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宁夏农业综合开发战略转型区划研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业综合开发战略转型区划研究,是科学适应新形势下国家对农业综合开发提出的“坚持可持续、提升竞争力”要求的前提和基础。针对已有农业区划的单一目标和单一类型划分问题,以宁夏为例,基于农业相关的耕地、气候、水、地形、地貌、项目布局、生态规划等空间数据,采用地理学综合区划的方法,提出了动态与静态结合、定性与定量结合、农业与生态结合的13项多维指标体系,提出了合理且可操作的技术流程,科学划分了包含过渡类型的一级区划(7大类型:重点开发区、“重点+限制”开发区、保护性开发区、“保护+限制”开发区、“限制+重点”开发区、“限制+保护”开发区和限制性开发区)和二级区划(24个亚类),实现了农业可持续和生态环境保护的双重目标。本文是国家财政部明确提出农业综合开发要科学划分重点开发区、保护性开发区和限制性开发区之后,首次实现在省(区)级以乡(镇)为单位的科学划分,可为今后农业综合开发战略转型项目的科学布局和精准投入提供重要依据,为宁夏农业综合开发战略转型工作的具体落地实施提供科学保障,同时也可为其他省份或地区的农业综合开发战略转型区划工作提供有益参考。  相似文献   
黄土丘陵沟壑区县域土壤有机质空间分布特征及预测   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
分析、预测土壤属性空间变异及其动态是区域土地质量评价和可持续土地利用的一个重要组成部分。在陕西省横山县采集了254个耕层(0~20cm)土样,利用数字地形与遥感影像分析技术,提取了相关地形与遥感指数,分析不同土地利用类型、不同地形条件下土壤有机质空间变异及分布特征,并利用相关因子进行回归预测分析。结果表明,县域土壤有机质平均含量很低,变异性较大。不同土地利用类型土壤有机质差异显著,其中以水稻田有机质含量最高,而林地和灌木林地相对较低。不同土地利用类型土壤有机质含量次序为:水稻田>川地>梯田>坝地>荒草地>坡耕地>林地>灌木林地。不同坡度分析表明,“0~3°”这一坡度等级有机质含量显著高于其它坡度等级;不同坡向有机质含量差异不显著,但不同坡向有机质含量存在一个明显的趋势,阴坡有机质含量整体上要比阳坡高。相关分析表明土壤有机质与高程h呈现负相关关系,与坡向的余弦值COSα正相关,与复合地形指数CTI正相关;土壤有机质和修正后的土壤调节植被指数(MSAVI)以及湿度指数(WI)正相关。利用相关环境变量及遥感指数进行多元线性逐步回归分析,预测结果不甚理想,存在一个平滑效应,对于残差解释相对较低,须进一步研究以更好的解释残差。  相似文献   
淮河流域夏季降水异常与若干气候因子的关系   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基于旋转经验正交函数分解 (REOF) 方法探讨淮河流域1961—2010年夏季降水与厄尔尼诺/南方涛动 (ENSO)、北大西洋涛动 (NAO)、印度洋偶极子 (IOD)、太平洋年代际振荡 (PDO) 之间的关系,并进一步分析各气候因子不同位相单独以及联合对淮河流域夏季降水的影响。结果表明:淮河流域夏季降水与ENSO,PDO,NAO,IOD等气候因子具有较稳定的相关性,其中,PDO和IOD是影响淮河流域夏季降水的关键因子,且PDO与夏季降水呈显著负相关关系;各气候因子的冷暖位相单独及联合对淮河流域夏季降水的影响不同,PDO的冷期以及NAO,IOD冷位相使流域北部的夏季降水量呈显著增加趋势,PDO分别联合ENSO,NAO和IOD的冷、暖位相对流域北部地区和淮河上游地区的夏季降水影响显著。  相似文献   
Two approaches of statistical downscaling were applied to indices of temperature extremes based on percentiles of daily maximum and minimum temperature observations at Beijing station in summer during 1960-2008. One was to downscale daily maximum and minimum temperatures by using EOF analysis and stepwise linear regression at first, then to calculate the indices of extremes; the other was to directly downscale the percentile-based indices by using seasonal large-scale temperature and geo-potential height records. The cross-validation results showed that the latter approach has a better performance than the former. Then, the latter approach was applied to 48 meteorological stations in northern China. The cross-validation results for all 48 stations showed close correlation between the percentile-based indices and the seasonal large-scale variables. Finally, future scenarios of indices of temperature extremes in northern China were projected by applying the statistical downscaling to Hadley Centre Coupled Model Version 3 (HadCM3) simulations under the Representative Concentration Pathways 4.5 (RCP 4.5) scenario of the Fifth Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project (CMIP5). The results showed that the 90th percentile of daily maximum temperatures will increase by about 1.5℃, and the 10th of daily minimum temperatures will increase by about 2℃ during the period 2011-35 relative to 1980-99.  相似文献   
成都及附近地区旅游气候资源研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对成都及附近等7个地区多年气候资源及人体舒适指数进行分级比较,得出了7个地区的人体舒适指数的时间分布特征及对当地旅游的影响。  相似文献   
利用2009—2010年河南省3次输电线路舞动过程的探空站资料和地面气象站观测资料,分析了输电线路舞动的气象要素特征,得出输电线路舞动的气象要素指标:(1)700~850 hPa存在≥0℃的暖层,其下存在0℃的冷层。(2)700 hPa以下空气接近饱和,温度和露点温度的差值≤2℃。(3)地面温度-4~1℃,风速≥3 m·s~(-1),相对湿度≥70%。利用1998年至今的探空数据和地面气象站观测数据,以及2015年11月至今的模式数据,对上述指标进行了检验。最后以2015年11月22—24日河南电网的舞动过程为例,采用上述指标绘制了舞动分布图,发现利用该指标预报的舞动格点涵盖了电网实际监测到的发生舞动的杆塔,该指标具有一定的适用性。  相似文献   
晚新生代以来,青藏高原北东向扩展,致使祁连山地区遭受了强烈的构造隆升,造就了祁连山地区复杂的构造格局和急剧变化的构造地貌,其典型水系流域地貌特征揭示了该地区的新构造活动和地貌演化过程。庄浪河流域位于祁连山东段,作为青藏高原北东向扩展的前缘地区,庄浪河流域的地貌参数对构造活动非常敏感,提取庄浪河流域的地貌信息,有助于揭示祁连山东段庄浪河流域地貌对构造活动的响应,及系统探讨该区地貌发育特征及其所蕴含的构造意义。庄浪河流域内及边缘发育有庄浪河断裂、天祝盆地南缘断裂、疙瘩沟隐伏断裂以及金强河-毛毛山-老虎山断裂。晚新生代以来,这些断裂仍在活动,并且控制着流域内的构造变形、山体隆升和河流水系地貌发育。本研究采用ALOS DEM 12.5 m数据,基于ArcGIS空间分析技术,通过高程条带剖面、河流坡降指标体系(K,SL,SL/K)和Hack剖面、面积-高程积分值(HI)和积分曲线(HC)等方法,对庄浪河流域地貌特征进行了初步分析。结果表明,庄浪河地区地形起伏由北西向南东递减,构造活动存在东西分异的规律;庄浪河流域内部K值、SL、SL/K、HI值西侧高于东侧,Hack剖面西侧相比东侧上凸更明显;H...  相似文献   
By use of 1948-2007 NCEP/NCAR reanalysis monthly geopotential data, a set of circulation indices are defined to characterize the polar vortex at 10 hPa in the Southern Hemisphere, including area-(S), intensity-(P) and centre position-(λc , φc) indices. Sea-sonal variation, interannual anomalies and their possible causes of 10 hPa polar vortex in the Southern Hemisphere are analyzed by using these indices, the relationship between 10 hPa polar vortex strength and the Antarctic Oscillation are analyzed as well. The results show that: (1) the polar region at 10 hPa in the Southern Hemisphere is controlled by anticyclone (cyclone) from Dec. to Jan. (from Mar. to Oct.), Feb. and Nov. are circulation transition seasons. (2) Intensity index (P) and area index (S) of anticy-clone (cyclone) in Jan. (Jul.) show a significant spike in the late 1970s, the anticyclone (cyclone) enhances (weakens) from ex-tremely weak (strong) oscillation to near the climatic mean before a spike, anticyclone tends to the mean state from very strong oscillation and cyclone oscillates in the weaker state after the spike. (3) There is significant interdecadal change for the anticyclone center in Jan., while markedly interannual variation for cyclone center in July. (4) The ozone anomalies can cause the interannual anomaly of the polar anticyclone at 10 hPa in the Southern Hemisphere in Jan. (positive correlation between them), but it is not related to the polar cyclone anomalies. (5) There is notable negative correlation between the polar vortex intensity index P and the Antarctic Oscillation index (AAOI), thus AAOI can be represented by P.  相似文献   
The importance of establishing the ecological quality of estuarine systems has been widely acknowledged and led to the development of several fish community-based multimetric indices. Nevertheless, a question rose about the accuracy of these tools when natural disturbance is acting upon the organization of the systems’ communities. Four multimetric indices were used to examine their ability to differentiate the ecological status of five small estuarine systems (southern Portugal), and also to test if they reflected the level of anthropogenic pressures. Fish assemblages from Mira, Odeceixe and Aljezur (in the Southwest coast), Gilão and Bensafrim (in the South coast) estuaries were sampled seasonally for one year, and anthropogenic sources of pressure were identified and quantified. We found that although the applied indices provided information on ecological condition differentiation among systems, they are unable to explain different classes of ecological status in systems with equivalent pressure levels.  相似文献   
Accepting the concept of standardization introduced by the standardized precipitation index, similar methodologies have been developed to construct some other standardized drought indices such as the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI). In this study, the authors provided deep insight into the SPEI and recognized potential deficiencies/limitations in relating to the climatic water balance it used. By coupling another well‐known Palmer drought severity index (PDSI), we proposed a new standardized Palmer drought index (SPDI) through a moisture departure probabilistic approach, which allows multi‐scalar calculation for accurate temporal and spatial comparison of the hydro‐meteorological conditions of different locations. Using datasets of monthly precipitation, temperature and soil available water capacity, the moisture deficit/surplus was calculated at multiple temporal scales, and a couple of techniques were adopted to adjust corresponding time series to a generalized extreme value distribution out of several candidates. Results of the historical records (1900–2012) for diverse climates by multiple indices showed that the SPDI was highly consistent and correlated with the SPEI and self‐calibrated PDSI at most analysed time scales. Furthermore, a simple experiment of hypothetical temperature and/or precipitation change scenarios also verified the effectiveness of this newly derived SPDI in response to climate change impacts. Being more robust and preferable in spatial consistency and comparability as well as combining the simplicity of calculation with sufficient accounting of the physical nature of water supply and demand relating to droughts, the SPDI is promising to serve as a competent reference and an alternative for drought assessment and monitoring. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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