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本文利用第三次青藏高原大气科学试验的Ka波段云雷达资料,结合微波辐射计和探空资料,提出了以模糊逻辑算法为框架的相态识别方法,并利用那曲两个典型对流云个例对方法效果进行了分析。通过与前人方法的对比和对不同相态粒子回波强度谱的统计,进一步验证了本文方法的可靠性。结果表明:利用雷达功率谱资料反演下落末速度并代替径向速度作为相态识别的参量之一,可提升对流云内粒子相态分类结果的合理性。零度层亮带和抬升凝结高度参量的使用,能够进一步优化相态识别的初步结果。固态云粒子的下落末速度远低于相同反射率因子的降水粒子,多模态/多谱峰的谱形态特征能够帮助识别混合相态粒子。  相似文献   
Transitions of HCN, HCO+ and HNC have been observed in the nuclear region of the nearby edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 4945 with the Compact Array of the Australia Telescope during the commissioning phase of the new 3-mm system. The collection and reduction of the observations is described in this paper, and the distribution of the HNC and HCO+ emission is discussed. Comparison of the ATCA observations with single dish spectra from the SEST suggests that there is a compact component to the emission seen in both spectra, and a diffuse component seen only in the SEST spectra. Absorption against the nuclear continuum is seen in HCO+, suggesting the presence of dense gas in front of the nucleus.  相似文献   
A study of the synoptic situation which produced the catastrophic floods of November 1988 in Catalonia (in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula) is presented. Analyses of the vertical structure, potential instability, precipitable water, and instability index are made through the radiosounding data from Palma, Majorca. It is found that the 1988 situation is included in type I intense convective events in Catalonia (classification obtained from all the events since 1950, (Llasat, 1989)). It was characterized by:
(a)  -pattern in the middle and high troposphere, the ridge axis east of Catalonia.
(b)  High pressure over Europe.
(c)  South-easterly winds in the lower troposphere with warm and moist humid air advection and south-westerlies aloft over Catalonia.
(d)  Strong instability (convective and latent).
(e)  Penetration of Atlantic air.
An algorithm is described for generating stochastic three-dimensional (3D) cloud fields from time–height fields derived from vertically pointing radar. This model is designed to generate cloud fields that match the statistics of the input fields as closely as possible. The major assumptions of the algorithm are that the statistics of the fields are translationally invariant in the horizontal and independent of horizontal direction; however, the statistics do depend on height. The algorithm outputs 2D or 3D stochastic fields of liquid water content (LWC) and (optionally) effective radius. The algorithm is a generalization of the Fourier filtering methods often used for stochastic cloud models. The Fourier filtering procedure generates Gaussian stochastic fields from a “Gaussian” cross-correlation matrix, which is a function of a pair of heights and the horizontal distance (or “lag”). The Gaussian fields are nonlinearly transformed to give the correct LWC histogram for each height. The “Gaussian” cross-correlation matrix is specially chosen so that, after the nonlinear transformation, the cross-correlation matrix of the cloud mask fields approximately matches that derived from the input LWC fields. The cloud mask correlation function is chosen because the clear/cloud boundaries are thought to be important for 3D radiative transfer effects in cumulus.The stochastic cloud generation algorithm is tested with 3 months of boundary layer cumulus cloud data from an 8.6-mm wavelength radar on the island of Nauru. Winds from a 915-MHz wind profiler are used to convert the radar fields from time to horizontal distance. Tests are performed comparing the statistics of 744 radar-derived input fields to the statistics of 100 2D and 3D stochastic output fields. The single-point statistics as a function of height agree nearly perfectly. The input and stochastic cloud mask cross-correlation matrices agree fairly well. The cloud fractions agree to within 0.005 (the total cloud fraction is 18%). The cumulative distributions of optical depth, cloud thickness, cloud width, and intercloud gap length agree reasonably well. In the future, this stochastic cloud field generation algorithm will be used to study domain-averaged 3D radiative transfer effects in cumulus clouds.  相似文献   
本文利用地球辐射平衡试验(ERBE)和国际卫星去气候计划(ISCCP)提供的地气系统长波射出辐射(OLR)和云量资料,计算半讲座了我国各季和年平均去量对地气系统OLR的强迫及其所产生的温室效应,结果表明:我国各季的OLR云强迫与总云量,高云量都有较好的相关,且季节变化明显;OLR云强迫和云温室效应的地理分布受云量和云状的影响较大,它们的年变化一般呈弱双峰型,峰值在春,夏季出现。  相似文献   
室内平面要素的准确提取与关系恢复是室内模型自动化语义重建的重要基础,本文提出了一种面向复杂三维点云的室内平面要素提取与优化方法.该方法首先利用区域增长和RANSAC平面混合分割方法分割室内点云数据;其次利用室内语义部件的空间位置信息及包围盒和法向量信息,对分割后的平面进行平面要素的精确提取;然后对提取的墙面进行优化,实...  相似文献   
一次热带海洋对流云微物理过程的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了理解微物理过程以及次生对流云对热带对流云团发展演变过程的影响,利用二维云分辨模式对2006年1月20日靠近澳大利亚西北部的印度尼西亚暖池附近的一次对流云降水过程进行数值模拟,分析了对流云发展演变不同阶段各种微物理过程的特征,尤其对次生对流的形成以及并合过程进行了深入分析.结果表明:本个例所研究的热带对流云团具有发展...  相似文献   
太行山东麓一次强对流冰雹云结构的观测分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用“太行山东麓人工增雨防雹作业技术试验示范”项目在冰雹发生区获取的综合观测资料,从强对流单体出现的天气背景、降雹特征、雷达回波演变、大冰雹的形成机制及动力结构等方面对2018年5月12日下午发生于太行山东麓的一次强对流单体降雹天气过程进行了分析。结果显示,午后不稳定能量的增大形成了有利的热力条件,低层风场的辐合扰动以及中层的冷空气侵入是产生本次强冰雹过程的触发因素。通过对雹云降雹时段雷达回波具有超长“悬挂回波”和对应大雹形成特征分析表明,云中存在着上、中、下相互衔接的0线(域),主上升气流2次逆时针转弯增加了雹胚再入主上升气流区继续长成大雹的机会,据此勾画出了云体主上升气流框架及大冰雹的形成机制,表明冰雹在雹云中的生长有多种模式。   相似文献   
The plane parallel homogeneous (PPH) approximation is known to generate systematic errors in the computation of reflectivity and transmissivity of a horizontally inhomogeneous cloud field. This PPH-bias is determined for two cloud fields, a stratocumulus and a shallow convective cloud scene, which have been simulated using a cloud resolving model. The independent column approximation has been applied as reference and a PPH analogue has been interpolated from the original cloud data. In order to correct for the bias the effective thickness approach (ETA) has been employed. For the two cloud simulations, the corresponding reduction factors have been determined.  相似文献   
A cloud clustering and classification algorithm is developed for a ground-based Ka-band radar system in the vertically pointing mode. Cloud profiles are grouped based on the combination of a time–height clustering method and the k-means clustering method. The cloud classification algorithm, developed using a fuzzy logic method, uses nine physical parameters to classify clouds into nine types: cirrostratus, cirrocumulus, altocumulus, altostratus, stratus, stratocumulus, nimbostratus,cumulus or cumulonimbus. The performance of the clustering and classification algorithm is presented by comparison with all-sky images taken from January to June 2014. Overall, 92% of the cloud profiles are clustered successfully and the agreement in classification between the radar system and the all-sky imager is 87%. The distribution of cloud types in Beijing from January 2014 to December 2017 is studied based on the clustering and classification algorithm. The statistics show that cirrostratus clouds have the highest occurrence frequency(24%) among the nine cloud types. High-level clouds have the maximum occurrence frequency and low-level clouds the minimum occurrence frequency.  相似文献   
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