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基于GIS和神经网络的森林植被分类   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文综述了国际遥感分类研究,使用Landsat7 ETM+遥感数据和地理辅助数据,应用BP神经网络方法,将莽汉山林场作为研究区进行了遥感影像的分类研究。比较了BP神经网络分类与最大似然、简单和复杂非监督分类法之间的类型与数量精度。BP神经网络分类的总类型精度是70.5%,总数量精度为84.65%,KAPPA系数是0.6455。结果说明BP神经网络的分类质量优于其他方法,其总的类型精度与其他三种分类方法相比分别增加了10.5%、32%和33%,总的质量精度增加了5.3%。因此,辅以地理参考数据的BP神经网络分类可以作为一种有效的分类方法。  相似文献   
2008年广东罕见寒冷灾害的特点、影响及防寒减灾对策   总被引:1,自引:25,他引:1  
2008年1月,广东遭遇了历史罕见的寒冷灾害。此次寒冷灾害具有持续时间长、平均气温低、雨水多日照少、范围广等特点。大气环流异常和拉尼娜事件是造成寒冷灾害的主要原因。这场寒冷灾害给广东春运、能源电力、农业、林业、居民生活、旅游等造成了极大的影响。防寒减灾应采取强化寒冷灾害防范、加强寒冷灾害综合监测、提高全球气候变暖背景下寒冷灾害预测预报水平、努力拓宽寒冷灾害预警信息发布渠道、切实增强寒冷灾害应急处置能力等对策措施。  相似文献   
Sea‐floor topography of deep‐water folds is widely considered to have a major impact on turbidity currents and their depositional systems, but understanding the flow response to such features was limited mainly to conceptual notions inspired by small‐scale laboratory experiments. High‐resolution three‐dimensional numerical experiments can compensate for the lack of natural‐scale flow observations. The present study combines numerical modelling of thrusts with fault‐propagation folds by Trishear3D software with computational fluid dynamics simulations of a natural‐scale unconfined turbidity current by MassFlow‐3D? software. The study reveals the hydraulic and depositional responses of a turbidity current (ca 50 m thick) to typical topographic features that it might encounter in an orthogonal incidence on a sea‐floor deep‐water fold and thrust belt. The supercritical current (ca 10 m sec?1) decelerated and thickened due to the hydraulic jump on the fold backlimb counter‐slope, where a reverse overflow formed through current self‐reflection and a reverse underflow was issued by backward squeezing of a dense near‐bed sediment load. The reverse flows were re‐feeding sediment to the parental current, reducing its waning rate and extending its runout. The low‐efficiency current, carrying sand and silt, outran a downslope distance of >17 km with only modest deposition (<0·2 m) beyond the fold. Most of the flow volume diverted sideways along the backlimb to surround the fold and spread further downslope, with some overspill across the fold and another hydraulic jump at the forelimb toe. In the case of a segmented fold, a large part of the flow went downslope through the segment boundary. Preferential deposition (0·2 to 1·8 m) occurred on the fold backlimb and directly upslope, and on the forelimb slope in the case of a smaller fold. The spatial patterns of sand entrapment revealed by the study may serve as guidelines for assessing the influence of substrate folds on turbiditic sedimentation in a basin.  相似文献   
综述了湛江港、雷州湾的地理环境、气候、海岸水文、水化、水产资源等基本情况,介绍了鱼、虾、贝、藻的生产历史和现状,提出了资源开发利用的建议。  相似文献   
初夏昆明罕见大暴雨分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
解明恩  李贵福 《气象》1994,20(1):34-37
1986年6月6-7日,云南昆明出现了1951年以来一次最大暴雨。天气学与诊断分析表明,初夏云南可产生单点局地大暴雨,量级与盛夏、秋季相当。500hPa干冷槽东移,700hPa双涡吸引旋转西移,地面弱冷空气诱发静止锋锋生,强垂直风切变,昆明上空出现正反环流圈是该次过程的主要特征,与低纬度原地区区域性大-暴雨特征不同。  相似文献   
Authors have studied the transformation processes of cold air over land in East Asia for eight cases which occurredin different months of 1981.First,the surface eddy sensible and latent heat fluxes,and drag coefficient were estimatedaccording to the approach of similarity theory.Then,the apparent heat source,the apparent moisture sink,and solarand long-wave radiative heating(or cooling)were further calculated through the budget method and physicalparameterization algorithm.It has been found that the cold air immediately starts the transformation process over landonce it moves away from its region of origin.In winter,the degree of transformation of cold air mass gradually intensi-fied as it travelled southeastward;while arriving in the ocean,the cold air mass underwent the most significant transfor-mation process.In summer,the most vigorous transformation of thermal and moisture fields was observed in NorthChina and Mongolian region,with much greater intensity than that in winter.  相似文献   
Three extreme cold events successively occurred across East Asia and North America in the 2020/21 winter.This study investigates the underlying mechanisms of these record-breaking persistent cold events from the isentropic mass circulation(IMC)perspective.Results show that the midlatitude cold surface temperature anomalies always co-occurred with the high-latitude warm anomalies,and this was closely related to the strengthening of the low-level equatorward cold air branch of the IMC,particularly along the climatological cold air routes over East Asia and North America.Specifically,the two cold surges over East Asia in early winter were results of intensification of cold air transport there,influenced by the Arctic sea ice loss in autumn.The weakened cold air transport over North America associated with warmer northeastern Pacific sea surface temperatures(SSTs)explained the concurrent anomalous warmth there.This enhanced a wavenumber-1 pattern and upward wave propagation,inducing a simultaneous and long-lasting stronger poleward warm air branch(WB)of the IMC in the stratosphere and hence a displacement-type Stratospheric Sudden Warming(SSW)event on 4 January.The WB-induced increase in the air mass transported into the polar stratosphere was followed by intensification of the equatorward cold branch,hence promoting the occurrence of two extreme cold events respectively over East Asia in the beginning of January and over North America in February.Results do not yield a robust direct linkage from La Ni?a to the SSW event,IMC changes,and cold events,though the extratropical warm SSTs are found to contribute to the February cold surge in North America.  相似文献   
碳酸盐的溶解与保存是全球碳循环的重要组成部分,研究碳酸盐溶解作用对探索碳循环机制、理解全球气候变化机理等具有重要意义。本文通过西太平洋暖池核心区雅浦海沟南部附近海域108个表层沉积物和3个柱状沉积物样品中浮游有孔虫、底栖有孔虫和碳酸钙含量等变化特征分析了海底碳酸盐溶跃深度、补偿深度及其自中更新世以来的变化规律。表层沉积物碳酸盐含量、浮游与底栖有孔虫丰度、底栖有孔虫占有孔虫全群比例、底栖有孔虫群中胶结质壳比例等多种指标变化表明,本区现代碳酸盐溶跃面(carbonate lysocline depth, CLD)位于水深3800m附近,碳酸盐补偿深度(carbonate compensation depth, CCD)约为4800m。柱状样有孔虫溶解指数(foraminifera dissolution index, FDX)的变化表明,冰期碳酸盐溶解作用减弱,碳酸盐溶跃面和补偿深度变深;冰消期碳酸盐溶解作用增强,溶跃面和补偿深度变浅。位于现代溶跃面附近的柱状岩心碳酸盐含量呈现冰期高、间冰期低的"太平洋型"旋回特征,同时古生产力替代性指标的变化曲线与碳酸盐含量没有明显的相关性,说明中更新世...  相似文献   
利用观测资料和NCEP再分析资料,对冷锋型和蒙古气旋型两类沙尘天气过程的典型个例进行对比分析。结果表明:斜压强迫在两类过程中均较为显著,冷锋型沙尘天气过程中,随高度降低高空槽明显加深;蒙古气旋型则在对流层低层(850 hPa)、中层(500 hPa)形成切断低压。冷锋型沙尘天气过程高空锋区位置较蒙古气旋型偏南,且南压更为明显;冷锋型沙尘天气过程沙尘天气区位置也较蒙古气旋型偏南,且主要向东南方向扩展。冷锋型地面高、低压强度对比明显大于蒙古气旋型,且地面风速与能见度的反相关性高于蒙古气旋型,锋后降温也较蒙古气旋型显著。冷锋型锋前上升运动中心位于700 hPa,锋后下沉运动中心位于600 hPa。蒙古气旋型气旋中心及其附近300 hPa以下均有强的上升运动。冷锋型锋面附近正涡度随高度增高而增大,蒙古气旋型气旋中心及其附近为正涡度。最后给出了冷锋型和蒙古气旋型沙尘天气过程的天气学概念模型。  相似文献   
采用欧洲中心提供的ERA-Interim每日4次再分析资料,对2016年1月下旬的一次强寒潮事件进行等熵位涡分析。结果表明,此次强寒潮的爆发以动力对流层顶下降、高位涡下传为特征,位涡扰动的强度和时间曲线的转折点对寒潮的酝酿和爆发有指示意义。此次强寒潮过程的冷空气可追溯到欧亚北部的新地岛附近和亚洲东北部的对流层顶,两股具有高位涡的冷空气在贝加尔湖附近合并堆积,在转竖横槽的引导下向南爆发,形成强寒潮。伴随寒潮过程的酝酿和爆发,高位涡强冷空气向下、向南传播,并伴随急流向下伸展。高位涡柱对应强烈发展并下伸的正涡度柱,表明高位涡引起的垂直拉伸导致显著的旋转增强,对应涡后横槽的强烈加深。对流层顶呈现大振幅波动,来自高层的信号较低层出现得更早、更强,在动力对流层顶上的信号比500 hPa表现得更为清楚。  相似文献   
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