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依据“建设用地地质灾害危险性评估技术要求”、利用野外踏勘及相关资料,对“甘肃省河西走廊(疏勒河)农业灌溉暨移民安置综合开发建设项目8个移民社区及配套工程”进行地质灾害危险性现状评估。结果认为:评估区发育和分布的地质灾害类型有土壤盐渍化、风蚀沙埋和洪水冲蚀。现状评估结果:土壤盐渍化和洪水冲蚀危险性均小;风蚀沙埋有1处危险性中等,其它危险性小。  相似文献   
万磊 《山东地质》2008,(11):38-39
土地资源具有稀缺性和不可再生性,土地供给日渐紧张,拓展土地利用空间、将土地利用由平面趋向立体化发展的趋势日渐成熟。青岛市崂山区将建设用地使用权分层出让,不但垂范了法规政策,对区域经济的发展也具有很大的现实意义。  相似文献   
加强地理信息资源建设和开发利用的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地理信息资源的建设和开发利用在准确掌握国情国力、提高管理决策水平、管理社会公共事务、处理经济社会发展等重大问题中将发挥越来越重要的作用。本文在对发改委、测绘、国土、环境保护等部门进行调研的基础上,从我国地理信息的获取和利用现状、地理信息资源建设和开发利用政策法规的制定、产业发展以及国家安全等四个方面进行了研究,并提出了建议。  相似文献   
临港新城地质特征及其对新城规划与建设的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
结合临港新城三维地质调查所取得的成果,分析了该城区地质特征及对新城建设的影响,为新城规划建设提供科学依据和服务。  相似文献   
The advent of the Virtual Observatory has begun an evolution in the space physics data environment. A number of nascent and discipline specific Virtual Observatories have started to emerge with an emphasis on data search and retrieval. As this new data environment takes shape an emphasis will be placed on interdisciplinary communication in attempts to address large scale and global problems. To this end we formulate the development of a query language to facilitate Virtual Observatory to Virtual Observatory communication. Furthermore, we outline the goals of such a language, how it would work and how existing community efforts can be leveraged to speed the development of this query language.
T.W. NarockEmail:
为研究地铁建设对济南白泉泉群的影响,在综合分析白泉泉域地质、水文地质条件的基础上,假定研究区岩溶强径流带位置及水力性质,利用FEFLOW软件建立地下水流数值模型。以规划地铁M1号线为研究对象,分析了济南东站、梁王站、梁王东站分别施工及3个站同时施工4种情景下,采用施工降水或施工降水+人工回灌两种施工方式对白泉泉群流量的影响。结果表明:单独采用施工降水的施工方式使得白泉泉群流量衰减,其中3个站同时施工对泉流量的影响最大,泉流量最大衰减达5.48%;各站分别施工时,济南东站对泉流量影响最大,泉流量较未施工时减少了0.043×104 m3/d。采用施工降水+人工回灌的施工方式,能够有效缓解泉流量的衰减,各车站施工时的泉流量衰减由仅施工降水时的2.26%~5.48%降低至0.08%~1.21%。岩溶强径流带有利于地下水形成优势径流,促进白泉泉群补给,一定程度上缓解因地铁施工引起的泉流量衰减。  相似文献   
桩基施工将引起周边地层位移和邻近隧道结构变形,以南京龙津桥改建项目桩基工程为背景,通过现场实测,分析研究钻孔灌注桩施工全过程各工况条件对地层位移场和邻近既有隧道结构变形的影响规律。结果表明:由于钢套管的护壁作用,钻孔灌注桩施工过程中产生的最大地层位移和隧道结构变形较小,说明采用“钢套管边旋压边取土”、“群桩间跳施工”等工艺,对周围土体扰动影响程度较小,建议近隧桩基工程采用全套管灌注桩的施工方法,监测分析结果可为类似工程提供技术参考。  相似文献   
有关循环经济下农业政策法制建设的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
如今,发展循环经济,建立循环型社会已经成为世界各国的潮流和趋势。在中国,要想发展循环经济,必须在各个产业逐步建立起与之相支持的文化、法律、政策、经济和生态体制。中国是一个农业大国,发展循环农业经济建设,无论对循环经济的发展和循环型社会的形成还是对农业经济的发展都具有重要意义。从中国现阶段农业政策法制状况出发,借鉴国外的先进经验,探讨在农业方面实现循环经济的可能性和必要性以及如何完善中国农业制度来适应这一新兴理念。  相似文献   
Racism has become a fact of life in Australia over the past decade or so, yet there are relatively few studies of its nature or extent, and still fewer on its geography. Using a social constructivist approach, this study draws on a survey of 5056 respondents to investigate attitudes to racism and cultural diversity in New South Wales and Queensland, and of perceptions of out-groups as instances of ‘strangers in our midst’. On racism, results show the presence of a continuum of attitudes ranging from generally tolerant to generally intolerant, a presence which cuts across compositional (social or aspatial) characteristics to emphasise the existence of a distinctive geography, an everywhere different nature to racist and non-racist attitudes which transcends urban–rural and traditional social layers. On the other hand, perceptions of out-groups are not uniformly correlated with presence or absence of cultural diversity. In many cases, the ability to make judgements about significant ‘others’ or out-groups has been shown to relate more to abstract notions of self and national identity, reproduced in public by mainstream news media and political leaders. In particular, it may reflect an Anglo (or Anglo-Celtic) view on nationalism, which is a hallmark of the ‘new racism’: an assimilationist or ethnocultural view of Australian society which is different from the ‘civic nation’ ideal envisaged by multiculturalism. That the geography of attitudes and perceptions people have towards and about different cultural groups is so ‘everywhere different’ has important implications for attempts to address and redress issues of intolerance in Australia.  相似文献   
During the excavations for the foundations of a three storey building on the limestone tuffs of Condeixa, Central Portugal, a large dissolution fissure and smaller dissolution voids were found. Since the area has never been the subject of engineering geology investigation, it was decided to evaluate the risk associated with the construction of the building. These limestone tuffs were formed in a continental environment by the precipitation of calcite carried by the water coming from the large limestone body in the east. The precipitated calcite mixed with the terrigenous materials and around trunks and leaves of plants, originating a very heterogeneous and porous ground, which is characteristic of limestone tuffs. The study started with a detailed geological survey followed by a large number of destructive drillings, located essentially under the pad foundations. The results revealed several karstic cavities with serious problems for the building foundations and the structure, and many smaller dissolution cavities, often filled with clayey soils. The ground treatment solutions used included, dental cleaning, filling with concrete or granular material the dissolution structures accessible at the level of the foundation, reinforcement of the footing and the structure of the building and adding a continuous foundation beam to hold the foundations together. The cost of the engineering geology study, site investigation, ground treatment, and the reinforcement of the foundation and building, increased the total construction cost from 2%, at the design stage, to 4.8%.  相似文献   
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