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通过N体数值模拟以不同粒子数对星系中巨分子云的形成的影响进行了研究。结果表明:在聚合形成机制下,当对不同数目的分子云取相同的平均密度时,基本分子云的有效半径与其相应质量的立方根成正比,巨分子云的碎裂率与模拟基本分子云的数目无关。  相似文献   
一次过冷层状云催化云迹微物理特征的卫星遥感分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
利用卫星反演技术,通过卫星观测到的一次人工增雨催化作业后形成的云迹线个例,分析了云迹线与其周围云的光谱特征、亮温、亮温差、云顶粒子有效半径等云微物理特征,比较了它们之间的差异,揭示了这次过冷层状云催化的微物理效应。云迹实际上是持续时间超过80 min、宽和深分别约为14 km和1.5 km的云谷。云迹周围的云顶粒子有效半径为10—15μm,而云沟内的粒子在15—24μm变化。周围云体由过冷滴组成,中间可能夹杂了一些低浓度的冰粒子,云沟内云的主要成分是冰。和周围未被催化的云相比,0.6μm通道的光谱反射率,在云沟处有明显的增加,而3.7μm通道反射率在云沟内是降低的,尽管其绝对变化幅度不大,但其相对变化幅度较大。随着播云时间的增加,云沟深度、宽度逐渐增加,云沟内和周围云体的温差逐渐增加,对通道4和5而言,在最早催化部位,最大分别达到4.2℃和3.9℃,4和5通道之间云沟内的亮温差也是随冰晶化时间的增加而增加,最大为1.4℃,而云沟周围云为0.2—0.4℃。云沟的形成、云沟内云顶温度的增加和4,5通道之间亮温差的增加,都足以说明被播云体变薄,其原因是由于云顶降水使得云内的水流失,云顶下降。云顶冰晶化、冰粒子增长成降水造成云顶下沉,是云沟形成的主要原因。对于本次播云作业,晶化作用在播云22 min后逐渐显现。在播云后38—63 min,有新的水云在云沟的中间部位生成,可能是由于冻结潜热释放引起的上升运动所致。而新生水云在形成较早的云迹中没有出现,这些较早形成的云迹在80多分钟的整个观测期间持续扩散。最终,在周围云从外向云沟内的扩散过程中,云沟开始消散。  相似文献   
施其仁 《气象》1994,20(7):9-13
分析了淮河上游大暴雨过程的水汽来源和暴雨区的水分平衡。结果说明,暴雨区除有大量水汽净通量外,还有相当数量的水分来自云的净输送,尤其是大暴雨中心附近,积雨云团的净通量决定降水量的大小。因此,分析云的移动和变化是暴雨预报的重要课题。  相似文献   
The rates and mechanisms of both gas and liquid phase reactions for the oxidation of sulfur dioxide play an important role in the production of atmospheric acids and aerosol particles. Rhodeet al. (1981) concluded that sulfate production rates were highly non-linear functions of sulfur dioxide emission rates. Their modelling study used an HO x termination mechanism for the HO—SO2 reaction in the gas-phase. Stockwell and Calvert (1983) determined that one of the products of the overall reaction of HO with sulfur dioxide was an HO2 radical. The National Research Council (1983) using a version of the Rhodeet al. (1981) model modified to include HO2 production from the HO—SO2 reaction concluded that sulfate production becomes much more linear with respect to reductions in sulfur dioxide emissions. However, the cause of this increased linearity was not explained by the National Research Council report. It is demonstrated that the increased linearity is due to the coupling of gas-phases and aqueous phase chemistry. The gas-phase sulfur dioxide oxidation mechanism has a very significant effect on hydrogen perodide production rates.  相似文献   
We show that photochemical processes in the lower half of the troposphere are strongly affected by the presence of liquid water clouds. Especially CH2O, an important intermediate of CH4 (and of other hydrocarbon) oxidation, is subject to enhanced breakdown in the aqueous phase. This reduces the formation of HO x -radicals via photodissociation of CH2O in the gas phase. In the droplets, the hydrated form of CH2O, its oxidation product HCO2 , and H2O2 recycle O2 radicals which, in turn, react with ozone. We show that the latter reaction is a significant sink for O3. Further O3 concentrations are reduced as a result of decreased formation of O3 during periods with clouds. Additionally, NO x , which acts as a catalyst in the photochemical formation of O3, is depleted by clouds during the night via scavenging of N2O5. This significantly reduces NO x -concentrations during subsequent daylight hours, so that less NO x is available for O3 production. Clouds thus directly reduce the concentrations of O3, CH2O, NO x , and HO x . Indirectly, this also affects the budgets of other trace gases, such as H2O2, CO, and H2.  相似文献   
用华山气象站1985—2014年气象要素资料,分析近30 a华山云海的变化及云海与降水、相对湿度、风速的关系。结果表明,华山年平均云海日为26.27 d,最多年份72 d,最少年份仅3 d;面积200 km~2云海年平均日数24.23 d;面积≥200 km~2云海平均日数2.87 d,最多有20 d (1985、1994年),最少有2 d(1997年),1997年后再没有面积≥200 km~2的云海出现。云海的出现呈逐年下降的趋势,年际差异明显。秋季云海出现日数最多(平均云海日数8.13 d),冬季最少(平均4.60 d);各月的云海日数8月最多,5月最少。面积≥200 km~2云海冬季出现日数最多,夏季最少;11月出现最多,3、12月次之,5月最少。面积≥200 km~2云海出现的前一天或当天一般都有降水,两天中至少有一天出现降水的几率是84.30%;平均相对湿度≥70%时,较易形成云海;云海日出现时常伴有风,但总体风速不大,通常≤10.0 m·s~(-1),利于云海的形成保持。  相似文献   
We present a numerical model for the evolution of a protostellar disc that has formed self-consistently from the collapse of a molecular cloud core. The global evolution of the disc is followed for several million years after its formation. The capture of a wide range of spatial and temporal scales is made possible by use of the thin-disc approximation. We focus on the role of gravitational torques in transporting mass inward and angular momentum outward during different evolutionary phases of a protostellar disc with disc-to-star mass ratio of order 0.1. In the early phase, when the infall of matter from the surrounding envelope is substantial, mass is transported inward by the gravitational torques from spiral arms that are a manifestation of the envelope-induced gravitational instability in the disc. In the late phase, when the gas reservoir of the envelope is depleted, the distinct spiral structure is replaced by ongoing irregular non-axisymmetric density perturbations. The amplitude of these density perturbations decreases with time, though this process is moderated by swing amplification aided by the existence of the disc's sharp outer edge. Our global modelling of the protostellar disc reveals that there is typically a residual non-zero gravitational torque from these density perturbations, i.e. their effects do not exactly cancel out in each region. In particular, the net gravitational torque in the inner disc tends to be negative during first several million years of the evolution, while the outer disc has a net positive gravitational torque. Our global model of a self-consistently formed disc shows that it is also self-regulated in the late phase, so that it is near the Toomre stability limit, with a near-uniform Toomre parameter Q ≈ 1.5–2.0. Since the disc also has near-Keplerian rotation, and comparatively weak temperature variation, it maintains a near-power-law surface density profile proportional to r −3/2.  相似文献   
钱磊 《天文学报》2021,62(1):7-87
通过结构函数可以测量湍流的能量级联速率.在实际观测中,无法测量分子云中气体的3维速度,这使得其湍流结构函数难以测量.对垂直于视线方向的薄分子云的情形,结构函数Stt2可以通过云核速度弥散(core velocity dispersion,CVD)进行测量,CVD2=1/2Stt2.对此进行推广,对于不垂直于视线方向的薄分子云,CVD2=1/2Stt2(1-1/8cos2θ)R2/3,其中,θ是视线方向与投影方向的夹角,平均投影距离与3维距离之比R可以用第2类椭圆积分E(k,φ)表示为R=2/πE(cosθ,π/2).  相似文献   
根据Aqua MODIS 2级云产品和Cloudsat的2级产品资料,结合降水数据和MODIS L1B级辐射率数据,对发生在京津冀地区夏季的三次强降水过程中冰云的宏微观物理量的特征进行分析,并探究这些物理量和降水强度的关系。结果表明:在水平分布中,强降水过程中降水强度高值区内云相为冰云,冰云云顶高度在8~17 km,冰云粒子有效半径、冰云光学厚度、冰水路径分别最高可达60 μm、 150、 5 000 g?m-2;冰云光学厚度、冰水路径、冰云云顶高度随降水强度增大而增大。在垂直分布中,冰云主要分布在3.5 km以上,发生强降水站点的冰云为深对流云,冰云粒子有效半径、冰水含量、冰云粒子数浓度分别最高可达150 μm、 3 000 mg?m-3 、 500 L-1;冰云粒子有效半径高值区存在于云层中下部,且随高度上升而减小,冰云粒子数浓度高值区存在于云层中上部,且随高度上升而增加,冰水含量高值区则存在于云层中部;冰云粒子有效半径、冰水含量、冰云粒子数浓度在9 km以上随降水强度增大而增大。  相似文献   
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