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This article studies the response of the distribution pattern and the physiological characteristics of the ecosystem to the spontaneous precipitation and the interaction between vegetation and the atmosphere on multiple scales in arid and semi-arid zones, based on measured data of the ecological physiological parameters in the Ordas Plateau of northern China. The results show that the vegetation biomass and the energy use efficiency of photosynthesis are especially sensitive to the annual precipitation; strong and complex interactions exist between the vegetation and the atmosphere on multiple scales leading to supernormal thermal heterogeneity of the underlying surface, the strong vortex movement and turbulence. This study can facilitate understanding of the land surface processes and the influences of global climate change as well as human activities on the human environment in the arid and semi-arid zones. It also aids in improving the parameterization schemes of turbulent fluxes of a heterogeneous underlying surface for land surface processes in climate models.  相似文献   
在国家重点研发计划支持下,项目提出了陆表不均一性检测和订正的新方法,解决了渐变型不均一性检测和订正的难题,构建了中国地表太阳辐射、气温、地温、风速和降水等参数均一化站点和格点数据集,修订了关于中国地表风速变化趋势、增温格局及其形成机制的结论。融合多源数据,构建并验证了千米级、流域级或县域级的电厂、人口、生物质能、取水量、氮排放、二氧化碳排放等影响自然系统的关键人文要素历史和未来预估数据集。构建了未来关键人文要素情景,研制了碳中和目标下甲烷和氧化亚氮排放情景和用于驱动全球模式的未来情景,预估了中国碳中和战略的实施对全球变暖的减缓作用,发现中国碳中和对远期和中期全球变暖的减缓作用显著。给出了中国各省份水体氮排放安全阈值及超越时间,阐明了中国粮食产量与氮施肥的关系,提出了在保障粮食安全的前提下减少水体氮排放的有效途径,指出重构城乡养分循环体系是同时保障粮食安全和恢复水质的必要途径。发现全球饱和水汽压差的年际变化与大气二氧化碳浓度上升速率的年际变化显著相关,阐明了饱和水汽压差变化在调控生态系统生产力中的重要角色以及多因素耦合作用在生态系统生产力变化中的复杂影响。建议更全面细致地评估中国各种碳中...  相似文献   
Zhang  Man  Chen  Yaning  Shen  Yanjun  Li  Baofu 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(1):3-28
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Under the impacts of climate change and human activities, great uncertainties still exist in the response of climate extremes, especially in Central Asia (CA). In...  相似文献   
随着全球变暖,极端天气气候事件增强,天气气候灾害造成的损失也愈发严重。当前气候预测的准确性远远不能满足社会需要,气候系统预测理论和方法面临着众多挑战性问题。为提档气候预测科学水平和准确率,由南京信息工程大学和中山大学承担的“气候系统预测研究中心”获得国家自然科学基金基础科学中心项目支持(2021年1月—2025年12月)。在该项目执行的前三年,项目团队开展了大量深入系统的研究,并取得了若干重要进展:1)揭示了气候系统的若干关键变化、驱动力和机制;2)剖析了海-陆-冰-气相互作用对我国重大极端气候事件的影响;3)在气候系统数值模式研发和预测系统集成方面取得重要进展;4)发展了延伸期-S2S-年代际的气候系统预测理论和方法。本文对这些进展作了扼要介绍,并针对气候与环境变化归因、古今气候环境研究融合、跨时空气候系统变异和极端气候、人工智能与气候科学、年代际预测和风险应对体系等关键科学问题做了展望。  相似文献   
The variability in global oceanic evaporation data sets was examined for the period 1988-2000. These data sets are satellite estimates based on bulk aerodynamic formulations and include the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Satellite-based Surface Turbulent Flux version 2 ( GSSTF2), the Japanese-ocean flux using remote sensing observations (J-OFURO), and the Hamburg Ocean-Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite version 2 (HOAPS2). The National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis is also included for comparison. An increase in global average surface latent heat flux (SLHF) can be observed in all the data sets. Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) shows long-term increases that started around 1990 for all remote sensing data sets. The effect of Mt. Pinatubo eruption in 1991 is clearly evident in HOAPS2 but is independent of the longterm increase. Linear regression analyses show increases of 9.4%, 13.0%, 7. 3%, and 3.9% for GSSTF2, J-OFURO, HOAPS2 and NCEP, for the periods of the data sets. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analyses show that the pattern of the first EOF of all data sets is consistent with a decadal variation associated with the enhancement of the tropical Hadley circulation, which is supported by other satellite observations. The second EOF of all four data sets is an ENSO mode, and the correlations between their time series and an SO1 are 0.74, 0.71,0.59, and 0.61 for GSSTF2, J-OFURO, HOAPS2, and NCEP in that order. When the Hadley modes are removed from the remote sensing data, the residue global increases are reduced to 2.2% , 7. 3%, and 〈 1% for GSSTF2, J-OFURO and HOAPS, respectively. If the ENSO mode is used as a calibration standard for the data sets, the Hadley mode is at least comparable to, if not larger than, the ENSO mode during our study period.  相似文献   
于革 《地球科学进展》2007,22(4):369-375
早新生代是地质史上最后一个温室气候期,随后南极冰盖形成,地球进入到晚新生代冰期。温室气候的成因和冰期气候转型的机制一直是国际相关学界关注的问题。评述国际上对此开展的古气候模拟,反映了早新生代温室气候受到了海洋和大陆的地理位置、暖海洋温盐环流和海洋热输送、太阳辐射和大气CO2浓度变化的作用和影响。古气候模拟还反映了早新生代温室气候转向冰期气候,受到了大洋通道改变和高原构造隆起、大气成分变化以及海陆生态系相互的作用和反馈。这些古气候模拟试验锁定在气候变化的关键时段和重要驱动因子,对测试地球内外驱动力和地球各圈层反馈作用提供了重要的科学依据;温室气候以及趋向冰期气候的模拟研究对探讨气候变化内在机制、预测未来气候具有重要意义。   相似文献   
周磊  支蓉  冯爱霞  龚志强 《海洋学报》2010,32(9):6689-6696
利用中国地区435个台站1961—2002年逐日平均温度序列,将温度变化发生在9天时间尺度上的特征编码在网络中,通过研究二分图温度网络(BGT网络)中节点与项目的关系,揭示出9天时间尺度上温度变化的特征及其在空间上的拓扑统计性质.网络中各节点RRRD, RrDD, eeed, DRRD, DDRR等所代表的温度波动模态在网络中异常频发,对9天尺度温度变化的预报有一定的指导意义.统计网络的节点度分布,集群系数等拓扑结构特征量,发现BGT网络服从正态分布特征.BGT网络项目内节点度的多样性大体上  相似文献   
Recently ocean acidification as a major threat for marine species has moved from a consensus statement into a much discussed and even challenged conception. A simple meta-analysis of Hendriks et al. (2010) showed that based on results of pooled experimental evidence, marine biota may turn out to be more resistant than hitherto believed. Dupont et al. (in press) indicate the importance of evaluating the most vulnerable stages in the life cycle of organisms instead of only adult stages. Here we evaluate additional material, composed of experimental evidence of the effect of ocean acidification on marine organisms during adult, larval, and juvenile stages, and show that the observed effects are within the range predicted by Hendriks et al. (2010). Species-specific differences and a wide variance in the reaction of organisms might obscure patterns of differences between life stages. Future research should be aimed to clarify underlying mechanisms to define the effect ocean acidification will have on marine biodiversity. Conveying scientific evidence along with an open acknowledgment of uncertainties to help separate evidence from judgment should not harm the need to act to mitigate ocean acidification and should pave the road for robust progress in our understanding of how ocean acidification impacts biota of the ocean.  相似文献   
赵玉衡  王悦颖  陈丽娟  龚振淞 《气象》2024,50(4):499-513
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析数据集和中国2400个站的气候观测数据,对2023年秋季我国气候异常特征及其成因进行分析。2023年秋季全国平均气温为1961年以来历史同期最高;全国平均降水量接近常年同期,但空间分布不均且季节内变化明显。秋季欧亚中高纬环流呈“两槽一脊”型,造成我国气温显著偏高;9月呈“两脊一槽”型,巴尔喀什湖低槽活动导致西北地区降水增多;10月呈“两槽一脊”型,导致北方地区偏暖加强;11月呈“西高东低”型,东路冷空气增强,东北地区气温偏低、降水偏多。西太平洋副热带高压总体较常年偏强、偏西,脊线9月异常偏北、10月偏南、11月接近常年。印缅槽9月显著偏强,10—11月接近常年。9月印缅槽偏强与副热带高压异常偏北共同导致了长江中下游以北至黄河下游地区多雨;10—11月东部地区水汽条件整体偏差。9—10月近海台风频繁活动,造成华南地区降水偏多。2023年秋季我国气候受到大气季节内变化的显著作用,热带海温异常的影响不典型。  相似文献   
代潭龙  洪洁莉  李莹  刘远  王国复  翟建青 《气象》2024,50(3):370-376
2023年,全球平均气温比工业化前高出约1.45℃(±0.12℃),是有观测记录以来最热的一年。全球海平面继续上升,且全球平均海平面达到了有卫星记录(1993年至今)以来的最高水平,反映了持续的海洋变暖以及冰川和冰盖的融化。北极海冰面积仍远低于常年值,南极海冰面积创下历史新低。巴基斯坦、中国京津冀地区、意大利、巴西圣保罗州北部沿海地区、新西兰北岛等地遭受暴雨洪涝灾害,非洲西北部、中国云南、中美洲和南美洲北部发生严重干旱,南欧、北美、南美、东亚和南亚等地遭遇创纪录高温热浪,欧洲和北美等地遭遇寒流和暴风雪侵袭,强对流天气频繁袭击世界各处,全球热带气旋活动频繁。  相似文献   
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