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通过对百色市2004年至2007年冬季8次天气过程的22次层状云或层积混合云增雨作业个例分析,推断冬季对层状云或层积混合云进行增雨作业的环流背景、增雨潜力、催化可播高度和作业时机,得出百色市冬季对层状云或层积混合云开展增雨作业,只要存在有利的天气条件和持续长的时间,在降水云系的发展旺盛时期通过火箭将A gI焰剂播撒在-5℃~-10℃可播高度区域内,可收到良好的增雨作业效果结论。  相似文献   
The possible mechanism behind the variability in the dipole pattern of boreal winter precipitation over East Asia is analyzed in this study. The results show that the SST anomalies(SSTAs) over the South Pacific Ocean(SPO) in boreal autumn are closely related to the variability in the dipole pattern of boreal winter precipitation over East Asia. The physical link between the boreal autumn SPO SSTAs and the boreal winter East Asian precipitation dipole pattern is shown to mainly be the seasonal persistence of the SPO SSTAs themselves. The seasonal persistence of the SPO SSTAs can memorize and transport the signal of the boreal autumn SSTAs to the following winter, and then stimulates a meridional teleconnection pattern from the SH to the NH, resulting in a meridional dipole pattern of atmospheric circulation over East Asia in boreal winter. As a major influencing factor, this dipole pattern of the atmospheric circulation can finally lead to the anomalous precipitation dipole pattern over East Asia in boreal winter. These observed physical processes are further confirmed in this study through numerical simulation. The evidence from this study, showing the impact of the SPO SSTAs in boreal autumn,not only deepens our understanding of the variability in East Asian boreal winter precipitation, but also provides a potentially useful predictor for precipitation in the region.  相似文献   
利用1961-2013年中国地面台站长期观测资料和同期NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,以华北、江淮和华南为研究区,分析了中国中东部冬季霾日的形成与东亚冬季风以及大气湿度的关系。结果表明:(1)冬季霾日与东亚冬季风强度成显著的负相关。首先,东亚冬季风强度的减弱使得地面风速减小,进而导致冬季霾日增多。其中,华北7-8 m/s最大风速日数和江淮6-8 m/s最大风速日数的减少,及华南≤2 m/s最大风速日数的增多对各区冬季霾日的增多作用较大。其次,东亚冬季风减弱引起冬季气温的持续升高,易导致冬季霾日的增多,这在华北地区较之在江淮和华南更为明显。(2)由于气候变暖,冬季气温升高,使得近地面相对湿度减小。在江淮和华南地区,冬季霾日的增多与近地面相对湿度的减小显著相关,而在华北地区这种相关较弱。(3)冬季气温升高也有利于大气层结稳定度的增强,3个区域冬季霾日的增多均与大气层结稳定度的增强显著相关,特别是与对流层中低层(850-500 hPa)大气饱和度的降低显著相关。(4)冬季霾日数变化与区域水汽输送关系密切。其中,华北地区的冬季霾日数与水汽总收入成显著正相关,江淮地区与纬向水汽收入成显著正相关,与经向水汽收入成显著负相关,华南地区与经向水汽收入成显著负相关。  相似文献   
In this paper, the impact of ENSO on the precipitation over China in the winter half-year is investigated diagnostically. The results show that positive precipitation anomalies with statistical significance appear over southern China in El Nio episodes, which are caused by the enhanced warm and humid southwesterlies along the East Asian coast in the lower troposphere. The enhanced southwesterlies transport more water vapor to southern China, and the convergence of water vapor over southern China increases the precipitable water and specific humidity. In La Nia episodes,although atmospheric elements change reversely, they are not statistically significant as those in El Nio periods. The possible physical mechanism of the different impact of ENSO cycle on the precipitation over southern China is investigated by analyzing the intraseasonal oscillations(ISOs) in El Nio and La Nia winter half-years, respectively. By comparing the characteristics of ISOs in El Nio and La Nia, a physical mechanism is proposed to explain the different responses of the precipitation over China to ENSO in the winter half-year. In El Nio episodes, over western North Pacific(WNP) and South China Sea(SCS) the ISOs are inactive and exert little effect on water vapor transport and convergence, inducing positive precipitation anomalies with statistical significance over southern China in El Nio episodes. In La Nia episodes, however, the ISOs are active, which weaken the interannual variation signals of ENSO over WNP and southern China and lead to the insignificance of the interannual signals related to ENSO. Therefore, the different responses of precipitation over China to ENSO in the winter half-year are possibly caused by the difference of intraseasonal oscillations over WNP and SCS between El Nio and La Nia.  相似文献   
张浩  马晓群  王晓东 《气象》2015,41(7):899-906
利用安徽省1971—2010年的气象资料和冬小麦产量资料,采用水分盈亏指数分析了安徽省冬小麦全生育期和关键期(孕穗至乳熟期)水分盈亏的时空变化特征,以及旱涝对产量的影响。结果表明:冬小麦全生育期和关键期水分盈亏指数基本呈纬向分布,合肥以北水分亏缺明显,江淮南部及其以南地区水分供应基本充足,越往南水分盈余程度越大,总体来看缺水程度关键期大于全生育期;近40年冬小麦水分盈亏指数的时间变化趋势不明显,但年际波动大,旱涝灾害风险增加。干旱主要发生在沿淮淮北地区,涝渍在江淮及其以南地区发生频率较高,典型旱涝年平均减产率分别为4.2%和12.4%;造成冬小麦减产10%的中度旱灾风险北部大于南部,中度涝灾风险南部大于北部。南部涝渍风险和造成的产量损失明显大于北部的干旱,水分偏多的南部地区要尽量减少冬小麦的种植。  相似文献   
全球变暖减缓背景下欧亚秋冬温度变化特征和原因   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
王迪  何金海  祁莉  栾健  蔡波 《气象科学》2015,35(5):534-542
采用气候序列变化趋势诊断和一元线性回归等分析法,研究和讨论了2000-2012年和1976-1999年两种年代际背景下全球陆地不同区域的年平均地表温度的变化特征。发现欧亚大陆中高纬度地区是对全球变暖减缓贡献最大的区域。且该地区在2000年以来秋季年代际增温,而冬季年代际降温。从同期大气环流的配置来看,在对流层低层,秋季西伯利亚高气压年代际减弱,而冬季西伯利亚高气压年代际增强。在对流层中高层,秋季从西欧至东北亚为"高-低-高"的高度场异常分布,纬向环流加强,经向环流减弱,而冬季极地与贝加尔湖地区的高度场呈偶极型分布,东亚大槽加深,经向环流加强。进一步研究发现,超前一个季节的喀拉海附近的海冰与欧亚中高纬度秋冬两季温度的年代际变率有着密切的联系。一方面,夏季(秋季)海冰减少影响秋季(冬季)中高纬度大气环流;另一方面,夏季(秋季)海冰减少,使得秋季(冬季)从北极至中高纬度大陆的对流层低层水汽含量增加(减少),大气逆辐射增强(减弱)导致秋季(冬季)增温(降温)。  相似文献   
地表太阳紫外辐射强度变化对小麦影响的初步研究   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
研究表明,紫外辐射强度的增大,对小麦的生长、生理活动及产量的形成,均有不同程度的影响。紫外辐射增加的这些效应又和小麦的各种其他环境条件(如光、热、水等)存在着一定的关系,当某些环境条件处于胁迫状态时,则可能对紫外辐射的植物效应产生一定程度的遮掩作用,减弱其抑制强度。  相似文献   
2003年春季中国沙尘天气异常的气候及环境背景   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
概述了2003年春季我国北方地区沙尘天气异常偏少的观测事实及其本特征.利用NCEP再分析资料以及台站观测资料,对可能影响2003年春季我国北方地区沙尘天气异常的气候与环境背景进行了分析.初步研究结果表明:2002/2003年冬季东亚大槽偏浅、东亚冬季风偏弱,从而导致春季冷空气活动偏少,这是造成2003年春季沙尘天气异常偏少的动力成因.此外,2003春季中国北方大部地区降水量偏多,沙尘源区内蒙古等地地表积雪覆盖面积大,从而造成积雪融化较晚,地表冻土层解冻推迟,土壤湿度增加,这也在一定程度上抑制了沙尘天气的形成.对卫星遥感反演的叶面积指数的分析表明,2003春季我国北方地区沙尘天气异常偏少与下垫面植被覆盖异常的关系不大.  相似文献   
This paper documents a decadal strengthened co-variability of the Antarctic Oscillation(AAO)and ENSO in austral spring after the mid-1990 s.During the period 1979–93,the ENSO(AAO)spatial signatures are restricted to the tropics–midlatitudes(Antarctic–midlatitudes)of the Southern Hemisphere(SH),with a weak connection between the two oscillations.Comparatively,after the mid-1990 s,the El Ni o-related atmospheric anomalies project on a negative AAO pattern with a barotropic structure in the mid–high latitudes of the SH.The expansion of El Ni o-related air temperature anomalies have a heightened impact on the meridional thermal structure of the SH,contributing to a weakened circumpolar westerly and strengthened subtropical jet.Meanwhile,the ENSO-related southern three-cell circulations expand poleward and then strongly couple the Antarctic and the tropics.Numerical simulation results suggest that the intensified connection between ENSO and SST in the South Pacific since the mid-1990 s is responsible for the strengthened AAO–ENSO relationship.  相似文献   
赵俊虎  宋文玲  柯宗建 《气象》2020,46(7):982-993
2019/2020年冬季,我国大部分地区气温显著偏高,降水异常偏多,气候总体表现为“暖湿”的异常特征。异常成因分析表明:2019/2020年东亚冬季风强度较常年同期偏弱,西伯利亚高压异常偏弱,季节内冬季风强度阶段性变化特征显著;北极极涡收缩于极地,强度偏强,AO为异常偏强的正位相,乌拉尔山阻塞高压活动偏弱,东亚槽偏弱,欧亚中高纬以纬向环流为主;西太平洋副热带高压强度偏强、位置偏西偏北,印缅槽阶段性活跃,二者有利于太平洋和印度洋水汽向我国输送。受北半球环流异常的影响,我国冬季出现了“暖湿”的异常特征。进一步对东亚冬季风偏弱的可能原因分析表明:2019年秋冬季赤道中太平洋暖海温发展,2019年10月至2020年1月Ni〖AKn~D〗o3.4指数均大于0.5℃,这种类中部型El Ni〖AKn~D〗o海温异常有利于激发偏强、偏北的西北太平洋反气旋,进而抑制了东亚冬季风的发展和南下;此外,冬季北半球极涡收缩于极地,强度偏强,AO持续异常偏强的正位相,均不利于乌拉尔山阻塞高压的发展,且东亚大槽明显偏弱,共同导致了欧亚中高纬地区以纬向环流为主,东亚冬季风偏弱。  相似文献   
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