单位三>=河南大学 环境与规划学院,河南 开封 475004从经济集聚、产业结构两方面构建城市土地利用效率影响因素分析框架,并通过计量经济模型定量考察经济集聚、产业结构对城市土地利用效率的影响.结果表明:① 现阶段中国城市土地利用效率处于随集聚程度的提高而增加的阶段,拥挤效应还不明显.同时,集聚程度的不同方面对土地利用效率的贡献大小存在差异,资本密度对城市土地利用效率的影响大于就业密度和人口规模,这表明现阶段中国城市经济增长主要由资本投入推动的.② 城市产业结构优化能够提高土地利用效率.资本有机构成的提高,意味着资本对劳动的替代作用增强,其进一步加大了资本对城市土地产出的推动作用,有利于土地利用效率的提升,但不利于城市就业水平的提升.  相似文献   
Some comparisons between mining-induced and laboratory earthquakes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although laboratory stick-slip friction experiments have long been regarded as analogs to natural crustal earthquakes, the potential use of laboratory results for understanding the earthquake source mechanism has not been fully exploited because of essential difficulties in relating seismographic data to measurements made in the controlled laboratory environment. Mining-induced earthquakes, however, provide a means of calibrating the seismic data in terms of laboratory results because, in contrast to natural earthquakes, the causative forces as well as the hypocentral conditions are known. A comparison of stick-slip friction events in a large granite sample with mining-induced earthquakes in South Africa and Canada indicates both similarities and differences between the two phenomena. The physics of unstable fault slip appears to be largely the same for both types of events. For example, both laboratory and mining-induced earthquakes have very low seismic efficiencies where a is the apparent stress and is the average stress acting on the fault plane to cause slip; nearly all of the energy released by faulting is consumed in overcoming friction. In more detail, the mining-induced earthquakes differ from the laboratory events in the behavior of as a function of seismic momentM 0. Whereas for the laboratory events 0.06 independent ofM 0, depends quite strongly onM 0 for each set of induced earthquakes, with 0.06 serving, apparently, as an upper bound. It seems most likely that this observed scaling difference is due to variations in slip distribution over the fault plane. In the laboratory, a stick-slip event entails homogeneous slip over a fault of fixed area. For each set of induced earthquakes, the fault area appears to be approximately fixed but the slip is inhomogeneous due presumably to barriers (zones of no slip) distributed over the fault plane; at constant , larger events correspond to larger a as a consequence of fewer barriers to slip. If the inequality a / 0.06 has general validity, then measurements of a E a /M 0, where is the modulus of rigidity andE a is the seismically-radiated energy, can be used to infer the absolute level of deviatoric stress at the hypocenter.  相似文献   
利用1979—2016年欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF) ERA-Interim (1°×1°)再分析资料中的经、纬向水汽通量和大气可降水量(precipitation water vapor,PWV)数据,采用相关性分析、趋势分析法、累积距平、IDW等方法,分析三江源地区PWV与水汽通量的时空分布特征、降水转化率(precipitati-on conversion efficiency,PCE)变化规律。结果表明:过去的38 a,经、纬向多年平均水汽通量分别为50. 2、196. 7 kg·m-1·s^(-1),纬向水汽通量气候倾向率比经向大。南边界为纬向主要水汽输入边界,东边界为经向主要水汽输出边界,纬向水汽输送大于经向输送。多年平均PWV为1998. 3 mm,近38 aPWV呈现微弱增加趋势,1979—1997年,PWV呈下降趋势,1998年后PWV呈增加趋势,同期降水也在增加,说明该时段三江源地区气候转湿。PWV与水汽通量的年际变化趋势和转折年相一致。三江源区多年平均PCE为24. 57%,1989年PCE最高,达32. 76%,各季节平均PCE空间分布与年平均PCE分布一致,均表现出南部、东南部高,西部、东北部低的变化特征,各季节PCE大小差异明显,春季多年平均PCE为15. 92%,夏季25. 67%,秋季21. 01%,冬季仅7. 03%。  相似文献   
钻孔水力采矿研究方法的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
综合分析工艺流程、喷射机理,水枪设计,升举效率和安全稳定性等,将钻孔水力采矿的众多技术问题归纳为5个方面析要点内容,为开展钻孔水力采矿的技术研究和技术开发工作提出基本思路。  相似文献   
Small-scale household agricultural production has been in conflict with China’s agricultural modernization. In the context of vigorously promoting rural land circulation and moderate scale management nationwide, research on the relationship between farm size and scale efficiency has become increasingly important. In this paper, we use the “DEA-OLS” two stage method to analyze data from 368 surveys of rice farming households in the Jianghan Plain. The scale efficiency of rice farming was calculated, and the relationship between farm size and scale efficiency investigated. The results indicate that (1) the rice farm size is generally small in Jianghan Plain, with an average of 0.77 ha. The average scale efficiency is 0.88, and it is the main factor limiting an increase in comprehensive technical efficiency. Moreover, 88.32% of households are in the stage of increasing returns to scale. (2) There is a stable inverted “U” type relationship between rice farm size and scale efficiency. Considering characteristics of the householder, the household and land quality, the maximum scale efficiency corresponds to a household with 5 ha of rice farm. (3) Among householder characteristics, age has a significant negative influence on scale efficiency, and scale efficiency is lower for a household whose householder is engaged in non-farm work than for one whose householder is devoted to farming. As for land quality, there was a significant positive effect of irrigation on scale efficiency. Among family characteristics, the application of a machine during the seeding process increased scale efficiency by 3.07%. Therefore, we suggest that local government should actively promote rural land circulation, implement a staged-scale management subsidy, and other forms of support for the purchase of agricultural machinery and technical popularization. Increased investment in irrigation improvements and mechanical facilities and encouragement of farmers to enlarge their farm size could improve scale efficiency and farming profit and lead to the development of moderate scale management.  相似文献   
云南地区综合地震前兆信息量及其短期映震能力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张立  平建军  苏有锦 《地震研究》2006,29(4):325-331
选取了云南地区34个台站的55项映震能力较好的形变、地磁和地下流体前兆观测资料,计算并提取了这些前兆资料的单项及综合地震前兆信息量,并对其采取一致性的异常判定标准,统计异常对云南地区M≥6.0地震的映震情况及预测效能,进而确定了云南地区M≥6.0地震的短期综合预报指标。  相似文献   
I.m~UCrIONBedloadisthesedimentwhichmovesalongtheriverbedintheformofrolling,slidingandsaltation.BedloadmaycreatemanyproblemsintheoperationandmaintenanceofnavigationchannelandinthedevelOPmentofhydroelectricity.Dataofbedloaddischargearealsorequiredinthedesignofreservoir,inwhichtheinflowbedloadareallactuallytrapped.Thewaysofbedloadmotionaredifferentfordifferentsizes.Thus,itisextremelydifficulttodeterminethebedloaddischargeaccurately.Manyequationshavebeenproposedtocalculatethebedloaddischarge.H…  相似文献   
一种可考虑历史洪水的马氏权函数法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈元芳 《水科学进展》1994,5(3):174-178
导出了非连序样本下,马氏权函数法(适用于P-Ⅲ型分布)参数估计公式.在不偏性、有效性的标准下,统计试验结果表明,推导的非连序样本下的计算公式是较为有效的,且拓宽了马氏权函数法的使用范围.  相似文献   
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