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南海西部陆坡海域海底广泛发育麻坑,其规模和数量在世界范围内均属罕见,但关于它们目前的活动特征尚不清楚。通过对西沙隆起西南部麻坑区采集的两根沉积柱样孔隙水SO^2–4、K^+、Mg^2+、Ca^2+、Sr^2+以及溶解有机碳(DIC)含量随深度的变化特征的研究,揭示麻坑内与硫酸根消耗有关的生物地球化学过程,并推断麻坑目前的活动状况。采集于麻坑外的C9柱样SO^2–4浓度变化整体呈向下凹的形态降低,减少的硫酸根是被有机质硫酸盐还原作用消耗。采集于麻坑内的C14柱样SO^2–4浓度梯度呈现明显的三段式变化,0.00-0.66 m内SO2–4浓度变化主要受有机质硫酸盐还原作用控制,0.66-3.70 m受有机质硫酸盐还原和甲烷缺氧氧化共同控制,3.70 m以下部分主要受甲烷缺氧氧化作用的影响。根据C14柱样3.7 m以下孔隙水硫酸根浓度梯度计算的硫酸根-甲烷交接带(SMI)约在14.3 m处,甲烷向上扩散的通量约为0.0144 mol/(m^2·a)。此外,2个柱样沉积物孔隙水的Ca^2+浓度均随深度明显降低,而Mg2+浓度略微降低,主要与自生碳酸盐矿物沉淀有关。C14的Mg/Ca和Sr/Ca随深度变化指示该柱样沉积物中自生碳酸盐岩矿物主要为高镁方解石。2个柱样的孔隙水地球化学特征显示目前研究区麻坑活动不活跃, C14麻坑中含甲烷流体发生微弱渗漏,可能处于麻坑活动的衰落期。  相似文献   
集安市净水厂滑坡灾害位于丘陵区前缘,形成原因为大气降水入渗、风化裂隙水及净水厂渗漏水,改变了上覆松散岩层稳定性。滑坡为土质滑塌、滑动面为基岩面。防治工程措施为排水孔、排水沟、挡土墙。  相似文献   
为减轻海上风电单桩基础周围局部冲刷对其结构安全的影响,提出了一种新型旋转减冲装置。在波流水槽中开展物理模型试验,改变波流条件、装置安装高度、安装距离,记录桩周冲刷发展历时,运用激光地形仪扫描冲刷坑形态,分析各工况下冲刷坑形态差异,验证装置不同安装距离、安装高度下的冲刷防护效果,提出了不同安装位置下的防护效率公式。结果表明:新型旋转减冲装置具有较好的冲刷防护效果,本试验工况下,桩周最大冲刷深度可减小44%左右。装置安装距离对冲刷防护效果影响较小,波流作用下的冲刷防护效果受装置安装高度影响显著,冲刷防护效果随装置安装高度的增加而减弱。  相似文献   
土地利用现状图是政府管理部门掌握各类用地分布和利用情况以及国有土地和集体土地所有权和使用权的有效图件,本文主要介绍了土地利用现状图的制作流程和数据库的更新方法,并对现状图在城市测量中如何应用做了具体介绍。  相似文献   
中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)是广泛分布于西北太平洋大陆架水域的浮游桡足类,在海洋生态系统的物质循环和能量流动中具有重要作用。根据2006年7月至2007年10月4个季节使用网目孔径为0.505mm的浮游生物网采集的样品,分析了南海西北部陆架区中华哲水蚤的水平、季节和昼夜垂直分布以及与季风、海流和温度的关系。中华哲水蚤丰度季节变化显著,整个调查海域春季的平均达(22.30±77.78)个/m3,夏季的降低,平均为(13.74±45.10)个/m3,秋季消失,冬季调查期间仍未出现。中华哲水蚤的区域分布差异十分显著,将调查海域划分为粤西近海、琼东近海、粤西-琼东外海三个亚区,在粤西近海亚区春、夏季中华哲水蚤的平均丰度分别为(115.63±145.93),(68.12±84.00)个/m3,远高于另外两个亚区。夏季琼东沿岸上升流区的中华哲水蚤没有昼夜垂直移动行为,呈底层分布,以躲避表层高温的伤害。南海西北部陆架区是中华哲水蚤的季节分布区,冬春季东北季风期间由广东沿岸流从东海沿岸携带而来,出现的时间从北往南逐渐推迟;夏季西南季风期间雷州半岛东部近海的冷涡和琼东沿岸上升流区成为中华哲水蚤度夏的避难所;秋季季风转换时期上升流减弱或消失,中华哲水蚤因耐受不了高温(>27℃)死亡而消失。因此,中华哲水蚤对东北季风时期的沿岸流和西南季风时期的上升流均具有良好的指示作用。  相似文献   
Controlled laboratory experiments reveal that the lower part of turbidity currents has the ability to enter fluid mud substrates, if the bed shear stress is higher than the yield stress of the fluid mud and the density of the turbidity current is higher than the density of the substrate. Upon entering the substrate, the turbidity current either induces mixing between flow‐derived sediment and substrate sediment, or it forms a stable horizontal flow front inside the fluid mud. Such ‘intrabed’ flow is surrounded by plastically deformed mud; otherwise it resembles the front of a ‘bottom‐hugging’ turbidity current. The ‘suprabed’ portion of the turbidity current, i.e. the upper part of the flow that does not enter the substrate, is typically separated from the intrabed flow by a long horizontal layer of mud which originates from the mud that is swept over the top of the intrabed flow and then incorporated into the flow. The intrabed flow and the mixing mechanism are specific types of interaction between turbidity currents and muddy substrates that are part of a larger group of interactions, which also include bypass, deposition, erosion and soft sediment deformation. A classification scheme for these types of interactions is proposed, based on an excess bed shear stress parameter, which includes the difference in the bed shear stress imposed by the flow and the yield stress of the substrate and an excess density parameter, which relies on the density difference between the flow and the substrate. Based on this classification scheme, as well as on the sedimentological properties of the laboratory deposits, an existing facies model for intrabed turbidites is extended to the other types of interaction involving soft muddy substrates. The physical threshold of flow‐substrate mixing versus stable intrabed flow is defined using the gradient Richardson number, and this method is validated successfully with the laboratory data. The gradient Richardson number is also used to verify that stable intrabed flow is possible in natural turbidity currents, and to determine under which conditions intrabed flow is likely to be unstable. It appears that intrabed flow is likely only in natural turbidity currents with flow velocities well below ca 3·5 m s?1, although a wider range of flows is capable of entering fluid muds. Below this threshold velocity, intrabed flow is stable only at high‐density gradients and low‐velocity gradients across the upper boundary of the turbidity current. Finally, the gradient Richardson number is used as a scaling parameter to set the flow velocity limits of a natural turbidity current that formed an inferred intrabed turbidite in the deep‐marine Aberystwyth Grits Group, West Wales, United Kingdom.  相似文献   
渤、黄、东海潮汐、潮流的数值模拟与研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
基于FVCOM海洋数值模式,采用高分辨率的三角形网格,对渤、黄、东海的潮汐、潮流进行数值模拟,并通过比较120个沿岸验潮站和14个潮流观测站的实测与模拟结果进行模型验证,两者符合较好。根据模拟结果,给出了四个主要分潮的潮汐同潮图和5m层潮流最大流速及最大潮流同潮时分布。渤、黄、东海共有5个半日分潮和3个全日分潮的独立旋转潮波系统,且都呈逆时针方向旋转;半日潮流和全日潮流各有12个圆流点;在冲绳岛和奄美岛两侧的4个半日潮流圆流点分别呈对称分布,其中有3个为本文首次给出;在日本九州岛西侧还新给出2个全日潮流圆流点。有关它们的存在性需要实测资料的进一步检验。  相似文献   
Ebb-tidal deltas are highly dynamic environments affected by both waves and currents that approach the coast under various angles. Among other bedforms of various scales, these hydrodynamics create small-scale bedforms (ripples), which increase the bed roughness and will therefore affect hydrodynamics and sediment transport. In morphodynamic models, sediment transport predictions depend on the roughness height, but the accuracy of these predictors has not been tested for field conditions with strongly mixed (wave–current dominated) forcing. In this study, small-scale bedforms were observed in the field with a 3D Profiling Sonar at five locations on the Ameland ebb-tidal delta, the Netherlands. Hydrodynamic conditions ranged from wave dominated to current dominated, but were mixed most of the time. Small-scale ripples were found on all studied parts of the delta, superimposed on megaripples. Even though a large range of hydrodynamic conditions was encountered, the spatio-temporal variations in small-scale ripple dimensions were relatively small (height 0.015 m, length 0.11 m). Also, the ripples were always highly three-dimensional. These small dimensions are probably caused by the fact that the bed consists of relatively fine sediment. Five bedform height predictors were tested, but they all overestimated the ripple heights, partly because they were not created for small grain sizes. Furthermore, the predictors all have a strong dependence on wave- and current-related velocities, whereas the ripple heights measured here were only related to the near-bed orbital velocity. Therefore, ripple heights and lengths in wave–current-dominated, fine-grained coastal areas ( mm) may be best estimated by constant values rather than values dependent on the hydrodynamics. In the case of the Ameland ebb-tidal delta, these values were found to be m and m. ©2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
The idea of two separate storm time ring currents, a symmetric and an asymmetric one has accepted since the 1960s. The existence of a symmetric equatorial ring current was concluded from Dst. However, the asymmetric development of the low-latitude geomagnetic disturbance field during storms lead to the assumption of the real existence of an asymmetric ring current. I think it is time to inquire whether this conception is correct. Thus, I have investigated the development of the low-latitude geomagnetic field during all the magnetic local times under disturbed and quiet conditions. The storm on February 6–9, 1986 and a statistical analysis of many storms has shown that the asymmetry does not vanish during the storm recovery phase. The ratio between the recovery phase asymmetry and the main phase asymmetry is low only for powerful storms. Storms of moderate intensity show the opposite. The global picture of the field evolution of the February storm shows clear differences at different local times. For instance the main phase and recovery phase start time does not coincide with Dst. Also the ring current decay is not the same at different local times. Therefore, Dst gives an incorrect picture of the field development. Moreover, asymmetry does not disappear during international quiet days as the investigation of the low-latitude geomagnetic field shows. Considering all these observations, I think we must revise our ideas about the ring current. In my opinion only one ring current exists and this is an asymmetric one. This asymmetry increases during storms and develops rather fast to more or less symmetric conditions. However, in no case is itjustified to conclude from Dst that a symmetric ring current exists.  相似文献   
对国家级自动气象站供电系统深入研究,通过对蓄电池充放电进行细微控制,设计报警电路、寿命检测电路和远程监控上位机软件系统,实时监测蓄电池状态,对蓄电池长期处于浮充状态致使其寿命缩减的设计缺陷进行改进。该系统采用Freescale高性能处理器和以AD8210为核心的高边电流检测电路,实时对分流电阻的微电流进行检测,及时阻止危害蓄电池使用寿命的过充和过放,通过声光报警电路和数据通信电路将交流电断电报警、蓄电池电压、使用寿命和充电间隔等信息传送到Labview编写的上位机软件,提醒观测员及时处理,同时配合RTC时钟模块,每3个月自动对蓄电池进行充放电维护,不仅有效延长了蓄电池的使用寿命,还解决了蓄电池充放电维护问题,减少了国家站备份蓄电池每两年更换造成的资源浪费。  相似文献   
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