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针对研究城市热环境的过程中,利用归一化植被指数(NDVI)进行地表温度(LST)反演,再将LST和NDVI结合说明地物变迁与城市热环境的影响的现状,利用Landsat-8多时相遥感影像、高分辨率影像、公开GIS等多源数据,通过人工交互判读和量化统计分析,实现了2013—2017年北京建成区NDVI变化及其对地表热环境影响分析,再对分析结果进行差值拟合评价。对NDVI阈值分割按照大小为LC1、LC2、LC3、LC4,对LST分为高温区(TH)、常温区(TR)和低温区(TL)。结果表明,2013年至2017年:1)建成区的平均NDVI增加0.03,其中LC1增加1.0%,LC2减少11.6%,LC3区域减少1.7%,LC4区域增加12.3%。2)建成区平均LST增加2.55 K,TH百分比增加0.6%;TR百分比减少1.1%,TL百分比增加0.5%。3)NDVI相对增加,地表温度相对下降以及NDVI相对减少,地表温度相对上升占60%,NDVI相对下降,地表温度相对下降以及NDVI相对增加,地表温度相对上升的占40%。  相似文献   
岩石在形成时和形成后所经历的任何热力学事件都应在其内部留下痕迹,如何寻找和发现这些遗迹是地质学界长期关注和亟待解决的问题。笔者认为,电子显微技术(TEM)是解决这一问题的最有效、最直观的方法之一。最近几年,大量的TEM研究结果证实,各类变质岩中的石榴石均发生不同程度的塑性变形。深入研究其变形程度和变形特征,对于揭示岩石所经历的变质变形历史具有重要的意义,特别是通过观测位错密度,可定性推算岩石曾经历的古差异应力,为拟定区域构造演化模式提供佐证。  相似文献   
The time and spatial feature of the regional seismicity triggered by the Hyogo-Ken Nanbu, Japan, M=7.2 earthquake on January 17,1995, was studied. The concerned region is about several hundred kilometers in length and breadth surrounding the epicenter (33°~37°N, 133°~138°E). It is divided into 16 subregions. The seismicity of these subregions from January of 1976 to June of 1996 has been analyzed. It is showed that,① there were significant seismicity changes in 10 subregions triggered by the Hyogo-Ken Nanbu, Japan, M=7.2 earthquake on January 17, 1995. These changes passed a Z statistic test exceeding 0.95 confidence level and the greatest epicenter distance of these subregions was 280 km;②seismicity changes were triggered within 1~5 days in three subregions near the main shock while in other subregions the seismicity changes were triggered within several ten days after the main shock;③ the greatest triggered event is 5.4, which is about the same size as the greatest aftershock;④the regional stress change resulted from the main shock may be the triggered mechanism of the regional seismicity.  相似文献   
长82亚油层组是甘肃庆城地区庄19井区上三叠统延长组中储集砂岩相对富集的层位,但砂岩低渗透性的特点显著,成为影响该区石油储产量增长的主要地质因素.结合前人的相关工作,通过钻井岩心观察、测井曲线分析、储层岩石实验测试等工作,详细地分析了庄19井区长82亚油层组低渗透储层的地质特征,认为沉积微相和压实作用、胶结作用是控制低渗透性储集砂岩发育和分布的主要地质因素,寻找以水下分流河道微相为代表的有利储集相带砂岩体是油气勘探的重要方向.  相似文献   
The relationship between deformation and dehydration has been investigated in Hercynian regionally metamorphosed rocks exposed on NW Sardinia. Two episodes of prograde mineral growth (M1 & M2) involving dehydration are recognized: growth of chlorite/phengite porphyroblasts at anchizone metamorphic conditions, contemporaneous with the first phase of deformation, D1, and growth of biotite from chlorite and phengite coincident with the second phase of deformation, D2. Deformation during both episodes of dehydration is characterized by penetrative axial planar foliations defined by well-developed phyllosilicate preferred orientations quantified by XRD textural goniometry, tight to isoclinal similar folds (interlimb angles <40°), and mineral-filled veins (hydrofractures) orientated parallel to axial planar foliations, that formed contemporaneously with the development of the penetrative foliations. No prograde mineral growth occurred during D2 at chlorite-zone conditions. D2 deformation in the absence of dehydration is characterized by non-penetrative crenulation cleavages, poorly developed phyllosilicate preferred orientations, relatively open (interlimb angles >40°), low-strain similar folds and minor brittle deformation. Systematic variations in macrofold interlimb angles, with respect to the timing of mineral growth, indicate that enhanced shortening (c. 80%) occurred during dehydration. Microfabrics show that the onset of dehydration is associated with the transition from a crenulation cleavage to a penetrative foliation. The presence of axial planar hydrofractures that formed coevally with dehydration and fabric development requires that supralithostatic fluid pressures and low differential stresses (<c. 20 MPa) accompanied dehydration. These features demonstrate a connection between the timing of dehydration and the style of deformation.  相似文献   
GPS掩星资料三维变分同化对台风模式预报的改进试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文尝试了GPSRO COSMIC资料在中尺度数值模式中的应用,利用COSMIC资料受云和降水影响较小,且有高数据精度、高垂直分辨率等优点,以改善模式初始场,进而提高预报准确度。模式采用中尺度气象模式WRF V3.0.1版本及其三维变分同化系统3DVAR,利用NCEP再分析资料、GTS资料和COSMIC资料对2009年第8号台风"莫拉克"登陆台湾岛前到登陆台湾岛的过程进行了模拟试验,并对温度、露点温度、对流有效位能等要素进行了诊断分析。试验结果表明:该项试验成功将COSMIC资料同化进模式,加深对"莫拉克"热力结构特征的了解,有效改善台风降水和路径预报,其中仅屏东县单点降水预报提高600 mm左右,24 h预报路径误差提高80 km以上。同时对提高台风强度预报起到积极作用。  相似文献   
以中石化仪征15万m3大型浮顶储油罐工程为例,研究了砂石褥垫层对大型储油罐基础的差异沉降的影响。根据行业标准《建筑地基处理技术规范》(JGJ79—2012)沉降公式计算以及有限元模拟计算,并结合现场实测数据,验证了有限元模拟分析的可行性,在此基础上进行了环墙内砂石垫层厚度及长度对差异沉降影响的扩展研究,为以后的类似工程项目设计施工提供了借鉴。  相似文献   
对2006-2009年两种途径(A文件和Z文件)上传的2400多国家级自动站观测的小时常规六要素资料进行了对比分析。结果表明:两种途径得到的小时数据中,2 min风和10 min风的不一致率较高,主要由两种文件对于风速为零时风向的规定不同造成,其他要素的不一致率相对较低;在不一致数据中,各要素在仪器误差允许范围内的比率分别为气温23.27 %、气压5.4 %、相对湿度23.19 %、降水65.42 %、2 min风12.93 %、10 min风14.16 %。  相似文献   
Using numerical simulation data of the forward differential propagation shift (ΦDP) of polarimetric radar,the principle and performing steps of noise reduction by wavelet analysis are introduced in detail.Profiting from the multiscale analysis,various types of noises can be identified according to their characteristics in different scales,and suppressed in different resolutions by a penalty threshold strategy through which a fixed threshold value is applied,a default threshold strategy through which the threshold value is determined by the noise intensity,or a ΦDP penalty threshold strategy through which a special value is designed for ΦDP de-noising.Then,a hard-or soft-threshold function,depending on the de-noising purpose,is selected to reconstruct the signal.Combining the three noise suppression strategies and the two signal reconstruction functions,and without loss of generality,two schemes are presented to verify the de-noising effect by dbN wavelets:(1) the penalty threshold strategy with the soft threshold function scheme (PSS); (2) the ΦDP penalty threshold strategy with the soft threshold function scheme (PPSS).Furthermore,the wavelet de-noising is compared with the mean,median,Kalman,and finite impulse response (FIR) methods with simulation data and two actual cases.The results suggest that both of the two schemes perform well,especially when ΦDP data are simultaneously polluted by various scales and types of noises.A slight difference is that the PSS method can retain more detail,and the PPSS can smooth the signal more successfully.  相似文献   
以长沙—湘潭高速公路路域植被为研究对象,进行植被实地调查和野外光谱测定,分析主要植被类型光谱曲线,健康植被与非健康植被光谱差异,对植被光谱数据进行一阶微分和微分增量处理对比研究。研究表明:光谱反射率一阶微分和微分增量处理对消除土壤背景对地物光谱影响均有效,但微分增量处理更能突出植被信息。研究对遥感植被光谱分析具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   
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