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Satellite and human visual observation are two of the most important observation approaches for cloud cover. In this study, the total cloud cover(TCC) observed by MODIS onboard the Terra and Aqua satellites was compared with Synop meteorological station observations over the North China Plain and its surrounding regions for 11 years during daytime and7 years during nighttime. The Synop data were recorded eight times a day at 3-h intervals. Linear interpolation was used to interpolate the Synop data to the MODIS overpass time in order to reduce the temporal deviation between the satellite and Synop observations. Results showed that MODIS-derived TCC had good consistency with the Synop observations; the correlation coefficients ranged from 0.56 in winter to 0.73 in summer for Terra MODIS, and from 0.55 in winter to 0.71 in summer for Aqua MODIS. However, they also had certain differences. On average, the MODIS-derived TCC was 15.16%higher than the Synop data, and this value was higher at nighttime(15.58%–16.64%) than daytime(12.74%–14.14%). The deviation between the MODIS and Synop TCC had large seasonal variation, being largest in winter(29.53%–31.07%) and smallest in summer(4.46%–6.07%). Analysis indicated that cloud with low cloud-top height and small cloud optical thickness was more likely to cause observation bias. Besides, an increase in the satellite view zenith angle, aerosol optical depth, or snow cover could lead to positively biased MODIS results, and this affect differed among different cloud types.  相似文献   
Based on LIS/OTD gridded lightning climatology data, ERA5 reanalysis data, and MODIS atmosphere monthly global products, we examined latitudinal and daily variations of lightning activity over land, offshore areas,open sea, and all marine areas(i.e., the aggregate of open sea and offshore areas) for different seasons over the Pacific Ocean and the adjacent land areas at 65° N-50° S, 99° E-78° W, and analysed the relationships of lightning activity with CAPE(Convective Available Potential Energy)...  相似文献   
北京地区春季气溶胶分布特征的个例分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
黄海燕  郑国光 《气象》2009,35(7):3-9
为探讨北京地区春季气溶胶分布特征,利用机载PMS资料中的Probe PCASP-100X数据,分析了2005年4月2日和4月17日北京地区的气溶胶垂直、水平分布的特征,并初步讨论了气象因子和城市对气溶胶的影响.结果表明,4月2日的气溶胶平均浓度为1422.7cm-3,4月17日的平均浓度为2142.1cm-3,平均直径分别为0.22μm和0.25μm.4月2日和4月17日在北京沙河机场气溶胶数浓度垂直变化较大,混合层顶上下具有不同的垂直分布特征,温度层结对气溶胶浓度的分布有重要影响,气溶胶水平分布不均匀,北京市区的气溶胶浓度较大.  相似文献   
Radiative aerosols are known to influence the surface energy budget and hence the evolution of the planetary boundary layer. In this study, we develop a method to estimate the aerosol-induced reduction in the planetary boundary layer height(PBLH) based on two years of ground-based measurements at a site, the Station for Observing Regional Processes of the Earth System(SORPES), at Nanjing University, China, and radiosonde data from the meteorological station of Nanjing. The observations show that increased aerosol loads lead to a mean decrease of 67.1 W m-2for downward shortwave radiation(DSR) and a mean increase of 19.2 W m-2for downward longwave radiation(DLR), as well as a mean decrease of 9.6W m-2for the surface sensible heat flux(SHF) in the daytime. The relative variations of DSR, DLR and SHF are shown as a function of the increment of column mass concentration of particulate matter(PM2.5). High aerosol loading can significantly increase the atmospheric stability in the planetary boundary layer during both daytime and nighttime. Based on the statistical relationship between SHF and PM2.5column mass concentrations, the SHF under clean atmospheric conditions(same as the background days) is derived. In this case, the derived SHF, together with observed SHF, are then used to estimate changes in the PBLH related to aerosols. Our results suggest that the PBLH decreases more rapidly with increasing aerosol loading at high aerosol loading. When the daytime mean column mass concentration of PM2.5reaches 200 mg m-2, the decrease in the PBLH at 1600 LST(local standard time) is about 450 m.  相似文献   
利用近30年 (1961~1990年) 观测的温度 (包括平均、最高、最低)、降水、日较差、水汽的季和年平均资料, 对IPCC提供的5个全球海气耦合模式 (ECHAM4, HADCM2, GFDL, CGCM1, CSIRO) 在同样时段只考虑CO2等温室气体的影响和既有CO2等温室气体又有气溶胶的影响两种情形对东亚地区气候变化进行了检测。分析表明, 考虑温室气体与硫化物气溶胶作用, 冬季最低温度模拟效果较只考虑温室气体与观测更接近。结果还表明, 在两种情形下, 这些模式对东亚和中国地区的气候都有一定的模拟能力, 但同时各个模式的模拟场也都有各自的系统误差; 气溶胶的作用使东亚地区气温下降; 从相关系数计算表明, 模拟最好的变量是温度, 其次是水汽和降水, 最差的是日较差; 在空间的分布上, 各变量冬季的模拟效果最好; 考虑总体情况, ECHAM4与HADCM2两个模式对东亚和中国地区的气候模拟效果在5个模式中是最好的。  相似文献   
首先对1980年前后能见度资料非均一性进行了处理, 得到中国地区1960~2005年能见度时间序列, 并由此估算得到气溶胶光学厚度时间序列。对比已有观测及研究结果, 本文获得的气溶胶光学厚度时间序列能够较好地反映出中国地区气溶胶光学厚度长期变化特征。中国地区气溶胶光学厚度呈现逐年增加的趋势, 但1985年后增加趋势减缓, 这种变化在大城市区域表现得更为明显。中国地区气溶胶光学厚度空间分布上呈现东南部高、 西北部低的特征, 东南部地区气溶胶光学厚度普遍大于0.4, 最大值出现在四川盆地, 气溶胶光学厚度超过0.8。  相似文献   
Measurements of the submicron aerosol size distribution made at the Indian Antarctic station, Maitri (70‡45′S, 11‡44′E) from January 10th to February 24th, 1997, are reported. Total aerosol concentrations normally range from 800 to 1200 particles cm−3 which are typical values for the coastal stations at Antarctica in summer. Aerosol size distributions are generally trimodal and open-ended with a peak between 75 and 133 nm and two minima at 42 and 420 nm. Size distributions remain almost similar for several hours or even days in absence of any meteorological disturbance. Total aerosol concentration increases by approximately an order of magnitude whenever a low pressure system passes over the station. Based on the evolution of aerosol size-distributions during such aerosol enhancement periods, three types of cases have been identified. The nucleation mode in all three cases has been suggested to result from the photochemical conversion of the DMS emissions transported either by the marine air or by the air from the ice-melt regions around Maitri. Subsidence of midtropospheric air during the weakening of radiative inversion is suggested as a possible source of the nucleation mode particles in the third case. Growth of the nucleation mode particles by condensation, coagulation and/or by cloud processes has been suggested to be responsible for other modes in size distributions.  相似文献   
利用塔中气象站地面辐射等气象资料结合PNIO(空气动力学当量≤10um的悬浮颗粒)质量浓度资料,以2007年4月15日晴天辐射特征为背景对4月22日塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地发生的沙尘暴天气进行局地辐射特征和沙尘气溶胶与净辐射作相关分析。结果表明白天沙尘的辐射强迫对地表有冷却作用,夜间起保温作用。观测期间,总辐射日峰值减少量为507W/m^2,地面长波日峰值增加量为185w/m^2,地面净辐射能量收支表现为白天的日峰值减少量为198w/m^2,夜间的日峰值增加量为40W/m^2。  相似文献   
通过利用2010年1月—2016年12月CALIOP(the Cloud-aerosol lidar with orthogonal polariz-ation)冰云和气溶胶3级月平均产品和MODIS(Moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer)大气3级日平均产品研究气溶...  相似文献   
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