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在野外地质调查、平衡剖面分析的基础上, 结合区域构造演化, 采用岩石声发射法对雪峰隆起西南缘的最大古应力进行了恢复, 并探讨了古应力大小与油气成藏破坏的关系。研究结果表明, 研究区共经历了5期不同强度的重要构造变革运动。在早古生代末期和印支期构造运动较弱, 声发射法的测量表明古应力值分别为13.3 MPa和24 MPa, 对应于麻江古油藏的主要成藏期。构造运动次数较多或者古应力值较大的时期, 主要对应于麻江古油藏储集层的发育期和油藏大规模破坏期。晚古生代末期构造活动次数较少, 但恢复地古应力值较大, 为92.6 MPa; 燕山期和喜马拉雅期经历了多期构造活动, 恢复地古应力值为23.3~74.4 MPa。   相似文献   
The release of excessive anthropogenic nitrogen contributes to global climate change, biodiversity loss, and the degradation of ecosystem services. Despite being an urgent global problem, the excess nitrogen is not governed globally. This paper considers possible governance options for dealing with excessive nitrogen through target setting, which is an approach commonly adopted to address global environmental problems. The articulation of the nitrogen problem and the numerous international institutions dealing with it, provide evidence of a nitrogen regime characterised by limited coordination and targets covering sources and impacts only partially. This calls for improving the nitrogen governance in the direction of more integrated approaches at the global scale. In this vein, the paper investigates two opposite governance options – here labelled as ‘holistic’ and ‘origin-based’ – and evaluates them for their capability to define solutions and targets for human-induced nitrogen. From the analysis, it emerges that origin-based solutions can be preferable to holistic solutions as they can be more specific and potentially have greater immediate results. Independent from which governance arrangement is chosen, what matters most is the speed at which an arrangement can deploy solutions to combat (fast-growing) nitrogen pollution.  相似文献   
中国南京与美国德克萨斯稻田甲烷排放的比较   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Field measurements of methane emission from rice paddies were made in Nanjing, China and in Texas, USA, respectively. Soil temperature at approximately 10 cm depth of the flooded soils was automatically recorded. Aboveground biomass of rice crop was measured approximately every 10 days in Nanjing and every other week in Texas. Seasonal variation of soil temperature in Nanjing was quite wide with a magnitude of 15.3℃ and that in Texas was narrow with a magnitude of 2.9℃. Analysis of methane emission fluxes against soil temperature and rice biomass production demonstrated that the seasonal course of methane emission in Nanjing was mostly attributed to soil temperature changes, while that in Texas was mainly related to rice biomass production. We concluded that under the permanent flooding condition, the seasonal trend of methane emission would be determined by the soil temperature where there was a wide variation of soil temperature, and the seasonal trend would be mainly determined by rice biomass production if there are no additional organic matter inputs and the variation of soil temperature over the rice growing season is small.  相似文献   
采用静态暗箱采样—气相色谱/化学发光分析相结合的方法,对晋南地区盐碱地不同小麦秸秆还田量裸地土壤夏、秋季(2008年6~10月)的甲烷(CH4)、二氧化碳(CO2)、氧化亚氮(N2O)和一氧化氮(NO)交换通量进行了原位观测。结果表明:观测期内,秸秆全还田(FS)、秸秆一半还田(HS)和秸秆不还田(NS)处理土壤—大气间CH4、CO2、N2O和NO平均交换通量分别为-0.8±2.7、-1.4±2.3、-6.5±1.8μg(C).m-2.h-1(CH4),267.1±23.1、212.0±17.8、188.5±13.6mg(C).m-2.h-1(CO2),20.7±3.0、16.3±2.3、14.7±1.7μg(N).m-2.h-1(N2O),3.9±0.5、3.4±0.5、3.0±0.4μg(N).m-2.h-1(NO)。交换通量表现出明显的季节变化趋势,灌溉、降雨和温度变化是影响该趋势的主要因素。相对于NS处理,FS和HS处理降低了累积CH4吸收量(66%和59%),增加了累积CO2(42%和12%)、N2O(41%和9%)和NO(30%和13%)排放量,因此,秸秆还田促进了农田土壤总的温室气体排放。计算得到FS和HS处理小麦秸秆的CO2、N2O、NO排放系数分别为73.4%±1.6%和43.3%±1.0%(CO2)、0.37%±0.01%和0.17%±0.00%(N2O)、0.06%±0.00%和0.05%±0.00%(NO),FS处理的排放系数显著高于HS处理,且均低于同一实验地种植玉米、施肥农田的小麦秸秆排放系数(N2O和NO排放系数分别为2.32%和0.42%)。可见,在采用排放因子方法估算还田秸秆CO2、N2O和NO排放量时,应考虑秸秆还田量、农作物种植和施肥因素的影响。  相似文献   
全球气候模式对宁夏区域未来气候变化的情景模拟分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用多个全球气候模式(GCM)的情景模拟结果分析只考虑温室气体效应的IS92a GG情景和同时考虑温室气体效应和硫化物气溶胶辐射效应的IS92aGS情景以及SRESA2、B2情景下宁夏区域21世纪地面气温和降水量的可能变化,并进行不确定性分析。气候基准时段(1961~1990年)模拟结果与观测资料的对比分析表明,GCM对宁夏气候具有一定的模拟能力;整体上讲,GCM对地面气温的模拟值偏低,对降水量的模拟值偏高,其中ECHAM4和HadCM3对宁夏基准时段地面气温和降水量的模拟结果与观测比较接近。各GCM模拟值的平均结果显示,4种温室气体排放情景下21世纪宁夏区域气温持续升高,至21世纪末宁夏升温幅度可达4~6℃,与全国平均的增温幅度大致相当;与升温趋势相应的是降水量的增加,但降水变化呈现出很大的波动性,至21世纪末宁夏的降水变化幅度可达10%~40%。各个GCM模拟的宁夏气候变化的总趋势是一致的,但各模式在不同情景下模拟结果的差异很大,存在较大的不确定性。  相似文献   
利用ECHAM5/MPI-OM气候模式预估2001-2050年长江流域不同排放情景(SRES-A2,A1B,B1)下径流深的变化,分析了长江流域地表水资源量的时空变化特征。结果表明:3种排放情景下长江流域多年平均地表水资源量相差不大,但不同排放情景下年际变化特征较为复杂,且变化趋势有所不同。其中,A2高排放情景下地表水资源量呈缓慢减小的趋势,A1B中等排放情景下变化趋势不明显,B1低排放情景下呈相对最为显著的增加趋势。地表水资源量年代际变化波动幅度也较大,2001-2030年3种情景下地表水资源量总体呈现下降特征,但从2030年起,则均表现出不同程度的增加,最高增幅达7.47%,其中尤以夏季和冬季增加显著。模式预估长江流域未来水资源量仍保持目前水平,水资源空间分布不均匀特征仍较为突出。  相似文献   
公共自行车系统是待开发的交通自愿碳减排项目。本文采用CCER方法学中的“快速公交项目”,计算北京市2012年公共自行车系统自愿碳减排量,并估算收益。结果显示:北京市2012年公共自行车自愿碳减排量为43.95 t CO2,出售可获得1538元的收益。同时估算得到北京市2015年公共自行车碳减排量为6874.5 t CO2,出售可获得约24万的收益。因此,北京等交通需求膨胀的特大型城市,随着公共自行车系统的持续壮大发展,公共自行车运营企业的经济效益有望通过碳交易实现较大提升空间。  相似文献   
该研究模拟了全球各区域2008-2050年的经济发展和碳排放状况,并将该模拟结果设定为基准情景。在基准情景中全球GDP随时间增长,而全球的碳排放同样表现出增长趋势。为了模拟碳税政策的减排效应及其对经济的影响,本文构建了其他3种碳税政策情景。情景1,将碳税收入作为一般性财政收入,此时全球升温减缓,世界碳排放下降显著,但中国、印度、俄罗斯、马来西亚和印度尼西亚等发展中国家经济发展严重受创,世界经济不均衡加剧。情景2,将各区域的碳税收入汇总之后按照比例统一分配,该情景下,世界碳减排规模较情景1略有下降,但世界各区域的经济较基准情景得到更好的发展。情景3,碳税税率随时间阶段性增长,此时,碳税政策对全球升温的控制更显著;世界各区域,尤其是发展中国家(地区),经济增长更迅速。另外,碳税收入用来提升区域技术进步,在一定程度上促进了产业的优化升级。碳税政策与技术进步的协同减排政策,考虑了区域经济发展的不均衡性,兼顾了气候治理的公平性,是一种有效、可行的全球气候治理政策。  相似文献   
The heavy metal content was investigated in meadow plants located in a cultivated area and situated along the M3 motorway (Hungary). In addition to the meadow plants used as passive bioindicators, active bioindicators were also exposed to examine the accumulation rate of air pollutants. Tortula ruralis (Hedw.) Geartn. ssp. ruralis was applied to monitor the status of the environment. Meadow plant samples were collected at distances of 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 m from the motorway and moss samples were exposed at the same distances. The zinc, lead and cadmium content of meadow plants and moss samples were analysed by ICP spectrophotometry. It was found that the zinc, lead and cadmium contents of the meadow plants decreased as the distance increased from the motorway. There was a significant difference even between values measured at the distances of 5 m and 10 m. The heavy metal contents in the moss samples exceeded those of the meadow plants. The heavy metal content in moss samples decreased with distance from the motorway. On comparing the data with Hungarian standards, it was found that measured values did not exceed the maximum allowed concentration levels.  相似文献   
In the tropical rain forests of the Congo during the dry season, from June to September 1987, carboxylic acid partial pressures (P gas) in the air above the canopy, at ground level, and at the boundary layer, were estimated from water samples such as fog and rainwater. The concentrations of these acids were also measured in the sap of tree leaves. Tree leaves act as a sink or as a source if the acid P gas is greater of lower than the acid concentrations in molecular form in sap. For each of these soluble gases, there is a value of P gas where the exchange is nul. This is called the compensation point. Values of the compensation point for some tree leaves were evaluated according to Henry's law. Henry's law coefficients at ppm levels were redetermined for formic (HCOOH), acetic (CH3COOH), propionic (CH3CH2COOH), and isobutyric (CH3CH(CH3)COOH) acids.By comparison of P gas and compensation points, it is concluded that the forest was a potential source for these acids. The soil-or the litter-acts as a significant source of a carboxylic acid of C3 or C4 atoms in the aliphatic chain. This carboxylic acid, not yet fully characterized, could play an important role in the rain acidity in forested zones of the equatorial areas.The direct emission of these carboxylic acids by vegetation was the main source in the boundary layer above the forest. The average emissions were 3.1×109, 7.8×109, and 8.4×109 molecules cm-2 s-1 for HCOOH, CH3COOH, and CH3CH2COOH, respectively. The savanna is an exogenous source of HCOOH and CH3CH2COOH during moderately rainy days for 30% of the time. The ozonolysis of isoprene seems to be a small source of HCOOH.  相似文献   
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