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Urban expansion and the scarcity of water supplies in arid and semiarid regions have increased the importance of urban runoff to localized water resources. However, urban catchment responses to precipitation are poorly understood in semiarid regions where intense rainfall often results in large runoff events during the short summer monsoon season. To evaluate how urban runoff quantity and quality respond to rainfall magnitude and timing, we collected stream stage data and runoff samples throughout the 2007 and 2008 summer monsoons from four ephemeral drainages in Tucson, Arizona. Antecedent rainfall explained 20% to 30% of discharge (mm) and runoff ratio in the least impervious (22%) catchment but was not statistically related to hydrologic responses at more impervious sites. Regression models indicated that rainfall depth, imperviousness and their combined effect control discharge and runoff ratios (p < 0.01, r2 = 0.91 and 0.75, respectively). In contrast, runoff quality did not vary with imperviousness or catchment size. Rainfall depth and duration, time since antecedent rainfall and event and cumulative discharge controlled runoff hydrochemistry and resulted in five specific solute response patterns: (i) strong event and seasonal solute mobilization (solute flush), (ii) event chemostasis and strong seasonal flush, (iii) event chemostasis and weak seasonal flush, (iv) event and seasonal chemostasis and (v) late seasonal flush. Our results indicate that hydrologic responses of semiarid catchments are controlled by rainfall partitioning at the event scale, whereas wetting magnitude, frequency and timing alter solute stores readily available for transport and control temporal runoff quality. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A typical agricultural water reservoir (AWR) of 2400 m2 area and 5 m depth, located in a semi‐arid area (southern Spain), was surveyed on a daily basis for 1 year. The annual evaporation flux was 102·7 W m?2, equivalent to an evaporated water depth of 1310 mm year?1. The heat storage rate G exhibited a clear annual cycle with a peak gain in April (G ~ 45 W m?2) and a peak loss in November (G ~ 40 W m?2), leading to a marked annual hysteretic trend when evaporation (λE) was related to net radiation (Rn). λE was strongly correlated with the available energy A, representing 91% of the annual AWR energy loss. The sensible heat flux H accounted for the remaining 9%, leading to an annual Bowen ratio in the order of 0·10. The equilibrium and advective evaporation terms of the Penman formula represented 76 and 24%, respectively, of the total evaporation, corresponding to a annual value of the Priestley–Taylor (P–T) coefficient (α) of 1·32. The P–T coefficient presented a clear seasonal pattern, with a minimum of 1·23 (July) and a maximum of 1·65 (December), indicating that, during periods of limited available energy, AWR evaporation increased above the potential evaporation as a result of the advection process. Overall, the results stressed that accurate prediction of monthly evaporation by means of the P–T formula requires accounting for both the annual cycle of storage and the advective component. Some alternative approaches to estimating Rn, G and α are proposed and discussed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
周明海 《铀矿地质》1989,5(2):102-107
钻孔孔径变化与矿床类型、钻进孔径、矿化岩性、矿层品位、矿层厚度、冲冼液的性质以及工程切穿矿层的时间有着密切的关系。孔径变化对γ测井解释含量、矿床储量的增减影响甚大。理论和实践证明,专门性的孔径测量,是提高γ测井质量、准确确定矿层品级的重要措施之一,对提高矿床经济效益也具有重要意义。  相似文献   
A technique has been developed to determine attenuation in rocks at high temperature using a gas-media, high-pressure apparatus. A pulse transmission technique and a spectral ratio method are used to study compressional seismic properties of rocks. Seismic waves are transmitted to and from the sample through buffer rods of mullite. The effect of seismic wave reflections within the sample assembly are cancelled out by taking ratios of the spectra measured at different temperatures. In order to obtain good signal-to-noise ratio for resolving the attenuation at high pressure and temperature, special care is taken in the sample assembly and the ultrasonic coupling between the sample, buffer rods and transducers. A very tight connection of the sample-buffer rod-transducer is essential for obtaining high frequency signals (>300 kHz) at high temperature. A small mass is attached to each outside end of the transducer to drive low frequency signals (<250 kHz) into the sample. Before attenuation measurements, the sample and the buffer rods are tightly compacted in a platinum tube at high pressure and room temperature to ensure pressure seal of the sample assembly. The frequency range of measurement covers 50 to 450 kHz for the sample. Attenuation is very small in the buffer rod compared to the sample for the entire temperature range of the study. Because of the small attenuation, a wide frequency band of 50 kHz to 3.2 MHz can be covered for investigating the attenuation in the buffer rod. The technique has been used to measure attenuation at high confining pressure, and temperatures including sub- and hyper-solidus of upper mantle rocks. Therefore, effects of partial melting on attenuation can be studied.The method is applied to the attenuation measurement in a peridotite as a function of temperature to 1225°C at 200 MPa confining pressure. At high temperature, signal amplitude decays more rapidly at high frequency than at low frequency, from which attenuation (andQ) can be determined using a spectral ratio method. No frequency dependence ofQ is resolved for both the sample and the buffer rod over the entire temperature and frequency ranges of the measurement. The results show thatQ decreases rapidly with increasing temperature even in the temperature range below the solidus of peridotites. Such temperature sensitivity ofQ is probably more useful to probe thermal structure in the upper mantle than that of conductivity at temperatures below the solidus. The results in this study are compared with available seismic velocity, electrical conductivity and solidus data for peridotites, suggesting that there is no discontinuous change in both mechanical and electrical properties of peridotites at the solidus temperature. Even at hypersolidus temperatures, it appears that velocity drops and conductivity increases continuously (not abruptly) with increasing melt fraction. This implies that mechanical and electrical properties of the upper mantle will gradually change at the boundary where the geotherm crosses the solidus.  相似文献   
Thermo-mechanical behaviour of rocks shows phenomenological similarities to that of clays. A visible decrease of strength and an increase in ductility at elevated temperatures are observed in drained conditions. In undrained conditions the strength decrease is even more dramatic and the ductile behaviour may turn into the brittle one, if a sufficient amount of water is present in the pores at the start of the process, or it is being released during heating by the decomposition of hydrous minerals. Applying a thermo-plasticity theory, major macroscopical characteristics of behaviour may be modelled. According to this theory, the elastic domain is postulated as temperature dependent, shrinking with temperature; heating may result in expansive or compactive volumetric irreversible strain depending on the confining stress. This theory is applied to the modelling of heat effects on local changes of permeability around a cylindrical nuclear waste container disposed off in deep clays, and in the numerical simulation of a mechanism initiating deep earthquakes.  相似文献   
污染地下水渗入大佛湾摩岩造像群,在石刻表面积聚可溶盐,加剧了石刻的侵蚀破坏,其中尤以泥质细粒长石砂岩风化剥落最为严重。研究渗水病害对石刻保护有重要意义。  相似文献   
傅碧宏 《沉积学报》1995,13(4):153-160
根据塔里木盆地西北缘中奥陶统和下志留统各组岩石的光谱特征分析,选择了TM3/1(Y)2/3(M)7/5(C)减色比值合成影像对研究区岩石地层层序进行划分和对比,划分出O12、O22、O32、S11和S21等5个影像岩石地层单元,它们与研究区的岩性组一致,但其精度高于研究区1:20万地质图。通过影像岩石地层的对比研究发现,研究区西部皮羌断裂以西在中奥陶世几乎未接受沉积,皮羌断裂以东出现了坎岭组,再往东至研究区东部,中奥陶统沉积较全;早志留世早期研究区西部沉积了海相红层,往研究区东部则相变为海相绿色地层。尤其是通过TM比值图像的分析,发现前人认为分布很局限,但具有很大生油潜力的印干组在研究区分布范围较广,并推断其沉积中心位于与研究区相邻的塔北隆起和北部坳陷一带。这为塔里木盆地油气评价和勘探提供了新的资料,并表明TM遥感数据的应用是沉积盆地油气勘探研究中的一种很有潜力技术方法。  相似文献   
本文通过改变云峰井孔径试验,探讨了提高地下水观测井映震能力的一种途径。  相似文献   
(毛桐恩,姚家榴)Therelationshipbetweencrust-mantlestructuralratioandseismicactivity¥Tong-EnMAOandJia-LiuYAO(InstituteofGeophysics,St...  相似文献   
本文对强震前震源系统的调制比r_m和调制比异常面积Sr_m随时间变化的起伏加剧现象进行回顾性研究,得到下列研究结果:(1)强震前近源区以及中强震前近源区大多出现调制比r_m的起伏加剧,并大多在起伏频次达三次时有大震或中强震发生。(2)大多数中、强地震前r_m异常面积Sr_m围绕震源区呈现由小至大、由大至小的过程,因此引入最小异常面积Sr_(min)和最大异常面积Sr_(max)之比γ作为中、短期预报指标,根据统计得到异常指标[γ]如下式某些震例在震前出现异常面积Sr_m起伏的加剧过程,初步认为是震源区周围调整单元调整能力较差导致的结果。(3)r_m、Sr_m起伏加剧开始时间与震级有关,震级愈大,起伏加剧出现愈早。根据半年步长逐月滑动得到的r_m-T图,起伏加剧开始至发震的时间与震级M的统计,得到如下关系(T以月计)M=4.29+0.11T(4)强震前场区异常一般呈现随机异常型、波动型和衰减型三种。若场区某统计区出现r_m的三次起伏加剧时,说明该统计区未来有强震发生。(5)由自治系统和非自治系统原理初步解释了震前震源区周围调整区调制比r_m及调制比异常面积Sr_m起伏现象的周期特征。  相似文献   
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