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地质钻探技术与应用研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
钻探技术是取得地下实物资料、验证地下信息推断与解释、最终圈定矿体、计算储量、评估品位唯一的技术手段,是实现取得宏观影响大成果的重要技术支撑.我国钻探技术和装备水平与国外先进国家相比有很大的差距,但近些年来有了长足的发展.通过国家重大科学工程项目“中国大陆科学钻探工程”5158m“科钻一井”的实施,取得了一系列钻探技术成...  相似文献   
针对地质钻探小井眼条件下失返性漏失堵漏技术难题,开展了适用于地质钻探堵漏要求的聚合物交联凝胶研究。采用单因素优选法,优选了交联凝胶体系用各种处理剂,并以环保型植物胶GJ为成胶剂,加入交联控制剂N1及交联剂1号等组分,研制了一种延迟交联凝胶。该凝胶在广西某铀矿勘查ZK6-37-1孔堵漏成功应用,解决了2个孔段失返性漏失问题。研究结果表明,该凝胶具有交联时间可控(交联时间10~75 min)以及较高的凝胶强度(承压≥6 MPa),在解决失返性漏失方面具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
2014年4月大气环流和天气分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
樊利强  张涛  孙瑾 《气象》2014,40(7):898-904
2014年4月大气环流特征为,北半球极涡呈单极型分布,中心位于喀拉海北端附近;亚洲大陆东部高压脊强度偏强,导致4月我国气温较常年同期(11.0℃)偏高1.1℃,为1961年同期以来第五高值。东亚大槽强度和位置、南支系统和西北太平洋副热带高压接近常年平均状况。4月全国平均降水量为43.7 mm,比常年同期略偏少。月内,江南南部和华南等地出现短时强降水、雷雨大风等强对流天气;北方地区出现多次沙尘天气过程;此外,部分站次出现极端高温、极端降温事件。  相似文献   
大尺度大气环流变化及其对北半球冬季温度的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近半个世纪来的全球温度的变化表现出有很大的空间尺度和显著的线性趋势 ,许多研究强调温室效应对全球气候变暖的影响。文中的研究表明大尺度的大气环流的变化对北半球冬季温度有很重要的影响。最近一些学者侧重北大西洋涛动 (NAO)和北太平洋涛动 (NPO)的作用 ,而NAO和NPO都是行星尺度大气环流在区域的特殊表现形式。全球西风环流系统可能具有根本性的作用。当西风环流处于高指数时期时 ,则温度偏高 ;当处于低指数时期时 ,则温度偏低。西风强度及NAO和NPO能解释近 50年来北半球冬季温度变化方差的 2 7 2 %。  相似文献   
青藏高原气象学的研究进展和问题   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
分高原天气学、高原气候学、高原及邻近地区的大气环流、以及高原数值预报和模拟四方面简要回顾了新中国成立以来我国(也兼及国外)青藏高原气象学的主要进展,也提出今后研究中应注意的有关问题。  相似文献   
首先利用CFSR再分析数据,分析了东亚夏季平均环流结构及瞬变涡旋活动特征,再通过WRF模式设计控制性试验和敏感性试验分别模拟受到/不受到来自北边界中纬度瞬变涡旋活动影响的东亚夏季环流和降水,通过两组试验对比揭示了瞬变涡旋活动对东亚夏季平均环流和降水的贡献.结果 表明,中纬度瞬变涡旋活动可以通过系统性的输送动量、热量、水...  相似文献   
东亚季风指数及其与大尺度热力环流年际变化关系   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
将东西向海平面气压差与低纬度高、低层纬向风切变相结合 ,定义了东亚季风指数 ,该季风指数较好地反映了东亚冬、夏季风变化。其中 ,夏季风指数年际异常对西太平洋副热带高压南北位置变化和长江中下游旱涝具有较强的反映能力。分析表明 :东亚夏季风年际变化与印度洋 -西太平洋上空反 Walker环流及夏季越赤道南北半球间的季风环流呈显著正相关关系。在强、弱异常东亚夏季风年份 ,异常的 Walker环流在西太平洋上的辐合 (辐散 )中心在垂直方向不重合 ,高层 ( 2 0 0 h Pa)速度势与东亚夏季风显著相关区域位于西北太平洋上 ,该异常环流的高层的辐合 (辐散 )通过改变低层空气质量而影响夏季 50 0 h Pa西北太平洋副热带高压。采用 SVD分析进一步发现 :与海温耦合的异常 Walker环流在西太平洋上空的上升支表现出南北半球关于赤道非对称结构 ,亚澳季风区受该异常 Walker环流控制。因而 ,东亚季风与热带海气相互作用可直接通过这种纬向非对称的 Walker环流发生联系。  相似文献   
Using the relative vorticity averaged over a certain area, a new index for measuring the longitudinal position of the subtropical high (SH) in the western Pacific is proposed to avoid the increasing trend of heights in the previous indices based on geopotential height. The years of extreme westward and eastward extension of SH using the new index are in good agreement with those defined by height index. There exists a distinct difference in large-scale circulation between the eastward and westward extension of SH under the new definition, which includes not only the circulation in the middle latitudes but also the flow in the lower latitudes. It seems that when the SH extends far to the east (west), the summer monsoon in the South China Sea is stronger (weaker) and established earlier (later). In addition, there exists a good relationship between the longitudinal position of SH and the summer rainfall in China. A remarkable negative correlation area appears in the Changjiang River valley, indicating that when the SH extends westward (eastward), the precipitation in that region increases (decreases). A positive correlation region is found in South China, showing the decrease of rainfall when the SH extends westward. On the other hand, the rainfall is heavier when the SH retreats eastward. However, the anomalous longitudinal position of SH is not significantly related to the precipitation in North China. The calculation of correlation coefficients between the index of longitudinal position of SH and surface temperature in China shows that a large area of positive values, higher than 0.6 in the center, covers the whole of North China, even extending eastward to the Korean Peninsula and Japan Islands when using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data to do the correlation calculation. This means that when the longitudinal position of the SH withdraws eastward in summer, the temperature over North China is higher. On the other hand, when it moves westward, the temperature there is lower. This could explain the phenomenon of the seriously high temperatures over North China during recent summers, because the longitudinal position of SH in recent summers was located far away from the Asian continent. Another region with large negative correlation coefficients is found in South China.  相似文献   
青藏高原热力异常与华北汛期降水关系的研究   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:24  
利用1980~1994年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,以及我国336个测站1956~1994年月降水量资料,通过诊断分析和数值实验,研究了夏季高原上热力异常与华北汛期降水的关系.结果表明:华北汛期干旱年,青藏高压及西太平洋副热带高压偏南、偏东,华北汛期降水偏多年则相反;华北汛期旱年时,高原上升、高原东侧邻近地区下沉的垂直环流明显加强,而降水偏多年时,垂直环流减弱,华北地区为上升气流控制;夏季高原为热源和水汽汇区,它们的异常对华北地区降水有很大影响,当热源和水汽汇增强(减弱)时,华北地区降水偏少(偏多).数值试验表明,高原上潜热加热异常引起青藏高压、西太平洋副热带高压、亚洲季风以及欧亚中高纬地区环流的变化,进而影响到华北地区的降水.  相似文献   
The Weakening of the Asian Monsoon Circulation after the End of 1970's   总被引:43,自引:1,他引:43  
The transition of the global atmospheric circulation in the end of 1970's can clearly be detected in the atmospheric temperature, wind velocity, and so on. Wavelet analysis reveals that the temporal scale of this change is larger than 20 years. Studies in this work indicate that the trend of the transition over the mid-latitude Asia is opposite to that of global average for some variables at the middle troposphere. Another finding of this research is that the African-Asian monsoon circulation is weaker and the trade wind over the tropical eastern Pacific is weaker as well after this transition. Such a signal may be found in the summer precipitation over China as well.  相似文献   
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