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On the basis of numerical simulation of the mean circulation and relevant thermal-salinity fields in June with a three-dimensional ocean model (ECOM-si), the model outputs are used as first guess of initial fields for numerical integration of the model equations and the numerical results are applied to investigating the dynamical responses of the Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea (HECS) in the course of a weak land-to-sea cyclone‘s passage over the Huanghai Sea on 15-16 June 1999. Predominance of the dynamic impact of cyclone over the thermal one in June in the HECS is justified using observations and model simulations.The cyclone and its surrounding weather system, i.e,, subtropical high ridge to its south could influence current and thermal fields in the Bohai Sea, the Huanghai Sea and the northern East China Sea even though the intensity of cyclone was rather weak. The response of oceanic currents to the wind stresses driven by the cyclone and its southern subtropical high were strongly characterized by the wind drift with its extent of equivalent scale of cyclone in the horizontal and of Ekman layer in the vertical. The sea response at a given site was closely related to the transient local wind speed and direction,especially was sensitive to the local wind direction,which is demonstrated at three points locating at the southern and western Huanghai Sea and the northern East China Sea. So the sea responses at locations differed considerably from one another. Current responded to the wind stress in a simple way:directly to the wind-driven current and subsequent gradient current and slope current, etc., whereas sea temperature responded to the wind stress in two ways: directly to the cyclone-induced cooling and indirectly to water movements both in the horizontal and the vertical by the cyclone‘ s wind stress. So the sea temperature variation under the influence of cyclone was more complicate than the current. The HECS in response to the cyclone and its ambient weather system was likely to be a fast process and such a response could last at least for more than 1d. Current increased with the duration of wind stress exerted on the surface and decreased with the increasing depth. Affected by the cyclone, the maximum sea surface temperature decreased by almost 1.6℃ during the 24h cyclone.  相似文献   
The evolution of an explosive cyclone off the East Asia coast in March 1979 is described.A shortwave trough in the southern branch of upper-level westerlies initiated the incipient cyclone.Later,a polar trough in the north amplified and became in phase with the southern shortwave to form a major trough.This major trough was responsible for the rapid intensification of the surface cyclone.In the early development stage,warm and moist air was transported northward to the developing area by a strong low-level jet.The ageostrophic wind associated with the low-level jet contributed to the frontogenesis,creating a favorable low-level environment for the rapid deepening.A low-level positive potential vorticity anomaly was created prior to the onset of rapid deepening.It was a result of frontal cloud condensation.The cyclone intensified rapidly when stratospheric air with high potential vorticity penetrated to the mid-troposphere.The rapid deepening took place at a location under the left-exit region of an amplifying jet streak behind the major trough and the right-entrance region of another anticyclonically-curved subtropical jet streak in a quasi-stationary ridge overJapan.Due to the blocking effect of the Tibetan Plateau,two shortwave disturbances were observed in the upper-level westerlies on the north and south sides of the Plateau.The southern disturbance initiated the incipient surface cyclone,while the amplifying northern disturbance was responsible for the rapid deepening.Thus,the evolution of the explosive cyclone in this case can be regarded as consecutive Petterssen's "type-B" cyclogenesis in two separate stages.  相似文献   
2014年7月大气环流和天气分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
唐健  代刊 《气象》2014,40(10):1286-1292
提2014年7月环流特征如下:北半球高纬地区为单一极涡,中高纬地区呈5波型分布,巴尔喀什湖附近低槽和东亚大槽强度均较常年偏强;西北太平洋副热带高压带呈东西带状分布,强度与常年同期相当。7月全国平均降水量115.0 mm,较常年同期(120.6 mm)偏少4.6%;全国平均气温为22.3℃,较常年同期(21.9℃)偏高0.4℃。月内共出现8次强降水过程,多站出现极端日降水量。7月共有5个热带气旋(风力8级以上)在西北太平洋和南海活动,生成个数较常年偏多,并有“威马逊”、“麦德姆”2个热带气旋登陆。华南、江南等地出现持续高温天气,全国87个气象观测站发生极端高温事件,74站发生极端日降水量事件。  相似文献   
本文从台风和世界上大多数热带气旋的密集生成区与板块相互作用的地壳剧烈活动区相吻合这一现象出发,认为当今台风成因的研究之所以遇到困难的原因之一,就是忽略了剧烈的地壳运动所产生的热流通过海洋这一特殊水解质对其上方大气所产生的影响。  相似文献   
基于欧洲中心中期天气预报再分析资料(ERA-40),使用涡旋追踪和合成技术、多尺度子空间变换以及局地多尺度能量分析方法研究了东亚地区南北两个风暴源地中风暴的差异。结果发现,南、北两个源地风暴在结构上和内部动力过程上均存在着显著不同。南支源地(40°N以南)风暴底层比高层强,与线性斜压模式中的最不稳定模态结构相似;而北支源地(40°N以北)风暴则正好相反,与下游发展理论所描述的斜压波结构相似。并且发现,南支源地风暴的非地转风场比北支源地风暴的强。能量学诊断结果显示,南支源地风暴的能量源除了斜压不稳定外,有很大一部分来自正压不稳定,而北支源地风暴中则是存在弱的动能逆尺度传输。此外,南支源地风暴的浮力转换和非绝热做功均比北支源地风暴的强,其主要原因是南支源地风暴的垂直运动更强,风暴中的水汽更加充足。   相似文献   
“12.7.21”西南涡极端强降雨的成因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陈贵川  谌芸  张勇  陈鹏  王欢  黎中菊  刘念  翟丹华  龙美希 《气象》2013,39(12):1529-1541
利用常规观测资料、ECMWF分析场、区域自动站、多普勒雷达及SWAN系统产品等资料对2012年7月21日西南涡暴雨过程及盘龙极端强降雨进行分析。分析发现:此次过程是“北槽南涡”形势下,地面冷空气触发西南涡其东侧辐合上升运动强烈发展,高层强辐散,因而产生了对流性暴雨天气过程;冷空气从西侧侵入西南涡是925 hPa “S”形冷锋形成的直接原因,也是地面辐合线形成的重要因素;极端短时强降雨就发生在西南涡东侧中尺度雨带的中部偏北区域,有地面辐合线相配合,降雨最强时MCC冷云中心TBB达最低值。雷达回波表明:西南涡两侧冷暖空气的交绥促进了β中尺度气旋式环流的形成;偏南风低空急流为强降雨提供了充足的水汽,增强了中低层的垂直风切变,有利于强降水超级单体风暴的发展和维持;盘龙的极端短时强降雨是β中尺度气旋式环流中,伴随有深厚中气旋的强降水超级单体风暴在环流中心附近持续发展的结果。  相似文献   
To have a clearer picture of mechanisms responsible for the deviation of tropical cyclone (to be simplified as TC hereafter) tracks, the current work assumes the TC as a circular vortex with a radius of R. A general motion equation of TC is then determined by averaging its horizontal motion equation over the sentire region of TC. In the meantime, with the moving track of TC assumed as a characteristic arc, the curvature equation is derived for the track of movement and patterns of its deviation due to TC structure and variation are discussed. The result shows that the scale, size, maximum wind speed and radius are factors causing the deviation of TC tracks. In addition, asymmetric structure of TC is also important for the deviation of tracks. The results, achieved with hypothesis, agree with facts in some cases but disagree with them in others, which are to be verified with more observations or numerical simulations.  相似文献   
High-frequency oscillations, with periods of about 2 hours, are first identified by applying wavelet analysis to observed minutely wind speeds around the eye and eyewall of tropical cyclones(TCs). Analysis of a model simulation of Typhoon Hagupit(2008) shows that the oscillations also occur in the TC intensity, vertical motion, convergence activity and air density around the eyewall. Sequences of oscillations in these variables follow a certain order.  相似文献   
应用1999—2003年中国中央气象台 (CMO)、日本气象厅 (JMA) 以及美国联合台风警报中心 (JTWC) 发布的西北太平洋热带气旋综合预报资料, 从总误差、逐年误差趋势、不同海区误差、不同路径趋势误差、不同强度趋势误差等5个方面对各预报中心的路径及强度预报结果进行分析, 结果表明:5年总的平均误差以JTWC的路径预报误差最小, 而JMA的强度预报较准确; 在不同海域, 各预报中心的路径预报能力各有优势, 但在热带气旋的强度预报方面, JMA的方法在各海区都较稳定; 对不同路径趋势热带气旋的预报方面, 除了南海转向热带气旋的路径预报比JMA和CMO稍差一些之外, JTWC的路径预报在大多数情况下都是好于或相当于JMA和CMO; 在不同强度变化趋势热带气旋的预报方面, JTWC在大多数情况下都优于其他中心。上述结果帮助业务和科技人员全面了解各预报中心的预报能力优劣, 也为今后改进我国的热带气旋预报提供有益的参考。  相似文献   
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