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随着社会的发展,人们对自然地物的影响越来越显著,大量地改变了地表的状况,在遥感图像上则表现为灰度值变化剧烈,其中的纹理信息发生改变.在频率域上说,人工改变的区域部分的高频成分比其他区域部分要丰富很多,小波变换能够有效地将其中的高频信息提取出来,用假彩色分割图将其中的异常值明显地表示出来.湖北大冶的铁山矿区分布着六大露天矿区,地表开挖范围广,影响程度大,以该地区为例,分析小波变换在遥感图像上矿区空间定位方面的应用.使用本文介绍的方法处理效果比较明显.矿区位置的确定还需要参考断层分布信息,这意味着使用小波变换进行处理的方法具有一定的局限性.  相似文献   
高地震区公路隧道地震动力响应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于土一结构相互作用理论,对高地震区一实际重大工程的公路隧道洞口段结构进行了抗震计算,得到了衬砌结构各控制点的位移、加速度及内力响应规律。结果表明:在人工合成地震波条件下,衬砌墙脚、拱腰为抗震薄弱位置;结构的加速度波形与输入波形相似;这些结果为抗震设计提供了一些依据。  相似文献   
以国家重大产业技术开发专项“西部煤炭资源高精度三维地震勘探技术”项目的由来、意义和总体研究目标为引,概括的介绍了项目依托工程中各个专项技术研究完成情况,并对非均匀介质成像技术、高精度三维地震静校正技术、高密度采集技术、特观技术、岩性反演技术、属性体解释技术等六项重大关键技术取得的突破性进展进行了重点说明。指出随着我国煤炭生产重点的逐步西移,应加强诸如叠前、叠后深度偏移技术的研究,以解决复杂山区三维地震面元内地震反射波散射问题,提高其三维地震勘探精度,为西部煤炭工业做出新贡献!  相似文献   
根据袁见齐教授“高山深盆”成盐模式,探讨新疆天山对第四纪盐类矿床的形成和控制作用,阐述了天山地貌、气候、水文特征与盐类矿产的分布规律和特征。认为“高山深盆”并非一定是四周环山的深盆,可以是某一高山与其间深盆或两侧盆地的有机组合。高山的屏障作用造成了垂直的气候分带,在潮湿多雨的山区利于成盐组份的析出并迁移到干旱少雨的闭流深盆中,形成盐类矿床。  相似文献   
A small air shower array operating over many years has been used to search for ultra-high energy (UHE) gamma radiation ( 50 TeV) associated with gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) detected by the BATSE instrument on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (CGRO). Upper limits for a one minute interval after each burst are presented for seven GRBs located with zenith angles < 20°. A 4.3 excess over background was observed between 10 and 20 minutes following the onset of a GRB on 11 May 1991. The confidence level that this is due to a real effect and not a background fluctuation is 99.8%. If this effect is real then cosmological models are excluded for this burst because of absorption of UHE gamma rays by the intergalactic radiation fields.  相似文献   
大理州2005年初夏出现了严重干旱气象事件.从500pHa高空环流特征、500pHa距平场特征、西太平洋副高特征量及北太平洋中低纬海温距平场、OLR距平场对这次干旱的成因进行了分析,分析结果表明:2005年初夏(4月1日~6月10日)降水异常偏少气温明显偏高是发生干旱的主要原因,高空大气环流异常、西太平洋副高持续偏强偏西、冷空气活动偏北是导致干旱的直接原因;孟加拉湾南部4月OLR场呈明显正距平,抑制低值系统的发展和东北移影响云南,是影响2005年大理初夏干旱重要原因;北太平洋中低纬海温特征与大理州初夏干旱有一定的遥相关性.  相似文献   
The NW-trending Bucaramanga fault links, at its southern termination, with the Soapaga and Boyacá faults, which by their NW trend define an ample horsetail structure. As a result of their Neogene reactivation as reverse faults, they bound fault-related anticlines that expose the sedimentary fill of two Early Jurassic rift basins. These sediments exhibit the wedge-like geometry of rift fills related to west-facing normal faults. Their structural setting was controlled further by segmentation of the bounding faults at approximately 10 km intervals, in which each segment is separated by a transverse basement high. Isopach contours and different facies associations suggest these transverse anticlines may have separated depocenters of their adjacent subbasins, which were shaped by a slightly different subsidence history and thereby decoupled. The basin fill of the relatively narrow basin associated with the Soapaga fault is dominated by fanglomeratic successions organized in two coarsening-upward cycles. In the larger basin linked to the Boyacá fault, the sedimentary fill consists of two coarsening-upward sequences that, when fully developed, vary from floodplain to alluvial fan deposits. These Early Jurassic rift fills temporally constrain the evolution of the Bucaramanga fault, which accommodated right-lateral displacement during the early Mesozoic rift event.  相似文献   
In polluted aquatic systems, toxic metals are often accumulated in bottom sediments. They are, however, not necessarily stored definitively because diagenetic processs can modify redox, pH and even the amount of complexing ligands, releasing the trace metals back into the pore waters and the water column. Especially the labile metal fraction in the pore waters is important since this is the bioavailable fraction determining the bio-toxicity of the sediments. The goal of our study was therefore to assess, with novel sampling techniques, this bioavailable metal fraction in the pore waters as well as the flux towards the overlying water column. High-resolution profiles of trace metals in pore waters of marine and riverine sediments were assessed by DET (diffusive equilibrium in thin films) and DGT (diffusive gradients in thin films) gel techniques. The DET technique uses a diffusive gel layer that equilibrates with the aquatic system and with this technique the concentrations of total dissolved trace metals are obtained directly. The DGT technique uses an acrylamide diffusive gel backed by a resin gel (Chelex) which binds trace metals. With the DGT technique only labile species of selected metals can be captured. According to the redox potential measurements, the marine sediments were suboxic (200 mV to -220 mV versus Ag/AgCl electrode), while the riverine sediments were completely anoxic (-160 mV to -220 mV versus Ag/AgCl electrode). This redox potential was apparently controlling the trace metals species in the pore waters: for example a strong correlation between Mn and Co was found in the riverine sediments (for DET and DGT sampling), while in the marine sediments trace metals presented various behaviors.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on a case study of an 'alternative' food network based in the Abruzzo National Park, Italy, to explore how ideas of sustainable farmland management can be expressed through broader understandings of developing networks of care concerned with local economies and societies, high-quality specialist food products, particular 'traditional' farming practices and livestock breeds, as well as the ecology of a farmed landscape. The scheme allows customers, internationally as well as in Italy, to 'adopt' a milking sheep on a large mountain farm. In return, adopters are sent food products from the farm. The adoption scheme is inter-twined with an agri-tourism project which provides accommodation, runs a restaurant and engages in educational activities. The scheme is the result of the individual initiative of its founder, and is associated with a strongly expressed ethical position concerning the value of sustaining valued local rural landscapes and lifestyles, and the importance of 'reconnecting' urban dwellers with rural areas, farming and 'quality' food production. Yet the localness of the scheme is sustained through wider national and international networks: volunteer and paid workers are drawn from several European countries, funding has been acquired from the EU LEADER programme, and internet and transport technologies are essential in connecting with and supplying an international customer base. The broader economy of care instanced in this case study draws attention to a need to develop strategies for sustainable farmland management constructed around wider programmes of social, economic and cultural, as well as environmental, concern.  相似文献   
推进煤矸石资源化利用的对策建议   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
煤矸石是我国排放量和堆存量最大的工业固体废弃物之一,但又是可以利用的资源,只要加以资源化利用,就能会变废为宝。在研究我国煤矸石综合利用现状的基础上,指出了煤矸石综合利用中存在的主要问题,从制定规划、完善经济政策、加强法制建设等方面提出了加快推进煤矸石资源化利用的建议。  相似文献   
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