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本文提出一种将地质、地震、地球化学分析相结合的方法,以研究海区天然气水合物的成藏条件,首先用物源、构造、沉积和地温等资料进行地质分析,确定海区天然气水合物成藏的地质条件;然后根据对水合物的地震属性(BSR,AVO,BZ等)分析和正演模拟研究,预测水合物及其游离气的存在,结合地质条件,圈定出水合物成藏的有利区带;最后结合对水合物主要成分(甲烷及烃类等)的地球化学异常分析,对研究区天然气水合物成藏的远景作出评价.野外实践结果表明,这种综合研究方法是有效可行的,为海区天然气水合物勘探提供了一种新的研究途径.  相似文献   
Steven M. Wondzell 《水文研究》2011,25(22):3525-3532
Many hyporheic papers state that the hyporheic zone is a critical component of stream ecosystems, and many of these papers focus on the biogeochemical effects of the hyporheic zone on stream solute loads. However, efforts to show such relationships have proven elusive, prompting several questions: Are the effects of the hyporheic zone on stream ecosystems so highly variable in place and time (or among streams) that a consistent relationship should not be expected? Or, is the hyporheic zone less important in stream ecosystems than is commonly expected? These questions were examined using data from existing groundwater modelling studies of hyporheic exchange flow at five sites in a fifth‐order, mountainous stream network. The size of exchange flows, relative to stream discharge (QHEF:Q), was large only in very small streams at low discharge (area ≈ 100 ha; Q < 10 l/s). At higher flows (flow exceedance probability > 0·7) and in all larger streams, QHEF:Q was small. These data show that biogeochemical processes in the hyporheic zone of small streams can substantially influence the stream's solute load, but these processes become hydrologically constrained at high discharge or in larger streams and rivers. The hyporheic zone may influence stream ecosystems in many ways, however, not just through biogeochemical processes that alter stream solute loads. For example, the hyporheic zone represents a unique habitat for some organisms, with patterns and amounts of upwelling and downwelling water determining the underlying physiochemical environment of the hyporheic zone. Similarly, hyporheic exchange creates distinct patches of downwelling and upwelling. Upwelling environments are of special interest, because upwelling water has the potential to be thermally or chemically distinct from stream water. Consequently, micro‐environmental patches created by hyporheic exchange flows are likely to be important to biological and ecosystem processes, even if their impact on stream solute loads is small. Published in 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
山东埕岛地区东营组是胜利油田近年来的一个勘探热点地区,资源潜力巨大.其主要发育河流和三角洲沉积体系,但砂体地震反射特征复杂,横向变化快,储层识别描述难度较大.通过建立全区高分辨率层序地层格架,在等时层序格架的基础上,开展储层描述.湖相沉积与三角洲相沉积在沉积物特征和地震响应上都具有较大差异,通过对已钻井的岩心、测井和录井等资料的分析,结合地震属性和地震相等宏观描述方法,在湖相沉积的背景之下刻画出三角洲的整体展布形态.在此基础上,针对三角洲主体区地震反射较弱、砂泥岩速度差异较小的特点,利用地震波形识别技术,采用6种参数对波形进行描述,得出12种波形分类,分别对应4种主要沉积微相.最终利用神经网络方法在平面上进行沉积微相的识别和刻画,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   
基于多源遥感的聚落与多级人口统计 数据的关系分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在四川省市州、区县和典型村等三级尺度上,探讨了基于多源遥感的聚落面积与多级人口统计数据的关系。首先,从LANSAT TM影像中提取农村和城镇聚落信息,从Quickbird 影像上提取农村聚落及其房屋地基信息。其次,通过叠加统计得到各级统计单元内的聚落面积;再次,在四川省市州和区县尺度上,分别对城乡聚落面积和总人口数、城镇聚落面积和非农业人口数、农村聚落面积和农业人口数等进行相关性分析, 城镇聚落和非农业人口数的相关系数最高,分别为0.962和0.791,并建立了基于城镇聚落面积的非农业人口数估算模型,其模型的判定系数分别为0.926和0.625;最后,在村级尺度上,对农村聚落及其房屋地基面积与农村人口数之间的相关性进行分析,其相关系数分别为0.806和0.825,分别建立基于农村聚落及其房屋地基面积的农村人口数估算模型,其模型的判定系数分别为0.65和0.68。研究表明,LANDSAT TM适用于大尺度的非农业人口估算,估算效果随尺度的降低而有所降低;Quickbird适合于精细尺度的农业人口估算。  相似文献   
辽西四合屯地区中生代火山活动发育,广泛分布着火山作用形成的爆发相、溢流相火山岩。在显生宙地球历史中,如此巨大且迅速的火山作用普遍被认为是巨大种群灭绝的原因。与火山作用相联系的沉积相是火山作用间歇期形成的冲积扇-河流相、滨湖相、半深湖-深湖相,这些沉积相提供了研究火山作用对沉积环境影响的依据。义县期火山作用对沉积环境影响包括:义县期各沉积环境火山作用产物及火山岩风化产物的充填;各沉积相被当地多期(次)火山岩控制并埋藏于其下的火山-沉积相组合由下至上“螺旋式”规律性变化;义县期火山作用引起地表抬升与构造地形的变化,从而影响排流模式的变化;经历火山作用影响的生物群提供了义县期气候变化证据。  相似文献   
使用《天津市海洋环境状况公报》中的数据,分析天津沿海赤潮发生的特征。通过分析发现2005—2017年天津海域共发生赤潮30次,累计发生面积4 695 km2。天津沿海赤潮发生主要集中在夏季,又以8月最多,占赤潮发生总数的30%。通过赤潮优势种的分析发现近年来天津海域赤潮生物的优势种类有不断增加的趋势。同时本文从水文气象条件诱发赤潮的角度分析得出了天津沿海最易发生赤潮的天气形势,天津沿海25~27℃水温范围内赤潮发生较多,最适宜赤潮发生的风速为3、4级风,风向为东南风、西南风。  相似文献   
Extensive loess covered areas characterize the mildly arid areas of western Israel, where average annual rainfall is 280 mm. Hydrological data point to a peculiar hydrological behavior of the ephemeral streams. The frequency of sporadic flash floods is very high. However, even in extreme rain events peak discharges are extremely low. Hydrographs are usually characterized by very steep rising and falling limbs, representative of saturated areas, extending over a limited part of the watershed. Following this observation we advanced the hypothesis that storm channel runoff originated in the channel itself, with negligible contribution from the adjoining hillslopes. The study was based on two complementary approaches. The hydrological approach was based on the detailed analysis of rainfall–runoff relationships in a small watershed (11 km2) and on the analysis of the hydrological characteristics of the drainage network. The second approach was based on the toposequence concept. Several boreholes were dug along a hillslope 400 m long. Chemical data obtained show no significant difference in the downslope direction. Similar results were also obtained for the particle size distribution and soil moisture content. Data obtained perfectly fit the concept of ‘Partial Area Contribution’ as it presents an extreme case of hydrological discontinuity at the hillslope–channel interface. The lack of pedological trends in the downslope direction is an additional indication of the limited connectivity between the hillslopes and the adjoining channel. The limited connectivity is attributed to the prevalence of low rain intensities in the study area. The present study is also relevant to our understanding of pedological processes in dryland areas. The high frequency of intermittent low intensity rainstorms limits runoff generation and flow distances, and casts doubt on the general application of the toposequence approach. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
杨斌  牛保祥 《山东国土资源》2005,21(9):65-66,70
利用水井测温方法确定恒温层温度,以恒温层的温度值作为湖顶地热异常区的下限值,用内插法勾绘温度等值线图,高于该下限值范围的即为地热异常区。曹县庄寨地区的地热普查证明该方法是快速有效的。  相似文献   
青藏高原西缘的班公错地区是青藏高原西构造结的典型区域,更是研究青藏高原中更新世以来构造活动、地貌演化和环境演变的重要区域。依据野外调查结果,借助卫星遥感影像的解译和数字高程模型地形地貌特征的分析,对该地区的新构造运动特征以及其与地形地貌特征的耦合进行了研究。研究结果显示,研究区地貌分区特征以中大起伏山地(地势起伏度500~2 500 m)地貌为主,平原、台地少有发育;班公错地区断层走向分为近EW向、NW向、NE向和NNE向4组,其中近EW向为主体,断陷盆地多具有拉分断陷特征;区内晚新生代地层发育,尤其第四纪冲洪积物和湖积物广泛展布,并受断层的控制具有线性发育特征,湖积阶地和冲洪积阶地发育,班公错北岸乌奖附近拔湖高度62 m、65 m、98 m的沉积阶地钙质堆积物年龄为(23.8±2.3)、(33.9±4.0)、(78.0±8.0)万年;区内地震频发,1970年以来的40年间,4级以上地震达到303次,其中6级以上强震达到7次。众多地质事实指示该地区的中更新世以来为较强烈的、阶段性快速构造抬升和剧烈的剥蚀作用、动荡的构造环境。  相似文献   
赣东南地区火山地质、矿产特征及找矿方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许建祥  徐贻赣  罗平 《江西地质》2001,15(4):282-288
赣东南火山岩区主要发育侏罗纪中、晚世中酸性火山碎屑岩-火山熔岩,其中以爆溢相产出的流纹质晶屑凝灰溶岩分布最广;火山构造主要发育破火山口、岩穹、隐爆角砾岩筒等构造,且与成矿关系;与成矿关系密切的次火山岩广泛发育。区内主要矿化类型为斑岩型、(次火山)隐爆层间裂隙带型、蚀变花岗岩型、隐爆角砾岩型,矿床成因均为与火山活动期后次火山(隐爆)活动有关的岩浆期后高-中温热液交代-充填型矿床。同时,矿床类型上具相互穿插性,隐爆层间裂隙带型、隐爆角砾型等矿床类型往往可以看作是斑岩型矿床的延伸;矿床空间分布上往往具有“一体多型”的特征。新矿化类型是赣南中生代火山岩找矿的重要方向。  相似文献   
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