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Introduction The anisotropy of the Earth crust medium is a common phenomenon(Crampin,1984).More and more observation materials and study results have proved that on most of the Earth′s upper crust is spread fluid-filled cracks and microcracks,which are aligned according to the contempo-rary stress-field.Such distributions of aligned cracks show effectively anisotropy to seismic wave and the phenomenon is called extensive-dilatancy anisotropy(EDA)(Crampin et al,1984).At the same time,it is …  相似文献   
On the basis of about 300 earthquake wave forms observed in the Shidian M S=5.9 sequences on April 12, 2001 recorded in Kunming Digital Seismic Network, the spectra of shear wave have been used to estimate the focal parameters of these earthquake sequences. The results show that within the magnitude range of 1.5–5.3, the seismic moments are 1010–1016 N·m, the corner frequencies are 0.2–0.8 Hz, radii of the focal rupture are 200–2 500 m and the stress drops are 0.1×105–20×105Pa. Through the statistical analyses of variation of corner frequency f c and stress drop Δσ with time, it is discovered that the average corner frequency of the foreshock sequences is obviously lower than that of the aftershock sequences. Contrarily, the average stress drops Δσ of the foreshock sequences are clearly higher than that of the aftershocks. It is considered that these variation characteristics of average corner frequency and stress drops before and after the main shock have index significance to the precursory information before a strong earthquake. The higher stress drops for the foreshock sequences show that the higher shear stresses have been stored in the area of main shock. After the main shock, most of the stresses have been released, so the aftershock sequences show a rupture process of lower stresses. Foundation item: Scientific and Technological Key Project of Yunnan Province (2001NG46)  相似文献   
基于正交多项式逼近法的岩土参数概率分布推断   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
针对岩上参数样本容量较大的情况,基于数值分析中的逼近原理,直接根据试验样本值,运用勒让德正交多项式来拟合岩土参数的概率密度函数,并用K-S检验法从理论上证明所求的密度函数的正确性和实用性。  相似文献   
运用MALVERN公司2000型粒度仪对珠江三角洲地区的江村ZK2钻孔作粒度分析,江村钻孔按粒度的偏态值可划分为两个河相与海相或湖泊沼泽相的沉积交替过程,同时与粒度参数、年代数据以及前人所做的孢粉等证据相结合,大致看出研究区气候变化的4个千年尺度的气候波动:第一阶段为较长时间的冷干期,该段时间约为20-10.7kaB.P.;第二阶段为回暖期,时间大致在10.7-7.5kaB.P.,总体比较湿润;第三阶段为升温期,该时期约在7.5-5kaB.P.之间,在此期间各有一次干湿交替;第四阶段为降温期,时间大约出现在5kaB.P.至今,这是一个波动性较大的时期,也各有一次干湿交替。  相似文献   
页岩油资源评价过程中,常用热解参数(S1)反映含油性。由于实验关系,所测得的S1存在轻烃、重烃的损失,为更准确的对页岩油资源进行定量评价,本文通过有机质成烃动力学研究以及对样品抽提前后的热解参数进行对比,对S1进行轻、重烃补偿校正,获得泥页岩总含油率参数,根据泥页岩排烃门限确定其可动油含量参数(S1/TOC)。研究结果表明,松辽盆地北部青山口组泥页岩S1校正前后相差2~3倍,排烃门限对应的S1/TOC=75mg/g TOC,结合黏土矿物含量(表征可压裂性),优选出页岩油勘探开发有利区:青一段有利区主要集中在齐家古龙凹陷中北部及龙虎泡大安阶地中部,青二、三段集中在龙虎泡大安阶地中部与齐家古龙凹陷中南部。  相似文献   
基于济南S波段双偏振多普勒天气雷达探测数据,结合探空和地面实况资料,对2019年同一区域两次强降水风暴双偏振参量特征进行分析。结果表明:1)两次对流性强降水发生在弱垂直风切变环境下,具有较强的对流有效位能,低层湿度较大,0℃层高度较高,利于短时强降水的产生。2)两次强降水风暴都具有低质心热带降水特征,45 dBZ以上的强回波区主要位于环境0℃层高度之下。3)风暴低层强回波区都对应大的差分反射率因子Z_(DR)和比差分相位K_(DP),Z_(DR)≥0.5 dB,K_(DP)≥0.5°·km~(-1),相关系数CC≥0.95;反射率因子在50~54 dBZ之间,对应的K_(DP)1.0°·km~(-1),CC≥0.97,Z_(DR)适中,是两次强降水风暴导致高强度降水的主要双偏振参量特征。4)两次强降水风暴Z_(DR)柱和K_(DP)柱高度存在明显差异,7月27日强降水风暴前侧出现Z_(DR)柱和K_(DP)柱,高度接近-10℃层高度,8月10日强降水风暴Z_(DR)柱和K_(DP)柱略高于0℃层高度,Z_(DR)柱高度对雷暴强度具有指示作用。  相似文献   
临夏盆地13~4.4 Ma湖相沉积物颜色记录的气候变化探讨   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
利用高分辨率的代用资料来恢复古气候环境变化是当前过去全球变化研究的重要内容.通过对临夏盆地13~4.4 Ma时段稳定湖泊沉积物以10 cm间隔连续采得的2 060块样品进行颜色测定与分析,获得该时段湖相沉积物高分辨率颜色指标变化序列.通过沉积物颜色与成分分析,并与氯离子、CaCO3、风成石英砂含量和孢粉组合以及北太平洋ODP885/886孔的风成粉沙通量变化曲线对比,认为稳定湖相沉积物颜色指标是研究古气候变化的辅助性代用指标,并揭示了该地区在8 Ma和6.2 Ma左右存在两次重大的气候变干转型事件.  相似文献   
研究了Gudehus-Bauer亚塑性本构模型和模型参数的求取方法。采用侧限压缩试验曲线求取模型参数颗粒硬度hs和指数n。根据模型方程的推导,建立了拟合指数 和 与围压之间的关系,并提出了新的拟合参数。考虑到堆石料具有明显的剪胀、剪缩性,在Gudehus-Bauer模型线性项中增加了主要控制体积应变项 ,以改善模型对堆石料体积应变曲线的描述。采用堆石料大型侧限压缩试验、常规三轴试验分别验证了新的拟合参数和改进后的Gudehus-Bauer亚塑性本构模型。与堆石料试验成果比较,提出的新拟合参数与改进后的Gudehus-Bauer亚塑性本构模型可以较好地模拟堆石料的应力-应变特性,并较好地改善了堆石料体变曲线的模拟结果。对改进后的模型作了常规三轴加、卸载模拟,模拟结果反映了改进的Gudehus-Bauer亚塑性本构模型具有一定的卸载适应性。  相似文献   
通过对青藏高原东北部共和盆地泥炭沉积的粒度与地球化学元素分析, 重建了区域全新世千年尺度的气候变化过程. 结果显示: 10.0~8.6 cal ka BP区域暖湿程度逐渐增加, 但在8.6~7.1 cal ka BP气候相对寒冷干燥, 7.1~3.8 cal ka BP 暖湿程度总体上为全新世最佳, 但也出现明显的气候波动, 3.8~0.5 cal ka BP气候向冷干方向发展, 0.5 cal ka BP以来气候又逐渐转向暖湿. 这一特征与中国东部季风区的气候变化有很好的一致性. 此外, 区域全新世气候变化过程中存在10次千年尺度的寒冷事件, 并与高原冰芯、 湖泊、 泥炭和风成沉积记录的古气候变化, 甚至与北半球高低纬度的气候变化都具有良好的可比性. 因此, 认为区域全新世气候变化具有"季风模式"与"千年尺度震荡"的双重特点.  相似文献   
The Lambert Glacier basin is one of particular regions in East Antarctica, because of its distinctive topography. During the repeat inland traverses carried out in recent several years, surface 2 m snow samples and shallow (10~27 m deep) cores were collected at several ten stations and at near ten stations, respectively. The stable isotopic ratios of these samples and cores were measured in order to investigate the relation of isotopes with temperature and to study the climatic change in recent decades over this area. The correlation between isotopic ratios and mean annual temperature gives that δ-temperature gradient is relatively close to that along a traverse route between Vostok and Mirnyy stations. The inconsistency of δ18O profiles of these cores makes it difficult to distinguish an overall trend of climatic change in past decades. After incorporating the result of snow accumulation variability and temperature record over 30 years at the coast station, it is believed that climate was in a little cooling and drying from 1950s to 1980s and has been in a warming period since then.  相似文献   
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