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魏仙样  卢进才  魏建设  李玉宏 《地质通报》2010,29(0203):360-366
根据内蒙古额济纳旗地区X井白垩系额济纳旗组、侏罗系麻木乌苏组、古生界顶面风化壳等不同层段的油气显示特征和钻井泥浆烃类气体组分、甲烷C同位素的分析结果,认为侏罗系和白垩系油气显示特征相同,为油与气显示,气体样品的干燥系数(C1/C总)为0.80~0.87,甲烷C同位素δ13C1为-48.19‰~-50.87‰,表现了低成熟热解气的特征;古生界风化壳为气显示,天然气干燥系数(C1/C总)为0.91~0.92,甲烷C同位素δ13C1为-21.56‰~-30.91‰,表现了高成熟热解气的特征。该井及邻区的中生界、古生界烃源岩干酪根类型及其演化程度具有显著的差别,中生界烃源岩以低成熟混合型干酪根为主,古生界烃源岩为成熟—高成熟(或过成熟)的混合型-腐泥型干酪根。表明该区存在以中生界侏罗系—白垩系低成熟烃源岩为油气源的油气系统和古生界高成熟(或过成熟)烃源岩为气源的油气系统,指示了古生界油气资源前景。  相似文献   
秦天玲  张萍  严登华  严向东  耿思敏 《热带地理》2011,31(5):469-473,520
基于ArcGIS的Spatial Analyst Tools反距离加权平均方法,对宜昌市7个站点1960-2009年气温和降水日数据进行时空演变规律分析和空间化展示,结果表明:(1)宜昌市近50年年均气温为16.26℃,1977-2009年变化较为剧烈,各区均呈增温态势;代际变化与总体变化趋势相同,自20世纪80年代后...  相似文献   
张悟颖  孙维君  张玉伦 《中国沙漠》2018,38(5):1086-1092
基于1960-2012年日平均气温和日降水量数据,利用小波分析和Mann-Kendall突变分析方法,分析了西藏林芝气温和降水的变化特征。结果表明:林芝年平均气温增长速率0.028℃·a-1;年平均气温受3~4 a尺度波动的影响,无明显主周期;年平均气温序列有3个突变点,分别是1972-1973年、1975-1976年和1977-1978年。年降水量增长率1.218 mm·a-1;年降水量受4 a、10 a和20 a尺度波动的影响;有两个主周期,分别为2 a、19 a;年降水量序列有4个突变点,分别为1960-1961年、1965-1966年、1977-1978年、1982-1983年。  相似文献   
According to the meteorological observation data of 72 stations from 1960 to 2010 in the Huanghe (Yellow) River Watershed, China, the long-term variations of potential evapotranspiration, calculated in the modified Penman-Monteith model of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, were presented, as well as the meteorological causes for the decrease of potential evapotranspiration were discussed. Since 1960, temperature has risen significantly and potential evapotranspiration a decreasing trend, which indicated the existence of "Evaporation paradox" in the Huanghe River Watershed. This phenomenon was not consistent spatially or temporally with the increase of temperature, potential evapotranspiration decreased in spring, summer and winter, mainly over most parts of Shanxi and Henan, and some parts of Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, and Shaanxi. During the recent half century, the trends of temperature and potential evapotranspiration were negatively correlated at most of the stations, while precipitation and potential evapotranspiration exhibited a contrary trend. Calculated in multiple regressions, the contribution to potential evapotranspiration change of related meteorological factors was discussed, including mean pressure, maximum and minimum temperature, sunshine hours, relative humidity and average wind speed. The decrease of wind speed in the Huanghe River Watershed may be the dominating factor causing potential evapotranspiration decreasing.  相似文献   
利用1951-1991年古里雅冰芯净积累量、1951-2000年南疆盆地南沿的降水资料和1958-2000年NCEP/NCAR再分析的大气环流资料,讨论了它们之间的相互关系,并对其机理进行了初步分析,在此基础上建立了南疆盆地南沿近2000年高分辨率的干湿变化序列。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Alaska was strategically key to the U.S. defense plan during the cold war (1946–1989). As such, it was the scene of an enormous and sustained military investment, the effect of which was amplified by Alaska's undiversified economy, sparse development, small resident population, and marginalized political status at the beginning of the era. The strong military presence affected Alaskan demographics, economic development, and infrastructure and figured prominently in the admission of Alaska to the union in 1959. The high profile and long‐term presence of the U.S. military had such a dramatic affect on the course of Alaska that the result was tantamount to a “militarized landscape.”  相似文献   
利用SCJ-302型降水降尘自动采样器在植物生长季对黄河三角洲滨海湿地的大气氮沉降进行监测,对沉降物中水溶性离子、干、湿沉降氮输入量、铵态氮和硝态氮在总沉降量中的贡献率及月变化动态等分析表明:黄河三角洲植物生长季,大气干、湿沉降中SO42-和NO3-占阴离子总量的92%以上,和Na+和Ca2+占阳离子总量的80%以上,总N沉降量约为2 264.24 mg/m2,且69%集中在降雨量较丰沛的6-8月。其中干沉降氮贡献率约为32.02%,主要集中在春季。N的湿沉降量与降雨量呈显著正线性相关(R2=0.82),在降雨量丰沛的8月,达到最大值675.64 mg/m2。该地区大气干沉降的氮素形态以硝态氮为主,约占氮素输入量的57.21%,湿沉降中以铵态氮为主,约占氮素输入量的56.51%。植物生长季中,大气沉降中的硝态氮与铵态氮含量对表层10 cm土壤的月平均贡献率分别为约31.38%和20.50%,可见大气氮沉降是黄河三角洲滨海区域土壤主要氮素来源之一。  相似文献   
基于航空客流的中国城市对外联系网络结构与演化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
改革开放以来,经济全球化和快速城市化促进了中国城市外向型联系的发展,改变了中国城市对外联系的空间格局。越来越复杂化的城市空间分布和组织规律需要一个全新的、综合的网络视角来考察。航空运输是当前城市间相互联系的重要物质基础,体现了城市间的直接关系,是研究城市网络的合适工具。本文以中国城市对外的航空客运联系作为衡量城市关系的指标,借鉴社会网络分析中的2-模网络概念构建了中国城市对外联系网络,并对网络的结构特征和演化规律进行了分析。研究结果表明,中国城市对外联系网络存在北京-上海-广州的三中心结构。中心城市以外,西部城市上升势头迅猛,体现了网络多元化发展的趋势。此外,中国城市对外联系的主要对象逐渐从东南亚向东亚转移,并呈现出以首尔为核心的网络结构。同时,中国城市对外联系扩张以强化区域内部联系为主,洲际联系发展滞后。  相似文献   
The circulation and salinity distribution in the Hooghly Estuary have been studied by developing a two‐dimensional depth‐averaged numerical model for the lower estuary, where the flow is vertically well mixed. This has been coupled with a one‐dimensional model for the upper estuary, where the flow is assumed to be unidirectional and well mixed over the depth and breadth. The Hooghly River receives high freshwater discharge during the monsoon season (June to September), which has significant effect on the salinity distribution in the estuary. The model‐simulated currents, elevations, and salinities are in good agreement with observations during the dry season. However, during the wet season the computed salinities seem to deviate slightly from the observed values.  相似文献   
韩广  尤莉  程玉琴 《中国沙漠》2016,36(4):1087-1096
对13个气象台站2014年5月上旬逐时风况的分析发现:(1)受高空槽和地面低压的影响,科尔沁沙地冷锋过境时瞬时风速8h内快速增加到10m·5s-1以上,风向转为西北风;(2)上风向锡林郭勒草原的冷锋推进速度约为12.5m·5s-1,科尔沁沙地主体部分则降到9.21m·5s-1,总体推进速度因地而异;(3)风速的功率谱以大兴安岭东麓的林西县幅值最大,科尔沁左翼后旗最小;(4)沙地和草原两地区分别存在区域性10h、25h和2h、4h周期性,而冷锋过境引起的强风周期性不明显;(5)常年稳定而频繁的冷锋过境,不仅造成了沙丘的形态变化和不同程度的位移,而且还塑造和维持着该区沙丘群的多种空间格局。  相似文献   
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