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Samples from three medieval rock avalanches from the French (Le Claps, Mont Granier) and Austrian Alps (Dobratsch) and a man-made structure, i.e. the Stephansdom in Vienna, have been analysed for in-situ produced 36Cl by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). All four sampling sites of independently known exposure duration turned out to be not appropriate as calibration sites for the determination of the 36Cl-production rate from Ca. Indeed, the determination of short exposure ages for dating rock avalanches and man-made structures by 36Cl is hindered dramatically by inheritance, especially for samples characterized by high natCl-concentrations. Generally, there are hints that the theoretical calculation of 36Cl-production from epithermal and thermal neutron-capture on 35Cl is highly underestimated in all existing models, thus, asking for particular precaution if working on high-Cl samples for any project. Hence, this work evidences that potential high inheritance, even for samples reasonably shielded before exhumation, has to be considered especially when dealing with recently exposed surfaces such as glacially polished rocks, alluvial terraces, fault scarps etc.  相似文献   
The Wulanmulun site found in 2010 is an important Paleolithic site in Ordos (China), from which lots of stone and bone artifacts and mammalian fossils have been recovered. It was previously dated by radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) techniques on quartz. To further confirm the reliability of the chronology constructed based on OSL ages and test the applicability of the recently developed pIRIR procedure on sediments from northern China, twenty-four sediment samples (including eolian, lacustrine and fluvio-eolian sands) from the site were determined using the multi-elevated-temperature post-IR IRSL (MET-pIRIR or pIRIR) procedure on potassium feldspar. The results show that the studied samples have two MET-pIRIR De preheat plateaus (280–320 and 340–360 °C), and the bleaching rates of the luminescence signals are associated with sample ages and stimulation temperatures. All the pIRIR ages (7–155 ka) corrected for anomalous fading and residual dose obtained after solar bleaching for 15 h are larger than the corresponding quartz OSL ages (4–66 ka) previously determined, even for the young eolian samples (<10 ka). But the corrected IRSL(50 °C) ages (6–85 ka) are broadly consistent with the quartz ages. It appears that the IRSL(50 °C) ages are more reliable, although this contradicts the previously results obtained by other people. On the other hand, we also obtained an extended age plateau between the stimulation temperatures of 50 and 290 °C in the plot of age versus stimulation temperature (A-T plot) by subtracting different residual doses obtained after different bleaching times. The reliability of the plateau ages requires further investigation. For the sediment samples from this site, quartz should be more suitable for dating than K-feldspar, and the quartz OSL ages of 50–65 ka for its cultural layer should be reliable.  相似文献   
Several mathematical models have been suggested to describe uranium migration kinetics for ESR dating of fossil tooth. In the present study, different U-uptake models were used to calculate ages for fossil teeth from two open-air Paleolithic sites in Nihewan Basin – Donggutuo and Hougou and compared with independent age control of the sites. For Donggutuo site, the results show that the ages of three teeth calculated by EU and AU models were much younger than magnetostratigraphic age. At Hougou site, two teeth from the top of Nihewan lacustrine deposits give the consistent EU and AU ages within errors but younger than sediment OSL age. This study indicates that mathematical modeling could not always give convincing results for the open-air sites, which may experience dramatic hydrological variations and high erosion rates.  相似文献   
756年张掖-酒泉地震考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
根据现有历史地震资料和新补充史料的综合考证,认为现行地震目录所给的公元756年张掖-酒泉地震参数不确切,应做如下修正:震级应由现在的6级修订为7级左右,震中烈度由Ⅶ~Ⅷ度修订为Ⅸ~X度,极震区介于张掖、酒泉之间的高台北罗城一带.  相似文献   
利用天津滨海地区丰富的地震地质钻孔资料及测试数据,建立了相应的地震反应模型.选取美国加州1992年Landers地震的远场记录P0841作为基底输入,采用工程上常用的等效线性化方法进行了土层地震反应分析,以期对天津滨海软土场地的大震远场作用得到一些定性的认识.结果显示,天津滨海软土场地对远场大震地震动峰值加速度的放大作用比较显著,但不同场地条件放大作用有明显差异,Ⅳ类场地的放大效应明显减弱.对基岩与地表反应谱比的分析显示, 滨海场地对基岩地震动的不同频率分量的放大作用具有明显的不同,对短周期分量甚至出现了缩减,但当滨海软土场地受到与场地卓越周期相吻合的地震动影响时,可能会产生很可观的放大作用,这对建在其上的高层、超高层建筑可能会构成较大的威胁.   相似文献   
分析了跨断层形变监测标石地岩土分类、地表岩土分类、影响监测场地标石稳定因素以及不同监测标石地监测实例变化等。结果表明:现有监测标石地岩土分类需要完善;重新分类了监测标石地岩土并给出了监测标石命名方法,以期促进跨断层形变监测工作进一步发展。  相似文献   
To provide quantitative information on site effects in the northern part of Belgium, forty-seven H/V microtremor measurements were performed with 5 second seismometers over an area of about 15.000 km2. Most of the results show a northward regular increase of the fundamental period in agreement with the augmentation of the Mesozoic and Cainozoic soft sedimentsthickness from a few meters 40 km south of Brussels to 900 m at the Netherlands-Belgium border. The measured resonance frequency values wereconsistent with theoretical computations performed at different sites onthe basis of existing information and shallow seismic experiments. At oneparticular site (Uccle) where borehole data were available, microtremor measurements using an array of four seismological stations with differentapertures allowed to obtain the low frequency part of the Rayleigh wave dispersion curve, extending the range covered by the analysis of surfacewaves artificially generated. The Vs profile derived from the surface waveinversion corroborates the 1 Hz natural frequency of the site. Comparison of these results with the macroseismic information concerning the MS = 5.0 1938 earthquake which occurred 50 km west of Brussels,confirmed the hypothesis that the geological structure of the Brabant massifis likely to control damage distribution during such an earthquake. Comparisonbetween the intensity map of the 1938 earthquake and the resonance period ofsediments obtained by our microtremor study shows a clear relation betweenthe two parameters. During the 1938 earthquake, site effects played a prominent role due to the dimension of the source whose corner frequency wasabout 1 Hz.  相似文献   
利用安徽省部分强震动台站记录的地脉动数据和历史地震数据,采用H/V谱比法和噪声功率谱密度函数法,对比分析台站的场地响应及背景噪声,结果表明:全椒、马鞍山地震台的场地卓越周期小且背景噪声低;沈巷地震台卓越周期大且背景噪声高;三山地震台无明显卓越周期;地震台站背景噪声与场地响应曲线之间不存在一一对应关系。  相似文献   
芦山7.0级地震宏观场地效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
继汶川地震之后,2013年4月20日四川省庐山县又发生了7.0级强烈地震,其场地条件对震害的影响目前认识较少.通过专项工作,考察了雅安雨城区、芦山县、天全县、宝兴县等地区的结构震害及其场地条件,包括软土场地、老河床、不利地段、潜在滑坡等,分析了不同场地条件与震害的关系.结果表明,此次地震震害与场地条件有较密切关系,震害形式主要表现为软土震陷、河谷地形控制震害分布、不利地段加重震害、潜在滑坡的威胁、地质灾害堵塞交通等,其中软土震陷、河谷地形震害分布、不利地段处理都是值得深入研究的问题.  相似文献   
本文以日本神户市地铁大开站为工程背景,应用大型通用有限元ANSYS软件,分别建立了自然条件下的工程场地土层和建有地下车站结构的土层的二维有限元分析模型。计算了基岩一致地震动输入模式下2个土层模型的动力反应。通过将2个土层模型的动力反应进行比较分析,讨论了地下结构对工程场地地震动场的影响。分析结果表明,日本神户地铁大开站的存在对其邻近区域土层的地震反应有影响,但影响有限。  相似文献   
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