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为探讨内蒙古呼包鄂地区大气对污染物承载能力的变化,科学评价气候变化对大气环境的影响,利用1961—2016年呼包鄂地区8个国家气象站降水量、风速、云量资料,分析了该地区气象条件的变化特征及大气环境容量的时空分布特征,并对大气环境容量与气象要素之间的相关性进行了分析。结果显示:呼包鄂地区大气环境容量1月的最小、4月的最大,春季的>秋季的>夏季的>冬季的,年平均大气环境容量为62.4 t/d/km^2;月、季、年平均大气环境容量呈波动减小趋势,特别是20世纪70年代末期之后减小趋势更为显著;有明显的空间分布特征,由城区向郊区逐渐增大,城郊差异冬季最为明显,夏季差异最小;大气环境容量与降水相关性差,与风速和日最大混合层高度呈显著的正相关关系,特别是与风速相关性更显著,与小风日数呈显著的负相关关系。  相似文献   
Large-scale transport pathways for atmospheric gaseous mercury emitted from surrounding source regions to reach the Alert sampling site located at the Northwest Territories of Canada between August 1992 and August 1993 were investigated. The 12-month atmospheric mercury data set comprises blank-corrected total gaseous mercury (TGM) concentrations collected on gold-coated sand traps during one-week long sampling intervals. For TGM concentrations above the 12-month mean TGM level, the analysis reveals regions in Eastern Europe (close to East Germany and Poland), areas on Northeastern America in Canada (Northwest Territories), and central Siberia of the former U.S.S.R. Identification of the physical locations of the emission sources was limited by the temporal resolution of weekly averaged data; however, major atmospheric pathways of mercury transport to the Arctic were successfully resolved. The objective of this note is to demonstrate that the potential source contribution function could be applied to resolve the sources and recover transport pathways of atmospheric mercury over a large scale.  相似文献   
A nondivergent barotropic model (Model 1) and a barotropic primitive equation vortex model (Model 2) are linearized respectively in this paper. Then their perturbation wave spectrums are computed with a normal mode approach to study the instability problem on an appointed tropical cyclone (TC)-like vortex, thereby, the dynamic instability properties of spiral cloud bands of TCs are discussed. The results show that the unstable mode of both models exhibits a spiral band-like structure that propagates away from the vortex outside the radius of maximum winds. The discrete modal instability of the pure vortex Rossby wave can account for the generation of the eyewall and the inner spiral band. The unstable mode in Model 2 has three parts, i.e., eyewall, inner and outer spiral bands. This mode can be interpreted as a mixed vortex Rossby-inertia gravitational wave. The unbalanced property of the wave outside the stagnation radius of the vortex Rossby wave is one of the important reasons for the formation of the outer spiral band in TCs. Accordingly, the outer spiral band can be identified to possess properties of an inertial-gravitational wave. When the formation of unstable inner and outer spiral bands is studied, a barotropic vortex model shall be used. In this model, the most unstable perturbation bears the attributes of either the vortex Rossby wave or the inertial-gravitational wave, depending on the vortex radius. So such perturbations shall be viewed as an unbalanced and unstable mixed wave of these two kinds of waves.  相似文献   
利用1979—2012年逐月Hadley中心海表温度、欧洲中期天气预报中心次表层海温、NCEP/NCAR风场再分析资料,对两类中太平洋(CP)El Nio及耦合的大气环流特征进行分析。结果表明,第一类CP El Nio(CP-ⅠEl Nio)增暖中心位于Nio4区且关于赤道对称;第二类CP El Nio(CP-ⅡEl Nio)的Nio4区与热带东北太平洋区域(NEP,130~110°W、15~25°N)同位相变化,冬季成熟后形成关于赤道非对称的带状增暖结构。进一步的研究表明,两类CP El Nio次表层结构存在差异:CP-ⅠEl Nio冬季次表层海温异常(SOTA)在中东太平洋与西太平洋呈显著偶极分布;CP-ⅡEl Nio在中、西太平洋位相相反但东太平洋异常较弱,且经向异常主要在赤道及其以北。两类CP El Nio耦合的大气环流特征不同:CP-ⅠEl Nio冬季异常Walker环流上升中心位于赤道上空,经向风向赤道辐合,低纬地区Hadley环流加强;CP-ⅡEl Nio冬季低层向北越赤道气流加强,Walker环流上升中心移到赤道以北,低纬地区Hadley环流减弱。  相似文献   
青藏高原(无论南部、北部)雪冰电导率与雪冰体的酸碱度及雪冰内各类杂质成分的关系明显不同于极地冰盖(南极冰盖与格陵兰冰盖),青藏高原雪冰电导率依赖于地壳来源的碱性矿物盐类杂质(如Ca2+,Mg2+,SO2-4等),因而与雪冰酸度(即H+)呈反相关;极地冰盖雪冰电导率依赖于海洋来源的酸根离子(如Cl-,SO2-4等),因而与雪冰酸度呈正相关。但在北极地区,雪冰电导率与各离子的关系存在复杂的地域分异,如在北极中心地区,极可能由于“北极霾”的干扰,打破了格陵兰冰盖内电导率与酸根离子间明确的函数关系。总之,雪冰电导率是寒区大气环境的替代性“指示器”  相似文献   
The distribution of bright B-type stars in a field with a radius of 5° centred at the Galactic open cluster Cr 121 is studied utilizing Strömgren and H β photometry. All PPM stars earlier than spectral type A0 are used, revealing a loose nearby structure at a distance of 660–730 pc, and a compact more distant group, which appears to be a genuine cluster: Cr 121. Based on similar coordinates, distances and positions on the colour–magnitude (CM) and Hertzsprung–Russell (HR) diagrams, 11 photometric cluster members are selected at a mean distance of 1085(±41 standard error) pc. The results are discussed in the light of both classical and Hipparcos points of view.  相似文献   
微分求积法(DQM)是1种求解微分方程初(边)值问题的数值方法,通常以较小的计算工作量即可获得较高的数值精度。这种方法应用于工程领域时多用来解决梁、板等结构的静力分析或结构特征值分析等问题,即对边值问题的微分方程的求解。结构动力分析属于初值问题,荷载和结构反应都具有特殊性,直接套用DQM求解边值问题并不能获得问题的解。本文尝试利用微分求积原理建立求解结构动力反应的具体方法。借鉴单元法的思想,将荷载持时划分为若干个时步,在每个时步内对动态荷载和结构反应进行离散,然后用DQM对时步逐个进行求解,得到体系在整个时域内的反应过程。通过对3种不同自振周期的线弹性单自由度体系在不同频率简谐激励下反应的计算,阐释了本文方法的可行性以及高精度、高效率的特点,通过数值试验确定了时步内相对较优的节点数,并为时步长度的选取提供了建议。  相似文献   
Introduction The tidal variation signals of the solid Earth recorded with the modern measuring techniques can be used to provide effectively the means to cognize the Earths motion, deformation and structure character, especially to monitor the material motion in the Earths interior. In the recent 20 years, the distribution character of the global gravity field has made great progress since the continuous and deep theoretical studies in geophysics and geodesy domains. The successful manufactur…  相似文献   
钻进过程孔内动态参数同步采集系统的研制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了钻进过程孔内参数采集系统的组成原理,性能指标与特点,试验情况和应用前景。  相似文献   
为检验辐射传输方程改进算法推广用于反演LandSAT8 海表温度(SST)的可行性及适用条件,本研究在修订算法部分参数的基础上,分别反演出算法改进前后的LandSAT8 SST并进行比较。MODIS SST验证表明改进算法对大气透过率偏差和SST偏差均有明显改善,除2019-08-21图像外,其他3景图像SST偏差在0.5℃左右;浮标SST验证表明改进算法在近岸海域对SST偏差改善效果同样显著,其平均偏差bias和均方根误差rmse分别减少到0.14、0.18℃,基本可以忽略不计;进一步研究发现,改进算法SST反演精度与研究海域大气透过率分布均匀程度呈显著的正相关关系,R2[bias(SST)]=0.920 7,R2[rmse(SST)]=0.934 0。使用改进算法遥感监测电厂温排水:嵩屿电厂表层海水温升羽流不明显;而后石电厂表层温升现象最显著,温升幅度和扩散影响范围最大,在其排水口附近存在稳定的高温水体(温升>3℃);晋江电厂表层温升羽流呈扇形分布,流轴短,主要集中在排水口附近。  相似文献   
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