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MCC和一般暴雨云团发生发展的物理条件差异   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°再分析资料和GMS红外辐射亮温(TBB)资料,研究了2002年6月22日的中尺度对流复合体(MCC)和7月23日的一般暴雨云团两者之间发生发展的环境场差异。结果表明,MCC发生在较弱的斜压环境里,对流层低层有明显的天气系统如切变线、中尺度低涡,中层可以没有低压槽参与,高层则出现在反气旋环流里。普通暴雨云团低层的影响天气系统和MCC类似,但中层往往和槽线相联系,高层则出现在急流入口区右侧。MCC对高温高湿能量的需求比一般暴雨云团更高,如要求高能舌范围更广、更深厚,对流不稳定区范围更大。MCC的动力强迫主要在低层,和较大的θse梯度联系密切,而一般暴雨云团的高空槽强迫作用显得更重要。  相似文献   
针对2008年主汛期期间7月25—26日在新疆石河子地区出现的冰雹、雷暴、短时强降水等强对流天气过程,对大尺度的天气形势、卫星云图和新一代天气雷达产品进行分析,剖析了石河子地区出现强对流天气的环流背景以及雷达产品的特征。结果表明:此次过程中高空有明显的低槽不断向该地区分裂干冷空气,并与槽前西南气流和中低层的辐合系统相配合,使得对流有效位能不断积累,不稳定指数不断增大,为这次强对流天气过程提供了有力的动力、热力条件。局地出现的冰雹、雷暴、短时强降水与大于50dBz的回波强度、9km以上的云顶高度和45—50kg/m^2的VIL回波特征,在雷达图上均有较好的对应,且发生地与回波的移动方向相一致。  相似文献   
车载激光扫描系统能够快速准确地获取街道环境的点云数据,但由于扫描点云的点密度高、数据量大、空间分布不均匀、地物相互遮挡及城市街道环境复杂等特点,难以直接从原始点云数据中提取出路坎点云。本文首先通过分析路坎点云的空间分布特征和局部几何特征,构建包含相对高程、法向量方向、多尺度高程差及多尺度高程方差的点云特征向量;然后,采用SVM提取城市街道环境车载激光扫描数据中的路坎点云,并对提取结果进行聚类去噪,优化路坎点云。最后,通过Street Mapper 360系统和Lynx Mobile Mapper V100 系统采集的4份不同城市街道环境车载激光扫描数据对本文方法进行验证,其中路坎点云提取结果的完整度均超过了94.99%、准确度均超过91.88%、精度亦均达到了90.55%以上。实验结果表明,本文方法能够精确地提取复杂城市街道环境中规则或不规则的路坎点云,且具有较强的稳健性,适用于各类复杂的城市街道环境。  相似文献   
GGD30 has been suggested to be either a small reflection nebulosity or a Herbig–Haro (HH) object formed in the outflow from a nearby obscured star. Observations to date have not been able to distinguish between these two scenarios. In addition, there are conflicting proposals for the location of the exciting source for GGD30. To resolve these questions, we have carried out optical spectroscopy and near-infrared ( J , K and 3.6-μm) imaging of GGD30. Taken together, these observations reveal that the bright optical knot in GGD30 must be a HH object, excited by the outflow from an optically obscured pre-main-sequence (PMS) star located ∼3 arcsec to the southwest. Based on mid-infrared fluxes from the Mid-course Space Experiment ( MSX ) satellite, we estimate the luminosity of this PMS star to be  ∼12.5 L  which suggests it is an intermediate-mass object rather than low-mass as previously proposed. The optical spectroscopy indicates projected velocities of  ∼−270 km s−1  associated with the HH object. The fact that these velocities are blueshifted and relatively high compared to the velocities typical of HH flows suggests that the outflow from the PMS star must be almost aligned with the line of sight. There is an additional low-velocity  (∼−70 km s−1) Hα  component but its origin is not clear.  相似文献   
利用FNL再分析资料,结合加密自动站、多普勒雷达、卫星资料和数值模式预报产品,对2018年9月16-17日长三角地区一次典型的秋季台风倒槽大暴雨进行了分析.结果 表明:大暴雨是在远距离台风倒槽、低空急流和高空槽共同影响下,由冷暖空气持续交汇激发的4个中尺度对流云团活动造成.第一阶段长江口区强暴雨发生在3号云团快速增强期...  相似文献   
一次强飑线的成因及维持和加强机制分析   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
利用常规观测资料、多普勒天气雷达、自动气象站等资料对2004年7月12日影响上海的一次较长生命史的强飑线过程进行了综合分析,对这次强对流天气发生、发展、强度以及移动和传播的分析结果表明:副热带高压从华南沿海稳定地加强西伸,西风槽缓慢东移,导致华东地区850~500 hPa形成深厚西南急流,急流的加强促使低层锋生,配合K指数高能锋区的不稳定层结,大大增强了强对流天气发生的可能性;地面锋生作用和低层辐合、高层辐散造成的强抬升作用是主要的触发机制;较强的环境风垂直切变和雷暴内部上升气流与下沉气流的正反馈作用是飑线系统维持较长时间的原因,中尺度对流系统(MCS)多个雷暴单体间的相互作用使得南侧的雷暴单体加强、移动方向发生偏转。  相似文献   
朱帅 《海洋预报》2000,17(3):37-43
本文首先对远望二号船避9708号强热带风暴航行的情况作了简要回顾,对当时选择航线、悠入航线、徘徊、加速等一系列措施作了详细分析,还探讨了9708号强热带风暴的形成和路径预报问题;最后对远洋避风暴方法作了理论探讨。  相似文献   
利用1979—2016年ERA-Interim再分析数据对新疆地区夏季对流性降水的时空分布特征及环流成因开展了研究。结果表明:(1)新疆夏季降水主要集中在山区,对流性降水占总降水的比例在50%上下,在大部分盆地地区,对流性降水占比达70%以上;(2)对流性降水EOF第一模态表现为塔里木盆地西侧山区和伊犁及天山北麓的反相位变化,这种分布在21世纪00年代以前存在5年和10年左右的周期,而从1995年开始出现突变。而大范围降水塔里木盆地南侧山区和天山区域是同相位的空间型分布;(3)水汽条件和层结不稳定条件的差异共同作用导致了塔里木盆地西侧和伊犁两个地区夏季对流性降水反相位的变化。  相似文献   
E. Morin  H. Yakir 《水文科学杂志》2014,59(7):1353-1362

t Spatio-temporal storm properties have a large impact on catchment hydrological response. The sensitivity of simulated flash floods to convective rain-cell characteristics is examined for an extreme storm event over a 94 km2 semi-arid catchment in southern Israel. High space–time resolution weather radar data were used to derive and model convective rain cells that then served as input into a hydrological model. Based on alterations of location, direction and speed of a major rain cell, identified as the flooding cell for this case, the impacts on catchment rainfall and generated flood were examined. Global sensitivity analysis was applied to identify the most important factors affecting the flash flood peak discharge at the catchment outlet. We found that the flood peak discharge could be increased three-fold by relatively small changes in rain-cell characteristics. We assessed that the maximum flash flood magnitude that this single rain cell can produce is 175 m3/s, and, taking into account the rest of the rain cells, the flash flood peak discharge can reach 260 m3/s.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor R.J. Moore

Citation Morin, E. and Yakir, H., 2013. Hydrological impact and potential flooding of convective rain cells in a semi-arid environment. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (7), 1275–1284. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2013.841315  相似文献   
The effects of the production on dust grain surfaces of molecular hydrogen in excited states have been investigated. On the assumption that all of the H2 formed on the surface of grains has a sufficient level of excitation too vercome the energy barriers in the formation reactions for the important OH and CH+ radicals, we consider the likely abundances of excited H2 (H2 *), OH and CH+ in various situations. Two different models are employed; the first links the H2 * abundance directly to that of H2 using a steady-state approximation, whilst the second considers the time-dependence of H2 *. The second model is applied to gas that has been subjected to a strong isothermal shock (specifically, the shock-induced collapse of a diffuse cloud), which results in an extreme (high density, high atomic hydrogen abundance) environment. In general, it is found that the presence of the excited H2 has only marginal effects on the chemistry of interstellar clouds. However, in the isothermal shock model, the abundances of CH+ are significantly enhanced, but only on short timescales, whilst the effects on the OH abundances are smaller, but last longer. We conclude that other than in such exceptional environments there are no obvious chemical signatures of the formation of H2 *. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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