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This article proposes and illustrates a practical methodological framework to evaluate the fitness for use of spatial data sets for environmental and ecological applications, focusing on user requirements for specified application contexts. The methodology is based on the use of metadata to analyze similarity between the data characteristics and the user’s needs or expectations for several quality indicators. Additionally, the concept of ‘critical factors’ is introduced in this framework, allowing users to define which quality indicators have greater importance given their own requirements or expectations and the specified application contexts. The proposed methodology further allows integrating and interconnecting the spatial data quality (SDQ) evaluation methodology with metadata geoportals in WebGIS platforms, facilitating its operation by users from non-spatial disciplines and with often limited expertise on this subject. Examples of the evaluation of fitness for use for specific application contexts within the project BIO_SOS (‘Biodiversity Multi-SOurce Monitoring System: From Space To Species’ FP7 project) are presented. By providing a prompt and straightforward evaluation tool, the proposed methodology can encourage the implementation of SDQ evaluation routines in ecological assessment and monitoring programs, promoting a more adequate use of geospatial data and ultimately contributing to well-supported policy and management decisions.  相似文献   
陶玮  郭婷  吴瑞姣  周昆  邱学兴 《暴雨灾害》2021,38(2):174-181

利用安徽省1961—2016年81个国家级地面气象观测站雨量、2006—2016年1 162个地面自动观测站小时雨量、1961—2016年安徽省民政厅灾情和2006—2016年《安徽省气象灾害年鉴》收录的227个暴雨过程灾情数据,采取气候平均、广义极值、概率密度函数、百分位分布等方法,统计暴雨过程的持续天数、区域、范围、平均日降水量和小时雨量对暴雨灾害的影响,划分安徽省暴雨灾害预警等级。结果表明:(1)安徽省暴雨灾害预警等级可分为Ⅳ级(轻度)、Ⅲ级(中度)、Ⅱ级(重度)、Ⅰ级(特重)四个等级;(2)从Ⅳ级到Ⅰ级,暴雨过程的持续天数指标从1—4 d,范围指标根据暴雨区占区域总面积的百分比确定,从Ⅳ级的20%上升至Ⅰ级的80%;(3)根据暴雨过程的区域差异,将安徽分为沿淮淮北、大别山区及皖南山区、沿江及江淮之间三个区域,分别建立降水量与暴雨灾情的定量关系,并在每个区域设置相应的平均日降水量和小时雨量指标;(4)利用上述暴雨灾害预警等级,对1981—2018年安徽省致灾的149个暴雨过程进行回代检验,并将其用于2020年6—7月安徽省暴雨灾害预警,暴雨灾害预警发布周期为Ⅳ级(轻度)0.66~0.82 a、Ⅲ级(中度)1.15~1.90 a、Ⅱ级(重度)3.16~3.80 a、Ⅰ级(特重)9.5~12.6 a,符合安徽暴雨灾情实际,可以为气象部门启动暴雨应急响应提供参考。

基于遥感监测的城市热岛研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
全球正经历快速、高强度的城市化,导致城市热岛加剧,并对城市、区域乃至全球许多的生态环境要素直接或间接地产生多方面的影响,与人类福祉密切相关。遥感具有宽覆盖、信息量大、重复观测周期短等优点,已成为地表城市热岛(Surface Urban Heat Island, SUHI)监测广泛采用的一种方法。针对前人相关研究对热红外数据源、监测指标及SUHI时空变化规律尚缺乏系统总结且内容需要更新等问题,本文首先分类评述了SUHI遥感监测所采用的热红外遥感数据源。其次将现有的SUHI监测指标分为土地覆盖类型驱动型、地表温度格局驱动型及两者复合驱动型3类来述评,详细介绍了它们的计算方法、应用案例及优缺点;并从日间变化、夜间变化及昼夜对比的变化3个方面述评了SUHI的年内时空变化规律;归纳了其年际变化规律。最后,依据现有研究结论中相互冲突或尚需深化的地方,指出几个潜在的关键问题或研究方向。  相似文献   

2022年1月8日1时45分青海省海北州门源县发生6.9级地震, 周边地区普遍有感, 并导致多条高铁线路临时停运. 本文利用这次地震获取的大量烈度计加速度记录, 基于正在进行系统研发的机器学习地震预警方法模块, 对地震预警震级估计与现地阈值报警进行了回溯验证. 结果表明: 在地震发生后3.1 s, 震级估计为6.5级, 且震级估计误差不受信噪比和震中距变化的影响, 随着首台触发后时间的增加, 震级估计逐渐接近实际震级. 对于现地地震动速度峰值PGV(Peak Ground Velocity)预测, 各个台站在P波到达后3 s时, 预测PGV与观测PGV呈现1:1线性关系, 随着P波到达后时间窗的增加, 预测PGV逐步接近观测PGV, 且PGV预测误差不受信噪比和震中距变化的影响. 现地台站仪器烈度阈值设置为Ⅵ度时, 报警成功、误报、漏报的百分比分别为99.53%、0%、0.47%, 平均预警时间为19.62 s, 且地震烈度Ⅵ度区内没有发生误报和漏报; 现地台站仪器烈度阈值设置为Ⅶ度时, 报警成功、误报、漏报的百分比分别为99.77%、0%、0.23%, 平均预警时间为9.69 s, 且地震烈度Ⅶ度区内没有发生误报和漏报. 此次回溯验证结果表明: 机器学习方法在这次地震中可以得到鲁棒的震级估计和现地阈值报警结果, 并为该方法的在线测试以及中国地震预警系统升级提供可行性依据; 其次, 在这次地震事件中, 烈度计可为预警提供额外的作用, 这也为烈度计在未来地震预警的研究和应用中提供了更多的可能性.

介绍了次声波的基本物理概念和次声波的传播特性,概述了次声波的研究现状,提出了利用次声波来预警海啸灾害的建议,并对其可行性进行了分析。  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to elucidate the impact of early diagenetic processes on the accumulation of trace metals in Sapelo Island saltmarsh sediments as a function of time, space and sediment properties. Samples were collected from three sites in summer (May 1997) and winter (January 1998) along a transect from an unvegetated Creek Bank through a vegetated Tidal Levee to the vegetated midmarsh with evident lateral heterogeneity caused by hydrologic regime, macrophytes and microbial and macrofaunal activities. A suite of trace metals (As, Ba, Cr, Co, Cu, Cd, Mo, Ni, Pb, Th, Ti, U, V, Zn and Zr) was analyzed to obtain their depth-distribution at the three sites. Spatially marked differences were observed, that were primarily related to hydraulic flushing of trace metals away from the sites in high-energy regimes, rapid downward mixing and reworking of sediment via bioturbation, and below-ground degradation and production of Spartina biomass. Although sulfate reduction and the formation of acid volatile sulfide and pyrite were dominant processes throughout the marsh, the trace metal scavenging role of sulfides was not apparent. However, possible sulfurization of organic matter, leading to enhanced trapping of trace metals with organic carbon, may have played an important role in sequestration of trace metals.No similarity was observed visually between the depth trends of trace metals and sediment properties (grain size, iron-oxyhydroxide content, acid volatile sulfides and pyrite content) that are known to play a major role in trace metal partitioning. Only organic carbon content closely followed the trace metal profiles at all the three sites. Minor variation in depth-integrated sediment trace metal content was observed seasonally at each of the three sites. Furthermore, the depth trend of profiles of individual trace metals also did not vary significantly over the seasons either.  相似文献   
蔡建堤 《海岸工程》2011,30(1):41-50
用简化动力系统模型模拟海水入侵,评估未来漳浦县旧镇梅宅村海水入侵的发展趋势,提出减缓和预防海水入侵的措施,并预测监测点海水入侵的矿化度.结果表明:要减缓海水入侵的速度需要8 a时间,矿化度变为6.243 0 g/L,这表明如果发生海水入侵,恢复的时间比较漫长.但通过增加淡水水源,并淡水水头水位保持在6.2个单位(1单位...  相似文献   
气候转型与早期人类迁徙   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前的旧石器考古证据表明,更新世早期可能发生了两次人类迁徙浪潮,时间分别在1.8-1.6MaBP和1.0MaBP左右,第一阶段,古人类演化为直立人并开始走出非洲、迁徙至其它中低纬度的热带-亚热带地区;第二阶段,直立人开始占据中高纬度的温带和干旱-半干旱地区。这两个阶段也是第四纪气候发生转型、环境产生重大调整的时期。二者在发生时间上的一致性揭示了它们之间的内在联系,推测气候转型时期环境转变是这两次人类迁徙浪潮的主要驱动力。  相似文献   
This study analyzed how coral communities change along a gradient of increasing exposure to a mud-discharging river in the Enipein Catchment, Pohnpei, Micronesia. Using video transects, we quantified benthic communities at five sites along a gradient moving away from the river mouth towards the barrier reef. The most river-impacted site was characterized by a high accumulation of mud, low coral cover and low coral diversity. Although coral cover leveled off at ∼400 m from the river mouth to values found at the outer-most sites, coral diversity continued to increase with increasing distance, suggesting that the most distant site was still impacted by the river discharges. Fungiidae, Pavona, Acropora, Pachyseris and Porites rus all significantly increased in cover with distance from the river, while Turbinaria decreased. The combined presence and abundance of these six species groups, together with coral species richness, may help to indicate the effects of terrestrial runoff in similar runoff-exposed settings around Micronesia, whereas coral cover is not a sensitive indicator for river impact. Coral reefs are important resources for the people of Pohnpei. To prevent further degradation of this important resource, an integrated watershed approach is needed to control terrestrial activities.  相似文献   
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