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苏东41-33区块位于鄂尔多斯盆地中央古隆起的北部南缘,长期沉积间断的风化壳不整合面形成复杂的岩溶古地貌,属苏里格气田东部奥陶系碳酸盐岩气藏的重要勘探区。研究基于钻井、测井、地震及生产动态资料分析,综合运用地球物理法、残厚法和印模法,优选本溪组顶9号煤层和马家沟组马五5灰岩为标志层,深入探讨古地貌单元的恢复依据和划分标准,精细恢复岩溶古地貌形态,并明确岩溶古地貌特征及其对气藏分布的影响。研究表明:苏东41-33区块整体处于二级地貌单元岩溶斜坡之上,奥陶系古风化壳上下地层厚度可划分出上薄下薄、上薄下厚、上厚下薄等5种组合类型,细分古坡地、残丘和沟槽3个三级地貌单元;古地貌总体趋势走向为北高南低,出露层位展布由马五4过渡到马五1。中南部发育连片残丘,北部见小型零星残丘,恢复厚度低于15m,残留厚度超过85m;北部发育2条侵蚀沟槽带,充填厚度大于20m,残留厚度小于45m;古坡地分布范围广泛,周围被古残丘与沟槽所分割,残留厚度介于45m^85m之间,恢复厚度大于10m。古地貌类型对风化壳气藏分布具有明显的控制作用,岩溶残丘及残丘边缘带的古坡地储层叠合厚度增大,溶蚀孔洞充填程度低,主力含气层保存完整且连通性较好,是寻找高产井的目标区,而岩溶古沟槽相对不利于天然气富集,所钻遇气井多为低产或无产能。  相似文献   
Proterozoic mafic dykes from the southwestern Vestfold Block experienced heterogeneous granulite facies metamorphism, characterized by spotted or fractured garnet‐bearing aggregates in garnet‐absent groundmass. The garnet‐absent groundmass typically preserves an ophitic texture composed of lathy plagioclase, intergranular clinopyroxene and Fe–Ti oxides. Garnet‐bearing domains consist mainly of a metamorphic assemblage of garnet, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, hornblende, biotite, plagioclase, K‐feldspar, quartz and Fe–Ti oxides. Chemical compositions and textural relationships suggest that these metamorphic minerals reached local equilibrium in the centre of the garnet‐bearing domains. Pseudosection calculations in the model system NCFMASHTO (Na2O–CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3) yield PT estimates of 820–870 °C and 8.4–9.7 kbar. Ion microprobe U–Pb zircon dating reveals that the NW‐ and N‐trending mafic dykes were emplaced at 1764 ± 25 and 1232 ± 12 Ma, respectively, whereas their metamorphic ages cluster between 957 ± 7 and 938 ± 9 Ma. The identification of granulite facies mineral inclusions in metamorphic zircon domains is also consistent with early Neoproterozoic metamorphism. Therefore, the southwestern margin of the Vestfold Block is inferred to have been buried to depths of ~30–35 km beneath the Rayner orogen during the late stage of the late Mesoproterozoic/early Neoproterozoic collision between the Indian craton and east Antarctica (i.e. the Lambert Terrane or the Ruker craton including the Lambert Terrane). The lack of penetrative deformation and intensive fluid–rock interaction in the rigid Vestfold Block prevented the nucleation and growth of garnet and resulted in the heterogeneous granulite facies metamorphism of the mafic dykes.  相似文献   
东昆仑东段哈日扎地区含矿斑岩特征及找矿潜力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东昆仑东段都兰哈日扎地区出露比较典型的燕山期花岗闪长斑岩,斑岩体以少暗色矿物、多巨斑、石英斑晶具熔蚀现象、普遍见孔雀石化和地表"火烧皮"为特征。斑岩形成于后碰撞伸展构造环境,是加厚陆壳背景环境下的底侵、拆沉构造作用的结果。斑岩具全岩铜矿化特征,属于大陆环境下的斑岩型矿床。从其成矿地质特征、地球物理、地球化学特征和斑岩体深部矿化特征综合分析,该区具有寻找斑岩型铜矿的巨大潜力。  相似文献   
对崇明东滩采集的表层样和柱状样品,进行样品的总磷(TP)、无机磷(IP)和有机磷(OP)以及有机质含量等的测定,分析了磷的分布变化特征并对其影响因素和环境意义进行了探讨。  相似文献   
东秦岭商丹地区蛇绿岩中的角闪石研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东秦岭蛇绿岩主要分布在北秦岭南缘、商丹断裂带以北的狭窄地带,断续逶迤呈带状作近东西向展布。分布于商丹地区的蛇绿岩是东秦岭蛇绿岩带的重要组成部分并具有代表性。 本文着重论述了商丹地区蛇绿岩中广泛分布的主要造岩矿物之一,角闪石的主要特征组份、微量元素、晶胞参数、阳离子占位度等成因矿物学特点。并据此说明了该蛇绿岩中的角闪石属于区域正变质的产物;形成的物质来源具有同源性,原岩为超镁铁质-镁铁质的岩浆岩和火山熔岩;形成的热力学条件基本相同,变质程度为绿帘角闪岩相或角闪岩相,变质温度为610℃左右,压力大于5×10~8Pa。 此外,根据商丹地区蛇绿岩中角闪石成因矿物学特征之相同性所提供的信息表明,东秦岭蛇绿岩带是华北和扬子两个板块俯冲、碰撞的构造边界变质带。  相似文献   
中国东部中新生代盆地成因及其地球动力学   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
中国东部大兴安岭-太行山-武陵山重力梯度带一线以东至太平洋西岩,大陆连缘中新生代盆地系的形成,中生代岩浆活动,盆地基本特征同Moho、岩石圈和软流圈及上地幔基本特征的内在联系等都表明,它们在时空和成因上有一定联系,可以纳入同一地球动力学过程之中,这种动力学机制可能与岩石圈界,地壳底界的拆离作用有关。  相似文献   
利用P、S波最大振幅比计算得到东昆仑断裂带玛沁段周围2008年以来57个小地震震源机制解,并进行系统聚类分析。结果表明,该区小震错动方式以走滑型活动为主,平均主压应力P轴方位角为50°,倾角为5°,主张应力T轴方位角为140°,倾角为4°,与该区所受的地球动力学背景基本一致。  相似文献   
Marginal water of east Hainan Island was an area that internal waves occurred frequently, however, few studies was found and mechanism for internal waves formation was unclear. In the paper, China Brazil earth Resources Satellite data (CBERS) was used to detect and calculate distribution, direction, wavelength and amplitude of internal waves in marginal water of east Hainan Island and the mechanism of internal waves formation was also analyzed, results showed that direction of internal wave was off shoreward and wavelength was about 150-200m . The mechanism for internal wave’s formation can be postulated as by upwelling or tide tracing back.  相似文献   
The eastern region of the northern part of Japanese mainland has been known historically as an area of mines producing gold and silver. When the extraordinarily strong earthquake rocked the eastern part of the Japanese mainland on March 11, 2011, there were more than 20 old and new dams retaining tailings from many mines.Out of these, three dams suffered breach due to liquefaction of tailings materials and released a large amount of slime, bringing about damage to farmlands and houses downstream. Of particular interest was Kayakari dam at Ohya mine that failed and Takasega-mori dam in its vicinity that did not, although they were equally subjected to strong shaking.In this paper features of these two dams in the design and construction, and damage or non-damage during the earthquake will be described, together with the geotechnical investigations and some analyses that were conducted after the earthquake.  相似文献   
Yo-Ichiro  Otofuji 《Island Arc》1996,5(3):229-249
Abstract Paleomagnetic studies facilitate an understanding of the evolution of the Japan Arc in Cenozoic times from the perspective of tectonic movement. The Japan Arc rifted from the Asian continent in the middle Miocene, while East Asia, including the Japan Arc, moved northward at the same time. The rifting phenomenon of the Japan Arc is described by differential rotation of Southwest and Northeast Japan. Southwest Japan was rotated clockwise through about 45° and Northeast Japan was rotated counter-clockwise through about 40°. This differential rotation occurred concurrently at about 15 Ma. Eighty percent of the rotation was completed during a period of 1.8 million years. These factors lead us to propose a'double door'opening mode with a fast spreading rate of 21 cm/yr for the evolution of the Japan Sea, suggesting that the asthenosphere with a low viscosity was injected beneath the Japan Sea area. The large northward motion of East Asia in relation to Europe is expected from the apparent polar wander path constructed from the paleomagnetic data of the Japan Arc. East Asia may have moved northward by more than 1700 km between 20 Ma and 10 Ma accompanied by a slightly clockwise rotation of 10°. The eastern part of the Eurasian plate was subjected to extreme geodynamic conditions in late Cenozoic times.  相似文献   
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