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本文通过应用地震层析成像(CT)技术,对跨孔成像法采集得到的初至波走时,用基于最短路径法的弯曲射线追踪正演和基于LSQR算法的反演技术进行处理。与测井资料联合解释,得到井间波速分布图,对井控范围内的地层构造和地基注浆效果进行了研究,最终得到断裂构造带和人防空洞的分布。认为地震CT在进行城市环境地质调查与评价、浅层工程地质勘察时,能够解决地层岩性和构造的复杂性,对目标环境进行准确预测,在城市环境地质研究和基础设施建设中起重要作用,对促进城市地球物理勘察技术的发展有重要意义。  相似文献   
利用高空高速大型无人机自身优势,设计一种基于大型无人机的新型气象探测系统,旨在丰富气象探测技术手段,提高气象探测的准确性.为了实现高空远距气象探测功能,对系统的组成、接口、控制逻辑等进行逐一设计优化,并创新地采用螺旋运转结构,大幅增加气象任务载荷数量,使单个吊舱可装载24枚探空仪.作为一项军民融合的典型应用,本气象探测...  相似文献   
土木工程测量实习成绩评价改革与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立土木工程测量实习成绩评价体系,应用基于层次分析法的模糊综合评判对土木工程专业学生的实习成绩进行评定,并应用于实践。结果显示,该方法能够克服传统评定的主观随意性,提高学生成绩评定的全面性和准确性,对于测绘工程专业其他实习课程的评价具有参考作用。  相似文献   
建筑是能源消耗大户,也是导致环境污染与气候变化的原因之一.推动绿色建筑的发展,是实现低碳经济与可持续发展的重要路径.当前,中国已经颁布了一些法律法规以及通过信息工具——绿色建筑认证等制度措施来推动绿色建筑的发展,但是实践中存在一些问题,相关制度设计也不够成熟.美国以及欧盟在绿色建筑方面的立法与实践经验相对比较丰富.中国可以借鉴这些国家的一些成功经验,采取一些措施促进绿色建筑的发展,如提高人们对绿色建筑的认识,设计出更多样化的激励工具等等.  相似文献   
通过在已知在已揭露的地下人防巷道上方高密度电阻率法中温纳装置、三极装置的试验以及异常特征分析,说明利用地下介质的电阻率差异,采用高密度电阻率法探测地下人防巷道工作时,应选择好装置类型,且要正确地识别其异常标志。  相似文献   
As cities increasingly engage in climate adaptation planning, many are seeking to promote public participation and facilitate the engagement of different civil society actors. Still, the variations that exist among participatory approaches and the merits and tradeoffs associated with each are not well understood. This article examines the experiences of Quito (Ecuador) and Surat (India) to assess how civil society actors contribute to adaptation planning and implementation. The results showcase two distinct approaches to public engagement. The first emphasizes participation of experts, affected communities, and a wide array of citizens to sustain broadly inclusive programmes that incorporate local needs and concerns into adaptation processes and outcomes. The second approach focuses on building targeted partnerships between key government, private, and civil society actors to institutionalize robust decision-making structures, enhance abilities to raise funds, and increase means to directly engage with local community and international actors. A critical analysis of these approaches suggests more inclusive planning processes correspond to higher climate equity and justice outcomes in the short term, but the results also indicate that an emphasis on building dedicated multi-sector governance institutions may enhance long-term programme stability, while ensuring that diverse civil society actors have an ongoing voice in climate adaptation planning and implementation.

Policy relevance

Many local governments in the Global South experience severe capacity and resource constraints. Cities are often required to devolve large-scale planning and decision-making responsibilities, such as those critical to climate adaptation, to different civil society actors. As a result, there needs to be more rigorous assessments of how civil society participation contributes to the adaptation policy and planning process and what local social, political, and economic factors dictate the way cities select different approaches to public engagement. Also, since social equity and justice are key indicators for determining the effectiveness and sustainability of adaptation interventions, urban adaptation plans and policies must also be designed according to local institutional strengths and civic capacities in order to account for the needs of the poor and most vulnerable. Inclusivity, therefore, is critical for ensuring equitable planning processes and just adaptation outcomes.  相似文献   

Nicola Ansell   《Geoforum》2009,40(4):675-685
Children and youth are a key target group for interventions to address southern Africa’s AIDS pandemic. Such interventions are frequently implemented through schools, and are often complex products of negotiation between a range of institutional actors including international agencies, NGOs, government departments and individual schools. These institutions not only stand in different (horizontally scaled) spatial relationships to students in schools; they also appear to operate at different hierarchical levels. Empirical research with policy makers and practitioners in Lesotho, however, reveals how interventions are produced through flows of knowledge, funding and personnel within and between institutions that make it difficult to assert that any intervention is manifestly more international or more local than any other. Scale theory offers the metaphor of a network or web which usefully serves to move attention away from discrete organisations, sectors and scalar positionings and onto the relationships and flows between them. Nevertheless, organisations and development interventions are often partly structured in scalar hierarchical ways that express substantive power differentials and shape the forms of interaction that take place, albeit not binding them to strict binaries or nested hierarchies. A modified network metaphor is useful in aiding understanding of how particular interventions are produced through intermeshing scales and diverse fluid interactions, and why they take the form they do.  相似文献   
人防建设是国家的一项重要战备工程,人防警报系统是人防系统的神经和耳目,是《人民防空法》对城市建设和管理的必须要求,战时用于人民防空,组织人员疏散时的告知手段,平时兼负着防洪、防震、防台风等抗灾救灾、旅游景区游客疏散和突发事故情况下的灾情预警和紧急报知,保障人民的生命财产安全,减小突发事件造成的损失。由于多安装在既有建筑物中的人防警报系统不能被原有防雷装置完全保护,因此人防警报系统遭到雷击频率比其他行业的高。通过调查人防警报系统遭受雷击现场,分析了雷击事故原因,剖析出5种雷击危害和遭受雷击的途径,揭示了人防警报系统存在的5种雷击安全隐患,并针对人防警报系统特点提出了全方位的雷电防护措施。  相似文献   
选择不同填料对生物接触氧化法处理生活污水进行了进一步的研究与应用,探讨了温度、接触氧化停留时间等因素对其处理效果的影响。实验研究结果表明,在水温为18℃~20℃,水力负荷为70m l/m in时,采用鹅卵石和沸石的复合填料挂膜,进行生物接触氧化法处理生活污水,在降解NH3-N和氨氮等方面取得良好效果,COD、NH3-N去除率都高达80%以上。  相似文献   
朱惠斌 《热带地理》2013,33(5):527-532
行政中心迁移作为重要行政决策,对城市发展战略和近期建设重心有显著影响作用。本文采用层次演进分析法,对珠三角东岸中心城市深圳、东莞和惠州进行行政中心的分布规律与影响要素实证研究。研究结果表明:我国行政中心概念出现演化,形成服务中心与配套设施逐步分离的需求;行政中心迁移可分为区域一体化发展、空间管治的驱动和新增长极的创造等类型。对珠三角深莞惠都市区城市行政中心迁移模式进行研究,结果显示:深圳选择行政中心跨区迁移,其迁移核心体现在与珠三角合作的区域一体化和深港同城化2个层面;东莞行政中心迁移源于空间管治驱动,以达成新旧中心城市功能的置换;惠州行政中心跨江迁移,为的是促进新城市增长极的形成。3种迁移模式的成功实现有助于探索都市区行政中心与经济中心的耦合互动发展路径,对我国都市区发展有借鉴和启示作用。  相似文献   
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