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创新是当前农业产业集群研究的重要内容,掌握集群创新状况对指导农业产业集群发展具有重要意义。结合实地调研的数据,利用DEA-Tobit两阶段模型,对山东省寿光蔬菜产业集群企业创新效率及其影响因素进行研究。结果表明:寿光蔬菜产业集群规模已接近最优状态,综合创新效率处于中等偏上水平,但仍未达到最优状态,主要原因是集群在科研技术投入、创新资源利用配置等方面不足造成的。进一步Tobit回归的影响因素分析发现:企业知识技术吸收扩散能力、政府财政支持力度、企业家创新精神和企业发展的外向性与农业产业集群企业创新效率存在显著的正相关关系,而企业规模对农业产业集群企业创新效率影响并不显著。最后,根据集群创新影响因素分析,提出发展建议。  相似文献   
作为一种土地利用活动,传统农林复合系统已经经历了成百上千年的历史,并且依然发挥着重要的作用在世界上,特别是热带和亚热带地区。在全球变化和粮食安全等危机的时代背景下,传统农林复合系统受到越来越多政府和非政府组织的重视,因为传统农林复合系统具有重要的经济、生态和社会文化效益。这与全球重要农业文化遗产要求的特征也相一致,目前为止,已经有5个国家4个典型的传统农林复合系统被列为全球重要农业文化遗产。这些传统农林复合系统具有丰富的农业生物多样性,多重的生态系统服务功能,重要的社会文化价值,无论在区域还是全球水平上。目前传统农林复合系统面临一些威胁和挑战,如人口迁移、市场冲击、气候变化等,但是只要政府和非政府组织、社区、农民之间采取多种方式紧密合作,在未来的全球土地利用活动中,传统农林复合系统必将得到有效保护和推广。  相似文献   
土地利用集约化研究的回顾与未来工作重点   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
朱会义  孙明慧 《地理学报》2014,69(9):1346-1357
土地利用集约化是粮食安全、经济发展与生态保护等多重压力作用下人类土地利用的必然选择。积极推进土地利用集约化进程,使其向可持续集约化方向发展,对于中国这样人多地少的国家而言,具有尤为重要的意义。土地利用集约化研究兴起于20世纪60年代,但源流更远的农业生产潜力研究、农业生产要素配置研究等与土地集约利用有关的研究成果,同样加深了人们对土地利用集约化规律的认识。由于这些工作分散于多个学科领域,相关成果并未得到很好梳理。为了弥补这一不足,本文重点围绕基本特征与测度指标、极值问题与潜力研究、驱动因素与限制因素、环境影响与可持续集约化等4个方面,简要回顾了至今为止土地利用集约化方面的主要研究成果,并概要介绍了监测和制图、路径选择、政策选择、城镇用地“集约化”等有待进一步探讨的主要问题。  相似文献   
王鹏飞 《地理研究》2005,24(3):453-463
运用政治生态学(politicalecology)的基本观点,以北京市农村地区为对象,在对平原、丘陵、山区4个不同类型村庄多年实地调查基础上,分析了在政治体制改革、市场经济影响下北京郊区农村的组织形态、产业结构、土地利用、耕地质量、生态环境的变化过程。研究揭示,1979以来北京农村政治改革与生态环境的关系与其他的农村地区不同,国家与地方政府的政策变化使北京农村生态环境在不同时期呈现出恶化-改善的波动性过程;根据长期研究,政体改革、政策变化在总体上起到了抑制生态恶化、改善农村环境的作用。  相似文献   
雅安市农业信息化发展途径探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在产业化、市场化的今天,如何把科学技术与市场有机融合,使科技信息、市场信息真正为农业服务,是农业信息化领域的深层次问题。文章以四川省西部重镇雅安市为例,阐述其特色农业信息化建设和管理模式,以及在解决信息入户"最后一公里"问题所作的探索,提出了促进雅安农业信息化持续发展的策略,以期对四川乃至西部农业信息化深入发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   
新一轮农业结构调整是一种战略性调整,面临着巨大的压力。目前的农业结构调整存在很多误区,要求用新的思维方式进行思考。文章阐述了农业系统论,分析了农业的结构和功能,重点从8个方面探讨农业结构调整的新思路,阐述了农业系统论和农业结构调整的关系,对新一轮农业结构调整有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
西部大开发4年来的退耕还林(草)战略的实施,不仅使西部区草原植被得到一定程度的恢复,森林覆盖率迅速提高,而且改善了生态环境,促进了农业生产的发展。文章旨在通过计量经济模型的建立,运用计量经济软件Eviews,以内蒙古自治区为例确定生态环境与我国西部农业经济增长之间的数量关系:森林面积每增加1%,则农业总产值增长6.3303个百分点。这对于我国进一步推进退耕还林(草)战略、改善西部区域生态环境、促进西部农业经济发展具有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   
The South African abalone Haliotis midae is commercially exploited and seriously threatened by overfishing. This not only affects the species itself but potentially the functioning of the ecosystem because of associated changes in community structure. The nature of effects that can follow the loss or reduction of a species depends in part on its position in the foodweb and its feeding behaviour. To assess the ecosystem effects of the adults and subadults of this previously abundant herbivore on the south-west coast of South Africa, we studied their diet and mode of food procurement by (a) in-field observations of adult and subadult abalone, (b) analysis of the gut contents of adults, (c) comparison of diet with the availability of algae, and (d) a mesocosm experiment on subadult feeding behaviour. Both field and dietary studies showed that adults subsist mainly by trapping drift kelp, but also occasionally graze on attached algae such as Plocamium spp., and feed in a manner that is highly selective, with drift kelp constituting 95–98% of the diet, and several species of common algae being avoided. In the mesocosm experiment, subadults preferentially fed on drift kelp, but emerged at night to a greater extent to graze on microflora if no drift material was available. Their propensity to emerge was, however, reduced if the rock lobster Jasus lalandii was present. Collectively, this evidence indicates that any ecosystem effects that subadults and adults of H. midae have as grazers will be weak because they feed mainly by trapping drift material, and the frequency of grazing and the incidence of consumption of attached algae are low.  相似文献   
Green-lipped mussels (Perna canaliculus) formed extensive reefs on soft sediments in sheltered embayments around northern New Zealand until overfishing and/or increased sediment input caused their virtual disappearance by 1980. To determine the role of mussel reefs as habitat for other animals, we located remnant soft-sediment reefs in five locations and compared the density, biomass, productivity and composition of mobile macroinvertebrate communities, and the density of small fishes associated with mussels, with fauna in the surrounding soft sediments. The mussel reefs had a distinct assemblage of macroinvertebrates, which had 3.5 times the density, 3.4 times the biomass and 3.5 times the productivity of surrounding areas. The density of small fishes was 13.7 times higher than in surrounding areas. These results show that soft-sediment mussel reefs support an abundant and productive fauna, highlighting the probable large loss of productivity associated with the historical decline in mussel habitat and the consequent desirability of restoration efforts.  相似文献   
The way in which rocks and engineering materials heat‐up and dry‐out in the intertidal zone is of relevance to both weathering and ecology. These behaviours can be measured in the laboratory under controlled conditions designed to replicate those occurring in the field. Previous studies have demonstrated differences in thermal behaviours between rock types and through time as a result of soiling in terrestrial environments, but the influence of weathering and colonization on rock behaviours in the intertidal zone has not been previously assessed. We measured the warming and drying of blocks of rock (limestone and granite) and marine concrete during ‘low‐tide’ events simulated in the laboratory, before and after a period of exposure (eight months) on rock platforms in Cornwall, UK. As well as differences between the material types, temperatures of control (unexposed) and field‐exposed blocks differed in the order of 1 to 2 °C. Drying behaviours were also different after field exposure. Differences during the first few hours of exposure to air and heat were attributed to discolouration and albedo effects. Over longer periods of time, changes in the availability of near‐surface pore water as a result of micro‐scale bioerosion of limestone and the development of bio‐chemical crusts on marine concrete [observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)] are suggested as mechanisms enhancing and reducing, respectively, the efficiency of evaporative cooling. The retention of moisture by epilithic biofilms may also influence thermal and drying behaviours of granite. These observations represent one of the first examples of cross‐scalar biogeomorphic linkages in the intertidal zone. The significance of the results for the subsequent efficiency of weathering, and near‐surface micro‐climatic conditions experienced by colonizing organisms is discussed. The involvement of microorganisms in the creation of more (or less) ecologically stressful conditions through the alteration of substratum geomorphic properties and behaviours is suggested as an example of ‘biogeomorphic ecosystem engineering’. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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