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孙凤华  张耀存  郭兰丽 《高原气象》2009,28(6):1308-1315
利用中国738个台站的降水观测资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料, 分析了我国降水和200 hPa东亚副热带西风急流轴的年代际变化特征, 揭示了东亚副热带西风急流位置的南北移动与我国长江流域和华北降水异常之间的联系。结果表明, 我国东部地区夏季(7、 8月)降水异常主要表现为长江中下游地区多(少)雨, 华北及华南地区少(多)雨, 20世纪70年代末80年代初是这种异常分布型发生转折的时间。与此同时, 东亚高空副热带急流轴位置从70年代末开始逐渐偏南, 急流轴位置的变动将引起对流层低层水汽辐合区和高层散度分布以及垂直环流相应的变化, 进而引起降水区域的变化。相关分析发现, 当急流位置偏南时, 25°~35°N西风增强, 42°~50°N西风减弱, 华北夏季降水减少, 长江中下游地区夏季降水增多; 反之, 当急流位置偏北时, 华北夏季降水增多, 长江中下游地区夏季降水减少。与70年代末开始的我国东部地区急流轴位置逐渐南移相对应, 华北地区夏季降水呈现逐渐减少、 长江中下游地区夏季降水呈现逐渐增多的变化趋势。分析低层水汽通量和高层的散度分布以及垂直环流的差异发现, 1980年以来华北地区对流层中低层水汽通量辐合减弱, 水汽供应减少, 垂直上升运动减弱, 造成了华北夏季降水减少, 而长江中下游地区水汽通量辐合增加, 水汽供应增多, 垂直上升运动增强, 导致该地区降水增加。  相似文献   
浅水环境中垂向圆形纯射流的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对静止均匀浅水水域中的铅垂圆形单孔射流进行了试验研究,试验是在实验室的自制恒定水流循环系统中进行的。得到了水面的隆起高度与射流出口单位能量和相对水深的函数关系;验证了隆起高度分布具有自相似性,并给出其统一表达式;借助于三维测速仪,得到了射流流速的横断面分布、射流中线流速的衰减规律和流场的流函数等值线。  相似文献   
重庆“5.6”强风雹天气过程成因分析   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
陈贵川  谌芸  乔林  刘德  李强  张亚萍  王文芳  张焱 《气象》2011,37(7):871-879
利用常规观测、NCEP分析场及雷达、自动站等资料对重庆"5.6"强风雹天气的成因进行了分析,结果表明:冷锋和副热带高空急流在风雹发生地近乎重叠的配置结构促进了次级环流的形成并有利于上升运动的强烈发展;风暴天气发生前,下垫面强烈加热、低层增温增湿、中高层干冷对大气对流不稳定性增强的作用显著;对流有效位能(CAPE)、K指数、SI指数高值区边缘的强指数梯度区、对流抑制(CIN)的小值区以及较强的垂直风切变对大风冰雹的预报有重要的指示意义;雷达回波显示多单体风暴具有三体散射、弱回波区等冰雹回波特征,中层径向辐合和反射率因子核心的反复上升下降也是形成地面大风和冰雹的重要特征;四川盆地东部东北西南向山脉对冷空气的移动有阻挡作用,山脉之间的槽状地形为多单体风暴的持续发展保留了较大的空间,明月山南麓的地形起到了强迫抬升和触发的作用,由于地形的阻挡形成狭管效应,加强了下击暴流形成的地面大风,是形成11级大风的重要因素。  相似文献   
Before the 1980s, El Ni?o was believed as the sea surface warming along the coast of Peru in South America. As the positive anomaly strengths, the warm water expands westward along the equator to form large area of anomalous high sea surface temperature. Rasmusson and Carpenter (1982) summarized the de-velopment process of the sea surface warm water and the corresponding wind field[1] during ENSO cylce. However, this canonical El Ni?o was questioned by 1982-1983 warm episode and later dat…  相似文献   
利用常规气象资料、自动气象站资料、气象卫星资料及NCEP FNL 1°×1°再分析资料对以相似路径影响山东的登陆北上类台风“利奇马”(1909)和“桃芝”(0108)进行对比分析,得到以下主要结论:1)暴雨分布特征和强度与热带气旋位置存在显著差异。2)中纬度台风暴雨比较复杂,台风降水地形增幅作用尽管明显,但主要与台风结构和强度差异有关。3)小时最大雨量与台风强弱没有必然联系,强降水维持时间长短是“利奇马”与“桃芝”累计降水有较大差别的重要因素。4)环流形势的显著差异是导致两个台风影响山东时间、降水明显不同的一个重要原因。5)“利奇马”和“桃芝”降水水汽输送条件差异是降水分布存在明显差异的重要因素,动力条件也存在明显差异。6)对流有效位能(convective available potential energy,CAPE)在两次台风暴雨中反应效果不同。  相似文献   
During June and July of 2020, the Yangtze River basin suffered from extreme mei-yu rainfall and catastrophic flooding. This study explores the seasonal predictability and associated dynamical causes for this extreme Yangtze River rainfall event, based on forecasts from the Met Office GloSea5 operational forecast system. The forecasts successfully predicted above-average rainfall over the Yangtze River basin, which arose from the successful reproduction of the anomalous western North Pacific subtropical high (WNPSH). Our results indicate that both the Indian Ocean warm sea surface temperature (SST) and local WNP SST gradient were responsible for the westward extension of the WNPSH, and the forecasts captured these tropical signals well. We explore extratropical drivers but find a large model spread among the forecast members regarding the meridional displacements of the East Asian mid-latitude westerly jet (EAJ). The forecast members with an evident southward displacement of the EAJ favored more extreme Yangtze River rainfall. However, the forecast Yangtze River rainfall anomaly was weaker compared to that was observed and no member showed such strong rainfall. In observations, the EAJ displayed an evident acceleration in summer 2020, which could lead to a significant wind convergence in the lower troposphere around the Yangtze River basin, and favor more mei-yu rainfall. The model forecast failed to satisfactorily reproduce these processes. This difference implies that the observed enhancement of the EAJ intensity gave a large boost to the Yangtze River rainfall, hindering a better forecast of the intensity of the event and disaster mitigation.  相似文献   
长江中上游平原地区冬季雾观测分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
费冬冬  牛生杰 《气象科学》2017,37(3):376-384
长江中上游年平均雾日数达到20~106 d,是我国主要雾区之一。利用2010年12月在江汉平原观测获得的边界层廓线和雾滴谱资料,重点分析了该地区冬季雾过程的边界层结构及其生消过程。结果表明:荆州冬季雾多出现在寒潮过境1~2 d后,多为平流辐射雾;雾顶发展是水汽在上层逆温下积累,并伴随200~300 m高度冷平流降温引起;近地层冷平流降温导致饱和水汽压减小,同时上层系统性下沉增温引起逆温增强,水汽积累促使强浓雾过程产生;低空急流促使外界偏干气流与雾体混合后雾滴蒸发,是该地区雾顶迅速下降的主要原因;平均数浓度为150~406个·cm-3,极大值达到1 983个·cm-3,平均液水含量为0.014~0.118 g·m-3,极值达到0.786 g·m-3,与南京和重庆强浓雾观测值相似,超过其他地区观测值。城市地区高气溶胶浓度,配合充足的水汽条件,使得荆州雾过程微物理参量数值较大,易出现能见度小于50 m,持续时间4~9 h的强浓雾过程。  相似文献   
In this study,we found that the intensity of interannual variability in the summer upper-tropospheric zonal wind has significantly weakened over Northeast Asia and the subtropical western North Pacific(WNP) since the mid-1990s,concurrent with the previously documented decrease of the westerly jet over North China and Northwest China.Corresponding to this weakening of zonal wind variability,the meridional displacement of the East Asian westerly jet(EAJ) manifested as the leading mode of zonal wind variability over the WNP and East Asia(WNP-EA) before the mid-1990s but not afterward.The energetics of the anomalous pattern associated with the meridional displacement of the EAJ suggests that barotropic energy conversion,from basic flow to anomalous patterns,has led to the weakening of the variability in the EAJ meridional displacement and to a change in the leading dominant mode since the mid-1990s.The barotropic energy conversion efficiently maintained the anomalies associated with the variability in the EAJ meridional displacement during 1979-1993 but acted to dampen the anomalies during 1994-2008.A further investigation of the energetics suggests that the difference in the patterns of the circulation anomaly associated with either the first leading mode or the meridional displacement of the EAJ,i.e.,a southwest-northeast tilted pattern during 1979-1993 and a zonally oriented pattern during 1994-2008,has contributed greatly to the change in barotropic energy conversion.  相似文献   
高低空急流在云南大范围暴雨过程中的作用及共同特征   总被引:7,自引:10,他引:7  
何华  孙绩华 《高原气象》2004,23(5):629-634
通过对1980—1991年出现的46次云南全省性大范围暴雨过程的主要影响系统进行分型,找出云南暴雨的主要影响系统,利用美国国家环境预测中心NCEP再分析资料,对暴雨出现次数最多的11次冷锋切变型全省性大范围暴雨过程进行合成分析,揭示了在冷锋切变环流形势下云南大范围暴雨发生前后对流层高低空急流或强风速带的演变特征及其与大范围暴雨发生之间的关系,找出了它们的共同特征,并提取造成云南暴雨的强信号,以期对今后的暴雨预报提供依据。  相似文献   
乌拉特中旗一次寒潮天气过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对乌拉特中旗2010年3月13—15日的寒潮天气过程,应用天气学原理和方法进行诊断分析,总结出阻高崩溃型寒潮天气过程形成发展的特点以及预报着眼点。  相似文献   
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