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提出了一种实验上可行的,通过光学谐振腔内多通道参量下转换过程直接产生多色连续变量对纠缠频率梳的方案,腔内增益介质为周期极化的准相位匹配的钽酸锂(LiTaO3)一维光学超晶格.通过连续变量纠缠判据证明了每个通道中产生的每对参量光之间是相互纠缠的.讨论了对纠缠频率梳的纠缠特性随系统参数的变化.此方案在量子通信网络中有着一定的应用前景.  相似文献   
Atmospheric aerosols influence the earth's radiative balance directly through scattering and absorbing solar radiation, and indirectly through affecting cloud properties. An understanding of aerosol optical properties is fundamental to studies of aerosol effects on climate. Although many such studies have been undertaken, large uncertainties in describing aerosol optical characteristics remain, especially regarding the absorption properties of different aerosols. Aerosol radiative effects are considered as either positive or negative perturbations to the radiation balance, and they include direct, indirect (albedo effect and cloud lifetime effect), and semi-direct effects. The total direct effect of anthropogenic aerosols is negative (cooling), although some components may contribute a positive effect (warming). Both the albedo effect and cloud lifetime effect cool the atmosphere by increasing cloud optical depth and cloud cover, respectively. Absorbing aerosols, such as carbonaceous aerosols and dust, exert a positive forcing at the top of atmosphere and a negative forcing at the surface, and they can directly warm the atmosphere. Internally mixed black carbon aerosols produce a stronger warming effect than externally mixed black carbon particles do. The semi-direct effect of absorbing aerosols could amplify this warming effect. Based on observational (ground-and satellite-based) and simulation studies, this paper reviews current progress in research regarding the optical properties and radiative effects of aerosols and also discusses several important issues to be addressed in future studies.  相似文献   
近年来分布式光纤感测技术在岩土与地质工程领域的应用研究已成为一个研究热点,但工程实践表明,埋入式传感光纤与被测岩土体之间的变形协调性会对监测结果产生显著的影响,该问题一直制约着光纤感测技术在工程监测中的推广。本文通过一系列室内拉拔试验,对比了3种预埋于砂土中的单模光纤在不同上覆压力的作用下的拉拔力-拉拔位移曲线,并建立了一个用于描述光纤-砂土界面力学性质的三段式的拉拔模型,分析峰值拉拔力、残余拉拔力、有效拉拔位移和残余拉拔位移4个参数在不同上覆压力作用下的变化情况。分析结果揭示传感光纤-砂土界面的力学特性和应力传递规律,为分布式光纤传感技术在岩土体变形监测中的应用,尤其在变形监测光纤的选用标准方面,提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
连续一年在北京、青岛、广州以每周3d的时间尺度同步采集近地面大气中气溶胶中7Be的测定数据以及在春、秋季节变换时期我国5个不同纬度城市大气气溶胶中7Be和典型持久性有机污染物(有机氯农药和多氯联苯1的同步观测数据,并对文献上发表的我国其他城市近地面大气中气溶胶中’Be年平均值数据进行了分析。通过对以上数据资料的总结和分析,观察到在东亚季风区近地表大气气溶胶中7Be浓度的年平均值呈现正态分布模式,并且在中纬度北纬40°N附近达到极大值。大气气溶胶中7Be在春、秋季节变换时期我国不同纬度城市的瞬时纬度分布仍呈现正态分布模式,但以30°N为最大值。在秋季大气颗粒相中HCHs和PCBs浓度最大值出现在30°N。气相中PCB-28所占百分比随纬度增高而增大,而颗粒相中PCB-28的纬度变化不大。蒸汽压较低的PCB-180在气相中的浓度基本上不随纬度变化,而颗粒相中PCB-180则基本上集中在纬度36。N左右,表明在东亚季风区大气中挥发性较低的POPs化合物具有某种纬度聚焦作用。以宇宙射线成因核素7Be作为大气环流的参照系,可以得出东亚季风区大气环流可影响持久性有机污染物纬度分布的结论。  相似文献   
Mass concentrations of Total Suspended Particles (TSP) and size-segregated particles were obtained from July 2001 to June 2002 in Qingdao to characterize the seasonal variations of atmospheric aerosols and to show the impact of dust events on the air quality in Qingdao. Data on size-segregated aerosols show that 73.74% of the TSP mass concentration is contributed by particles with diameters less than 11 μm. Particles with diameters less than 1.1μm have a higher concentration during the winter. In spring, larger particles tend to have higher mass concentrations. Bimodal particle size distributions have been observed, with maxima around 4.7-7 μand 0.43-0.65 μm in the winter season, and 7-11 μm and 0.65-1.1 μm in the autumn season. Measurements made during the dust events in March 2002 show high concentrations of particles in the size range 2.1-7μm.  相似文献   
Source attribution of urban smog episodes caused by coal combustion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stable weather conditions together with extensive use of coal combustion often lead to severe smog episodes in certain urban environments, especially in Eastern Europe. In order to identify the specific sources that cause the smog episodes in such environments, and to better understand the mixing state and atmospheric processing of aerosols, both single particle and bulk chemical characterization analysis of aerosols were performed in Krakow, Poland, during winter 2005.Real-time measurements of the bulk PM10 aerosol during a severe smog episode (PM10 mass > 400 µg m− 3) showed a stable concentration of black carbon in the aerosol, and an increase in the sulphate and chlorine mass contributions towards the end of the episode. Chemical characterization of single particles further helped to identify residential coal burning as the main source that caused this severe smog episode, consisting of single particles with major signals for carbon with simultaneous absence of sulphate, chlorine and calcium. Particles from industrial coal combustion gained importance towards the end of that episode, after residential coal combustion was switched off, indicated by an increase of the percentage of sulphate and chlorine containing particles. Traffic was not a significant source during the severe smog episode. During a lighter smog episode, residential and industrial coal combustion was still predominant, with an increased contribution of traffic and processed/aged aerosols. On a clean day, particle classes containing nitrate were the most abundant. In addition, the aerosol was more internally mixed showing that there were more sources contributing to the total aerosol population.  相似文献   
To determine if Cu mediated reactions on atmospheric particles are important to HO2 chemistry in the ambient atmosphere, Cu molalities were calculated from measured Cu aerosol particle concentrations, mass and number size distribution data from a site in central Sweden. A comparison of characteristic times indicates that at low relative humidities the reaction is limited by the mass transport of gas phase HO2 to the particle surface and not by the chemical kinetics of the aqueous reaction. Comparison of half-lives for particle reactions and the gas phase destruction of HO2 to form H2O2 indicate that heterogeneous reactions on aerosol particles may have important consequences on the chemistry of HO2 and H2O2 in the troposphere.  相似文献   
中国遥感卫星辐射校正场气溶胶光学特性观测研究   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
1999年6月28日~7月19日在敦煌场, 7月25日~7月31日在青海湖水面场进行了一次大规模综合野外测量试验, 其中采用3台先进的法国CIMEL太阳辐射计对两个场地大气光学特性进行了系统全面测量, 获得大量晴空天气条件下的大气光学数据。利用Langley法处理气溶胶通道数据得到气溶胶光学厚度及其光谱变化。测量结果显示550 nm波长平均气溶胶光学厚度分别为0.12、0.18, 由气溶胶光学厚度的波长变化得到气溶胶Junge参数分别为2.6、3.0, 并与几种典型气溶胶类型比较。结果表明两地在晴空天气里, 气溶胶含量较小, 符合遥感卫星传感器辐射定标的大气条件。  相似文献   
20世纪80年代中国地区大气气溶胶光学厚度的平均状况分析   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:29  
利用中国北京等 41个甲种日射站 1 979~ 1 990年太阳直接辐射日总量和日照时数等资料 ,配合同期 TOMS version - 7臭氧观测资料 ,反演了 41个站逐年、逐月 0 .75μm大气气溶胶的平均光学厚度值 (Aerosol Optical Depth,AOD) ,据此分析了 1 2 a来中国大气气溶胶的变化和时空平均分布特征。结果表明 :中国大气气溶胶光学厚度 AOD的多年平均分布是以四川盆地为中心向四周减少 ,南疆盆地和长江中游武汉附近为另两个大值中心 ;长江中下游大部分地区、山东半岛以及广东沿海等 ,AOD值亦较大 ;而东北大部、西北大部、云南和福建沿海等地 AOD较小。AOD各月平均分布有所不同。中国绝大部分地区春季 AOD值最大 ,最小值则各地不同。 1 979~ 1 990年 ,青藏高原、四川盆地西部、贵州北部、长江中下游大部分地区、山东半岛和南疆盆地西部等 ,AOD呈增长趋势。而东北地区、西北地区大部、云贵高原和广西西部以及华东沿海等地 AOD呈减小势态。中国地区 AOD的季节变化曲线大体可分为单峰、一峰一谷、两峰一谷和多峰等 4种类型  相似文献   
First time observations of spectral aerosol optical depths (AODs) at Mohal (31.9°N, 77.11°E; altitude 1154 m amsl) in the Kullu valley, located in the northwestern Indian Himalayan region, have been carried out during Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget (ICARB), as a part of the Indian Space Research Organisation-Geosphere Biosphere Program (ISRO-GBP). AODs at six wavelengths are obtained using Microtops-II Sunphotometer and Ozonometer. The monthly mean values of AOD at 500 nm are found to be 0.27 ± 0.04 and 0.24 ± 0.02 during March and April, 2006 respectively. However, their monthly mean values are 0.33 ± 0.04 at 380 nm and 0.20 ± 0.03 nm at 870 nm during March 2006 and 0.31 ± 0.3 at 380 nm and 0.17 ± 0.2 at 870 nm during April 2006, showing a gradual decrease in AOD with wavelength. The Ångstrom wavelength exponent ‘α’ had a mean value of 0.72 ± 0.05, implying reduced dominance of fine particles. Further, the afternoon AOD values are higher as compared to forenoon values by ~ 33.0% during March and by ~ 9.0% during April 2006 and are attributed to the pollutant lifted up from the valley by the evolving boundary layer. Besides the long-range transportation of aerosol particles by airmass from the Great Sahara and the Thar Desert regions to the observing site, the high values of AODs have also been influenced by biomass burning and frequent incidents of forest fire at local levels.  相似文献   
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