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A dynamic box model of bioactive elements in the southern Taiwan Strait   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A dynamic box model was applied to study the characteristics of biogeochemical cycling of PO_4-P,NO_3-N,AOU,POC and PON in the southern Taiwan Strait region based on field data of the"Minnan Taiwan Bank Fishing Ground Upwelling Ecosystem Study" during the period of Dec.1987-Nov.1988.According to the unique hydrological and topographical features of the region,six boxesand three layers were considered in the model.The variation rates and fluxes of elements induced by hor-izontal current,upwelling,by diffusion,sinking of particles and biogeochemical processes were estimatedrespectively.Results further confirmed that upwellings had important effects in this region.Thenearshore upwelling areas had net input fluxes of nutrients brought by upwelling water,also had high de-pletion rates of nutrients and production rates of particulate organic matter and dissolved oxygen.Theabnormal net production of nutrients in the middle layer(10-30m) indicated the important role of bacte-ria in this high production region.Th  相似文献   
利用稳定同位素碳比率δ13C作为天然示踪物,对高位养殖池生态系统中人工饲料和天然饵料提供的能源物质对养殖凡纳滨对虾生长的贡献比率进行研究。结果表明:虾体的δ13C值受食物δ13C值的影响,由于其摄食饵料的δ13C值逐渐减小,虾体的δ13C值也逐渐降低,逐渐接近于最后人工饲料的δ13C值,试验虾体的δ13C值由养殖开始时的-19.52‰±0.09‰变为实验结束时的-21.74‰±0.17‰;对虾的食性在10d左右时发生转变,34d左右时人工饲料和浮游动物对虾体的能量贡献基本相同,养殖结束时对虾生长能量的97.29%±0.98%来源于人工饲料。  相似文献   
空间分辨率对总初级生产力模拟结果差异的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用模型分析气候变化对陆地生态系统功能的影响,是当前全球变化生态学的研究热点,然而模型模拟不确定性来源之一就是空间异质性的问题。空间异质性是尺度的函数,基于气象和遥感数据驱动的生态系统过程模型(BEPS模型),分别模拟2003-2005年中国生态系统通量观测与研究网络(ChinaFLUX)长白山站、千烟洲站、海北站及当雄站在1 km和8 km空间分辨率下的总初级生产力(GPP)的时间动态变化,并结合土地覆盖类型及叶面积指数(LAI)的差异,探讨两种空间分辨率输入数据对GPP模拟结果的影响。结果表明:① 差异性主要是由于8 km范围内混合像元导致LAI的不同,4个站点月均差异值分别为0.85、1.60、0.13及0.04;② 两种空间分辨率均能较好地反映各站点GPP的季节动态变化,与GPP观测值的相关性R2为0.79~0.97 (1 km)、0.69~0.97(8 km),月均差异值为11.46~29.65 gC/m2/month (1 km)、11.87~24.81 gC/m2/month (8 km);③ 4个通量站点在两种空间分辨率下的GPP月均差异值分别为14.43,12.05,4.79,3.22 gC/m2/month,不同空间分辨率的模拟结果在森林站的差异大于草地站,且生长季的差异大于非生长季。因此,模型在模拟大尺度、长时间序列GPP时,为了提高模型模拟效率,适度降低空间分辨率是可行的,但应尽量减小低空间分辨率对于森林生态系统以及生长季GPP模拟上的误差。  相似文献   
河流有机碳输出是北极碳循环的重要组分,对气候变化十分敏感。本文利用ArcticGRO的径流及有机碳数据,通过数理统计分析等方法,对2004—2017年间俄罗斯西伯利亚地区的鄂毕河、叶尼塞河和勒拿河有机碳输出进行研究。结果显示:西伯利亚3大河流的年均有机碳输出总量约23 Tg,其中溶解有机碳(DOC)输出约18.55 Tg,占北极地区50%以上,接近颗粒有机碳(POC)输出的4倍。2009—2017年间的年均DOC输出量较1999—2008年存在较大差异,鄂毕河增加18%,叶尼塞河下降13%,而勒拿河增加了近70%。春、夏两季有机碳输出总量占全年85%以上,春季为有机碳输出高峰期,而在鄂毕河流域春、夏季贡献率相当。各流域河流有机碳输出特征不同且具有季节性变化,主要受径流、冻土及人类活动等的影响。其中,DOC输出总量在年际与季节性变化特征上均与径流变化呈显著正相关,随径流增加DOC浓度也相应增大;而多年冻土也因类型及分布差异对河流DOC与POC具有不同程度的影响。研究气候变化下的北极河流有机碳输出特征及影响要素,有助于深入理解北极河流有机碳输出对气候及环境变化的综合响应,为揭示气候变化下的北极碳循环过程奠定基础。  相似文献   
湖泊沉积有机质的地球化学记录与古气候古环境重建   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
与深海沉积与冰芯记录相比,湖泊沉积主要反映区域气候变迁史,可以揭示百年、甚至十年尺度的古气候事件,是高分辨率古环境、古气候重建的理想场所.传统的地质地球化学方法主要侧重于宏观物理 /化学特性描述和孢粉学的研究,近 10年来,沉积有机质分子碳、氢同位素地球化学技术的渗入,使研究工作从传统的宏观、微观层次向分子级水平发展,对诸如古生产率估算、C3/C4植被演替史、古二氧化碳分压及古温度计算等深层次问题解决提供了强有力支持.本文评述了湖泊沉积有机质分子与碳、氢同位素地球化学记录及其在区域古环境、古气候研究中的应用前景.  相似文献   
The miliolite deposits of Saurashtra have been dated by234U,230Th,231Pa and14C methods. Concordant ages of 105 years using the U decay series isotopes are obtained which agree with the ages of the coral reefs of Okha-Dwaraka coast suggesting a contemporaneous origin for both. The lower14C ages (≤40,000 years) may be due to a recent influx of seawater or ground water. Quartz and clay minerals together constitute only ≤10% by weight, as such the aeolian characteristics of quartz grains may not be relevant to the origin of the miliolites.  相似文献   
We characterize and quantify volatile emissions at Hot Spring Basin (HSB), a large acid-sulfate region that lies just outside the northeastern edge of the 640 ka Yellowstone Caldera. Relative to other thermal areas in Yellowstone, HSB gases are rich in He and H2, and mildly enriched in CH4 and H2S. Gas compositions are consistent with boiling directly off a deep geothermal liquid at depth as it migrates toward the surface. This fluid, and the gases evolved from it, carries geochemical signatures of magmatic volatiles and water–rock reactions with multiple crustal sources, including limestones or quartz-rich sediments with low K/U (or 40?Ar/4?He). Variations in gas chemistry across the region reflect reservoir heterogeneity and variable degrees of boiling. Gas-geothermometer temperatures approach 300 °C and suggest that the reservoir feeding HSB is one of the hottest at Yellowstone. Diffuse CO2 flux in the western basin of HSB, as measured by accumulation-chamber methods, is similar in magnitude to other acid-sulfate areas of Yellowstone and is well correlated to shallow soil temperatures. The extrapolation of diffuse CO2 fluxes across all the thermal/altered area suggests that 410 ± 140 t d− 1 CO2 are emitted at HSB (vent emissions not included). Diffuse fluxes of H2S were measured in Yellowstone for the first time and likely exceed 2.4 t d− 1 at HSB. Comparing estimates of the total estimated diffuse H2S emission to the amount of sulfur as SO42− in streams indicates ~ 50% of the original H2S in the gas emission is lost into shallow groundwater, precipitated as native sulfur, or vented through fumaroles. We estimate the heat output of HSB as ~ 140–370 MW using CO2 as a tracer for steam condensate, but not including the contribution from fumaroles and hydrothermal vents. Overall, the diffuse heat and volatile fluxes of HSB are as great as some active volcanoes, but they are a small fraction (1–3% for CO2, 2–8% for heat) of that estimated for the entire Yellowstone system.  相似文献   
Organic matter of the Sinian and early Cambrian black shales on the Yangtze Platform belongs to the light carhon group of isotopes with the δ13C values from - 27% to - 35 %, which are lower than those of the contempomneously deposited carbonates and phosphorites. A carbon isotope-stratified paleooceanographic model caused by upwelling is proposed, which can be used not only to interpret the characteristies of organic carbon isotopic compositions of the black shales, but also to interpret the paleogeographic difference in the organic carbon isotope compositions of various types of sedimentary rocks. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49472114) and the Open Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   
Aquatic plants are essential for maintaining the diversity and stability of a lake ecosystem. Stable carbon isotopes (δ13C) of macrophytes have been widely used as a powerful tool to study ecological processes and paleoenvironmental evolution in lakes. Varying results are obtained when using the δ13C of macrophytes to study the changes in the lake environment at different spatio-temporal scales. Thus, sample preparation and subsequent laboratory analyses are crucial for studying environmental changes using the isotopic signal retained in the macrophytes, and are essential for the interpretation of isotope-environment relationships. This study analyzed the δ13C of different tissue components of macrophytes in three lakes of the lower Yangtze River basin, and a correlation analysis was performed on aquatic environments influencing the δ13C values in the different tissue components of macrophytes. The test results showed the difference between the δ13C values of the whole sample and cellulose. Relative analyses indicated that the major factors contributing to the δ13C variability in macrophytes were pH and the concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). The δ13C of α-cellulose (δ13CAC) is more sensitive to environmental variables than that of the whole sample (δ13CW) and holocellulose (δ13CHC). The results of this study imply that extraction of α-cellulose is a prerequisite for research on the changes in lake environment using δ13C of macrophytes. This study aims to provide theoretical and data basis for further research on the environmental and ecological change using stable carbon isotopes of aquatic plants.  相似文献   
李儒峰  刘本培 《地质学报》1996,70(4):342-350
应用层序地层学理论对黔南独山地区晚石炭世麦粒链带地层进行了详细的沉积层序分析和系统的碳同位素测定,识别出2个三级沉积层序和17个准层序,其可与北美中大陆同期地层中发现的2个三级沉积层序和17个亚层序对比,是晚石炭世Gzhelian期存在全球沉积记录同时性的佐证。同时探讨了碳同位素演化与全球海平面变化之间的内在联系,总结出沉积层序内碳同位素演化规律。  相似文献   
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