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A spatially distributed, physically based, hydrologic modeling system (MIKE SHE) was applied to quantify intra‐ and inter‐annual discharge from the snow and glacierized Zackenberg River drainage basin (512 km2; 20% glacier cover) in northeast Greenland. Evolution of snow accumulation, distribution by wind‐blown snow, blowing‐snow sublimation, and snow and ice surface melt were simulated by a spatially distributed, physically based, snow‐evolution modelling system (SnowModel) and used as input to MIKE SHE. Discharge simulations were performed for three periods 1997–2001 (calibration period), 2001–2005 (validation period), and 2071–2100 (scenario period). The combination of SnowModel and MIKE SHE shows promising results; the timing and magnitude of simulated discharge were generally in accordance with observations (R2 = 0·58); however, discrepancies between simulated and observed discharge hydrographs do occur (maximum daily difference up to 44·6 m3 s?1 and up to 9% difference between observed and simulated cumulative discharge). The model does not perform well when a sudden outburst of glacial dammed water occurs, like the 2005 extreme flood event. The modelling study showed that soil processes related to yearly change in active layer depth and glacial processes (such as changes in yearly glacier area, seasonal changes in the internal glacier drainage system, and the sudden release of glacial bulk water storage) need to be determined, for example, from field studies and incorporated in the models before basin runoff can be quantified more precisely. The SnowModel and MIKE SHE model only include first‐order effects of climate change. For the period 2071–2100, future IPCC A2 and B2 climate scenarios based on the HIRHAM regional climate model and HadCM3 atmosphere–ocean general circulation model simulations indicated a mean annual Zackenberg runoff about 1·5 orders of magnitude greater (around 650 mmWE year?1) than from today 1997–2005 (around 430 mmWE year?1), mainly based on changes in negative glacier net mass balance. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
David D. J. Antia 《水文研究》2008,22(14):2595-2614
Infiltration devices are traditionally evaluated as standalone entities that do not interact with each other. A model is outlined that will allow interactions between proposed infiltration devices to be predicted prior to a development commencing. The model allows prediction of seepage into downslope devices and the assessment of the locations where the combined ground‐water mound will reach the surface and result in overland flow. The volume of overland flow discharged by the seepage zone may exceed the overland and piped flow received by the infiltration devices. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
河湖水系连通是中国正在推进的重大治水战略,是提高国家水资源统筹调配能力、水生态环境修复能力和河湖健康保障能力的重大举措,也是提高水旱灾害抵御能力的重要保障.目前河湖水系连通的知识比较零散,尚未形成系统的理论体系,河湖水系连通理论基础的研究,对理论体系的构建、战略的实施和持续推进具有重要意义.本文基于河湖水系连通的理论研...  相似文献   
The phenomenon of nutrient maximums at 70~200 m occurred only in the region of the Canada Basin among the world oceans. The prevailing hypothesis was that the direct injection of the low-temperature high-nutrient brines from the Chukchi Sea shelf (<50 m) in winter provided the nutrient maximums. However, we found that there are five problems in the direct injection process. Formerly Jin et al. considered that the formation of nutrient maximums can be a process of locally long-term regeneration. Here we propose a regeneration-mixture process. Data of temperature, salinity, oxygen and nutrients were collected at three stations in the southern Canada Basin during the summer 1999 cruise. We identified the cores of the surface, near-surface, potential temperature maximum waters and Arctic Bottom Water by the diagrams and vertical profiles of salinity, potential temperature, oxygen and nutrients. The historical 129Ⅰ data indicated that the surface and near-surface waters were Pacific-origin, but the waters below the potential temperature maximum core depth was Atlantic-origin. Along with the correlation of nutrient maximums and very low oxygen contents in the near-surface water, we hypothesize that, the putative organic matter was decomposed to inorganic nutrients; and the Pacific water was mixed with the Atlantic water in the transition zone. The idea of the regeneration-mixture process agrees with the historical observations of no apparent seasonal changes, the smooth nutrient profiles, the lowest saturation of CaCO3 above 400 m, low rate of CFC-11 ventilation and 3H-3He ages of 8~18 a around the nutrient maximum depths.  相似文献   
酸性矿山废水(acid mine drainage,AMD)是一类pH低并含有大量有毒金属元素的废水。AMD及受其影响的环境中次生高铁矿物类型主要包括羟基硫酸高铁矿物(如黄铁矾和施威特曼石等)和一些含水氧化铁矿物(如针铁矿和水铁矿等),而且这些矿物在不同条件下会发生相转变,如施氏矿物向针铁矿或黄铁矾矿物相转化。基于酸性环境中生物成因次生矿物的形成会"自然钝化"或"清除"废水中铁和有毒金属这一现象所获得的启示,提出利用这些矿物作为环境吸附材料去除地下水中砷,不但吸附量大(如施氏矿物对As的吸附可高达120mg/g),而且可直接吸附As(III),还几乎不受地下水中其他元素影响。利用AMD环境中羟基硫酸高铁矿物形成的原理,可将其应用于AMD石灰中和主动处理系统中,构成"强化微生物氧化诱导成矿-石灰中和"的联合主动处理系统,以提高AMD处理效果和降低石灰用量。利用微生物强化氧化与次生矿物晶体不断生长的原理构筑生物渗透性反应墙(PRB)并和石灰石渗透沟渠耦联,形成新型的AMD联合被动处理系统,这将有助于大幅度增加处理系统的寿命和处理效率。此外,文中还探讨了上述生物成因矿物形成在AMD和地下水处理方面应用的优点以及今后需要继续研究的问题。  相似文献   
蔡雄飞  熊清华 《江西地质》1999,13(3):168-171
低水位体系域在层序地层中是一种很重要的海退式层序单元,沉积作用颇具特色,它是指示地层划分与对比,岩相,构造古地理,板块活动的良好标志。  相似文献   
宋波  牛立超  黄帅  齐福强 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z1):285-291
地震作用下冰水域桥墩受到动水压力与动冰荷载的的双重影响。基于Morison动水理论和Croteau动冰力模型,提出一种适用于冰水域桥墩动力时程反应分析的简便计算模型,通过振动台试验验证了其有效性,并分析了海冰质量和水深对冰海域桥墩动力响应的影响。结果表明,强震作用下有冰时墩底最大曲率比无冰时最大增加8.93倍,桥墩被自由冰包围时,墩底截面出现最大曲率时对应的海冰质量随着水深的增加而变大;随着冰质量的持续增大,墩身最大位移易超越极限位移,造成桥梁垮塌,在桥梁设计中应重点考虑。  相似文献   
根据2004—2014年的全球海洋Argo网格数据集(BOA_Argo)和ECMWF ERA-Interim再分析资料,计算了冬季太平洋副热带东部海区的水团变性率及水团形成率,对南北太平洋副热带东部新生成模态水的年际变化及其形成机制进行了研究。结果表明:北太平洋副热带东部模态水(NPESTMW)和南太平洋副热带东部模态水(SPESTMW)的新生成体积及核心密度在2004—2014年具有明显的年际变化:NPESTMW主要经历了2005—2009年和2010—2013年2次持续4~5a的体积和密度增加过程,其中体积最大值出现在2009年,最小值则出现在2005和2014年。南半球SPESTMW则经历了2007—2009年和2010—2013年共两次持续3~4a的体积和密度减小过程,其中体积的最小值出现在2009、2013年,最大值出现在2010年。合成分析发现,由冬季海面热通量异常引起的深混合层内与模态水密度相当的水团表层形成率异常,可能是导致NPESTMW和SPESTMW新生成水体积年际变化的重要因素;同时,SPESTMW新生成水的年际变化受局地风应力旋度的年际变化影响明显。  相似文献   
锡矿山超大型锑矿床流体成矿作用及矿床成因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对锡矿山流体包裹体,稳定同位素,活动性微量元素,硅化作用及元素存在相态和淋滤率进行了详细研究。揭示了其成矿流体来源于深循环大气降水,是一种中低温,低盐度的弱碱性流体,成矿物质来自于前泥盆系地层,主要是震旦,寒武系地层,区域地层可能经受过大规模的流体运移作用。得出了锡矿山锑矿是由深循环大气降水林滤基底地层的成矿物质后形成含矿流体沿主断裂向上运移至浅部,由于物理化学条件的改变导致锑沉淀成矿的结论。  相似文献   
本文详细分析了1999.11.29岫岩-海城地震前后岫岩水氡的变化过程,结果表明:在整个孕震过程中,岫岩水氡表现出了完整的长、中、短、临异常变化及震后效应。对异常机理进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
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